The increased accuracy of the predictions by using
data with more experimental evidence suggest that
the ncRNA-ncRNA interaction data with scarce
experimental support is not reliable enough to avoid
misclassifications. Concluding, therefore, in spite of
the overall good performances of our classification
approach, supplementing the ncRNA-ncRNA
interaction data with more experimental evidence will
aid in increasing the accuracy of the classification
In this study we have tested different datasets to
study different types of non-coding RNA interactions
and the differences between those interactions. In our
experiments we have tested two main kind of
features, k-mers features and duplex features.
Interestingly we have discovered that using the k-
mers features is sufficient to distinguish between
different types of noncoding RNA interactions. We
didn’t observe any positive contribution of the duplex
All of the ncRNA data was obtained from
www.mirbase.org and starbase.sysu.edu.cn.
The work was supported by Zefat Academic College
to MY.
The work was supported by Zefat Academic College
to MY.
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BIOINFORMATICS 2019 - 10th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms