Applying UTAUT Model for an Acceptance Study Alluding the Use of
Augmented Reality in Archaeological Sites
Anabela Marto
, Alexandrino Gonc¸alves
, Jos
e Martins
and Maximino Bessa
ESTG, CIIC, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Leiria, Portugal
ECT UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal
Acceptance of Technology, Augmented Reality in Archaeology, Cultural Heritage, UTAUT.
Looking forward to enhance visitors’ experience among cultural heritage sites, the use of new technologies
within these spaces has seen a fast growth among the last decades. Regarding the increasing technological
developments, the importance of understanding the acceptance of technology and the intention to use it in
cultural heritage sites, also arises. The existing variety of acceptance models found in literature relatively to the
use of technology, and the uncertainty about selecting a suitable model, sparked this research. Accordingly, the
current study aims to select, evaluate and analyse an acceptance model, targeted to understand the behavioural
intention to use augmented reality technology in archaeological sites. The findings of this research revealed
UTAUT as a suitable model. However, regarding the collected data, some moderators’ impact presented
in the original study may change significantly. In addition, more constructs can be considered for wider
The use of technologies within cultural heritage sites
has been prospected in the last decades aiming to bet-
ter fulfil visitors’ expectations. The implementation
of a new given technology among cultural heritage
sites differs depending on the sort of space itself. The
current study swell on archaeological spaces, regard-
ing to their nature of being outdoors environments,
usually with scarce access to technological solutions
for exploring these environments.
Due to the technological developments among the
last few decades, people are now allowed to access
technology almost everywhere, through handy de-
vices such as smartphones or tablets. Accordingly,
some technological solutions, inter alia, Augmented
Reality (AR), can be experienced in archaeological
spaces, as long as, visitors have the interest and the
conditions to do so.
In order to understand users’ behaviour regarding
the use of AR in archaeological sites, a literature re-
view is made, and an acceptance of technology study
is presented in the current study. Aiming to identify
a suitable model to evaluate the use of this technol-
ogy for archaeological sites, this study checks the ef-
fectiveness of a given theoretical model to understand
users’ perspective.
A vast diversity of models and theories have been
proposed by researchers, looking forward to under-
stand individuals’ behaviour in different contexts.
Thus, researchers have been improving these propos-
als combining them and, thereby, formulating new
models, in order to find better solutions for each area
of work.
Considering the use of AR in archaeological sites,
the available models of the acceptance of technology
were analysed and the Unified Theory of Acceptance
and Use of Technology (UTAUT) was selected. Ac-
cordingly, the current study presents a review of mod-
els and theories related to acceptance of technology
studies, as well as, implements UTAUT model to un-
derstand user’s behaviour regarding to the use of AR
in archaeological sites.
This literature review is divided in two main topics: 1)
an overview related to the most common models pro-
posed to evaluate the acceptance and intention to use
technology, and 2) a scope of previous studies regard-
ing to their choices considering the available models
in the literature.
Marto, A., Gonçalves, A., Martins, J. and Bessa, M.
Applying UTAUT Model for an Acceptance Study Alluding the Use of Augmented Reality in Archaeological Sites.
DOI: 10.5220/0007364101110120
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2019), pages 111-120
ISBN: 978-989-758-354-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Acceptance of Technology Models
Trying to comprehend users’ acceptance and intention
to use technologies, a variety of models and theories
have been developed in order to unravel this relation
between users and technology. An understanding re-
lated to the adoption of behaviours has been provided
by the Theory of Reasoned Action (Fishbein, 1979;
Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980). The authors stated that
measuring the behavioural intention, it is possible to
predict the performance of any voluntary act.
Building on this model, which has been largely
used among the years to predict behavioural inten-
tions, one of the most substantial and influential theo-
ries of human behaviour, the Technology Acceptance
Model (TAM), was developed (Davis, 1986). This
model describes the motivational process mediating
system characteristics and user behaviour, and relat-
ing individual choices when adopting or not a tech-
nology when performing a task. For this analysis,
measures related to characteristics of the system and
capabilities, are made in order to relate it with users’
motivation to use the system, which can affect their
actual system use or non-use. A theoretical exten-
sion of TAM was presented as TAM 2 (Venkatesh
and Davis, 2000) which included additional theoret-
ical constructs embracing social influence processes
and cognitive instrumental processes. This accep-
tance model covers the evaluation of constructs such
as perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, inten-
tion to use, and the actual usage behaviour. TAM 3
(Venkatesh and Bala, 2008) come out from the com-
bination of TAM 2 with the model of the determi-
nants of perceive of use, creating new relationships,
focused on interventions regarding potential pre- and
Despite the large number of studies conducted
aiming to understand factors that contribute to suc-
cessful implementations of technology, DeLone and
McLean looked at information system success as un-
achievable. Thus they proposed the DeLone and
McLean (D&M) Information Systems (IS) Success
Model as a framework and model for measuring the
complex-dependent variable in IS research, through
six categories: system quality, information quality,
use, user satisfaction, individual impact, and organi-
zational impact (DeLone and McLean, 1992). This
model was updated in 2003 attempting to capture
the multidimensional and interdependent nature of IS
success (DeLone and McLean, 2003). Service Qual-
ity was added and stated as an important dimension
of IS success given the importance of IS support, es-
pecially in the proposed case study: e-commerce en-
Consistent with DeLone and McLean proposal in
1992, a model called the Technology-to-Performance
Chain was proposed in 1995 (Goodhue et al., 1995).
This approach stresses the linkage between con-
structs, reflecting the impact of information technol-
ogy on performance. The importance of a construct
known as Task-Technology Fit (TTF) on performance
impacts is highlighted. TTF models explicitly in-
clude task characteristics, as the examples proposed
in the Technology-to-Performance Chained, implying
the matching of capabilities of the technology with
the demands of the task. A common addition to TTF
models are individual abilities, such as computer lit-
eracy, where its perceive can be negatively affected
between task and technology (Goodhue, 1995).
Among new approaches, which have been blended
several models and theories striving for proposing
new and more suitable models to better understand
the acceptance of technology, it is found a clear exam-
ple of these combinations: the Unified Theory of Ac-
ceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), proposed
by Venkatesh et al. in 2003 (Venkatesh et al., 2003).
This proposal unified eight theories and models of
individual acceptance, namely, the Theory of Rea-
soned Action (proposed in 1988), TAM (described
above), Motivational Model (proposed in 1992), The-
ory of planned Behaviour (proposed in 1991), Com-
bined TAM and Theory of Planned Behaviour (1995),
Model of PC Utilisation (proposed in 1977), Innova-
tion Diffusion Theory (1995), and Social Cognitive
Theory (proposed in 1986). In their approach, they
pointed out four constructs registered as significant
to determine the behaviour intention of individuals
to use a technology: performance expectancy, effort
expectancy, social influence, and facilitating condi-
tions. These constructs were associated with indi-
vidual differences age, gender, voluntariness, and
experience as moderators on behavioural intention
to use a technology. The UTAUT 2, presented in
2012 (Venkatesh et al., 2012), provided three new
constructs, namely, hedonic motivation, price value,
and habit.
2.2 Acceptance of Technology Case
The applicability of these models and theories has
been a subject of study in order to accomplish a more
accurate evaluation related to the degree of accep-
tance and, hence the use of technology in diverse act-
ing areas.
Considering some recent and relevant studies, in
2010, Usoro et al. combined TAM and TTF to explore
the user acceptance and use of tourism e-commerce
HUCAPP 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
websites (Usoro et al., 2010). The UTAUT 2 model
was used to understand online purchase intentions
and actual online purchases (Escobar-Rodr
ıguez and
Carvajal-Trujillo, 2014). The usage of AR for educa-
tion was apprehended using the TAM model (Ib
et al., 2016). The users’ acceptance and use of AR
mobile application in Meleka tourism sector was
evaluated using the UTAUT model (Shang et al.,
2017). The behavioural intention to use virtual re-
ality in learning process was evaluated proposing the
UTAUT model (Shen et al., 2017). A study for ac-
ceptance of AR application within the urban heritage
tourism context in Dublin, proposed the TAM model
(tom Dieck and Jung, 2018).
Regarding to cultural studies, the understanding
of cultural factors is important to highlight since they
play a significant role, praising the necessity to con-
sider cultural aspects as influent elements. Cultural
moderators were taken into account among several
studies related to acceptance and use of technology
(e.g., (Tam and Oliveira, 2017), (Venkatesh et al.,
2016)). Others, specifically target to ascertain cultural
differences, such as (Ashraf et al., 2014) and (Tarhini
et al., 2015), which helps to understand how different
cultures react differently to the same proposals.
The acceptance of each technology may require
specific requirements for its study. Therefore, a fo-
cused study regarding to the acceptance of augmented
reality in heritage contexts was made (from 2012
up to now) and, the list of found results, hitherto,
is not very extensive. Table 1 presents some of
the acceptance studies accomplished, The acceptance
model used and the sample size are specified. Ques-
tionnaires were the evaluation instrument used in all
shown studies. An exception was found in one study
(tom Dieck and Jung, 2018), which used one-to-one
interviews as an evaluation instrument.
Regarding the results presented in table 1, TAM
model was the most common model used by re-
searchers. UTAUT (or UTAUT 2) and DeLone &
McLean’s are also frequent choice. Sample sizes,
when present, are between 44 and 241 participants.
To understand individuals’ acceptance of aug-
mented reality technology among archaeological
sites, UTAUT model was implemented and a ques-
tionnaire was created. In this section, the variables
in study, hypotheses and the results obtained are pre-
Table 1: Previous acceptance of augmented reality technol-
ogy studies found, from 2012 until now.
Context Model Sample Reference
AR in Cultural
TAM 200 +
and Krogstie,
AR interactive
technology to
enable con-
sumers to try
on clothes
TAM 220 (Huang and
Liao, 2015)
AR in natural
D&M 241 (Jung et al.,
AR for tourism:
and attractions
TAM (not
(Chung et al.,
AR Travel
UTAUT2 105
sis et al.,
AR for edu-
cation: help
students to
solve problems
TAM 122 (Ib
nez et al.,
Mobile AR
app to show
information on
a map
(Alqahtani and
Kavakli, 2018)
AR in urban
TAM 44 (tom Dieck and
Jung, 2018)
3.1 Acceptance Model Selection
The knowledge related to the most significant accep-
tance models presented in the previous chapter al-
lowed to select an acceptance model to suit the case
of study of this research. Since the requirements of
this study to seek a prediction of behaviours, where
participants have no access to experience a prototype,
the unified theory of acceptance and use of technol-
ogy (UTAUT) and its constructs related with expected
behaviours, seemed to better fit this study needs. The
new constructs proposed for UTAUT 2 appeared to
be misplaced because the current case study is not fo-
cused in commerce.
Therefore, the constructs and respective items are
described bellow, as well as, the moderators consid-
The independent variables (IV) evaluated in the
current study are Performance Expectancy (PE), Ef-
Applying UTAUT Model for an Acceptance Study Alluding the Use of Augmented Reality in Archaeological Sites
fort Expectancy (EE), Social Influence (SI), and Fa-
cilitating Conditions (FC). The dependent variable
(DV) is Behavioural Intention (BI). For each vari-
able several items in the questionnaire were presented
through a Likert-type scale classifying the level of
agreement, from 1 - strongly disagree, to 7 - strongly
3.1.1 Performance Expectancy
Venkatesh et al. defined Performance Expectancy
(PE) as the degree to which a person believes that
using the system will help each individual to ob-
tain gains related to something. In the original
model, these gains were related to job performance
(Venkatesh et al., 2003).
The items used to evaluate PE in the current study
were the following:
PE.1 Using augmented reality may help me get
more information about the archaeological space.
PE.2 Using augmented reality may help me get
information about the archaeological space more
PE.3 Using augmented reality may increase my
interest in archaeological spaces.
Figure 1: Graphic representation of the items used to eval-
uate performance expectancy for the current study.
Figure 1 summarizes the items used to evaluate
PE, specifically, quantity of information, quickness
of acquiring information, and enhancement of inter-
est for archaeological spaces.
3.1.2 Effort Expectancy
Venkatesh et al. defined Effort Expectancy (EE) as
the degree of ease associated with the use of the sys-
tem (Venkatesh et al., 2003).
The items used to evaluate EE in the current study
were the following:
EE.1 I think that augmented reality is easy to use.
EE.2 I think that my interaction with augmented
reality will be clear and understandable.
EE.3 It will be easy for me to become skilful at
using augmented reality.
Figure 2 summarizes the items used to evaluate
the independent variable EE, specifically, ease of use,
clearness of interaction, and ease to become skillful
in using AR.
Figure 2: Graphic representation of the items used to eval-
uate effort expectancy for the current study.
3.1.3 Social Influence
Venkatesh et al. defined Social Influence (SI) as the
degree to which a person perceives that important oth-
ers believe each individual should use the new system
(Venkatesh et al., 2003).
The items used to evaluate SI in the current study
were the following:
SI.1 People that are important to me (e.g. family
and friends) think that I should use augmented reality.
SI.2 I am more likely to use augmented reality if
people that are important to me use it as well.
SI.3 I am more likely to use augmented reality if
people around me use it as well.
Figure 3: Graphic representation of the items used to eval-
uate social influence for the current study.
Figure 3 summarizes the items used to evaluate
the independent variable SI, specifically, opinion of
friends and family, influence of friends and family,
and influence of people around.
3.1.4 Facilitating Conditions
Venkatesh et al. defined Facilitating Conditions (FC)
as degree to which an individual believes that an or-
ganizational and technical infrastructure exists to sup-
port the use of the system (Venkatesh et al., 2003).
The items used to evaluate FC in the current study
were the following:
FC.1 I have the resources necessary to use aug-
mented reality (e.g. smartphone).
FC.2 I have the necessary knowledge to use aug-
mented reality.
FC.3 Augmented reality is compatible with other
technologies I use.
FC.4 I can get help from others if I have difficul-
ties using augmented reality.
HUCAPP 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Figure 4: Graphic representation of the items used to eval-
uate facilitating conditions for the current study.
Figure 4 summarizes the items used to evaluate
the independent variable FC, specifically, adequacy of
resources to use AR technology, adequacy of knowl-
edge, compatibility with other technologies, and ade-
quacy of help available.
3.1.5 Behavioural Intention
According to Venkatesh et al., it is expected that Be-
havioural Intention (BI) will have a significant posi-
tive influence on technology usage (Venkatesh et al.,
The items used to evaluate this dependent variable
in the current study were the following:
BI.1 I would like to use augmented reality in ar-
chaeological spaces as soon as possible.
BI.2 I plan to use augmented reality applied to ar-
chaeological sites in the future.
BI.3 I will always try to use augmented reality
when visiting archaeological sites.
Figure 5: Graphic representation of the items used to eval-
uate behavioural intention for the current study.
Figure 5 summarizes the items used to evaluate
the independent variable BI, specifically, intention to
use as soon as possible, intention to use in future and,
intention to use it regularly.
3.2 Moderators
Regarding the UTAUT constructs, participants of the
current study, were asked to choose between male and
female options and to specify their age.
For this study, the stages of experience presented
in UTAUT original model, was converted Techno-
logical Knowledge. This moderator is evaluated by
each participant who classify themselves their level
of knowledge related to how to use augmented reality
through a 7 point Likert-scale, from 1 (very bad) to 7
(very good).
Voluntariness of Use was dropped because the use
of augmented reality in archaeological spaces is in-
tended to be an optional feature for visitors. Thus, it
is assumed that the voluntariness of use will be always
given state.
A new moderator was added considering the Ar-
chaeological Knowledge, which is evaluated by each
participant who classify themselves their level of
knowledge through a 7 point Likert-scale, from 1
(very bad) to 7 (very good).
3.3 Formulation of Hypothesis
The current study will use the hypothesis raised
in the unified theory presented by Venkatesh et al.
(Venkatesh et al., 2003), adapting the moderators to
the existing hypothesis. Thus, besides age and gender,
archaeological knowledge and technological knowl-
edge are considered in the following hypothesis:
PE.H1: The influence of performance expectancy
on behavioural intention will be moderated by age,
gender, archaeological knowledge and technological
knowledge, such that the effect will be stronger for
men, particularly for younger men, for higher archae-
ological connoisseurs and for higher technology con-
Figure 6 illustrates this relation.
Figure 6: Graphic representation of the hypothesis PE.H1.
Regarding to effort expectancy, the hypothesis
raised by Venkatesh et al. (Venkatesh et al., 2003)
was tailored to the following:
EE.H2: The influence of effort expectancy on be-
havioural intention will be moderated by age, gender,
and technological knowledge, such that the effect will
be weaker for man, particularly younger man, and
particularly for higher technology connoisseurs.
Figure 7 illustrates this relation.
Regarding to social influence, the literature sug-
gests that women tend to be more sensitive to others’
opinion, affecting their intention to use new technol-
ogy (Venkatesh, 2000). Accordingly, the on going hy-
pothesis is defined as follows:
Applying UTAUT Model for an Acceptance Study Alluding the Use of Augmented Reality in Archaeological Sites
Figure 7: Graphic representation of the hypothesis EE.H2.
SI.H3: The influence of social influence on be-
havioural intention will be moderated by age, gender,
and technological knowledge, such that the effect will
be stronger for women, particularly older women, and
particularly for lower technology connoisseurs.
Figure 8 illustrates this relation.
Figure 8: Graphic representation of the hypothesis SI.H3.
Regarding the facilitating conditions presented in
UTAUT model, where it was stated as an hypothesis
that FC will not have a significant influence on be-
havioural intention, for the current study a relation is
proposed, as it was updated in UTAUT2 (Venkatesh
et al., 2012) and as resulted as following.
FC.H4: The influence of facilitating conditions on
behavioural intention will be moderated by age, gen-
der and technological knowledge, such that the ef-
fect will be stronger for man, particularly younger
man, and particularly with high levels of technolog-
ical knowledge.
Figure 9 illustrates the relation created between
FC and the BI, considering the moderators age and
Figure 9: Graphic representation of the hypothesis FC.H4.
Considering the hypothesis raised in UTAUT2,
related to the impact of behavioural intention being
moderated by experience, this relation was adjusted
aiming to detect if age, gender, archaeological knowl-
edge and, technological knowledge would moderate
the behavioural intention to use AR technology. Ac-
cordingly, the hypothesis raised is the following:
BI.H5: The behavioural intention will be moder-
ated by age, gender, archaeological knowledge and
technological knowledge, such that the effect will be
stronger for men, particularly for younger men, for
higher archaeological connoisseurs, and for higher
technology connoisseurs.
Table 2 resumes the relations created between
constructs and moderators, based on aforementioned
Table 2: Summary of the hypothetical relations between
moderators and constructs.
IV Moderators DV
Hypothetical Sce-
Age, Gender,
Stronger for
younger men, with
higher levels of
and technological
Age, Gender,
Weaker for younger
men with high
Age, Gender,
Stronger for older
women with lower
Age, Gender,
Stronger for
younger men with
high technological
Age, Gender,
Stronger for
younger men, with
higher levels of
and technological
A pre-test was carried out with a total of 31 answers
obtained in an archaeological space, in particular,
within the Roman Ruins of the Museu Monogr
de Conimbriga-Museu Nacional (Portugal). Based on
participants feedback while answering the question-
naires, a time estimation to answer the entire ques-
tionnaire was stipulated, as well as, some adjustments
related to the reading interpretation of the questions
were made.
The current study collected a total of 166 partic-
ipants, whom answered an online questionnaire, be-
tween August and October 2018. The sample was
HUCAPP 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
composed by 42.2% female and 57.8% male. Among
this heterogeneous group of participants, 61.7% of
them are between 17 and 30 years old, 22.2% are be-
tween 31 and 40 years old, 11.4% are between 41 and
50 years old, and 4.8% are more than 50 years old.
4.1 Correlations: Independent
Variables and the Behavioural
Intention Items
Correlations of Kendall’s coefficient between the dif-
ferent items which defines each construct were cre-
ated. These non parametric correlations are displayed
in the following tables.
The abbreviation ”C.C. displayed thereafter
stands for Correlation Coefficient
, and ”Sig. cor-
responds to Significance Test (2-tailed).
The correlations between PE items (IV) and BI
(DV) items, are shown in table 3. Table 4 displays the
correlations between EE items and BI items. Correla-
tions between SI and BI are visible in table 5, while
FC correlations with BI items are presented in table
Table 3: Correlations found between PE and BI items.
Significant strong positive correlation were found
between PE and BI items (table 3). The stronger cor-
relation identified, with a coefficient of 0.497, was be-
tween Quantity of information (PE.1) and Intention to
use in future (BI.2), followed by other strong correla-
tions, such as between Quantity of information (PE.1)
and Intention to use as soon as possible (BI.1), and be-
tween Quickness of acquiring information (PE.2) and
Intention to use as soon as possible (BI.1).
Significant strong positive correlation were also
found between EE and BI items (table 4). The
stronger correlation identified, with a coefficient of
0.421, was between Ease to become skillful (EE.3)
Correlations measure the relationship between two
variables which can vary between -1 and 1. A zero value
means there is no correlation between those variables. The
closer a correlation is to 1 or -1, the stronger the relation-
ship is between variables. A negative correlation (closer to
-1) represents a stronger effect for the lower value. A posi-
tive correlation (closer to 1) represents a stronger effect for
the higher value).
Table 4: Correlations found between EE and BI items.
and Intention to use in future (BI.2), followed by
correlations between Clearness of Interaction (EE.2)
with both items: Intention to use as soon as possible
(BI.2), and Intention to use regularly (BI.3).
Table 5: Correlations found between SI and BI items.
Less significant strong positive correlation were
found between SI and BI items (table 5). The SI
item which appears to have strong correlations with
all three BI items is related with Opinion of friends
and family (SI.1).
Table 6: Correlations found between FC and BI items.
Despite less strong when compared with PE and
EE items, the correlations found between FC items
and BI are also significant strong and positive (ta-
ble 6). Stronger correlations disclosed with BI items
are related to Compatibility with other technologies
4.2 Correlations: Moderators and
Regarding the aforementioned hypothesis, correla-
tions between moderators and PE items are shown
in table 7. Table 8 displays the correlations between
EE items and its moderators. Correlations between
Applying UTAUT Model for an Acceptance Study Alluding the Use of Augmented Reality in Archaeological Sites
SI and its moderators are visible in table 9, while FC
correlations with respective moderators items are pre-
sented in table 10. BI correlations with its moderators,
can be observed in table 11.
The abbreviation ”A.K. displayed thereafter
stands for Archaeological Knowledge, and ”T.K.
corresponds to Technological Knowledge. Regarding
gender analysis, to interpret these correlations, its al-
location is important to specify: value 1 was set for
males, and value 2 for females.
Table 7: Correlations found between moderators and PE
No significant correlations were found regarding
to age and PE (table 7). Significant positive strong
correlations for archaeological knowledge and for
technological knowledge, were found being stronger
in this last moderator.
Table 8: Correlations found between moderators and EE
No significant correlations were found regarding
to age and EE (table 8). A significant negative strong
correlation is found between gender and EE.3, reveal-
ing that this correlation is stronger for males. Sig-
nificant positive strong correlations for technological
knowledge for all EE items.
No significant correlations were found regarding
to age and SI items (table 9). A significant negative
strong correlation is found between gender and two
SI items (SI.1 and SI.2), revealing a stronger relation
among males. Technological knowledge has a signifi-
cant strong correlation with one SI item, namely, SI.1
(Opinion of friends and family).
No significant correlations were found regarding
to age and FC items (table 10). A significant nega-
tive strong correlation is found between gender and
Table 9: Correlations found between moderators and SI
Table 10: Correlations found between moderators and FC
FC.2, and FC.3, revealing a stronger relation among
males to these two items. Technological knowledge
has a significant positive strong correlation with all
FC items, notably for FC.2.
Table 11: Correlations found between moderators and BI
No significant correlations were found regarding
to age neither to gender and BI items (table 11). Ar-
chaeological and technology knowledge are moder-
ators found to have significant positive correlations
with all BI items.
4.3 Bridging Results and Hypothesis
The given results revealed that the hypothesis are not
entirely true regarding the use of augmented technol-
ogy in archaeological sites.
Accordingly, in PE.H1, the influence of perfor-
mance expectancy on behavioural intention is not
moderated by gender neither by age, but is moder-
ated by archaeological knowledge and technological
knowledge, such that the effect is stronger for higher
archaeological connoisseurs, and for higher technol-
ogy connoisseurs.
Observing EE.H2, the presented results allow to
state that the influence of effort expectancy on be-
HUCAPP 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
havioural intention is not moderated by age, but is
moderated by gender and by technological knowl-
edge, such that the effect is weaker for male, and par-
ticularly for higher technology connoisseurs.
Regarding to SI.H3, the collected data permit
to affirm that influence of social influence on be-
havioural intention is not moderated by age, but is
moderated by gender and by technological knowl-
edge, such that the effect is stronger for men, and par-
ticularly for lower technology connoisseurs.
From FC.H4, the presented results, allow to state
that the influence of facilitating conditions on be-
havioural intention is not moderated by age, but is
moderated by gender and technological knowledge,
such that the effect will be stronger for man, particu-
larly with high levels of technological knowledge.
While analysing BI.H5 hypothesis, it is possible
to state that behavioural intention is not moderated by
gender neither by age, but is moderated by archaeo-
logical knowledge and by technological knowledge,
such that the effect will be stronger for higher archae-
ological connoisseurs and, for higher technology con-
The current study aimed to identify a suitable accep-
tance model for evaluating the behavioural intention
to use augmented reality technology in archaeologi-
cal spaces.
Hypothesis based on UTAUT model, with some
particular features covered in UTAUT2 model, and
some adjustments regarding the case study are pre-
sented. Moderators were also tested, dropping volun-
tariness of use, converting experience to technological
knowledge, and adding archaeological knowledge.
The results obtained, through online question-
naires, in a total of 166 valid answers for all questions,
revealed that the behavioural intention to use AR in
archaeological sites is influenced by performance ex-
pectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and fa-
cilitating conditions.
However, significant changes in the raised hypoth-
esis were observed regarding the moderators. The
collected data demonstrated that, for the use of AR in
archaeological sites, age does not play a role as mod-
erator to any construct analysed. Gender also missed
some relevance in some constructs, such as perfor-
mance expectancy and behavioural intention.
These findings confirm that 1) UTAUT model as a
suitable model for understanding the behavioural in-
tention to use AR, but also emphasize a second out-
come, 2) the importance of holding continuous accep-
tance studies to keep up-to-date new technologies un-
derstandings. Regarding the interest of implement-
ing this technology in archaeological spaces, a deeper
model should be applied to actual visitants, including
more constructs for wider understandings, as well as,
statistical studies regarding the prediction of results,
should also being accomplished.
Thus, this proposed model should be supple-
mented with more variables in order to better under-
stand the acceptance and intention to use a new tech-
nology, such as AR in archaeological sites. Despite
the fact that UTAUT model was shown as a suitable
model for understanding the behavioural intention to
use AR, it can be refined with the addition of variables
stemming from other models or/and theories. Accord-
ingly, a deepen research related to the integration of
new variables must be accomplished followed by a
new experimental evaluation.
This work is financed by the ERDF European Re-
gional Development Fund through the Operational
Programme for Competitiveness and Internationali-
sation - COMPETE 2020 Programme and by Na-
tional Funds through the Portuguese funding agency,
FCT - Fundac¸
ao para a Ci
encia e a Tecnologia within
project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031309 entitled “Pro-
moTourVR - Promoting Tourism Destinations with
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HUCAPP 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications