viewpoint, a reliable and high pose estimation accu-
racy is achievable.
For future improvement, we are looking for-
ward to evaluating the proposed method with multi-
dimension elevation angles as to compare with our
current single elevation angle implementation in this
paper. The improvement for obtaining a higher
pose estimation accuracy by expanding the two vie-
wpoints into several points has also been projected
as our upcoming task. To overcome the non-cascade
next viewpoint in specific cases, we also consider to
have “several” best next viewpoint where the multi-
dimensional elevation angles are utilized. This appro-
ach may be utilized with a different class of multiple
objects for having a wider scope of application and
could help the development of the human helper ro-
bot field.
The authors would like to thank Toyota Motor Corpo-
ration, Ministry of Education of Government of Ma-
laysia (MOE), and Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Me-
laka (UTeM). Parts of this research were supported by
MEXT, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research.
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Next Viewpoint Recommendation by Pose Ambiguity Minimization for Accurate Object Pose Estimation