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works in two phases, operation prioritization for
generating scheduling sequence and module allo-
cation. DMHEFT schedules each vertex only once
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uses upward rank value for prioritizing the operations
and determining scheduling sequence. Module with
earliest finish time is chosen for operations in the
queue. DMHEFT uses Least Recently Used policy
when scheduling operations on modules to avoid
deadlocks in future steps. DMHEFT can schedule
all types of DAGs unlike PS which only works
on trees/forests. Produces shorter or equal length
schedules than LS in all cases. Gives shorter or
equal length schedules than PS except in one case.
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than FDLS’s, that is why it runs faster than FDLS.
Although DMHEFT produces longer schedules than
GA1, GA2 and ILP it runs much faster than them
with small difference in assay lengths.
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BIODEVICES 2019 - 12th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices