Human Action Recognition using Multi-Kernel Learning for Temporal
Residual Network
Saima Nazir
, Yu Qian
, Muhammad Haroon Yousaf
, Sergio A. Velastin
, Ebroul Izquierdo
and Eduard Vazquez
University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Pakistan
Queen Mary University of London, U.K.
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Cortexica Vision Systems Ltd., U.K.
Deep Learning, Residual Network, Spatio-Temporal Network, Temporal Residual Network, Human Action
Deep learning has led to a series of breakthrough in the human action recognition field. Given the powerful
representational ability of residual networks (ResNet), performance in many computer vision tasks including
human action recognition has improved. Motivated by the success of ResNet, we use the residual network
and its variations to obtain feature representation. Bearing in mind the importance of appearance and motion
information for action representation, our network utilizes both for feature extraction. Appearance and motion
features are further fused for action classification using a multi-kernel support vector machine (SVM). We also
investigate the fusion of dense trajectories with the proposed network to boost up the network performance.
We evaluate our proposed methods on a benchmark dataset (HMDB-51) and results shows the multi-kernel
learning shows the better performance than the fusion of classification score from deep network SoftMax layer.
Our proposed method also shows good performance as compared to the recent state-of-the-art methods.
Human action recognition is an important yet challen-
ging task in computer vision field (Nazir et al., 2018).
For the last decade, many researchers are focusing on
deep convolutional networks for human action recog-
nition. Since the introduction of a large scale image
repository (ImageNet) (Deng et al., 2009) and high
performance computational machines (GPUs), image
and action recognition using deep convolutional neu-
ral network (CNN) is enjoying a remarkable triumph
(Tran et al., 2018; Pham et al., 2018; Herath et al.,
2017). However to achieve accurate recognition at
the level of human understanding of ongoing actions
in real environment is still strenuous.
After the introduction of AlexNet (Krizhevsky
et al., 2012), researchers are now focusing on incre-
asing the depth of state-of-the-art CNN architectures.
Networks such as VGG network (Simonyan and Zis-
serman, 2014b) are going deeper and deeper having
8 layers (VGG-M) to 16 (VGG-16) and 19 (VGG-19)
layers respectively. However simply stacking layers
to go deeper does not guarantee increase in perfor-
mance. He et al., (He et al., 2016) state that a 56-layer
plain network shows higher training and test error as
compared to a 22-layer plain network. Consequently,
deeper networks are harder to train, and their perfor-
mance may get saturated or keep on decreasing by
adding more layers.
To overcome this problem, He et al., (He et al.,
2016) proposed a novel residual network, ResNet, by
introducing identity shortcut connections to fit the in-
put from the previous layer to the next layer without
any modification of the input. To get this identity
mapping, they introduced a novel residual learning
framework. The residual function is introduced to let
the layers fit the residual mapping.
After the introduction of such deeper network,
ResNet (He et al., 2016), many researchers have pro-
posed variations of ResNet to improve performance in
different computer vision applications such as image
classification, object and, action recognition. Initially
ResNet (He et al., 2016) was introduced for image re-
cognition task.
Many researchers are endeavoring for the exten-
sion of 2D convolutional neural network architecture
to the temporal domain. As shown in fig. 1 (b),
Feichtenhofer et al. (Feichtenhofer et al., 2016a) inte-
grated the space-time information by injecting a resi-
dual connection between the appearance and motion
Nazir, S., Qian, Y., Yousaf, M., Velastin, S., Izquierdo, E. and Vazquez, E.
Human Action Recognition using Multi-Kernel Learning for Temporal Residual Network.
DOI: 10.5220/0007371104200426
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2019), pages 420-426
ISBN: 978-989-758-354-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: (a) Original residual unit [ResNet] (b) Spatio-temporal residual unit [ST-ResNet] (c) spatio-temporal residual unit
pathways of a two stream architecture. To operate
on adjacent feature maps in time domain they app-
lied spatiotemporal filter kernel instead of spatial fil-
ter kernel.
To transform spatial ConvNet into spatiotemporal
ConvNet, Feichtenhofer et al. (Feichtenhofer et al.,
2017b) modify the basic residual block (He et al.,
2016) and inject the temporal information using 1D
temporal filter. As shown in fig. 1 (c) they introdu-
ced an additional convolutional block in the original
residual unit along with affine scaling layer S
The closest work to ours is temporal ResNet
(Feichtenhofer et al., 2017b), where they augment
the temporal information in the spatial residual net-
work with convolution across time. In contrast to their
work, we extracted the features from temporal ResNet
for both appearance and flow streams and fused both
network features for the classification using a multi-
kernel SVM.
Human action recognition has remained one of the
important and challenging tasks in computer vision
field. Many researchers have contributed by propo-
sing hand-crafted feature representation for action re-
cognition. Spatio-temporal interest point (3D Harris)
(Laptev, 2005), 3D-scale invariant feature transform
(3D SIFT) (Scovanner et al., 2007) and dense tra-
jectories (Wang et al., 2011) are a few of the state-
of-the-art hand-crafted feature representation appro-
aches. Since the introduction of CNN, many resear-
chers are now concentrating on the use of deep le-
arning approaches for the task of action recognition.
Zeiler and Fergus (Zeiler and Fergus, 2014) stated
that convolutional neural network can serve the pur-
pose of feature extraction as the first layer learns low
level features and high-level features are learned by
top layers in CNNs.
Many researchers have extended the traditional
2D convolutional neural network (CNN) to integrate
temporal information. 3D CNN is proposed by Hara
et al., (Hara et al., 2017) to assimilate the temporal in-
formation by using a 3D kernel to extract information
from both spatial and temporal domain. Limiting spa-
tial space looks reasonable whereas, for the extraction
of motion information, limiting time domain to a few
frames seems deficient. Ng et al. (Yue-Hei Ng et al.,
2015) stated that instead of learning temporal infor-
mation from few frames, temporal pooling can be ap-
plied to integrate the temporal domain information in
network layers.
Simonyan et al. (Simonyan and Zisserman,
2014a) extended the convolutional neural network by
proposing a two-stream architecture. Similar to the
way human vision cortex learns appearance and mo-
tion information using ventral (object recognition)
and dorsal (motion recognition) stream, they used
two pathways to learn spatial and temporal informa-
tion for appearance and motion respectively. Spatial
stream is learned on the model pretrained on Ima-
geNet while temporal stream is trained on an action
recognition dataset considering the unavailability of
pretrained model on flow information.
Following sucess of the of two-stream architec-
ture, Feichtenhofer et al. (Feichtenhofer et al., 2016a)
extended the two-stream convolutional neural net-
Human Action Recognition using Multi-Kernel Learning for Temporal Residual Network
Figure 2: Proposed framework: Multi-kernel SVM learning using temporal residual network features for human action recog-
work and proposed a spatio-temporal residual net-
work. Driven by the success of ResNet in ILSVRC
2015, they used ResNet which is pretrained on Image-
Net for action recognition. They embed the residual
connection between appearance and motion streams
to allow the hierarchical learning of spatiotemporal
features for both streams.
Hara et al. (Hara et al., 2017) also utilized the Res-
Net model for human action classification task. They
make use of 3D convolutional kernels to integrate
temporal information in residual network. They trai-
ned and evaluated their proposed 3D ResNet model
on the relatively larger datasets (Kinetics and Acti-
vity Net) available for human action recognition task.
Temporal ResNet (Feichtenhofer et al., 2017b) also
integrates the temporal information in spatial residual
network by modifying the basic residual function by
adding an additional temporal conv block.
In this paper, we evaluate the performance of resi-
dual network (ResNet) and its variations for human
action recognition. We adopt two-stream framework,
the networks are trained on appearance (RGB frames)
and motion (optical flow) respectively. We utilize the
residual network (ResNet) (He et al., 2016), Spatio-
temporal residual network (ST-ResNet) (Feichtenho-
fer et al., 2016a) and temporal residual network (T-
ResNet) (Feichtenhofer et al., 2017b) for the feature
extraction task. We extract features for both appea-
rance and motion representation. Later these featu-
res are passed to Multi-kernel support vector machine
(SVM) for the action classification task. Fig. 2 shows
the general framework for action classification using a
multi-kernel SVM where features are extracted from
RGB and flow stream supplied to temporal residual
networks. Using the approach shown in fig. 2 we
have also extracted the features for the other two net-
works, i.e. residual network and spatio-temporal re-
sidual network. Details of features extraction from
these three different residual networks are provided
in section 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.
3.1 Feature Extraction using Residual
Layers (ResNet)
As the base representation, we utilize the ResNet50
model provided by (Feichtenhofer et al., 2016a) for
feature extraction. They used a ResNet50 (He et al.,
2016) model pretrained on ImageNet and replace
the last classification layer as per the requirement
of the HMDB51 dataset. We truncate the network
and obtain 2048 features from the pooling layer after
convolution block 5 for both appearance and motion
stream separately. For further information on network
training, model construction please refer to (Feichten-
hofer et al., 2016a).
3.2 Feature Extraction using
Spatiotemporal Residual Layers
We also make use of spatio-temporal residual network
(ST-ResNet) (Feichtenhofer et al., 2016a) to extract
the appearance and motion features. This network ar-
chitecture integrates the motion information in spatial
stream by adding a residual connection between both
streams. To learn spacetime features they also inclu-
ded temporal convolution in residual units. We trun-
cate the network at pooling layer after last convoluti-
onal block to obtain 2048 for both streams. For furt-
her information on network training and model con-
struction please refer to (Feichtenhofer et al., 2016a).
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Accuracy (%) for HMDB-51 dataset using residual network (ResNet).
Split RGB Flow RGB + Flow RGB + Flow + iDT
1 49.0% 50.3% 57.7% 63.5% 63.3% 67.5% 67.5% 70.1%
2 48.7% 48.3% 54.6% 59.3% 61.8% 65.0% 67.7% 67.1%
3 49.6% 48.0% 56.5% 61.8% 61.8% 65.8% 65.6% 67.9%
Average 49.1% 48.9% 56.3% 61.5% 62.3% 66.1% 66.9% 68.4%
Table 2: Accuracy (%) for HMDB-51 dataset using spatio-temporal residual network (ST-ResNet).
Split RGB Flow RGB + Flow RGB + Flow + iDT
1 56.2% 56.6% 58.8% 61.7% 68.0% 67.6% 69.1% 68.3%
2 56.8% 57.1% 59.8% 62.1% 66.0% 65.8% 66.2% 66.3%
3 55.5% 56.4% 59.8% 65.2% 66.3% 67.0% 66.7% 67.1%
Average 56.2% 56.7% 59.5% 63.0% 66.8% 66.8% 67.3% 67.2%
3.3 Feature Extraction using Temporal
Residual Layers (T-ResNet)
We also use the temporal residual network architec-
ture (T-ResNet) for the extraction of appearance and
motion features. For appearance, we utilized the ar-
chitecture proposed in (Feichtenhofer et al., 2017b)
and build the spatiotemporal residual network on Res-
Net50 (He et al., 2016) which is pre-trained on Ima-
geNet. In the next stage, we inject the temporal in-
formation in this spatiotemporal residual unit. For
the flow extraction, we utilized the model provided
in (Feichtenhofer et al., 2016a) and inject the tem-
poral connection in spatiotemporal residual network
which is pre-trained on the HMDB-51 dataset. In con-
trast to (Feichtenhofer et al., 2017b), where they fu-
sed the prediction of both networks, we truncate both
networks at pooling layer after conv 5 to get the ap-
pearance and flow features representation separately.
For further information on network training and mo-
del construction please refer to (Feichtenhofer et al.,
3.4 Support Vector Machine with
Multi-kernel Learning
Given training tuples (x
) and weights w, under a
Hinge loss, an SVM solves the primal problem [19],
) + b
1 ϑ
ϑ 0, i = 1, . . . ., n
As is customary in kernel methods, computati-
ons involving φ are handled using kernel functions
k (x
) = φ(x
). In all our experiments, a
Radial Basis Function (RBF) based kernel has been
used. C (fixed at 1) is the penalty parameter and ϑ is
the slack variable. For multiple kernel learning (we
follow the recipe by (Sonnenburg et al., 2006), and
formulate a convex combination of sub-kernels as,
k (x
) =
) (2)
In contrast to (Sonnenburg et al., 2006), we use L2
regularized β
0 and
1. L2 regularised
multiple kernel is learnt by formulating eqn. 2 as
a semi-infinite linear programming (SILP) problem.
During each iteration, an SVM solver is first instan-
tiated to obtain the weighted support vectors; subse-
quently, a linear programming (LP) problem is solved
using Mosek (mos, 2012).
4.1 Dataset
We used the HMDB-51 (Kuehne et al., 2011) hu-
man action recognition dataset for the evaluation of
proposed method. HMDB-51 is a large-scale bench-
mark dataset containing 7k videos. It is divided into
training, testing and validation sets containing 3570,
1530 and 1749 videos respectively. These videos
are taken from digital movies and different public vi-
deo databases like YouTube. This dataset is captu-
red in realistic environment and comparatively more
challenging than the other benchmark datasets like
UCF101. For evaluation we used the standard evalu-
ation measures and report the performance as average
accuracy over three splits. All experiments were done
on Intel Xeon E5-2687W 3 GHz 128 GB workstation
with two 12GB nVIDIA TITAN Xp GPUs.
Human Action Recognition using Multi-Kernel Learning for Temporal Residual Network
Table 3: Accuracy (%) for HMDB-51 dataset using temporal residual network (T-ResNet).
Split RGB Flow RGB + Flow RGB + Flow + iDT
1 51.3% 53.9% 64.2% 64.9% 67.2% 70.1% 67.9% 71.1%
2 51.5% 53.2% 64.6% 65.0% 68.6% 69.1% 69.4% 69.8%
3 49.9% 51.9% 65.8% 65.2% 68.6% 68.9% 68.8% 69.9%
Average 50.9% 53.0% 64.9% 65.0% 68.1% 69.4% 68.7% 70.3%
Table 4: Comparison with the state-of-the-art methods for HMDB-51 dataset.
Method Results (Accuracy %) Reference
Two-stream 59.4 (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014a)
Rank Pooling (ALL)+ HRP (CNN) 65.0 (Fernando and Gould, 2017)
Convolutional Two-stream (without/with iDT) 65.4/69.2 (Feichtenhofer et al., 2016b)
Temporal-Inception 67.5 (Ma et al., 2017)
Temporal Segment Network (2/3 modalities) 68.5/69.4 (Wang et al., 2016)
TS-LSTM 69 (Ma et al., 2017)
ST-ResNet(without/with iDT) 66.4/70.3 (Ma et al., 2017)
ST-multiplier network(without/with iDT) 68.9/72.2 (Feichtenhofer et al., 2017a)
Two-Stream I3D on split-1 66.4 (Carreira and Zisserman, 2017)
Two-Stream I3D with Kinetics pre-training 80.7 (Carreira and Zisserman, 2017)
Temporal ResNet 67.2 (Feichtenhofer et al., 2017b)
MKL SVM ResNet (RGB+Flow+iDT) 68.4 Our
MKL SVM ST-ResNet (RGB+Flow+iDT) 67.2 Our
MKL SVM T-ResNet (RGB+Flow+iDT) 70.3 Our
4.2 Results and Discussion
In this section we present the results on three different
residual networks by comparing the performance for
action classification using SoftMax and multi-kernel
support vector machine. For multiple network sco-
res (the output of SoftMax layer) fusion, we used a
1:1 weighting scheme. These scores were taken from
the respective models. For MKL SVM, we tuned the
parameters on validation dataset and chose L2-norm
as it always performed better than L1-norm. We fixed
penalty parameter C=1 as it shows better performance
than C=10 or 100. Along with appearance and mo-
tion features, we have also considered the iDT fea-
tures which are computed by following the method
described in (Wang et al., 2013).
As the base representation of our proposed met-
hods, we used ResNet50 (Feichtenhofer et al., 2016a)
trained on HMDB-51 dataset. Table 1 reports the
performance of ResNet50 over 3 splits. ResNet trai-
ned on flow information shows better performance as
compared to the ResNet trained on RGB information.
By combing both RGB and flow information we get
a better result as compared to individual network. We
compared the performance of Multi-kernel SVM and
SoftMax using RGB+flow and RGB+flow+iDT infor-
mation and results shows the MKL
SVM has 4% and
2% increase in performance as compared to SoftMax
Similiarly, Table 2 reports the spatio-temporal
residual network performance for HMDB-51 data-
set. We used the ST-ResNet50 (Feichtenhofer et al.,
2016a) model trained for HMDB-51 dataset for both
appearance and flow extraction. Multiple kernel le-
arning provides better performance as compared to
SoftMax specially when network is trained using flow
information. However in case of learning three ker-
nels for RGB, flow and iDT features, MKL couldn’t
outperform SoftMax.
Table 3 shows the performance of temporal resi-
dual network for RGB, flow and iDT features. We
trained the T-ResNet (Feichtenhofer et al., 2017b)
using RGB and flow information. MKL SVM always
show better performance than SoftMax when multi-
kernel learning is applied on features obtained from
temporal residual network.
By comparing the performance of three residual
networks i.e. ResNet, ST-ResNet and T-ResNet, we
can conclude that using temporal residual network (T-
ResNet) that integrates the temporal domain informa-
tion in basic residual unit of ResNet, it is beneficial
for action recognition where the importance of tem-
poral information along with spatial information in
We conclude the evaluation section with the com-
parison of our proposed methods with state-of-the-
art deep learning methods. As shown in Table 4.
multi-kernel learning SVM approach boost the re-
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
sults and provide state-of-the-art performance for
HMDB-51 dataset. Feichtenhofer et al. (Feichten-
hofer et al., 2017a) used ResNet-50 for appearance
and ResNet-152 for motion in their proposed archi-
tecture for HMDB-51 dataset. They concluded that
for the HMDB-51 dataset deeper appearance network
degrades performance while for deeper motion net-
work sizable gain is observed. The performance of
our proposed network can also be improved by using
ResNet-152 for motion stream. The highest accuracy
shown in Table 4. was released by DeepMind in July
2017 which uses 240K Kinetics dataset pre-training
with end-to-end finetuning on HMDB-51 (Carreira
and Zisserman, 2017), without Kinetics pretraining
model, their proposed two-stream I3D shows 66.4%
accuracy on the split-1 of HMDB-51. The better per-
formance is explainable by the better quality of Kine-
tics dataset that is used for pre-training the network.
In this paper we proposed a new method to improve
the performance for human action recognition. The
proposed method is based on an existing state-of-the-
art deep learning network, T-ResNet, which recently
shows noticeable performance for the task of human
action recognition task. We utilized the prevalent va-
riations of residual network for the extraction of mo-
tion and appearance features for benchmark dataset.
We extracted features from popular ResNet, spatio-
temporal ResNet and temporal ResNet. We evaluated
multi-kernel learning approach in comparison with
SoftMax and experiments shows that MKL SVM al-
ways outperforms SoftMax. In future, we can train
the state-of-the-art residual networks on larger data-
sets like Kinetics600 to improve the performance for
action recognition.
Sergio A Velastin has received funding from the Uni-
versidad Carlos III de Madrid, the European Unions
Seventh Framework Programme for research, techno-
logical development and demonstration under grant
agreement n
600371, el Ministerio de Econom
ıa, In-
dustria y Competitividad (COFUND2013-51509) el
Ministerio de Educaci
on, cultura y Deporte (CEI-15-
17) and Banco Santander. Authors also acknowledge
support from the Higher Education Commission, Pa-
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