Hard Negative Mining from in-Vehicle Camera Images based on
Multiple Observations of Background Patterns
Masashi Hontani
, Haruya Kyutoku
, David Wong
, Daisuke Deguchi
Yasutomo Kawanishi
, Ichiro Ide
and Hiroshi Murase
Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, Japan
Information Strategy Office, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, Japan
{kawanishi, ide, murase}@i.nagoya-u.ac.jp
Pedestrian Detection, Hard Negative Mining, Additional Learning.
In recent years, the demand for highly accurate pedestrian detectors has increased due to the development of
advanced driving support systems. For the training of an accurate pedestrian detector, it is important to collect
a large number of training samples. To support this, this paper proposes a “hard negative” mining method
to automatically extract background images which tend to be erroneously detected as pedestrians. Negative
samples are selected based on the assumption that frequent patterns observed multiple times in the same
location are most likely parts of the background scene. As a result of an evaluation using in-vehicle camera
images captured along the same route, we confirmed that the proposed method can automatically collect false
positive samples accurately. We also confirmed that a highly accurate detector can be constructed using the
additional negative samples.
In recent years, there has been a decrease in the num-
ber of traffic accidents because of improvements in
road and vehicle safety. However, even so, in Japan
alone there were about ve hundred thousand traffic
accidents in 2016, and road safety remains an impor-
tant social issue to be overcome (Statistics Bureau,
2017). Therefore, strategies for reducing traffic acci-
dents remain an active area of development. For ex-
ample, in the last few years, technologies for assisting
drivers to drive safely have been put into practical use
in production vehicles.
A fundamental technology for driving assistance
systems is a detection method for pedestrians and ob-
stacles around the vehicle (Redmon et al., 2016; Pre-
mebida et al., 2014). Modern vehicles may employ a
variety of sensors for this purpose—for example, RA-
DAR and cameras. In addition, using advanced sen-
sors such as LIDAR for vehicle applications is an area
of intensive research. However, since a monocular ca-
mera is inexpensive and compact, and can be easily
fitted to existing vehicle designs, this paper aims to
improve the accuracy of pedestrian detectors by em-
ploying a monocular camera.
When constructing a pedestrian detector, it is im-
portant for the classifier to learn the various appearan-
ces of pedestrians. Although in general thousands of
training samples are necessary, manually collecting a
large number of training samples is time consuming
and expensive. Therefore, methods for constructing
a detector from limited annotated samples have been
proposed. In these methods, the initial pedestrian de-
tector is constructed with annotated samples. Then,
training samples are extracted from the detection re-
sults and re-annotated as positive or negative samples.
Finally, a more accurate detector is reconstructed in-
cluding these additional samples. For example, Yuan
et al. proposed a method for constructing highly accu-
rate traffic sign detectors by automatically processing
the results of a base detector (Yuan et al., 2017). Traf-
fic signs from in-vehicle camera images are charac-
teristic in that they have a regular symmetrical shape
and can be stably detected and tracked between se-
quential frames. Therefore, the initial detector’s de-
tection results can be labelled as positive or negative
samples, and used for online learning to improve both
detection and tracking results.
Another method proposed by Mitsugami et al.
constructs a pedestrian detector for fixed cameras,
adapted to capture location (Mitsugami et al., 2013).
In this method, a detection is judged to be false when
Hontani, M., Kyutoku, H., Wong, D., Deguchi, D., Kawanishi, Y., Ide, I. and Murase, H.
Hard Negative Mining from in-Vehicle Camera Images based on Multiple Observations of Background Patterns.
DOI: 10.5220/0007376804350442
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2019), pages 435-442
ISBN: 978-989-758-354-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(a) t
(b) t
(c) t
Figure 1: Three images captured at the same location at different timings, showing detected pedestrians.
the same object is detected at the same position within
sequential frames. Conversely, it is judged to be cor-
rect when the object moves smoothly, adhering to a
pedestrian motion model. Finally, the detector is re-
constructed with the additional information provided
by the positive and negative samples.
These methods show that additional training using
the detection results of the initial detector is useful for
improving the overall detection accuracy. However,
Yuan’s method cannot be applied to detecting dyna-
mic objects since it uses the characteristics of static
objects. Also, Mitsugami’s method assumes that ima-
ges come from a fixed camera, so it cannot be applied
to in-vehicle camera images captured by moving ca-
meras. For driving assistance systems, it is necessary
to automatically extract samples from the detection
results of moving pedestrians from images captured
by a moving, in-vehicle camera.
Meanwhile, hard negative mining is widely ap-
plied for constructing highly accurate object detec-
tors (Felzenszwalb et al., 2010; Dalal et al., 2006;
Shrivastava et al., 2016). In hard negative mining,
false positives that are easily detected as incorrect are
selected and used for re-training the detector. While
negative samples can be supplied by using random
background patches, it is considered efficient to au-
tomatically collect negative samples which caused the
detector to trigger a false alarm, hence the name “hard
From the above background, we consider a met-
hod of extracting samples from in-vehicle camera
images and using them for additional training. Be-
cause it is difficult to accurately extract positive sam-
ples without manual annotation, we focus on hard
negative mining by extracting negative samples that
can be reliably extracted using prior scene knowledge.
Therefore, we focus on the difference between the
characteristics of pedestrian regions and background
regions which may trigger a false detection in order to
extract negative samples automatically. An example
where pedestrians are detected in the same location at
a different timing is shown in Fig. 1. As shown here,
pedestrians are dynamic objects which are not typi-
cally captured at the same position over a long period
of time. Conversely, background areas are static. We
propose a method of extracting negative samples con-
sidering this observation.
The contributions of this paper can be summarized
as follows:
1. The proposal of a novel framework of hard nega-
tive mining from non-annotated in-vehicle image
2. The combination of spatial and temporal align-
ments for the detection of frequently observed
background patterns.
3. The use of the resulting hard negative samples for
training state-of-the-art deep-learning-based de-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 describes our negative sample selection
method. Then, we report evaluation experiments
using images captured by an in-vehicle camera and
discuss the results in Section 3. Finally, we conclude
this paper in Section 4.
A pedestrian region detected by a pedestrian detec-
tor can be classified as either a correct detection (true
positive) if the region truly contains a pedestrian, or a
false detection (false positive) if the region consists of
background. Since we wish to extract only the false
detections as negative samples, the proposed method
collects “hard negative” candidates. Here, a “hard ne-
gative” refers to a falsely detected pedestrian region,
which is then used to create a negative sample, for use
in further training of the pedestrian detector.
False detections made by pedestrian detections
can be of two types (Mitsugami et al., 2013):
1. Detection of background areas with features simi-
lar to a pedestrian.
2. Detection of parts of a pedestrian.
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) Alignment / hard negative mining steps
(b) Reconstruction step
Figure 2: System flow of the proposed method.
Of these two types, the first one is likely to occur
in all images captured at a similar spatial location,
as the background area containing a pattern visually
similar to a pedestrian does not change. This may
lead to a high rate of false detections in certain lo-
cations, which is undesirable for a driver assistance
system. For the second type of false detections, alt-
hough the region is incorrectly detected as a complete
pedestrian, in reality, a pedestrian is likely present
nearby—therefore, this type is less obtrusive. Be-
cause of this, and the fact that background regions
tend to remain visually similar over time, in this re-
search, hard negative candidates are extracted from
false detections of the first type.
The proposed method prepares multiple image se-
quences captured along the same route. Among them,
the sequence used for detecting negative samples is
called the reference sequence. The other sequences
used for determining whether or not the candidate is
a false detection, are called the database sequences.
The system flow of the proposed method is shown in
Fig. 2. It consists of three steps: the alignment step
(Fig. 2(a)) for associating a reference sequence with
a database sequence, the hard negative mining step
(Fig. 2(a)) for determining whether or not hard ne-
gative candidates are false detections, and the recon-
struction step (Fig. 2(b)) for constructing a detector
using additional training with negative samples.
2.1 Alignment Step
In the alignment step, each of the multiple database
sequences are aligned temporally and spatially in or-
der to compare the reference sequence to the database
First, each database sequence is temporally alig-
ned with the reference sequence. It is necessary to as-
sociate each frame within the database sequence with
the frame within the reference sequence that was cap-
tured at the same location. Typically, temporal align-
ment can be performed referring to the visual simila-
rity between the images in the sequences. However,
there are differences of appearance between frames
captured from the same location caused by different
camera trajectories, small pose changes, and occlu-
sion by obstacles. For this reason, it is difficult to
associate frames accurately with a simple image mat-
ching method.
In this research, frames within database and refe-
rence sequences are temporally aligned using a met-
hod of associating frames proposed by Kyutoku et
al. (Kyutoku et al., 2011). This method uses image
features and epipolar geometry to determine a simila-
rity measure between the capture locations of image
frames, allowing temporal alignment to be performed.
Even after image sequences have been temporally
aligned, capture positions and camera poses differ
slightly between aligned frames. This leads to a po-
sitional gap between corresponding pixels of aligned
frames, which makes direct visual comparison of alig-
ned frames for background detection difficult. There-
fore, temporally aligned frames are then aligned spa-
tially using image registration. This is done using
dense optical flow obtained by DeepFlow (Revaud
et al., 2016). An example of spatial alignment of
pixels in a temporally aligned image frame is shown
Hard Negative Mining from in-Vehicle Camera Images based on Multiple Observations of Background Patterns
Frame in the reference sequence
Frame in the database sequence
registered by using optical flow
Frame in the database
sequence aligned temporally
(a) Example of alignment of a frame in the reference se-
quence to a frame in the database sequence
Frame in the database sequence
registered by using optical flow
Frame in the database
sequence aligned temporally
(b) Difference images for the frames in the database se-
Figure 3: Examples of spatial alignment.
in Fig. 3. The image at the top of Fig. 3(a) is the frame
in the reference sequence and the bottom left image is
the frame in the database sequence selected by tempo-
ral alignment. On the bottom right is the image that
has been spatially aligned using DeepFlow. The diffe-
rence images of these frames are shown in Fig. 3(b).
We can see that the gap between the reference and
the database frames is reduced by the spatial align-
ment. This allows us to compare their visual featu-
res at corresponding positions directly in a common
image coordinate system.
2.2 Hard Negative Mining Step
In the hard negative mining step, negative samples are
extracted from hard negative candidates by comparing
the reference sequence with the database sequences.
First, hard negative candidates are detected in the
reference sequence by the initial pedestrian detector.
All positive detection results are considered as hard
negative candidates. In this paper, as one of the state-
of-the-art deep learning based detectors, we employ
YOLOv3 (Redmon et al., 2016) (hereafter referred to
2 3
Figure 4: Conceptual diagram of extraction of detected re-
as the YOLO detector) as a baseline detector.
Next, detected regions D
(n) are extracted from
the database sequences in order to determine whet-
her or not each hard negative candidate C is a false
detection, where n = 1, 2, .., n
represents the se-
quence number. A conceptual diagram of the ex-
traction of detected areas is shown in Fig. 4. Detected
regions D
(n) are extracted from each corresponding
temporally and spatially aligned database frame at the
same spatial position as the candidate in the reference
frame. The similarities between C from the reference
image and each of D
(n) from the database sequen-
ces are calculated. A CNN model (Ahmed et al.,
2015) is used for calculating the similarity between
C and D
(n). The result is a set of similarity values
(n) (n = 1, 2, ...) for each C.
Finally, it is determined whether or not the candi-
date C is a false detection by using the calculated si-
milarities S
(n). We consider that the corresponding
(n) is high when D
(n) is captured from the same
object or visual region. In this case, C is probably
a false detection from the background, as the region
does not change temporally between sequences. On
the other hand, when the corresponding S
(n) is low,
C is most likely a temporal object such as a pedestrian
that appears in only one of D
(n). It is necessary to
reliably select only C from background areas as false
detections. Therefore, C is determined as a false de-
tection only when the minimum of S
(n) exceeds a
threshold as
(n) > T, (1)
in which case the detection is considered a hard ne-
gative sample. A conceptual diagram of hard nega-
tive sample determination using similarity is shown
in Fig. 5.
2.3 Reconstruction Step
In the reconstruction step, a pedestrian detector is re-
trained including hard negative samples.
First, the hard negative candidates judged as a
false positives in the hard negative mining step are
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
 
 
Figure 5: Conceptual diagram of hard negative sample selection.
added to the original training samples used to train
the initial detector. The training samples used in con-
structing the initial detector includes annotated pede-
strians as positive samples, and negative samples are
randomly sampled from the background region in the
YOLO freamwork. In the reconsruction step, nega-
tive samples are randomly sampled from the hard ne-
gative samples and added to the initial samples. Fi-
nally, the pedestrian detector is re-trained with these
training samples.
Two evaluation experiments using in-vehicle camera
images were conducted in order to confirm the effecti-
veness of the proposed method. Each will be descri-
bed in detail below.
3.1 Experiment on Negative Samples
An evaluation experiment using multiple in-vehicle
camera images was conducted in order to confirm the
accuracy of selecting negative samples by the propo-
sed method.
3.1.1 Experimental Condition
For this experiment, four sequences composed of
2,000 to 2,600 frames each, were captured by an in-
vehicle camera mounted on a car running along the
same route travelling in the same direction, at diffe-
rent timings throughout the day. A Point Grey Re-
search Grasshopper3 GS3-U3-28S4C-C and a Space
VP-JHF8M-3MP 8 mm telephoto lens were used. Pe-
destrian bounding boxes were manually annotated in
each camera image, resulting in 3,000 to 7,000 pede-
strian frames per sequence.
One of the four in-vehicle camera sequences was
used as the reference sequence and the remaining
three were used as the database sequences. Next, hard
negative candidates were detected from the reference
sequence by the initial pedestrian detector in the refe-
rence sequence. The YOLO pedestrian detector des-
cribed in Sec. 2.2 was trained using the CityPersons
dataset (Zhang et al., 2017; Cordts et al., 2016) and
the Caltech Pedestrian Detection Benchmark Data-
set (Doll´ar et al., 2012; Doll´ar et al., 2009) (hereafter
referred to as the Caltech dataset).
The negative sample selection method was applied
to the hard negative candidates from the reference se-
quence for determining whether or not each candidate
was a false detection. All candidates that were deter-
mined to be false detections were collected as hard
negative samples.
Hard Negative Mining from in-Vehicle Camera Images based on Multiple Observations of Background Patterns
Figure 6: Extraction performance of negative samples by
the proposed method.
3.1.2 Evaluation Metrics
The purpose of this research is to accurately select
from the initial pedestrian detection results that do not
contain a pedestrian. Therefore, correct and incorrect
selections are defined in this experiment as follows:
Correct Selection: A detection result that only
contains background is selected as a negative sam-
Incorrect Selection: A detection result that con-
tains a pedestrian is incorrectly selected as a ne-
gative sample.
The selected hard negative sample is determined to
be a correct selection when the IoU (Intersection over
Union) for the candidate and the annotated pedestrian
bounding boxes is greater than 0.4. In other cases, it
is determined to be an incorrect selection. Here, we
use the correct and incorrect selection rates with re-
spect to the total number of hard negative candidates
as evaluation metrics.
3.1.3 Results and Discussion
The detected hard negative candidates were compo-
sed of 3,925 pedestrian images and 80,884 back-
ground images. The proposed method was applied to
these hard negative candidates while varying the si-
milarity threshold to judge whether or not each hard
negative candidate is a false detection. As a result of
this, a graph showing the number of correct selecti-
ons and the number of incorrect selections is shown
in Fig. 6. When the number of incorrect selection is
zero, 2,150 background images are selected as hard
negative samples.
When the similarity threshold was set to a value
that yielded no incorrect negative sample selection,
the negative samples were typically background ima-
ges of five types: tree, utility pole, sign, light, and
(a) Tree (b) Utility pole (c) Traffic sign
(d) Street light (e) Partial sign
Figure 7: Types of the selected hard negative samples.
partial sign, as shown in Fig. 7. We consider that the
types of the selected negative samples were fairly li-
mited due to the relatively consistent environment co-
vered in the dataset. Therefore, in the future, we will
need to confirm that various types of hard negative
samples can be extracted from various driving envi-
An example in which spatial alignment failed due
to differences in appearance of the entire image is
shown in Fig. 8. This occurred because frames at dif-
ferent capture locations were sometimes aligned in-
correctly during temporal alignment. If the pixel dis-
tance between an object in two aligned frames is too
large, the optical flow cannot be correctly calculated.
Therefore, it is necessary to improve the accuracy of
temporal alignment between frames in order to avoid
such failed alignments.
Also, an example where the alignment failed due
to the influence of the shadow is shown in Fig. 9.
The image registration using optical flow tends to fail
when two images contain large difference in appea-
rance. It is necessary to also improve the accuracy of
spatial alignment since such failure can lead to incor-
rect extractions.
3.2 Experiment on Detector
An evaluation experiment to construct the pedestrian
detector by incorporating the negative samples se-
lected in Sec. 3.1 was conducted in order to confirm
their usefulness for training.
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
A frame in the reference sequence
A frame in the database
sequence aligned temporally
A frame in the database
sequence aligned spatially
Figure 8: Example of an
image where spatial alig-
nment failed.
A frame in the reference sequence
A frame in the database
sequence aligned temporally
A frame in the database
sequence aligned spatially
Figure 9: Example of spa-
tial alignment results in-
cluding shadows.
3.2.1 Experimental Condition
The annotated pedestrians of the CityPersons and Cal-
tech training datasets were used as the base training
samples. The negative samples judged as false de-
tections in Sec. 3.1 were also added in the training
samples. The negative samples were selected using
the threshold at which the number of incorrect selecti-
ons was zero (see Fig. 6).
An image sequence (15,445 frames) captured in
a city environment during the day using the same in-
vehicle camera as the dataset used in Sec. 3.1.1 was
used for the evaluation of the pedestrian detectors.
YOLO detectors were constructed using the follo-
wing training methods:
Proposed: Trained with the CityPersons dataset
and the Caltech dataset up to 150,000 iterations.
Afterward, trained with additional negative sam-
ples selected using the proposed method up to
50,000 iterations.
Comparative: Trained with the CityPersons da-
taset and the Caltech dataset up to 200,000 itera-
tions. No additional negative samples were inclu-
Pedestrian detection was then performed on the
evaluation dataset using the proposed and the com-
parative YOLO detectors. The DET (Detection Error
Tradeoff) curve was used as the evaluation matrix.
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Miss rate
False positives per image
Figure 10: DET curves of each detector.
3.2.2 Result
The DET curves of each detector are shown in Fig. 10.
We confirmed that the accuracy of the detector can be
improved by training with additional negative sam-
ples extracted using the proposed method. For exam-
ple, when we allowed one false positives in ten images
(0.1), the miss rate improved by 4%.
In this paper, we proposed a method to improve the
accuracy of pedestrian detectors for in-vehicle came-
ras. Specifically, we focused on the characteristic that
patterns in background regions which are often incor-
rectly extracted as pedestrians are static. Therefore,
negative samples are extracted automatically from
in-vehicle camera image sequences captured multi-
ple times along the same route, by identifying where
false positive patterns are observed repeatedly bet-
ween temporally and spatially aligned images.
In the evaluation experiments, the effectiveness of
the proposed method in extracting negative samples
and the usefulness of the hard negative samples in ad-
ditional training were confirmed.
Future tasks related to this research include impro-
ving the accuracy of temporal and spatial alignment
between image frames, and examining features used
for calculation of the similarity of false positives bet-
ween sequences.
Parts of this research were supported by MEXT,
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research.
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VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications