superpixels to generate the coarse 3D primitives (su-
persurfels) composing the predicted model guarantee
the preservation of most of the relevant and meaning-
ful information from the observed scene.
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Fusion, based on this representation, rebuild a low-
resolution but pertinent 3D model with high speed
performance and low memory usage. The use of this
system is of interest for robots which do not need a
very accurate but rather an efficient, fast and light-
weight 3D map generation, enabling them to perform
other tasks at the same time without consuming too
much of the resources available.
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to model registration strategy, and make it robust to
dynamic environments by detecting moving objects
at a superpixel level and tracking them. Further opti-
mization can be achieved to speed up the computation
of supersurfels attributes by minimizing branch diver-
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A Coarse and Relevant 3D Representation for Fast and Lightweight RGB-D Mapping