Predicting Response Uncertainty in Online Surveys: A Proof of Concept
Maria Camila Dias
, Catia Cepeda
, Dina Rindlisbacher
, Edouard Battegay
Marcus Cheetham
and Hugo Gamboa
LIBPhys (Laboratory for Instrumentation, Biomedical Engineering and Radiation Physics),
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Caparica, Portugal
Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Center of Competence Multimorbidity, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland,
Uncertainty, Questionnaire, Human-Computer Interaction, Mouse-tracking, Signal Processing, Machine
Online questionnaire-based research is growing at a fast pace. Mouse-tracking methods provide a potentially
important data source for this research by enabling the capture of respondents’ online behaviour while answer-
ing questionnaire items. This behaviour can give insight into respondents’ perceptual, cognitive and affective
processes. The present work focused on the potential use of mouse movements to indicate uncertainty when
answering questionnaire items and used machine learning methods as a basis to model these. N=79 par-
ticipants completed an online questionnaire while mouse data was tracked. Mouse movement features were
extracted and selected for model training and testing. Using logistic regression and k-fold cross-validation, the
model achieved an estimated performance accuracy of 89%. The findings show that uncertainty is indicated
by an increase in the number of horizontal direction inversions and the distance covered by the mouse and by
longer interaction times with and a higher number of revisits to questionnaire items that evoked uncertainty.
Future work should validate these methods further.
Self-report questionnaires are the main method of per-
sonality assessment (Boyle and Helmes, 2009). The
assessed personality constructs (e.g. extraversion)
may have several facets (Mcgrath, 2005). For exam-
ple, extraversion can include the facets gregarious-
ness, warmth, positive emotions, activity, assertive-
ness and excitement seeking (Mccrae and Costa,
2015). Each facet is typically captured by measur-
ing a person’s responses to a number of questionnaire
items. Typically, an item asks whether a particular
statement about the respondent is true (e.g., I feel anx-
ious and uneasy in emergencies). For each item, a
rating scale with a number of response alternatives is
provided (often in a Likert response format) (Paulhus
and Vazire, 2007) that allows the respondent to con-
firm the degree to which the statement is true or false.
Sometimes a respondent may find it difficult to
make a rating about a statement. The respondent
may not have thought about the statement previously,
These authors have made an equal contribution.
have difficulty retrieving from memory all relevant
information, feel unsure about which response alter-
native best matches the respondent’s subjective point
of view, or find it difficult dealing with many similar
statements in a questionnaire (Schwarz and Hippler,
1991; Dunning et al., 2004). The respondent may also
tend to be self-uncertain or indecisive (Rassin, 2006;
Paulhus and Vazire, 2007).
We considered whether uncertainty in processing
and responding to questionnaire items might be de-
tectable in concomitant mouse movement behaviour.
Mouse tracking, i.e., the collection of cursor posi-
tions, is a relatively recent method that can provide in-
formation about respondent‘s overt behaviour and un-
derlying perceptual, cognitive and affective processes
(Hehman et al., 2015). Indicators of response uncer-
tainty might include how long a person hovers with
the mouse over a question, how quickly a response is
given, or whether a person revisits an items or corrects
the previous response to it.
The aim of the present work was to create a
machine-learning model that identifies events of re-
Dias, M., Cepeda, C., Rindlisbacher, D., Battegay, E., Cheetham, M. and Gamboa, H.
Predicting Response Uncertainty in Online Surveys: A Proof of Concept.
DOI: 10.5220/0007381801550162
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2019), pages 155-162
ISBN: 978-989-758-353-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sponse uncertainty. To do so, features of mouse
movement behaviour were extracted while respon-
dents processed and answered questionnaire items.
The developed model may be used to identify
confusing items in a survey. Moreover, it may help
physicians understand their main difficulties, since
the practice of medicine is characterized by complex
situations that arouse uncertainty, which has implica-
tions for the quality and costs of healthcare.
1.1 Related Work
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) often reflects the
users’ mental processes. Accordingly, understand-
ing human behaviour through the analysis of HCI has
been an area of interest for many years. Mouse track-
ing is a powerful, cheap and easy to implement tool
to assess HCI (Cepeda et al., 2018). Mouse track-
ing has been used for online survey research (Cepeda
et al., 2018; Horwitz et al., 2016) and for examin-
ing response difficulty (Schneider et al., 2015; Zushi
et al., 2012; Horwitz et al., 2016).
Schneider et al. (2015) investigated the effect of
ambivalence (a concept similar in some ways to un-
certainty) on mouse cursor trajectories by assessing
response times and the maximum deviation from the
idealized straight line trajectory toward the answer
that was not chosen. The authors concluded that de-
viation was greater with greater ambivalence.
Zushi et al. (2012) tracked mouse movements
during students’ learning activities in order to help
teachers understand their students’ behaviours. It
was shown that mouse trajectories are unstable (e.g.
excessive number of horizontal direction inversions)
when learners are hesitant. It was also reported that
response times and number of horizontal direction in-
versions have a strong negative correlation with the
ratio of correct answers. This suggests that response
times and horizontal direction inversions may be pre-
dictive of uncertainty.
Conrad et al. (2007) also used response times to
detect response difficulty. But response times do not
specify the reason for the delay. Slower responses can
have several causes, such as when multitasking and
distracted by another task (Horwitz et al., 2016). Hor-
witz et al. (2016) used therefore mouse cursor trajec-
tories to predict response difficulty, achieving a per-
formance accuracy of between 74.28% and 79.11%.
Significant predictors of uncertainty were horizontal
directional inversions, hovering the mouse cursor over
a question for more than 2s, and marking a response
option for more than 2s.
2.1 Participants and Procedure
N = 79 volunteers (35 female) with ages ranging
from 18 to 35 years old participated. The partici-
pants were recruited from the University of Zurich
via flyers. All were healthy, native or fluent speak-
ers of standard German, with normal or corrected-to-
normal vision, without a medical history of neurolog-
ical or psychiatric illnesses, and no use of medica-
tion or drugs. They received 20 Swiss Francs or the
equivalent credit point for participation. Written in-
formed consent was obtained before participation in
accordance with the guidelines of the Declaration of
2.2 Data Acquisition
Participants were seated in a quiet room while com-
pleting an online questionnaire. The questionnaire re-
sponses and all mouse movement data were collected.
The mouse data included the frame number, x and y
cursor’s position (in pixels), time, event type (0 dur-
ing movement, 1 when pressing down the mouse but-
ton and 4 when the button is released), the question
number if the mouse hovered over it, and the number
of the response alternative if the mouse hovered over
2.3 Technological Materials
The LimeSurvey web application was used to con-
duct the questionnaire. The Python packages NumPy
(Bressert, 2012) and Pandas (McKinney, 2011) were
used for all data processing and analyses, SciPy
(Blanco-Silva, 2013) was used to extract features
from the mouse tracking data and Scikit-learn (Pe-
dregosa et al., 2011) for model training, testing and
2.4 Data Pre-processing
To ensure a correct processing of data from the mouse
file, a cleaning procedure was applied to omit data ac-
quired with touch screen devices, to reorder the data
by time, and to join different files from the same ques-
tionnaire of the same person.
2.5 Features Extraction
Several features related to uncertainty behaviour were
computed for each item of the questionnaire. Based
BIOSIGNALS 2019 - 12th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
on these features, a machine learning model was gen-
erated to detect items that evoked uncertainty. In this
section, the temporal, spatial and contextual features
are presented.
2.5.1 Temporal Features
Firstly, to access the temporal information, it was
necessary to remove the time associated to abandon
events. Sometimes, due to external factors (e.g. re-
ceiving an e-mail or answering a call), an individ-
ual may abandon the survey. Without correction, the
questions where the abandons occur could be associ-
ated to uncertainty as a result of the time spent there.
Therefore, the abandon events are identified - when
the mouse cursor is not moving for more than 10 times
the mean question time - and removed.
Short times in questions are also ignored. They
can be caused by quick visits to the question above or
below since the question height is small, or by scroll.
These events occur when the time spent in a question
is lower than 100 ms (Huang and White, 2012).
The temporal features are accumulated time, time
before click, pause before click, correction time, hover
selected answer and velocity.
The accumulated time is the total time in an item,
i.e., the sum of all time intervals in a question, as ex-
pressed in equation 1, where t
represents, hence, a
time interval spent in question i.
Accumulated time =
Time before click is the sum of all time intervals in
a question until the first click, as shown in equation 2.
For example, if a participant enters a question for the
first time at t = 20s, stays in the item for 10s without
clicking, abandon the question, comes back at t = 45s
and clicks for the first time at t = 50s, the time before
click is 15s.
Time before click =
The pause before click, i.e., the time interval that
an individual remains stopped before clicking an an-
swer, was also computed, based on Zheng et al.
(2011). If the participant clicks more than once in
a certain question (to correct a previous answer), this
value is averaged.
Correction time is the sum of all time intervals in
a question from the first click to the last click (last
correction), as it is indicated in equation 3. If there is
not any correction, the result is zero.
Correction time =
Hover selected answer is the ratio between the
sum of the time intervals spent hovering the selected
answer of a certain question and the total hover time
in that question. It was based on a feature extracted
by Horwitz et al. (2016) and Cepeda et al. (2018). In
this study, when an individual is in the response area,
i.e., close to one of the possible answers, it is con-
sidered that he is hovering that answer. This feature
is described in equation 4, where t
hover sel ans, qi
resents a time interval spent hovering the selected an-
swer of question i and t
is a time interval spent
hovering the answers of question i.
Hover selected answer =
hover sel ans, qi
The mean velocity was also calculated. To com-
pute this variable, in order to have equal temporal
intervals proportional to the mean time variance, it
was applied a cubic spline interpolation. Using this
method, a series of unique cubic polynomials is ad-
justed between the data points, resulting in a smooth
continuous curve (Hou and Andrews, 1978).
2.5.2 Spatial Features
Firstly, it was applied a cubic spline interpolation to
smooth the spatial signal, producing intervals equal to
the mean distance variance. Subsequently, the spatial
features distance, distance from answer and straight-
ness were computed.
The total distance is the sum of the distances trav-
elled in every visit to a specific question.
The distance from answer, i.e., distance from the
path inside a question to the selected answer, was also
computed. This variable is illustrated in equation 5,
where x
and y
are the x and y coordinates of the
question’s last click and n is the number of samples.
For the construction of the model, it was calculated
the mean distance from answer.
Distance from answer =
+ (y
i = 1, ..., n 1
Straightness is the ratio between the Euclidean
distance from the moment of entering in a question
until leaving it and the total distance travelled in that
question (Gamboa and Fred, 2004). It is defined in
equation 6. The mean straightness over all the visits
to a specific question was used.
Straightness =
+ (y
+ y
Predicting Response Uncertainty in Online Surveys: A Proof of Concept
Figure 1: An example of a revisit. The participant clicked
on an item (red dot) and, subsequently, returned to a previ-
ous question without changing its answer.
= x
= y
i = 1, ..., n 1
2.5.3 Contextual Features
The contextual features comprise the number of inter-
actions with each question (i.e., the number of times
in each question) as well as the number of revisits,
which is the event of going back to a previous ques-
tion without changing its answer. An instance of a
revisit is illustrated in figure 1.
The number of corrections was also calculated.
There are two types of corrections - corrections within
item and corrections between item. The first occurs
when an individual selects an answer, remains in the
same question and changes the option, while the lat-
ter happens when a person selects an answer, moves
forward to next questions and, after answering at least
one more question, goes back and changes the previ-
ous answer. These corrections are displayed in fig-
ure 2.
Figure 2: Two corrections, a correction between (above)
and a correction within (below) item.
The number of <-turns, i.e., horizontal direction
changes (Zushi et al., 2012; Horwitz et al., 2016;
Cepeda et al., 2018), was extracted by computing hor-
izontal trajectory derivative changes from positive to
negative values or vice-versa. This feature is exem-
plified in figure 3.
Figure 3: An example of a <-turn.
Lastly, the relative number of hovered answers
was computed and it is illustrated in equation 8.
Hovered answers =
Number of hovered answers
Total number of answers
2.5.4 Features Normalization
Distinct people express uncertainty differently. For
example, maybe the time spent in a difficult question
by a fast person is equal to the time spent in an easy
question by a slower individual. Accordingly, the fea-
tures were normalized for each person separately us-
ing the formula presented in equation 9, where z
resents the sample x
after normalization, x and σ are
the mean and standard deviation of the samples, re-
spectively. This normalization is known as z-score
(Shalabi et al., 2006). Applying this transformation,
the samples are reshaped so that its mean and standard
deviation become 0 and 1, respectively (Tan et al.,
Nonetheless, with all the features normalized, it is
only possible to identify the most difficult questions
for each individual. In the hypothetical case of uncer-
tainty in all questions (or a great part of them), this
would be a problem. Therefore, the original values
of each feature were also used to construct the model.
Taking this into account, 30 features were used - 15
normalized and 15 not normalized.
Subsequently, all the features from all the partic-
ipants were concatenated and each feature was indi-
vidually normalized in order to standardize the range
of the variables for all the participants.
2.6 Features Selection
There is a negative effect of using irrelevant features
in machine learning systems. Some classifiers are not
sensible enough to detect the influence of relevant fea-
tures in the presence of many variables (Sperandei,
2014). Taking this into account, it is advantageous to
precede learning with a feature selection stage (Wit-
ten and Frank, 2005).
Accordingly, the highly correlated features were
eliminated (Witten and Frank, 2005), since the infor-
mation they provide is almost the same. The Pearson
correlation coefficient was accessed and, if two fea-
tures had an absolute coefficient higher than 0.9, one
of them was left out.
2.7 Model Training and Testing
In order to train and test the uncertainty model, sev-
eral examples of items showing response uncertainty
and certainty were needed. These examples comprise
a combination of features and a respective outcome
(certainty or uncertainty). However, it was not known
which items evoked, or not, uncertainty. To solve
BIOSIGNALS 2019 - 12th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Figure 4: Question associated to uncertainty.
Figure 5: Question associated to certainty.
this problem, mouse movement videos of 6 individu-
als answering a 60 item questionnaire (360 questions
in total) were observed and rated by three raters in
terms of uncertainty or certainty. The final examples
of items for training and testing were selected only if
rated as uncertainty or certainty by at least 2 of the
raters. In the end, 51 items were rated as uncertainty
and 124 as certainty.
Figure 4 shows one of the items selected as an in-
stance of uncertainty. The participant enters the ques-
tion and immediately selects option 3. Afterwards,
the individual moves the mouse cursor towards option
4, but reverses this trajectory until reaching option 1.
Subsequently, the direction is inverted and the final
answer is option 2. On the contrary, figure 5 shows an
example of certainty, where the mouse moves straight
from the answer of a question to the next one.
10-fold cross validation was applied for model
training and testing. In this procedure, the data is
divided in ten approximately equal partitions, where
one partition is used for testing and the other nine for
training. This process is repeated ten times. In each
iteration, the datasets change and, accordingly, every
partition is used for both training and testing, and ex-
actly once for testing. Finally, the ten estimated accu-
racies are averaged to obtain the overall accuracy.
2.8 Classification
The applied classification method was Logistic Re-
gression, due to its effectiveness when the outcome
variable is dichotomous (in this case, the outcome
could be certainty or uncertainty). In this technique,
the probability of occurrence of an event is estimated
by fitting the data to a logistic curve. Accordingly,
non-linear relationships between the input features
and the outcome variable can be handled (Park, 2013).
The fundamental mathematical concept underly-
ing Logistic Regression is the logit. The logit is the
natural logarithm of odds ratio, which is the ratio be-
tween the probability of occurrence of an event (in
this case, uncertainty) and the probability of non-
occurrence of the same event. The logistic model has
the form presented in equations 10 and 11, where p
represents the probability of an event, β
the regression coefficients and x
are the input features
(Sperandei, 2014).
1 p
) = β
+ β
+ β
+ ... + β
Solving for p,
p =
1 + e
When p > 0.5 it is predicted Y = 1 (uncertainty),
otherwise, Y = 0, where Y is the outcome variable
(Shalizi, 2018). From equation 11, it is possible to
verify that a positive β
increases (and a negative β
decreases) the probability of Y = 1.
2.9 Model Evaluation
In binary classification, data is constituted by two op-
posite classes, positives and negatives. Accordingly,
the possible outcomes comprise True Positives (TP),
True Negatives (TN), False Positives (FP) and False
Negatives (FN). In this study, the positives are the
questions linked to uncertainty.
The true positive rate, or sensitivity, and the true
negative rate, or specificity, were computed (Witten
and Frank, 2005). In this case, the sensitivity repre-
sents the probability of a question that evokes uncer-
tainty being classified as an instance of uncertainty,
and it is described in equation 12. Specificity, on the
other hand, provides the probability of a question as-
sociated to certainty being correctly classified and it
is illustrated by equation 13.
Sensitivity =
T P + FN
Speci f icity =
T N + FP
To estimate the performance of the model, accu-
racy was accessed. Accuracy is the ratio between the
correct classifications and all the classifications (Wit-
ten and Frank, 2005), as it is shown in equation 14.
Accuracy =
T P + T N
T P + T N + FP +FN
Predicting Response Uncertainty in Online Surveys: A Proof of Concept
3.1 Features Selection and Importance
The highly correlated features were removed, as it
was explained in section 2.6. The features eliminated
with this criterion were time before click, hover se-
lected answer, straightness normalized, revisits, re-
visits normalized and hovered answers normalized.
Therefore, the number of final features was 24.
Some features have more importance than others
in the classification process. From equation 11, it is
possible to infer that features with higher regression
coefficients are more relevant to the classification. Ta-
ble 1 shows the regression coefficients of the ten most
relevant features ordered from the highest to the low-
est absolute value.
Table 1: Regression coefficients of the ten most relevant
<-Turns 1.47
Distance normalized (px) 1.23
Distance (px) 1.19
Distance from answer
normalized (px)
Interactions 0.65
Accumulated time (s) 0.61
Straightness -0.49
Pause before click (s) 0.31
Corrections between item -0.31
Distance from answer (px) -0.29
3.2 Model Evaluation
The model evaluation measures - sensitivity, speci-
ficity and accuracy - are presented in table 2.
Table 2: Model performance evaluation measures.
Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy
0.78±0.17 0.94±0.08 0.89±0.08
3.3 Uncertainty Results
Following the application of the model to all partici-
pants’ questions, the percentage of questions associ-
ated to uncertainty was computed. Figure 6 shows the
contrast of the mouse movements between the indi-
viduals with the minimum and maximum percentages
of questions that evoked uncertainty.
Table 1 shows the most important features for the con-
struction of the model. The number of <-turns is the
most relevant feature and, with a positive regression
coefficient, it increases the probability of detecting
an uncertainty event. Individuals thus tend to change
the horizontal direction more frequently during a mo-
ment of uncertainty, probably due to hesitation be-
tween consecutive alternatives. This is in line with
Zushi et al. (2012).
The distance travelled has a strong positive impact
on the outcome, suggesting that respondents move the
mouse from a possible answer to another while de-
ciding which one to select. Distance from answer af-
fected the result negatively, meaning that, although
individuals travel longer distances during moments of
uncertainty, they tend to maintain the mouse cursor
closer to the selected alternative.
Analysing the regression coefficient of interac-
tions, it can be concluded that people visit items that
arouse uncertainty more often. In these items, in-
dividuals take longer to answer (accumulated time
has a positive and significant regression coefficient)
and deviate more from the straight line trajectory be-
tween successive answers (straightness is associated
to a negative coefficient).
It is surprising that the number of corrections in-
fluence negatively the result. This means that, when
the number of corrections increases, the probability of
identifying an uncertainty event decreases.
Regarding the model evaluation, the sensitivity
obtained was 0.78, which means that the instances
of uncertainty were correctly classified in 78% of the
times. The specificity was 0.94 (i.e. the probability
of a certainty event being correctly predicted is 94%).
The classification of certainty versus uncertainty was
correct in 89% of the cases. The estimated perfor-
mance of the model was therefore better than that of
Horwitz et al. (2016). This improvement might relate
to the choice of features used to indicate uncertainty.
Following the construction of the model, the per-
centage of instances that evoked uncertainty was ac-
cessed. As already mentioned, figure 6 illustrates the
mouse movements from the person with minimum
percentage and from the participant with the maxi-
mum percentage, and the behaviours are clearly dif-
ferent, where the distance travelled is much higher in
the latter.
BIOSIGNALS 2019 - 12th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
(a) (b)
Figure 6: Mouse movements of a questionnaire from the person with a) the minimum and b) the maximum percentage of
uncertainty items.
This study aimed to assess respondent’s mouse cursor
movements in terms of uncertainty while processing
and answering items of an online questionnaire. The
estimated performance accuracy of the created model
for uncertainty detection was 89%.
As a proof of concept, the uncertain events
were defined by subjective evaluation of independent
raters. As a next step, the actual participants should
provide feedback as to their own experience of uncer-
tain events. Future work could validate this method
further in other contexts, such as during an online ca-
reer assessment task or to identify moments of uncer-
tainty as a basis for providing real-time online help
for difficult items or questions.
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BIOSIGNALS 2019 - 12th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing