in order to overcome the over-segmentation problem.
Each sub-segment obtained during the Louvain met-
hod phase represents a region. We compute a histo-
gram of oriented gradients (HOG) (Dalal and Triggs,
2005), and the values of mean and standard deviation
are computed from the three color channels RGB in-
dividually. Then, the proposed algorithm operates by
considering the similarity value between two adjacent
regions based on combining HOG and color features
in order to control the aggregation processes.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, we briefly review graph-based image seg-
mentation methods. In Section 3, we introduce com-
plex networks, the concept of community detection
and Louvain algorithm to point out how community
detection algorithms can be applied in image segmen-
tation efficiently. In Section 4, we give details of our
method for implementation and performance. Experi-
ments on three publicly available datasets are reported
in Section 5. Finally, our conclusions are presented in
Section 6.
In this Section, we briefly review some well-known
graph-based image segmentation methods.
Considering image segmentation problem from
the perspective of graph partitioning has interested se-
veral researchers. In this approach, the image is regar-
ded as an undirected weighted graph in which each
node represents a pixel, and edge weights measure
the similarity between nodes, i.e., similarity between
pixels. The graph is clustered by optimizing any ade-
quate criteria, e.g., minimum cut, normalized cut or
related variants. (Shi and Malik, 2000).
Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher (Felz-Hutt) (Fel-
zenszwalb and Huttenlocher, 2004) attempt to par-
tition image pixels into components. Constructing
a graph in which pixels are nodes, and edge weig-
hts measure dissimilarity between nodes (e.g., color
differences), each node is initially placed in its own
component. The internal difference of a component
Int(R) has been defined as the largest weight in the
minimum spanning tree of R. Considering in non-
decreasing order by weight of edges, each step of the
algorithm merges components R
and R
by the current edge if the weight of the edge is less
) + τ(R
) + τ(R
)) (1)
where τ(R) = k/|R|, k is a scale parameter that can
be used to set a preference for component size.
Recently, complex networks analysis domain has
been considered to segment images, and has achie-
ved outstanding results (Mourchid et al., 2017; Lina-
res et al., 2016; Abin et al., 2011; Li and Wu, 2015).
The idea that community detection can be used for
image segmentation offers a new perspective.
Wenye Li (Li, 2013), and Youssef, et al. (Yous-
sef Mourchild, Mohammed El Hassouni and Hocine
Cherifi, 2016) attempt to apply community detection
problems in complex networks to solve image seg-
mentation problems, and investigate a new graph-
based image segmentation as well as compare other
methods. These studies point out the potential per-
spective of community detection based image seg-
mentation domain.
The image segmentation approaches of Ahmad
Ali Abin et al. (Abin et al., 2011), and Oscar A. C.
Linares et al. (Linares et al., 2016) are constructing
weighted networks in which the small homogeneous
regions (super-pixels) obtained by initial segmenta-
tion processes are nodes of the graph, and the com-
puted similarity distances between these regions are
edge weights. One community detection method is
applied to extract communities as segments.
Shijie Li, et al. (Li and Wu, 2015), and Yous-
sef Mourchid, et al. (Mourchid et al., 2017) pro-
pose using super-pixel and features to solve the over-
segmentation problem. Both strategies initialize with
an over-segmented image segmentation in which each
subsegment represents a super-pixel. Then, they treat
the over-segmentation issue in different ways. Shi-
jie Li, et al. solve it by reconstructing the neighbor-
hood system for each region (super-pixel) and the his-
togram of states (HoS) texture feature. Then, they es-
timate the distribution of the color feature for each re-
gion. The similarity matrix W is computed and adap-
tively updated based on color feature and histogram of
states (HoS) texture feature. Youssef Mourchid, et al.
approach the over-segmented problem in a quite si-
milar way but they compute coefficients to adaptively
update the similarity matrix W based on color feature
and histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) texture fe-
We consider images from the perspective of a com-
plex network, and solve the image segmentation pro-
blem using community detection on graphs. The
complex network is built by considering that each
pixel is a vertex, and edge weight measures the simila-
rity of a pair of pixels. Then, the Louvain algorithm is
applied to the obtained network but this method does
A Combination of Histogram of Oriented Gradients and Color Features to Cooperate with Louvain Method based Image Segmentation