Table 1: Normalized MSE values in case of LFFTP and
CFFTP for increasing dynamic range of object height.
Dynamic range of Normalized MSE
the object height LFFTP CFFTP
± 4 0.00 0.00
± 8 0.00 0.00
± 16 0.02 0.00
± 24 0.85 0.00
± 40 4.66 0.00
± 56 10.01 0.00
± 80 16.43 0.01
± 120 19.44 0.10
± 160 18.06 5.83
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that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms
the existing LFFTP, particularly at high dynamic ran-
ges and low fringe frequencies. In the future work,
we plan to evaluate the proposed CFFTP method for
the 3D profiling of the real-world objects.
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