interesting to test our approach on another genome-
wide PCHi-C interaction dataset, in order to assess
both: 1) the applicability of Base11 metrics for dis-
crimination between cell types, other than blood cells
studied here; and 2) to analyse the similarity of topo-
logical structure and component behaviour of interac-
tion graphs in order to assess how the properties ob-
served for haematopoietic cells generalises to other
cell types. Unfortunately, as far as we know, an-
other appropriate PCHi-C dataset covering multiple
cell types has yet to become available.
There is also a good potential to further extend
the graph topology based approach that we have used
here. It has been quite successful to show that topo-
logical properties alone could be quite informative
for discrimination between different cell types and
also for assigning biological meaning to specific com-
ponents on interaction graphs. At the same time
some useful information in the current graph repre-
sentation is absent, notably, an edge in an interac-
tion graph might represent an interaction that forms
a well-defined loop on a chromosome (if the distance
between interaction segments is limited and there are
no intermediate interactions between them), or it can
represent a long range interaction with a far less ob-
vious biological role. We have plans to further de-
velop the mathematical formalism for description of
interaction graphs in order to incorporate and analyse
such features, although additional studies are needed
to determine the best way to achieve this.
The research was supported by ERDF project
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BIOINFORMATICS 2019 - 10th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms