Blue Shift Assumption: Improving Illumination Estimation Accuracy for
Single Image from Unknown Source
Nikola Bani
c and Sven Lon
Image Processing Group, Department of Electronic Systems and Information Processing,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Chromaticity, Color Constancy, Blue, Illumination Estimation, White Balancing.
Color constancy methods for removing the influence of illumination on object colors are divided into statistics-
based and learning-based ones. The latter have low illumination estimation error, but only on images taken
with the same sensor and in similar conditions as the ones used during training. For an image taken with an
unknown sensor, a statistics-based method will often give higher accuracy than an untrained or specifically
trained learning-based method because of its simpler assumptions not bounded to any specific sensor. The
accuracy of a statistics-based method also depends on its parameter values, but for an image from an unknown
source these values can be tuned only blindly. In this paper the blue shift assumption is proposed, which acts
as a heuristic for choosing the optimal parameter values in such cases. It is based on real-world illumination
statistics coupled with the results of a subjective user study and its application outperforms blind tuning in
terms of accuracy. The source code is available at constancy/.
Color constancy enables the human visual system to
recognize object colors even under various illumina-
tion (Ebner, 2007). Digital cameras also implement
some form of computational color constancy (Kim
et al., 2012). It first estimates the scene illumina-
tion and then it corrects the colors through chromatic
adaptation (Gijsenij et al., 2011). The image forma-
tion model commonly used for illumination estima-
tion and written under Lambertian assumption is (Gi-
jsenij et al., 2011)
(x) =
I(λ, x)R(λ, x)ρ
(λ)dλ (1)
where c {R, G, B} is a color channel of the image
f, x is a given image pixel, λ is the wavelength of the
light, ω is the visible spectrum, I(λ, x) is the spec-
tral distribution of the light source, R(λ, x) is the sur-
face reflectance, and ρ
(λ) is the camera sensitivity
of color channel c. Removing x from I(λ, x) by as-
suming uniform illumination simplifies the problem
so that observed light source is then
e =
I(λ)ρ(λ)dλ. (2)
A successful chromatic adaptation requires only
the direction of e (Barnard et al., 2002). How-
ever, since both I(λ) and ρ(λ) are unknown and
only f is given, calculating e is an ill-posed prob-
lem, which is solved by introducing various as-
sumptions. Over time this gave rise to two main
groups of illumiantion estimation methods. In the
first group are low-level statistics-based methods such
as White-patch (Land, 1977; Funt and Shi, 2010)
and its improvements (Bani
c and Lon
c, 2013;
c and Lon
c, 2014a; Bani
c and Lon
2014b), Gray-world (Buchsbaum, 1980), Shades-of-
Gray (Finlayson and Trezzi, 2004), Grey-Edge (1st
and 2nd order) (Van De Weijer et al., 2007). The sec-
ond group consists of learning-based methods such
as gamut mapping (Finlayson et al., 2006), nat-
ural image statistics (Gijsenij and Gevers, 2007),
spatio-spectral learning (Chakrabarti et al., 2012),
simplifying the illumination solution space in vari-
ous ways (Bani
c and Lon
c, 2015a; Bani
c and
c, 2015b; Bani
c and Lon
c, 2015b; Bani
and Lon
c, 2017), using color/edge moments (Fin-
layson, 2013), regression trees with simple features
from color distribution statistics (Cheng et al., 2015),
spatial localization (Barron, 2015; Barron and Tsai,
2017), using various convolutional neural network ar-
chitectures (Bianco et al., 2015; Shi et al., 2016; Hu
et al., 2017; Qiu et al., 2018).
c, N. and Lon
c, S.
Blue Shift Assumption: Improving Illumination Estimation Accuracy for Single Image from Unknown Source.
DOI: 10.5220/0007394101910197
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2019), pages 191-197
ISBN: 978-989-758-354-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The most recent learning-based methods outper-
form the statistics-based ones by far and in some cases
the estimation error can only be attributed to violation
of uniform illumination assumption or wrong ground-
truth illumination (Zakizadeh et al., 2015). Neverthe-
less, learning-based methods work so accurately only
for images taken with the same sensor and in similar
conditions as the ones used in the training dataset. For
images taken with another sensor they will usually fail
because different sensor characteristics described by
ρ(λ) were present during image formation (Bani
c and
c, 2017). Thus, for a single image in the wild
from an unknown source learning-based methods will
usually not be useful. In cases like this statistics-
based methods will often be more accurate because
of their simpler assumptions not bounded to any spe-
cific sensor. The accuracy of statistics-based methods
also depends on their parameter values, but for a sin-
gle image from an unknown source these values can
be tuned only blindly. In this paper the blue shift as-
sumption is proposed, which acts as a heuristic for
choosing the optimal parameter values in such cases.
It is based on real-world illumination statistics cou-
pled with the results of a subjective user study and it
is more accurate then blind tuning.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 gives
the motivation for making a new assumption, in Sec-
tion 3 the so called blue shift assumption is proposed,
Section 4 contains the experimental results, and Sec-
tion 5 concludes the paper.
2.1 Real-world Observations
As mentioned in the introduction, assumptions are
needed to handle the illumination estimation prob-
lem. While learning-based methods try to extract ad-
ditional information about images to obtain more ac-
curate illumination estimations, such learning is not
possible when only a single image from an unknown
source is given and in such cases statistics based
methods should be preferred. Most of these methods
also have parameters whose values affect the accu-
racy, but without having any other images from the
same source, it is hard to automatically tell which
parameter values will give the most accurate result.
One of the solutions is to look for additional proper-
ties that are usually encountered in natural images. If
the basic statistics of illuminations that influence nat-
ural images are observed, some general patterns can
be observed. For example, by looking at the red chro-
maticities of systematically measured real-world illu-
mination colors as shown in Fig. 1, it can be seen that
the majority of them is centered around lower values.
From theoretical aspect this could mean that the real-
world illumination or at least the illumination in im-
ages of scenes mostly taken by people tends to have
lower red chromaticity values i.e. higher blue chro-
maticity values because of the strong linear connec-
tion between the two (Bani
c and Lon
c, 2015a).
The root cause for this asymmetry can be found in
the fact that most of images are taken in outdoor con-
ditions. For example, in the GreyBall dataset (Ciurea
and Funt, 2003) that contains 11346 images roughly
57% of them were taken outdoor, for the eight NUS
datasets (Cheng et al., 2014) this amounts to roughly
74%, while for RAISE, the challenging real-world
image dataset (Dang-Nguyen et al., 2015), this goes
over 85%. Namely, in outdoor conditions the most
common two illumination sources are the sun and the
light scattered across the sky with the latter one hav-
ing more blue chromaticity and less red chromaticity
almost by definition. In practice this means that the
scene illumination of taken images will generally tend
to be shifted more to the blue.
Figure 1: The red chromaticity distribution of the ground-
truth illuminations from the GreyBall dataset (Ciurea and
Funt, 2003).
2.2 Numerical Observations
Since illumination estimations of statistics-based
methods appear ”to correlate roughly with the ac-
tual illuminant” (Finlayson, 2013) i.e. ”they oc-
cupy roughly the same region in the chromatic-
ity plane” (Bani
c and Lon
c, 2017), this further
means that this empirical information could be ap-
plied to illumination estimations. For example, when
a statistics-based method produces different results
for various parameter values and it has to be decided
which one to select as the final one without having any
other information, the ones shifted more to the blue
should on average probably be preferred. To check to
what degree illumination estimations correlate to the
actual ground-truth illumination with respect to the
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
being shifted more or less to the blue, it is enough to
perform simple counting of illumination estimations
given by chosen methods where the red chromatic-
ity is less than the red chromaticity of the ground-
truth. Probably the best known statistics-based meth-
ods with at least one parameter are Shades-of-Gray,
General Gray-World, 1st-order Gray-Edge, and 2nd-
order Gray-Edge. All of these methods have the
Minkowski norm p parameter, while all but Shades-
of-Gray additionally have the σ parameter for Gaus-
sian smoothing. For the purpose of counting the pa-
rameter values were constrained to p {1, . . . , 10}
and σ {1, 2, 3}. If for all combinations of these pa-
rameter values every of the mentioned methods is ap-
plied to each image in the Cube dataset (Bani
c and
c, 2017), eight NUS datasets (Cheng et al.,
2014), and the GreyBall dataset (Ciurea and Funt,
2003), the percentages of the illumination estimations
whose red chromaticity is less than the red chromatic-
ity of the ground-truth illumination for a given image
are given in Table 1. It can be seen that across meth-
ods and datasets in most cases illumination estima-
tions are on average shifted too much to the red.
3.1 Statement
The previous section boils down to the following two
observations: 1) real-world images are taken under il-
lumination that is on average shifted more to the blue,
and 2) most commonly used statistics-based illumina-
tion estimation methods give illumination estimations
that are on average shifted more to the red.
Based on these two observations, the so called
blue shift assumption can be proposed: among sev-
eral candidate illumination estimations for a given
image, the ones with the lower red chromaticity are
more accurate. It has to be stressed again that this
is only an assumption like e.g. the Gray-World as-
sumption that assumes the average scene reflectance
to be achromatic. Such and similar assumptions are
often violated, but as as explained in the introduction,
they are still required because of the ill-posed nature
of the illumination estimation problem. The blue shift
assumption is applied to existing illumination estima-
tions, which means that it can be used only in com-
bination with other assumptions used by the methods
that initially created these illumination estimations.
3.2 Application
The simplest application of the proposed blue shift
assumption to a set of illumination estimations would
be to choose the one with the lowest red chromatic-
ity. However, empirically it has been found out that
it is better to take the illumination estimation with
the second lowest red chromaticity. This founding
can be atrributed to the fact that the lowest red chro-
maticity has a higher probability of being an outlier
and should therefore be avoided. Additionally, when
inspecting cases where there was no significant out-
lying, the difference between the lowest and second
lowest red chromaticity was not found to be signifi-
cantly high. All this justifies taking the second low-
est red chromaticity in order to avoid potential out-
liers. The formal notation of the described procedure
is given in Algorithm 1.
Algorithm 1: Blue shift assumption.
Input: estimation chromaticities E =
, . . . , e
Output: assumed optimal illumination estima-
tion e
1: r = min
smallest red chromaticity
2: m = argmin
|r < e
} index of second
3: e
3.3 Subjective Error Assessment
When the application of the blue shift assumption
mistakenly increases the angular error, the resulting
chromatically adapted image will by definition tend
to be subjectively warmer than an average image with
the same illumination estimation error. This is be-
cause the red component will be reduced, which in
turn will result in less reduction of the redish illumi-
nation influence and thus subjectively warmer images.
A recent user study has shown ”that when the illumi-
nations are distinct, there is a preference for the out-
door illumination to be corrected resulting in warmer
final result” (Cheng et al., 2016). In other words
even if the application of the blue shift assumption
increases the error, subjectively it is still more accept-
able than a colder result with the same angular error as
can be seen in Figure 2. However, as can be predicted
by the results shown in Table 1, a more usual effect of
the blue shift assumption application will be to choose
the illumination estimation that is less shifted to the
blue than other illumination estimations produced by
a given method for various parameter values.
Blue Shift Assumption: Improving Illumination Estimation Accuracy for Single Image from Unknown Source
Table 1: Percentages of the illumination estimations whose red chromaticity is less than the red chromaticity of the ground-
truth illumination.
Cube dataset NUS datasets GreyBall dataset
Shades-of-Gray 27% 38.76% 35.38%
General Gray-World 29.99% 44.48% 34.13%
1st-order Gray-Edge 34.76% 38% 50.32%
2nd-order Gray-Edge 32.86% 34.24% 50.72%
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2: The effect of red and blue illumination shift-
ing based on the application of the blue shift assumption
to the results of the Shades-of-Gray method (Finlayson
and Trezzi, 2004) to one of the images from the NUS
datasets (Cheng et al., 2014): (a) chromatic adaptation with
the result of application of the blue shift assumption and
an angular error of 11.56
, (b) chromatic adaptation with
ground-truth illumination, and c) chromatic adaptation with
the illumination of the same angular error of 11.56
as in
a), but with the opposite i.e. red shifting.
4.1 Experimental Setup
The validity of the blue shift assumption was tested on
the Cube dataset (Bani
c and Lon
c, 2017) and eight
linear NUS datasets (Cheng et al., 2014) because they
all have linear images in accordance with Eq. 1. The
ColorChecker dataset was not used because it has
been shown on several occasions (Lynch et al., 2013;
Finlayson et al., 2017) that it has a public record of
biased and wrong usage. Additionally, the GreyBall
dataset has also not been used for two reasons. The
first one is that it contains non-linear images. The
second reasons is that it was used to observe the regu-
larity that serves as the basis for the blue shift assump-
tion, so it may be biased to use it for testing the va-
lidity of the assumptions. Among various estimation
accuracy measures (Gijsenij et al., 2009; Finlayson
and Zakizadeh, 2014; Bani
c and Lon
c, 2015a) the
most commonly used one is the angle between the il-
lumination estimation vector and the ground-truth il-
lumination i.e. the angular error. When describing
the angular errors on a dataset by a single statistic,
the median angular error is considered to be the best
choice (Hordley and Finlayson, 2004) due to the prop-
erties of angular error distribution.
4.2 Baseline Methods
The blue shift assumption is supposed to be used in
cases when there is only a single image available i.e.
when there are no other training images. In such
circumstances practically no learning-based method
can be either trained or used. As for the statistics-
based methods, their parameter values can also not be
checked on other images to see which ones should
be preferred. A simple baseline method for a sin-
gle image in this case is to simply average the results
obtained for various parameter values without giving
preference to any of them. It is also interesting to see
what errors are produced by ideally fixed parameter
values for a given dataset. While this is definitely un-
fair because of the advantage of the knowledge of the
whole dataset, for comparison purposes it is useful to
see how far or close the from such errors is the appli-
cation of the blue shift assumption.
Figure 3: Combining the results of the Shades-of-Gray
method on NUS datasets for various upper limits on p.
4.3 Accuracy
The tested statistics-based methods with at least
one parameter were as earlier Shades-of-Gray, Gen-
eral Gray-World, 1st-order Gray-Edge, and 2nd-order
Gray-Edge. The parameter values were also con-
strained in the same way. Table 2 shows the angu-
lar errors obtained by the baseline methods and the
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 2: Combined angular errors on the linear images of the Cube dataset (Bani
c and Lon
c, 2017) and eight NUS
datasets (Cheng et al., 2014) (lower is better). The used format is the same as in (Barron and Tsai, 2017).
Cube dataset NUS datasets
Mean Med. Tri.
Avg. Mean Med. Tri.
Shades-of-Gray (Finlayson and Trezzi, 2004)
Averaged baseline 2.65 1.91 2.07 0.42 6.18 1.94 3.65 2.95 3.16 0.95 7.46 3.00
Ideally fixed
2.55 1.72 1.90 0.38 6.14 1.81 3.44 2.61 2.78 0.83 7.42 2.74
Blue shift assumption 2.18 1.51 1.66 0.36 5.16 1.59 3.82 2.73 2.92 0.91 8.67 2.99
General Gray-World (Barnard et al., 2002)
Averaged baseline 2.60 1.75 1.93 0.39 6.22 1.84 3.16 2.35 2.53 0.70 6.90 2.47
Ideally fixed
2.47 1.56 1.77 0.37 6.15 1.73 3.28 2.43 2.58 0.70 7.34 2.53
Blue shift assumption 2.15 1.44 1.59 0.35 5.20 1.55 3.40 2.58 2.71 0.81 7.48 2.70
1st-order Gray-Edge (Van De Weijer et al., 2007)
Averaged baseline 2.43 1.63 1.83 0.49 5.72 1.82 3.38 2.55 2.74 0.89 7.26 2.74
Ideally fixed
2.40 1.52 1.76 0.45 5.78 1.76 3.07 2.11 2.33 0.70 7.05 2.37
Blue shift assumption 2.07 1.43 1.59 0.49 4.68 1.61 3.44 2.42 2.60 0.84 7.84 2.70
2nd-order Gray-Edge (Van De Weijer et al., 2007)
Averaged baseline 2.70 1.93 2.12 0.74 5.97 2.18 3.83 3.00 3.18 1.17 7.90 3.20
Ideally fixed
2.43 1.53 1.77 0.46 5.83 1.77 3.11 2.28 2.42 0.78 6.91 2.47
Blue shift assumption 2.25 1.68 1.82 0.53 4.90 1.78 3.88 2.63 2.84 0.92 9.03 3.00
blue shift assumption on linear images of the Cube
dataset and eight NUS datasets. In all but one case the
blue shift assumption leads to higher accuracy than
the simple averaged baseline method. As for the ide-
ally fixed parameters, on NUS datasets they always
give lower errors and on the Cube dataset only once.
An additional property of the blue shift assumption is
that it is more stable than the simple averaged baseline
method. Namely, as the number of possible parameter
values increases, the accuracy of the averaged result
tends to decrease, while the one of the blue shift as-
sumption remains much more stable. In Fig. 3 this is
shown for the results of applying the Shades-of-Gray
method to the NUS datasets. There is another impor-
tant thing to be observed in Table 2, namely the fact
that for supposedly more accurate methods the blue
shift assumption also results in higher estimation ac-
curacy. For example in terms of median angular er-
ror on both the Cube and the NUS datasets the blue
shift assumption gives higher accuracy for 1st-order
Gray-Edge than for General Gray-World and it also
gives higher accuracy for General Gray-World than
for Shades-of-Gray.
When the blue shift assumption is applied to non-
linear images, the positive effect is visible to a lesser
extent as can be seen on the results for the non-linear
images of the GreyBall dataset (Ciurea and Funt,
2003) shown in Table 3. Here the blue shift assump-
tion leads to higher accuracy than the simple averaged
baseline method in half of the cases. The main dif-
ference between these images and the images from
the Cube and NUS datasets is that the images in the
GreyBall dataset are non-linear, which practically al-
ways leads to higher errors in illumination estimation
accuracy for a given method (Gijsenij et al., 2011; Gi-
jsenij et al., 2018). This shows how increased estima-
tion errors also lead to inefficiency of the blue shift
assumption. Something similar could also have been
observed in Table 2 for linear images where the blue
shift assumption was shown to be less efficient when
applied to results of less accurate methods.
4.4 Discussion
The experimental results clearly show the benefits of
the blue shift assumption over the simple averaged
baseline method. In addition to being more accurate,
this assumption is also more stable when the number
of illumination estimations to be combined changes.
The blue shift assumption failed to outperform the
averaged baseline only for the General Gray-World
method on the NUS datasets. It is also interesting to
note that in many cases the blue shift assumption out-
performs the results obtained by using ideally fixed
parameters, which shows the benefits of the assump-
tion’s dynamical parameter values adjustment. The
cases for which the blue shift assumption fails are the
ones where all underlying illumination estimations
are already erroneously shifted to the blue or where
they are all very close to the ground-truth illumina-
tion. Nevertheless, as explained previously in more
detail in Section 3.3, the resulting errors are relatively
Blue Shift Assumption: Improving Illumination Estimation Accuracy for Single Image from Unknown Source
Table 3: Angular errors on the non-linear images of the GreyBall dataset (Ciurea and Funt, 2003) (lower is better). The used
format is the same as in (Barron and Tsai, 2017).
Algorithm Mean Med. Tri.
Shades-of-Gray (Finlayson and Trezzi, 2004)
Averaged baseline 6.23 5.37 5.58 1.74 12.20 5.25
Ideally fixed parameters 6.11 5.28 5.48 1.75 11.88 5.17
Blue shift assumption 6.29 5.40 5.62 1.72 12.35 5.27
General Gray-World (Barnard et al., 2002)
Averaged baseline 6.50 5.58 5.81 1.78 12.76 5.44
Ideally fixed parameters 6.24 5.37 5.60 1.76 12.16 5.26
Blue shift assumption 6.49 5.51 5.79 1.73 12.83 5.40
1st-order Gray-Edge (Van De Weijer et al., 2007)
Averaged baseline 6.50 5.58 5.81 1.78 12.76 5.44
Ideally fixed parameters 6.24 5.37 5.60 1.76 12.16 5.26
Blue shift assumption 6.49 5.51 5.79 1.73 12.83 5.40
2nd-order Gray-Edge (Van De Weijer et al., 2007)
Averaged baseline 6.82 5.15 5.71 1.43 14.73 5.31
Ideally fixed parameters 6.10 4.85 5.28 1.64 12.42 5.02
Blue shift assumption 7.88 5.80 6.49 1.51 17.54 6.01
The so called blue shift assumption has been proposed
to increase the accuracy of statistics-based methods
for the case when there is only one image given from
an unknown sensor. It was experimentally shown
to outperform the simple averaging baseline method
when no preference is given to any of the parameter
values of a chosen statistics-based method. The re-
sults of a user study can additionally be used to show
that even in failure cases the blue shift assumption
produces results that are subjectively more acceptable
than average failure cases. In future some better out-
lier removal strategies in the blue shift assumption
will be researched to further increase the accuracy.
Another direction will be to look for some other sim-
ilar properties that can be used when only on a single
image is given.
This work has been supported by the Croatian Science
Foundation under Project IP-06-2016-2092.
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