tion 2.2 are such building blocks. They can be derived
from the identified assistance functions.
With reference to the jungle navigation system,
we have identified that there are several incomplete
maps of the world, which are not yet ready to serve
as an input for the path-finding-algorithms. As a
consequence, we suggest consolidating the different
types of objects on maps (i. e. the building blocks of
world maps) as a common vocabulary for map cre-
ation. Based on this vocabulary, it will be possible
for domain experts to create a consistent view of the
world as input for automated path-finding-algorithms.
This paper investigated existing standards for assis-
tance systems in the context of HSHs, which have the
potential of facilitating precise health provisioning in
the future. Since the design of such systems is com-
plex, model-driven design automation was discussed
as a promising approach to cope with the great num-
ber of possible components to select as well as the
interoperability and customization requirements.
To enable such an automated design approach
based on formalized functional models, a common
vocabulary and categorization of assistance functions
were proposed. It was identified that there is no single
standard for specifying such a common vocabulary of
functions, resulting in the need to align with standards
of adjunct domains and to identify modular, reusable
building blocks of assistance systems.
These open research topics need to be addressed in
order to apply automated design approaches to HSHs
and overcome the design issues hampering a success-
ful application of assistive technology for improving
quality of care.
The work for this paper was funded by the European
Social Fund and the Free State of Saxony (Grant no.
100310385). The authors would like to particularly
thank Dr. Hannes Schlieter for the encouragement to
investigate this topic. We would also like to offer spe-
cial thanks to Lena Otto and Tuan Linh Mai as well as
the junior research group Care4Saxony for their valu-
able feedback on the manuscript.
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HEALTHINF 2019 - 12th International Conference on Health Informatics