enhanced by the proposed solutions.
Regarding these results, the assumption that the over-
all performance of the participants is improved when
the augmentation modalities are activated is partially
validated. In other words, the augmentation modali-
ties did not induce any overload situation (i.e. exces-
sive workload, and lower performance), but although
the workload was higher in Multiple RT context, it
did not negatively affect the performance. This study
is a first step and other ones have to be performed in
a more targeted way to understand the single contri-
butions of the different multimodal augmentations in
RT context.
This work was co-financed by the European Commis-
sion by Horizon2020 project Sesar-06-2015 the em-
bodied reMOte Tower, MOTO, GA n. 699379. We
would like to thank all the air traffic controllers who
took part in this experiment as well as all the people
involved in the MOTO project.
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HUCAPP 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications