3D Cylinder Pose Estimation by Maximization of Binary Masks
Similarity: A simulation Study for Multispectral Endoscopy Image
O. Zenteno, S. Treuillet and Y. Lucas
PRISME, Univ. d’Orl
eans, F-45072 Orl
eans, France
Multispectral Endoscopy, Image Registration, Optical Biopsy.
In this paper we address the problem of simultaneous pose estimation for multi-modal registration of images
captured using a fiberscope (multispectral) inserted through the instrument channel of a commercial endoscope
(RGB). We developed a virtual frame using the homography-derived extrinsics parameters using a chessboard
pattern to estimate the initial pose of both cameras and simulate two types of fiberscope movements (i.e, inser-
tion and precession). The fiberscope pose is calculated by the maximization of similarity measures between
the 2D projection of the simulated fiberscope and the fiberscope tip segmentation from the endoscopic images.
We used the virtual frame to generate sets of synthetic fiberscope data at two different poses and compared
them after the maximization of similarity. The performance was assessed by measuring the reprojection error
of the control points for each pair of images and the pose absolute error in a sequential movement mimicking
scenario. The mean reprojection error was 0.38 ± 0.5 pixels and absolute error in the tracking scenario was
0.05 ± 0.07 mm.
Gastrointestinal complications are usually produced
by a bacterial pathogen called Helicobacter pylori
(Hp). About 50% of the world’s population is infected
with Hp but most individuals remain asymptomatic
until developing clinical disease. The primary clinical
manifestations of the infection are chronic inflamma-
tion which produce cellular alterations of the gastric
mucosa (degeneration and infiltration) that can lead to
peptic ulcers and malignous complication.
Current early detection capabilities are primarily
based on gastro-endoscopic exploration under seda-
tion or anesthesia during which the clinician may per-
form a biopsy for further histopathological examina-
tion if needed. Some endoscopic systems propose
alternative spectral tools for helping gastric screen-
ing by the use of optical biopsies. Typical examples
are Fuji Intelligent Chromo Endoscopy (FICE), pro-
posed by Fuji and Narrow Band Imaging (NBI), pro-
posed by Olympus (Song et al., 2008). These techni-
ques have shown the benefits of using multiple wave-
lengths to improve the visibility of blood vessels and
other important features. However, they are limited
in the number of wavelengths processed. We believe
that using a larger number of bands in the visible and
near infrared (400-1000 nm) could improve characte-
rization of reflectance properties of the gastric mucosa
varying between healthy tissue and inflammatory or
malignant lesions.
For this purpose we developed a multispectral-
augmented endoscopic prototype illustrated on Figure
1. It is based on a Olympus (Tokyo, Japan) EVIS
EXERA III endoscopic system and a fiberscope (IT-
Concepts microflex m2.5-2500) is inserted into the
operators canal and connected to a multispectral ca-
mera. This allows simultaneous acquisition of white
light (WL) and a multispectral video (i.e., 41 spectral
bands in the range of 470 to 975 nm). This prototype
offers a familiar protocol for the clinician: he first
introduces the endoscope on the patient, then the fi-
berscope into the operator’s canal and performs the
simultaneous multi-modal exploration as with a con-
ventional endoscope. The multispectral probe works
as a localized optical biopsy for medical exploration
with a much smaller field of view.
There are several registration issues to overlay
both modalities (i.e., WL and multispectral): the two
images have different points of view, different reso-
lutions, different focal lengths and distortions. In ad-
dition, a conventional off-line static calibration using
a chessboard pattern can be used to estimate intrinsic
Zenteno, O., Treuillet, S. and Lucas, Y.
3D Cylinder Pose Estimation by Maximization of Binary Masks Similarity: A simulation Study for Multispectral Endoscopy Image Registration.
DOI: 10.5220/0007400808570864
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2019), pages 857-864
ISBN: 978-989-758-354-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved