images with multiple views, the effect of the proposed
MapReduce like processing becomes much bigger.
Secondly, the proposed model mainly utilizes two
trained models, YOLOv2 for tooth detection and
CNN for pocket depth estimation. These models are
independently trained on different set of images. We
will try to design an end-to-end model by changing
the current model’s layer composition. This end-to-
end model should be able to simultaneously train the
model instantaneously.
Thirdly, in addition to the oral images, additional
information such as X-ray images and blood test re-
sults should contribute to improving the estimation
accuracy. We will work on designing a model that
can handle a multimodal dataset.
In this paper, we proposed a MapReduce-like pocket
depth estimation model which performed paral-
lel pocket region extraction processing and multi-
directional information aggregation in a Mapping
phase and Reducing phase, respectively. Through the
experiments, we realize that there is not a strong rela-
tionship between pocket depth and the visual appear-
ance of the pocket. So, it is difficult to judge moder-
ate periodontitis with only oral images. However, we
show the feasibility of screening for finding patients
with severe periodontal disease. The proposed model
can be used for self-check at home as a tool with the
same quality of vision as the dentists.
We would like to thank Osaka University Dental Hos-
pital, for setting up the environment for our research
and the medical dataset for the experiments. This
work was supported by Social Smart Dental Hospi-
tal, a collaborative project between Osaka University
and NEC Corp.
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A MapReduce-like Deep Learning Model for the Depth Estimation of Periodontal Pockets