In this paper, we presented an accurate algorithm for
scene analysis and lane detection in an airport taxi-
way, based on an IPM transformation and a particle
filter. For the moment, the algorithm is based on a
straight lane model. For curved parts, as the lane mo-
del changes, we will need to explore new models, in
order to detect any type of lanes in the scene and give
a more detailed view to the pilots. Extra tuning of
the road size threshold based on the modelling of the
size decrease in curved parts would greatly increase
the lane detection.
By now, images used for our algorithm validation
are produced by a simulator. They are modelised at
daytime, with clear weather conditions. Our objective
is to generalize our algorithm to other weather con-
ditions such as night time, rainy or foggy days. To
achieve this, we plan to increase our dataset by com-
bining information from RGB camera and IR camera.
As the simulation tool can be tuned to match our ca-
mera, we can work on images similar to real ones.
Our future goal is to use the combination of lanes
and beacons, with the help of other scene elements
such as the tarmac limits and panels on the side of
the tarmac for example, to implement a line tracking
algorithm. This algorithm will enable us to perform
egomotion estimation. This information can then be
used in an object detection algorithm also based on
an IPM transformation, which goal is to detect ob-
jects combining the egomotion estimation and images
at time t and t −1.
For now, our algorithm is not optimized and is
launched on a basic computer, with a computation
time of few seconds for lines, beacons and tarmac de-
tection for one image. In the future, we plan to opti-
mize the code and implement it on a dedicated archi-
tecture including multi-cores CPU, GPU and FPGA.
We would like to thank the OKTAL-SE company for
providing a simulation tool which provides images,
close to real images, for testing the method.
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VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications