An MRF Optimisation Framework for Full 3D Helmholtz Stereopsis
Gianmarco Addari and Jean-Yves Guillemaut
Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH, U.K.
3D Reconstruction, Helmholtz Stereopsis, Markov Random Fields.
Accurate 3D modelling of real world objects is essential in many applications such as digital film production
and cultural heritage preservation. However, current modelling techniques rely on assumptions to constrain the
problem, effectively limiting the categories of scenes that can be reconstructed. A common assumption is that
the scene’s surface reflectance is Lambertian or known a priori. These constraints rarely hold true in practice
and result in inaccurate reconstructions. Helmholtz Stereopsis (HS) addresses this limitation by introducing a
reflectance agnostic modelling constraint, but prior work in this area has been predominantly limited to 2.5D
reconstruction, providing only a partial model of the scene. In contrast, this paper introduces the first Markov
Random Field (MRF) optimisation framework for full 3D HS. First, an initial reconstruction is obtained
by performing 2.5D MRF optimisation with visibility constraints from multiple viewpoints and fusing the
different outputs. Then, a refined 3D model is obtained through volumetric MRF optimisation using a tailored
Iterative Conditional Modes (ICM) algorithm. The proposed approach is evaluated with both synthetic and
real data. Results show that the proposed full 3D optimisation significantly increases both geometric and
normal accuracy, being able to achieve sub-millimetre precision. Furthermore, the approach is shown to be
robust to occlusions and noise.
Many industries such as film, gaming and cultural
heritage require the ability to accurately digitise real
world objects. Despite significant progress in 3D mo-
delling over the past decades, modelling scenes with
complex surface reflectance (e.g. glossy materials or
materials with spatially varying and anisotropic re-
flectance properties) remains an open problem. Ex-
isting modelling techniques usually make simplifying
assumptions on the scene’s Bidirectional Reflectance
Distribution Function (BRDF) which fail to capture
the complexity of natural scenes. For instance, multi-
view stereo reconstruction techniques rely on the as-
sumption that the scene is Lambertian or sufficiently
textured to be able to use photo-consistency to in-
fer image correspondences across views. Photometric
Stereo (PS) can handle more complex types of sur-
face reflectance, but requires prior knowledge of the
BRDF, which is very difficult to acquire in practice.
A solution to generalise 3D modelling to scenes
with complex reflectance has been proposed in the
form of Helmholtz Stereopsis (HS). The approach
utilises the principle of Helmholtz reciprocity to de-
rive a reconstruction methodology which is indepen-
dent of the scene’s surface reflectance. While very
promising results were demonstrated, previous for-
mulations of HS have been mostly limited to 2.5D
reconstruction (Zickler et al., 2002) (Roubtsova and
Guillemaut, 2018), thereby providing only a partial
scene reconstruction. Recently in (Delaunoy et al.,
2010), an approach was proposed to extend HS to the
3D domain, however, being based on gradient des-
cent, the approach is dependent on a good initiali-
sation to ensure convergence to the global optimum.
Overall, full 3D scene reconstruction using HS has re-
ceived limited consideration, with MRF formulations
limited to 2.5D scenarios.
This paper advances the state-of-the-art in model-
ling of scenes with arbitrary unknown surface reflec-
tance by proposing the first Markov Random Field
(MRF) formulation of HS for full 3D scene recon-
struction. The paper makes two key contributions in
this area. First, it introduces a novel pipeline for full
3D modelling via fusion of 2.5D surface reconstructi-
ons obtained from multiple view-points through MRF
optimisation. Second, it proposes a volumetric MRF
formulation of HS that permits direct optimisation of
the complete 3D model and can be used to refine the
previous estimate. Being based on an MRF formula-
tion, the approach is able to cope with coarse initiali-
sation and is robust to noise.
Addari, G. and Guillemaut, J.
An MRF Optimisation Framework for Full 3D Helmholtz Stereopsis.
DOI: 10.5220/0007407307250736
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2019), pages 725-736
ISBN: 978-989-758-354-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The most common approaches to 3D reconstruction
are Shape from Silhouettes (SfS), multi-view stereo
and PS.
SfS was proposed in (Laurentini, 1994) and con-
sists in using 2D silhouette data to reconstruct a Vi-
sual Hull (VH) of the object. Despite having re-
cently been improved upon in recent works (Liang
and Wong, 2010) (Nasrin and Jabbar, 2015), SfS suf-
fers from being unable to reconstruct concavities.
Classic binocular and multi-view stereo approa-
ches (Szeliski et al., 2008) (Seitz et al., 2006) allow
for more complex geometric reconstructions than SfS,
but are limited by the scene BRDF, which needs to be
Lambertian. As this is often not the case, assuming
the wrong BRDF can lead to incorrect reconstructi-
ons. Some more recent multi-view techniques (Nis-
hino, 2009) (Oxholm and Nishino, 2016) (Lombardi
and Nishino, 2016) attempt to jointly estimate the ge-
ometry and reflectance models of the scene by cal-
culating iteratively the scene shape from the current
estimated reflectance and vice versa, which ultima-
tely constrains each calculation to the accuracy with
which the other parameter was estimated.
Finally, PS (Woodham, 1980) consists in compu-
ting the normals of a scene given a set of inputs with
stationary point of view but varying lighting. Despite
the possibility of reconstructing non-Lambertian sce-
nes, in PS the BRDF needs to be known a priori.
State-of-the-art work includes (Vogiatzis et al., 2006),
where a shiny, textureless object is reconstructed
using shadows and varying illumination, under the
simplifying assumption of a Lambertian reflectance
model. In (Chandraker et al., 2013) image derivatives
are used to reconstruct surfaces with unknown BRDF,
albeit being limited to isotropic BRDFs. In (Goldman
et al., 2010) a generic form of BRDF is used to com-
pute shapes, each point on the surface is considered to
be a mixture of previously calculated BRDFs, howe-
ver this is limited to a maximum of two materials per
point. In (Han and Shen, 2015), PS is computed for
isotropic and anisotropic reflectance models by consi-
dering the following characteristics of the BRDF: the
diffuse component, the concentration of specularities
and the resulting shadows. Despite achieving great
results, the set-up in this paper is extremely complex
and a large number of different light directions are
needed to perform the surface reconstruction.
The use of Helmholtz reciprocity (Von Helmholtz
and Southall, 1924) for 3D reconstruction was first
proposed by Magda et al. in (Magda et al., 2001)
where the principle is used to recover the geometry
of scenes with arbitrary and anisotropic BRDF in a
Figure 1: Camera/light pair positioning in HS.
simplified scenario. The proposed technique was then
further developed into HS in (Zickler et al., 2002)
by utilising it to perform normal estimation as well.
In the classical HS formulation maximum likelihood
is used to determine the depth of each point in the
scene, while the normals are estimated using Singu-
lar Value Decomposition (SVD). No integration is
performed over the surface, resulting in discontinui-
ties and a noisy reconstruction. To enforce Helmholtz
reciprocity, a set-up similar to the one shown in Fi-
gure 1 needs to be used. Let us consider a camera and
an isotropic, unit-strength point light source, respecti-
vely positioned at O
and O
. For a given surface point
P, the irradiance measured at its projection in the left
image (i
) can be expressed as:
= f
, v
) ·
n · v
where f
indicates the BRDF at point P with incident
light direction v
and viewing direction v
, n is the
surface normal at P and
accounts for the light
falloff. If the light and camera are interchanged, a
corresponding equation for the irradiance of the pro-
jection of P in the right image (i
) is obtained where
, v
) = f
, v
), due to the Helmholtz reciprocity
constraint. By performing a substitution, the reflec-
tance term can be removed and the following equa-
tion, independent from the surface BRDF, is obtai-
· n = w · n = 0 (2)
Utilising multiple camera light pairs (at least
three) allows to obtain a matrix W where each row
is a w vector. By minimising the product W · n it is
possible to obtain an estimate of the normal at point
P. To do so the matrix is decomposed using SVD:
where Σ is a diagonal matrix and U and V are ortho-
gonal matrices. The last column of V gives an esti-
mate of the normal, while the non zero terms in the
diagonal matrix (σ
, σ
, σ
) can be used to compute a
quality measure of the normal.
In (Zickler et al., 2003) and (Tu and Mendonca,
2003) it is demonstrated that HS can be performed
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Pipeline overview.
with as low as a single pair of reciprocal images,
however the assumption of a C
continuous surface
is made, making it impossible to reconstruct surfa-
ces that present discontinuities. Further work include
(Guillemaut et al., 2004) where HS is applied to rough
and textured surfaces by integrating the image inten-
sities over small areas, (Janko et al., 2004) where it is
shown how performing radiometric scene calibration
allows for a vast improvement in the normal accuracy
calculated using HS, (Zickler, 2006) where geometric
and radiometric calibration are performed by exploi-
ting correspondences between the specular highlights
in the images and finally (Guillemaut et al., 2008)
where an alternative radiometric distance is proposed
to perform a maximum likelihood surface normal esti-
mation. All these methods are performed in 2.5D and
do not attempt to compute a globally optimal surface,
calculating instead an occupancy likelihood point by
In (Roubtsova and Guillemaut, 2017) coloured
lights are used to reconstruct dynamic scenes using
only three cameras and a Bayesian formulation is pro-
posed to perform a globally optimal reconstruction
of the scene, while in (Roubtsova and Guillemaut,
2018) the maximum a posteriori formulation is app-
lied to classic HS by enforcing consistency between
the points depth and the estimated normals. This al-
lows to obtain less noisy results, however the scope
of these works is still restricted to 2.5D surfaces and
has not been applied to full 3D scenes. Furthermore,
occlusions are not handled by this method, affecting
its performance and severely restricting the scope of
scenes that can be reconstructed.
HS was first applied in the 3D domain in (Wein-
mann et al., 2012), where it is used to complement
structured light consistency, which is unable to obtain
high frequency details on the reconstructed surface
and (Delaunoy et al., 2010), where a variational for-
mulation is presented to reconstruct a 3D mesh using
gradient descent optimisation. In Weinmann’s work
HS is only used as a refinement step on areas of the
surface where fine details are present and a very com-
plex set-up consisting of a light dome is used, which
makes this method extremely difficult to deploy and
constrained to a specific set of scenes. In Delaunoy’s
work, instead, the set-up is simply a turntable, a pair
of fixed lights and a fixed camera, which makes it ea-
sier to reproduce. However, because the optimisation
employed is based on gradient descent, global opti-
mality is not guaranteed and the method could get
trapped in local minima if a proper initialisation is not
In contrast, the proposed method performs multi-
ple 2.5D reconstructions from different view-points,
which are then fused together to obtain a full 3D mo-
del of the scene. This is followed by an MRF opti-
misation on the 3D reconstruction, which, compared
to gradient descent, is less reliant on having a good
initialisation and benefits from some optimality gua-
rantees depending on the choice of algorithm used to
optimise the energy function. During both steps self-
occlusions are taken into consideration by performing
an approximate visibility check.
In this section the pipeline used to perform the full
3D reconstruction is broken down, and each step is
detailed. As shown in Figure 2, the inputs to this met-
hod are calibrated Helmholtz reciprocal pairs of ima-
ges of the object and the silhouettes for each view.
The camera positions are arbitrary. The first step con-
sists in defining a voxel grid that contains the whole
object, and reconstructing its VH applying SfS to the
An MRF Optimisation Framework for Full 3D Helmholtz Stereopsis
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Simplified representation of labelling in the 2.5D (a) and 3D (b) methods.
The VH is then used to initialise the next step,
where a set of separate views of the object are recon-
structed using a visibility aware Bayesian formulation
of HS. The approach extends the method from (Roub-
tsova and Guillemaut, 2018) with the use of additio-
nal information on visibility provided by the VH to
select a subset of cameras for each view and point in-
dependently. Selecting camera visibility correctly is
a critical step since the cameras are not all placed on
a plane as in other 2.5D Helmholtz methods, but can
instead be placed anywhere in the 3D space surroun-
ding the object, depending on how the dataset was
collected. In the proposed approach, reconstruction
is performed from the six viewing directions defined
by the cardinal axes of the reference frame. These
define six orthographic virtual cameras and provide
sufficient coverage to reconstruct the complete scene.
To remove redundancies and possible inconsisten-
cies among the partial surfaces, they are fused to-
gether using Poisson surface reconstruction. The re-
sulting surface is then used to initialise the final step
of the reconstruction pipeline. In this final step, the
problem is defined as a volumetric MRF, where each
voxel corresponds to a node and the labelling defines
whether the node is outside, inside, or on the surface
of the reconstructed scene. A refined 3D model is
obtained by MRF optimisation using a tailored Itera-
tive Conditional Modes (ICM) algorithm.
During this step multiple 2.5D depth maps of the ob-
ject are computed from different directions using HS
and optimised using MRF. Each problem is formu-
lated on an orthographic grid where each node corre-
sponds to an image point in the reference frame of
a virtual camera aligned with the chosen direction.
Each node can be assigned a label which indicates
the depth at which the surface is located at the cor-
responding pixel as shown in Figure 3a. The set of
labels is l
, ..., l
, where l
indicates the point in the
grid closest to the virtual camera and l
the farthest point in the grid. Each node is assigned a
label to minimise the following energy function:
E(l) = (1 α)
), B(q, l
)) (4)
where α is a balancing parameter between the data
and smoothness terms, I is the 2-dimensional grid de-
fined by the virtual camera, D
)) is the data
term of the function, which corresponds to the Helm-
holtz saliency measured at 3D point B(p, l
), obtained
by back-projecting image point P at the depth corre-
sponding to label l
. N
indicates the neighbour-
hood of a node, which consists of the four pixels di-
rectly adjacent in the image and S
), B(q, l
is the smoothness term, and it corresponds to the nor-
mal consistency term calculated between 3D points
B(p, l
) and B(q, l
In this formulation the data term is computed
using the following equation:
(P) =
1, if |vis(P)| < min
, otherwise
where vis(P) indicates the set of reciprocal pairs of
cameras from which point P is visible, min
is a vari-
able set to enforce the minimum number of reciprocal
pairs of cameras that make a normal estimate reliable,
µ is assigned the value 0.2 ln(2) to replicate the same
weight used in (Roubtsova and Guillemaut, 2018) and
and σ
are two values from the diagonal matrix
obtained performing SVD on matrix W as shown in
Equation 3.
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 4: Points on the surface (P) are approximated to the
closest point on the VH (P’) before occlusions are taken into
consideration for visibility.
An important contribution to enable application to
complex 3D scenes is the introduction of the visibility
term in the formulation. The first criterion to deter-
mine visibility is to only consider the cameras whose
axis stands at an angle smaller than 80
with respect
to the virtual camera axis. Then occlusions are com-
puted by approximating each point’s visibility based
on the visibility of its closest point on the surface of
the VH. If an intersection is found between the VH
and the segment connecting the camera center to the
approximated point, the camera and its reciprocal are
considered to be occluded and therefore are not used
as shown in Figure 4.
The smoothness function used here is the distance
based DNprior (Roubtsova and Guillemaut, 2018),
which enforces a smooth surface that is consistent
with the normals obtained through HS. This term is
calculated as follows:
(P, Q) =
+ δ
), if δ
and δ
< t
, otherwise
where t is the maximum threshold for δ
. δ
is the
distance between point P and the projection of Q, per-
pendicular to its estimated normal, on the grid pixel
where P lies as illustrated in Figure 5a, and it is cal-
culated as follows:
PQ · n(Q)
n(Q) · C
where PQ is the vector connecting P and Q, n(Q) in-
dicates the estimated normal at point Q and C is the
virtual camera axis. Whenever δ
or δ
are grea-
ter than a threshold t dependent on the reconstruction
resolution, this term is truncated to t
in order to avoid
heavy penalties where a strong discontinuity is pre-
sent on the surface.
(a) (b)
Figure 5: Illustration of how S
(a) and S
(b) are com-
The energy function is then minimised using Tree
Reweighted Message Passing (TRW) (Kolmogorov,
2006) to obtain the depth maps from each viewing di-
rection. These are then fused together using Poisson
surface reconstruction (Kazhdan et al., 2006), and the
result is used to initialise the next step in the pipeline.
In this step the reconstruction is further optimised in
full 3D. This is done by enforcing coherence between
neighbouring points in 3D, which is not guaranteed
when fusing partial depth maps obtained from diffe-
rent points of view. A 3D orthographic grid is created
that encompasses the whole object, and each voxel is
assigned a node in a multi-labelled MRF graph. The
labels are the following: {I, O, L
, ..., L
}, where I
and O indicate respectively whether the voxel is in-
side or outside the reconstructed surface, while the
remaining labels are assigned when the node is on
the surface. More specifically, the surface labels
, ..., L
} characterise the position of the surface
point in the local reference frame of each voxel. In
this paper, surface labels are defined by regularly sam-
pling the interior of a voxel as shown in 3b, although
other sampling strategies could also be considered. In
this MRF formulation the following energy function
is minimised to optimise the surface:
E(L) = (1 β)
(v, L
(v, L
, w, L
) (8)
where β is a weight to balance the effects of the data
and smoothness terms, V is the 3D grid and N
the neighbourhood composed by the six voxels di-
rectly adjacent to the current one. M(v, L
) indicates
the position of the surface point at node v when assig-
ned label L
. The data term is computed differently
depending on whether the point is inside, outside or
An MRF Optimisation Framework for Full 3D Helmholtz Stereopsis
on the surface:
(v, L
) =
0, L
{I, O}
, otherwise
Similarly to the data term, the way the smoothness
term is computed depends on the label combination of
the two nodes:
(v, L
, w, L
) =
Γ(M(v, L
), M(w, L
)), L
, L
, . . . , L
, L
, L
{I, O}, L
6= L
0, otherwise
Γ(V, W) =
+ γ
) (11)
indicates the normal consistency in the 3D optimisa-
tion between points V and W. γ
is calculated as
= |VW · n(W)| (12)
where VW is the vector connecting points V and W,
while n(W) indicates the unit normal estimated via
HS at point W. This term consists of the distance be-
tween W and the plane perpendicular to n(V) inter-
secting point V. In Figure 5b an illustration of how
this term is calculated is shown. The term is here
used to constrain inside and outside voxels to be se-
parated by surface voxels, thus avoiding an empty so-
lution where all nodes are either labelled to be inside
or outside. The normal consistency term does not re-
quire truncation in the 3D domain.
Once the graph is initialised, the optimisation is
performed using a tailored version of ICM (Besag,
1986). ICM is an exhaustive search algorithm that ite-
rates through an MRF graph and changes one variable
at a time by trying to optimise its local neighbourhood
cost. In its classic formulation, ICM would not work
in this scenario because of the constraint on the sur-
face. Namely, changing the label of a surface node to
be either outside or inside would result in a hole on
the surface, which is currently prevented by having
an infinite weight when outside and inside voxels are
neighbours. However, by changing two neighbouring
variables at a time, and considering all neighbouring
nodes to at least one of the two variables, the surface
can be shifted close to its optimal solution through
multiple iterations. Only tuples where one node is on
the current surface of the reconstruction are conside-
red, and for each tuple and their neighbours, all possi-
ble configurations are considered, selecting the solu-
tion with the lowest energy. Since the problem is ini-
tialised close to the actual surface, this step typically
converges after a small number of iterations. Finally,
the nodes labelled to be on the surface are extracted
together with their Helmholtz estimated normals and
are integrated using Poisson surface reconstruction to
obtain a mesh representation.
In this section a brief description of the datasets used
to perform the evaluation is given, followed by an
analysis on the results obtained. The methods used
will hereby be denoted as follows: ‘VH’ for the recon-
struction obtained using SfS, ‘2.5D HS’ for the 2.5D
reconstructions obtained using the approach descri-
bed in Section 4, ‘Fused 2.5D HS’ for the fusion of
the 2.5D surfaces obtained using ‘2.5D HS’ and ‘3D
HS’ for the proposed method that performs MRF op-
timisation on the full 3D surface. Where available,
the ground truth is labelled ‘GT’.
6.1 Dataset
To test the methodology, both synthetic and real sce-
nes were used. It is important to note that, when gene-
rating synthetic scenes, commonly used rendering pi-
pelines often break Helmholtz reciprocity, providing
images that are not physically plausible. To address
this, synthetic images were rendered using the mo-
dified Phong reflectance model (Lewis, 1994), which
combines a diffuse and a specular part. In Figure 6
two reciprocal pairs of images are shown for the Stan-
ford Bunny (Turk and Levoy, 1994) and Armadillo
scenes (Krishnamurthy and Levoy, 1996). These sce-
nes were chosen because they both present elongated
thin structures, namely the ears of the bunny and the
limbs and claws of the armadillo; strong specularities
with no textures; and numerous self occlusions. The
synthetic scenes were also distorted to measure the ro-
bustness of the methodology against noisy input data.
In Figure 7 a close up of the distorted images used for
the experiments are shown.
Each scene is composed of 40 reciprocal pairs of
images captured from a set of viewpoints obtained
sampling a sphere around the object. The images are
rendered at a resolution of 1920 × 1080. Using synt-
hetic scenes allows for a quantitative evaluation of
the methodology, by comparing the results obtained
against the ground truth data.
The real dataset from (Delaunoy et al., 2010) is
composed of two scenes called Dragon and Fish. Two
reciprocal pairs of images are shown in Figure 8.
These two datasets are challenging due to the strong
specularities present on the surface of ‘Fish’ and the
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) (b)
Figure 6: Two reciprocal pairs from the synthetic dataset: ‘Bunny’ (a) and ‘Armadillo’ (b).
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 7: Images with added input noise (white noise with normalised standard deviation 0.001 (a), 0.005 (b), 0.010 (c), 0.020
(a) (b)
Figure 8: Two reciprocal pairs from the real dataset: ‘Dragon’ (a) and ‘Fish’ (b).
numerous self occlusions in ‘Dragon’. It must be no-
ted that no ground truth data or laser scan is available
for these datasets, and thus only a qualitative evalua-
tion could be performed. The resolution of the ima-
ges from these scenes is 1104 × 828 and they are all
from a single ring of cameras positioned on top of the
objects, which means that one side of the object is al-
ways completely occluded. This is relevant to show
how the reconstruction method used is able to deal
with a lack of data.
6.2 Results
6.2.1 Synthetic Scenes
In this section a comparison between ‘VH’, ’Fused
2.5D HS’ and ‘3D HS’ is performed on the synthetic
scenes to quantitatively assess the performance of the
proposed approach compared to the state-of-the-art
2.5D technique. It was decided to compare the pro-
posed methodology directly against ‘Fused 2.5D HS’
because ‘2.5D HS’ produces only partial reconstructi-
ons of the object using a limited number of views. The
parameters used to measure performance are accuracy
at 90% and completeness calculated at different thres-
holds depending on the scene examined. The thres-
holds are chosen depending on the VH accuracy, to
measure whether there are holes in the reconstructed
mesh or areas where the accuracy is significantly de-
In Figure 9 the results obtained from each met-
hod are shown. The results reported in this paper
were obtained using the following parameters: {α =
0.3, β = 0.4, t = 3 × r} where r is the edge length
of a pixel in the reference frame. Starting from the
left the initial VH is shown, followed by some of
the results obtained using ‘2.5D HS’. Being a view-
dependent approach, this method is limited to recon-
structing only parts of the surface which are directly
visible from the virtual camera. This produces ho-
les whenever a partial occlusion is found, as observed
in the lateral reconstructions of the arms in the Ar-
madillo’ scene. Furthermore, surfaces which are hea-
vily slanted with respect to the viewing direction will
result in gaps in the reconstructed model, as shown
in the ‘2.5D HS’ upper right result of the ‘Bunny’
scene. ‘Fused 2.5D HS’ allows to tackle these pro-
blems by fusing together different views, but is prone
to artefacts where non matching surfaces are united.
This is mitigated by the use of Poisson surface re-
construction, which tends to smooth these artefacts,
however some of them are still visible in the results.
An MRF Optimisation Framework for Full 3D Helmholtz Stereopsis
VH 2.5D HS Fused 2.5D HS 3D HS GT
Figure 9: Results from the ‘Armadillo’ and ‘Bunny’ scenes.
Figure 10: Heatmap showing the accuracy obtained by ‘Fused 2.5D HS’ and ‘3D HS’ when reconstructing the Armadillo’
Figure 11: Heatmap showing the accuracy obtained by ‘Fused 2.5D HS’ and ‘3D HS’ when reconstructing the ‘Bunny’ scene.
Finally, ‘3D HS’ is used to perform a full 3D optimi-
sation on top of the previous steps, correcting these
artefacts and improving the overall accuracy of the
mesh. The results from all the different techniques
can be qualitatively compared with the ground truth
in the same figure.
In Figure 10 and 11 heatmaps are used to highlight
some details of the results where the reconstruction
accuracy is improved by ‘3D HS’ with respect to ‘Fu-
sed 2.5D HS’. In particular, concavities with a strong
error are improved upon by using ‘3D HS’, some no-
table parts where this can be observed are the ears of
the animals in both scenes and the concavity at the
base of the ‘Bunny’ scene.
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 12: Graphs representing the results on the ‘Bunny’ and Armadillo’ scene, including accuracy, completeness and
normal accuracy.
Finally, in Figure 12 the performance of these
methods is objectively measured at different levels
of input noise in terms of accuracy at 90%, normal
accuracy at 90% and completeness. As shown in the
graphs, ‘3D HS’ achieves sub-millimetre accuracy in
both scenes, exceeding ‘Fused 2.5D HS’ performance
by a significant amount. In particular, in the Arma-
dillo’ scene, which is characterised by a high number
of self-occlusions, ‘3D HS’ obtains exceptional re-
sults when compared with ‘Fused 2.5D HS’. In terms
of completeness, both techniques are able to recon-
struct the scene properly, without any holes or parts
with significant loss of accuracy. In terms of normal
accuracy, ‘3D HS’ outperforms ‘Fused 2.5D HS’, and
in particular in the Armadillo’ scene, which presents
high frequency details where it is hard to obtain very
precise normals.
The geometric and normal accuracy performance
degrades linearly with the introduction of noise, still
maintaining good results when the input images are
distorted with strong Gaussian noise with a normali-
sed standard deviation of 0.02. This indicates that the
approach is robust to noise. In particular, the normal
accuracy does not vary significantly, showing how HS
normal estimation is robust to noise.
6.2.2 Real Scenes
Figure 13 shows the results obtained in the case of the
real scenes. These scene were reconstructed using a
very weak initialisation, as can be seen from the ‘VH’
An MRF Optimisation Framework for Full 3D Helmholtz Stereopsis
VH Fused 2.5D HS 3D HS Input Image
Figure 13: Results from the ‘Fish’ and ‘Dragon’ scenes.
results, due to a lack of precise silhouettes. Starting
from this coarse initialisation, the scene is first recon-
structed from multiple view points in ‘2.5D HS’, and
then the fused depth maps are optimised using ‘3D
HS’, leading to accurate models that are able to cap-
ture fine structural details including thin structures.
As can be observed from the results, the mesh de-
tails improve when performing MRF optimisation on
the whole volume, and several artefacts are corrected.
It is not possible to perform an objective evaluation
for these datasets as no ground truth data is availa-
ble. However these scenes were included to demon-
strate how the methodology is able to work under real
conditions. In the ‘Fish’ scene, ‘3D-HS’ is able to
obtain fine detail such as the scales despite the pre-
sence of strong specularities for this object. In the
‘Dragon’ scene thin structures are correctly recon-
structed despite the many self occlusions present in
the scene.
This paper introduced the first MRF framework for
full-3D reconstruction of scenes with unknown com-
plex surface reflectance. The approach proceeds in
two steps. First, multiple viewpoint-dependent re-
constructions are obtained using a visibility-aware
MRF formulation optimised using TRW. The ap-
proach uses a VH initialisation to approximate sur-
face visibility and selects the correct cameras to use
at each point. The 2.5D surfaces obtained are then
fused using Poisson surface reconstruction to obtain
an initial full-3D modelling of the scene. Finally, a
refined 3D model is obtained through optimisation
of a volumetric MRF enforcing Helmholtz recipro-
city and normal consistency between neighbouring
voxels, before a final mesh representation is extrac-
ted using Poisson surface reconstruction. Experimen-
tal results demonstrate that the proposed approach is
able to achieve sub-millimetre accuracy and signifi-
cantly outperforms existing 2.5D approaches. Furt-
hermore, the approach has been observed to be robust
to high levels of input noise.
Future work will focus on improving the accuracy
and efficiency of the approach. In the first stage of the
pipeline, viewpoint-dependent reconstruction could
be performed from the viewpoint of each camera
instead of using a fixed orthographic grid. This would
increase scene sampling and allow to take into ac-
count the distribution of camera viewpoints. Another
interesting avenue for future work would be to avoid
using Poisson surface reconstruction, which tends to
oversmooth the surface and lead to a loss of detail.
This could be achieved by implementing a tailored
meshing algorithm which exploits the volumetric re-
presentation and preserves normal information esti-
mated through HS. Finally, different MRF optimisa-
tion techniques could be investigated to improve re-
construction accuracy. Specific examples of techni-
ques that will be explored include the lazy flipper
(Andres et al., 2012), TRW (Kolmogorov, 2006) and
higher order cliques approaches (Ishikawa, 2014).
The authors would like to thank Dr Amael Delaunoy
for providing access to the ‘Fish’ and ‘Dragon’ data-
sets presented in (Delaunoy et al., 2010).
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