This paper presented and evaluated a fingerprint
image segmentation method. For each pixel, the al-
gorithm calculates the dominant direction within a gi-
ven neighborhood. By applying statistical measures,
it is possible to compute the strength of anisotropic
information. The proposed method also employed an
unsupervised clustering algorithm to define the inte-
rest regions. Followed by a set of morphological ope-
rations, the fingerprint contour can be extracted.
The validity of the proposed method is demon-
strated through a comparison against two other ap-
proaches available in the literature. No training or
prior information about thresholding level is neces-
sary, which makes the evaluation more independent.
The proposed method is suitable for different sensors.
Directions for future work include the evaluation
of the directional operator as a fingerprint image qua-
lity indicator. It could be integrated into a quality as-
sessment framework along with other features. In ad-
dition, an accurate estimation of fingerprint orienta-
tion image is essential in fingerprint classification and
this directional operator can also be used for this task.
The authors thank FAPESP (grant #2017/12646-3),
CNPq (grant #305169/2015-7) and CAPES for the fi-
nancial support.
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