Virtual Interactive Tablet to Support Vocational Training in Immersive
Pierre Gac
, Paul Richard
, Yann Papouin
, S
ebastien George
Emmanuelle Richard
e d’Angers, LARIS-EA 7315, 49000, Angers, France
DEC Industrie, 3 rue du Champ du Verger, 72200, ALLONNES, France
Le Mans Universit
e, LIUM-EA 4023, 72085, Le Mans, Cedex 9, France
Virtual Reality, Diegetic Interface, Vocational Training, Learning, Virtual Agent, Virtual Helper.
This paper presents a tool designed to assist a virtual reality learner in a vocational training context. The
benefits of VR are spreading outside the video-games and research field, leading the vocational education
institutions to consider using this technology for training purposes. By simulating emblematic professional
situations, teachers can train students in good conditions regarding safety, logistics and financial resources.
In the French vocational training system, VR is just at its beginnings and the lack of experiments with this
training context highlighted the need for new tools allowing teachers to use VR with their students. The
work presented in this paper is part of a global project aiming to create, design and assess new VR tools and
methodologies for this specific context. In order to guide, inform and assist the user, we are presenting a
generic tool that can ease VR sessions by proposing embedded tools within easy reach of the immersed user,
such as a camera, an inventory, a printer or stock management. This tool is a virtual tablet that can be grabbed
by the immersed user allowing her/him to interact efficiently with the virtual environment.
The emergence of commercial headsets such as HTC
, Oculus RIFT
or smartphone-based solu-
tions, highlights the possibilities of using VR tech-
nology for a large public. Nowadays, nearly everyone
has heard about VR. The original target of commer-
cial VR devices are video games, that is why when
people think about VR, they are instantly picturing
someone playing games with a headset and wireless
controllers. Since the arrival of the new line of com-
mercial headsets, the global perception of VR has
been evolving leading to new opportunities of VR
usage in other fields such as education. In our re-
search projects, we are using VR devices for voca-
tional training. Using modern VR on this field is
something relatively new, both teachers and devel-
opers suffer from the lack of perspective about VR
applied for vocational training, which implies a new
development approach in order to create an effective
learning environment.
Vocational training is a very specific field in edu-
cation with different ways and practical applications
across the world. That is why some studies about VR
and virtual learning cannot be applied to French voca-
tional education. Since a few years, the French gov-
ernment is pushing forward digital transition in edu-
cation, and VR is now considered as a new training
support. In the case of French vocational training, we
are facing different problems that VR can pretend to
fix. In some sectors, there is a huge need of expen-
sive equipment and not all high schools can claim that
equipment. Some French academies have more finan-
cial and logistical support than others, which causes
great disparities in training offers. The use of VR
for these specific situations will make it possible to
propose virtual but realistic environments to provide
access to these important and expensive equipment
and thus, allow students to practice in an immersive
way. The other related problem is that in vocational
training, students can make mistakes that can have
negative consequences on equipment or endanger the
safety of people. However, these errors can be use-
ful for the learning process. VR can be a solution,
allowing students to try without consequences in the
real world. Furthermore, the teacher can use these
mistakes to give formative feedback to students dur-
ing debriefing sessions. The other motivation of using
Gac, P., Richard, P., Papouin, Y., George, S. and Richard, É.
Virtual Interactive Tablet to Support Vocational Training in Immersive Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0007456201450152
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2019), pages 145-152
ISBN: 978-989-758-354-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
VR in vocational training is the safety and autonomy
of students.
Vocational training covers various fields such as
electrical maintenance or sales. While developing im-
mersive training software, the designer is tempted to
setup realistic interactions in the same way as video-
games or marketing purposes. VR can show realistic
environments and interactions, but fully imitating the
reality in VR will question the relevance of this tech-
nology for training purposes, also it is sometimes in-
teresting to add unrealistic behavior to simplify tasks
or shorten unnecessary tasks. The aim of this specific
simplification is to attract the student’s attention over
a precise goal. Choosing relevant tasks and interac-
tions drive us to design a versatile diegetic interface
that allows to use some tools intended to simplify the
virtual tasks. During the development, we have also
taken into account the diversity of vocational train-
ing situations. In this paper we will expose our tool
in the specific context of the French vocational train-
ing system. Our research projects are focused on VR
design and pedagogical relevance of VR applied to
vocational training in order to allow teachers to use
them easily in their learning programs.
The contribution of this paper is to propose a vir-
tual interactive tablet that is designed to help and as-
sist students to accomplish the virtual tasks. To aim
for this, we developed a virtual tablet that can be
grabbed by the user in the virtual world and use it
as a toolbox or as a helper. We will first make a re-
view of the literature related to Pedagogical Virtual
Agents (PVA) and 3D user interfaces (UI). This re-
view of the literature is meant to explain the link be-
tween a PVA and UI. Then, we will add more details
about our proposal and the context of this work. We
have conducted some preliminary tests and the results
will be exposed in a specific section. Finally, we will
conclude with the ongoing experiments that we are
planning to test our tool as well as other possible iter-
ations of the virtual tablet.
2.1 Pedagogical Virtual Agents
In VR, we sometimes need to guide the user through
the environment and goals. To do so, several tech-
niques were created such as PVA. Those embodied
agents are virtual avatars which can have multiple
functions or representation. The first iterations of
PVA highlighted the need of a helper that can guide
and also show manipulation examples by its interac-
tion capabilities to the user. The virtual agent will
react to user’s actions and provide specific assistance.
Such interaction is a good vector for student motiva-
tion thanks to customized advices. An agent persona
can be described using the four-factor model as de-
tailed in Ryu and Baylor (2005) (facilitating, engag-
ing, credible and human-like). In Jin (2010), students
found the VE with PVA more entertaining and edu-
cational than the one without it. Besides reacting to
interactions (object manipulation, user’s action or en-
vironment events), virtual agents can handle conver-
sational capabilities as described in the MAX frame-
work (Kopp et al., 2003; Lopez et al., 2014). Their
solutions can react to user’s questions or affirmations.
This kind of conversational assistant is now present in
today’s life with assistants like Siri, Google Home or
Alexa. It is now natural for someone to give a speech
to a computer.
With the emergence of machine learning and AI,
PVA can now mimic a more realistic behavior and can
follow the student’s progression. To do so, agents
have to react to specific situations with intelligence
and adequate behavior as described by Mittal et al.
(2013) to have a believable behavior. To build an effi-
cient and credible behavior of the agent, the agent sys-
tem needs to have access to all world/situation knowl-
edge (omni-data) but it has to limit its access to this
omni-data otherwise it will result in unrealistic behav-
ior (Mittal et al., 2013). It is also possible to make the
agent aware of the real world situation, thanks to new
sensory devices, given that, a real world-aware agent
can adapt its speech, gesture, or facial expression ac-
cording to the user in real-time (Wuttke et al., 2016).
In addition, decision making is a key element to the
realistic behavior of the PVA as stated Lopez et al.
(2014). VR is a conducive mean to collaboration,
this could be achieved with multiple humans or one
human and several agents. In their HUMANS suite,
Lourdeaux et al. (2017) have implemented both indi-
vidual and collaborative capabilities to their agents.
2.2 3D User Interface
In classic 2D games, the user interface (UI) area is
displayed on the camera view (overlay mode), while
in VR, we can setup a UI that is present in the 3D
world. Our work is focusing on those 3D menus that
use widgets and classic UI. Voice and gestures UI
are not compatible with our work context (vocational
training). For voice command UI, we faced three is-
sues that drove us to drop this approach. First, the
class organization around the VR system can gener-
ate noise, making the system unable to correctly inter-
pret oral commands. Secondly, we want to take into
account the speaking manners of some students (e.g.
HUCAPP 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
strong accents, or language disorders). The third point
is about technical limitations such as programming
and logistics (e.g. inputs or Internet connection). For
the gesture UI, we decided to not consider this manner
of interaction because it will involve more develop-
ment time than the ”classic” UI as well as for the user
having to memorize the gesture patterns. Many types
of 3D UI selection metaphors have been developed for
VR applications. For instance, Bowman et al. (2001)
proposed a UI system that is controlled by the user’s
real hands, using gloves. Before commercial devices
like HTC Vive
, 3D UI interaction were made with
several unique devices. They also used a tablet-based
interaction that allows the user to select a virtual float-
ing menu item by using a real tablet. Those interac-
tions are not efficient with today’s tools, for example,
with the HTC Vive
, the user has an efficient track-
ing of its hands in the virtual world allowing specific
interactions. This allows the user to easily interact
with 3D UI with some feedback such as the vibra-
tions of controllers, sounds or visuals.
In vocational VR training, we are looking for
pseudo realistic situations where the learner can be
projected in order to find a link between the virtual
experience and the real one. Sometimes in VR we
need to display textual information, the problem for
the designer is to choose the appropriate metaphor
for displaying text. The diegesis theory is initially
a literature concept, that has been applied to video
games and thus, to VR by Galloway (2006). Finally,
the VR designer can use four kinds of UI: Diegetic,
non-diegetic, spatial or meta as described in Fager-
holt and Lorentzon (2009). The diegetic interfaces
are strongly integrated in the virtual world (Figure1).
They proposed the classification regarding 2 condi-
tions: ”Is the representation visualized in the 3D game
space?” and ”Is the representation existing in the fic-
tional game world?”. The answers are crossed into
an array. In a sci-fi universe, a diegetic UI can be an
holographic representation of the menu. In FPS, it
can be the way ammo are displayed (Peacocke et al.,
2016) or health displays. The majority of studies
about the effectiveness of diegetic UI are empirical,
and have been tested by some videogame studios.
A positive aspect of diegetic interfaces, is that they
tend to improve feelings of immersion (Raffaele et al.,
2017). In their work, Raffaele et al. (2017), inves-
tigated the relations between immersion and virtual
interfaces through VR. Their results indicate that the
user will receive feedback from the UI without being
conscious about it and not noticing how feedback is
received. For 3D UI, not noticing the feedback source
is pointed out as the key to keeping the immersion
level high. Consequently, in our training context, it
Figure 1: Example of a diegetic interface in the game Fall-
can benefit the learner. Therefore, the design of such
UI is meaningful in order to not confuse the final user.
They conclude by saying that Spatial and Diegetic UI
are the most immersive types of UI. To achieve a cor-
rect immersion level, unless considering the quality of
the environment, VR designers have to favor Spatial
or Diegetic UI to keep immersion at the top most lev-
els. Feelings of immersion are sometimes disrupted
by the controllers complexity (Fragoso, 2014). In the
case of external UI, the feelings of immersion do not
vanish if the UI maintains the aesthetic perception
(Fragoso, 2014).
Llanos and Jørgensen (2011) suggests that a min-
imalist interface is easier to manipulate and so, pro-
vides better information as it is easier to access and
process. Participants said that minimalism is an ”el-
egant way of representing system information”. To
consolidate the importance of minimalist UI, Gerber
and Bechmann (2004) noticed that the average selec-
tion time grows with the number of items displayed.
It should point out that today’s standards of UI in
smartphones or computers are moving forward to the
minimalist approach as it is considered more ”user-
friendly”. Llanos and Jørgensen (2011) add in their
conclusion that users prefer to receive only relevant
information instead of a huge quantity of data. Ad-
ditional information that is not necessary will be tire-
some and thus, will somehow break the immersion
and force the learner to focus more on the UI. The
precision of the data displayed is a sensitive point for
VR designers.
This work is part of a large-scale project that consists
of creating VR applications for vocational training.
The French Education Academy of Nantes is the pi-
lot academy in VR experiment and deployment. We
are working with teachers and inspectors on the next
iteration of digital training using VR. The skill-based
Virtual Interactive Tablet to Support Vocational Training in Immersive Environment
approach implies new design processes regarding sce-
nario writing, software development and evaluation.
There is a significant need of ”useful” emblematic
training situations that can be used by the teacher and
This project is divided in three main parts. The
first part is the scenario design methodology and ”in
class” use of VR as well as sharing our results and
findings to the teachers in a way to improve the use
of VR in an Educational context. Existing method-
ologies presented in the VR literature cannot directly
be applied to our design approach. These methodolo-
gies are arduous to understand for teachers and pro-
fessionals. The second part relates to the VR develop-
ment, this is about creating a SDK that allows the user
to create a VR training scenario from scratch with
Unity3D without the need of consequent program-
ming skills. The targeted user can be a confirmed
developer or a teacher. The third part deals with stu-
dents’ assessment by the VE and by the teacher. Voca-
tional training in France has its own specificities that
we need to take into account to build efficient training
situations. Didactic knowledge is the key to achieve a
good implementation of VR training scenario.
In vocational training, users need to be guided while
practicing. Students require additional information
and help to achieve tasks they are not mastering.
While progressing and practicing, learners will gain
autonomy and will need less external help to com-
plete tasks. Using VR will not decrease this need of
help, instead, students will need more help to master
the tools and scenarios. That is why, when composing
a VR training application, designers should include a
virtual assistant system, embodied or not.
In our project, we first considered using embod-
ied PVA as described in the literature for the benefits
it provides (Kosinowski, 2009). Nevertheless, in vo-
cational training some situations are not compatible
with the presence of PVA. For electrical maintenance
or production line management, it is uncommon but
sometimes dangerous to have someone near the repair
task. The area of work can be too small, or standard
tasks do not allow more than one person in the work
area (e.g. scaffold inspection, electrical clearance).
In that case, the PVA should be outside the activity
space, which implies the user to navigate from and to
the work area to interact with the PVA. The type of
agent for vocational training purposes could be an in-
structor as described by Sklar (2003). The problem
with instructors is that over-guiding the user can ”get
in the way of the user’s learning”.
The other concern about PVA for us, is that vir-
tual agents will require huge development time and
resources to achieve realistic behavior (e.g. auton-
omy, interactions, intelligence) as described in the lit-
erature. Moreover, developing a PVA requires a sig-
nificant amount of time for refinement (Barthes et al.,
2018). The user need to trust the agent and to achieve
that reliability is not enough, attractiveness is just as
important as reliability (Yuksel et al., 2017). There-
fore, implementing trusting agent will cause more de-
sign work. A second-rate development like poor ani-
mations, poor facial expression or low-quality sounds
can lead to an awful user experience and poor attrac-
tiveness. We are using virtual agents only for simple
dialogs like ”Take this document” or ”You need to do
those tasks”. These are presented as a dialog popup
near the agent’s avatar and also played with sound
speech. This is a requirement for the students who
have difficulties at reading and hearing. The consid-
eration of disabilities such as hearing impairment or
difficulty of reading is not always done in VR soft-
ware. In addition of this easy use of PVA, we still
need a tool that improves the users’ autonomy and al-
lows them to get help or advice when practicing in
VE. The idea of an interface that encapsulates all of
these additional functionalities came through.
Figure 2: The home menu of the tablet.
The constraints encountered while creating the VR
training application drives us to consider new ways of
guiding and assisting the user. This idea came from
the observation of some virtual tasks. Some tasks
like printing a document have low pedagogical inter-
est and cost a huge amount of time. Indeed, the user
need to go to the printer, print the document and then
return to the right location to continue the task. A
floating 3D UI would appear above the printer. The
learner had to select the document to print and then
HUCAPP 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
click on a ”print” button. After doing that, they had
to go back to the activity area. This time-consuming
process was inefficient because if the student had for-
gotten something or printed the wrong document, s/he
had to navigate back to the printer area,while wasting
time traveling. By the end of the scenario, the student
will have been disinterested of navigating through the
VE. In vocational training, these kinds of errors are
very common, because students tend to forget or not
read the activity instructions.
Another problem encountered was the document
reviewing in VR. The naive approach was to copy the
reality into the virtual. Teachers initially thought that
if they copy reality inside the virtual world, the stu-
dent will be able to perform tasks the same way as in
the real world. They did not consider the interaction
process/tools, development complexity and the user’s
experience. They asked to have directions, plans, or
documents printed on virtual A4 paper displayed in-
side the virtual world. They were confident over the
results, but after testing this, they noticed that the doc-
uments were unreadable and required a lot of atten-
tion and focus to be fully understandable. This led
us to propose another way to visualize documents,
by removing the virtual A4 paper for the benefit of
a minimalist 3D UI with only necessary information
displayed with better font and contrast.
VR in vocational training is not meant to mimic
the reality at 100%, because in that case, why would
VR be useful? The good exploitation of VR is a re-
quirement to build adequate training situations. To do
so, we need the following elements:
Access to directions at anytime
Simple interactions (to understand and to use)
A solution that can be used in several training sit-
uations (generic-programming)
Simplify real interactions by removing irrelevant
Give/Gather information from/to the user
Display warning or directions at a specific time
when needed
Guide the user through the scenario
With all of those elements, and considering the
case of PVA, we came up with the idea of the tablet
metaphor solution. The concept is to build a generic
tool that encapsulates all of those elements and more.
The interesting point of the tablet metaphor is the
equivalence with real emblematic situations. In a lot
of working fields, workers are using tablets, smart-
phones or PDA in their tasks (e.g. sales, electrical
maintenance, logistics, building workers). That is
why using a virtual tablet as a model for the interface
is relevant because of the similarities of the virtual
device to the real world use of devices even when our
virtual content does not exactly match the real use of
those tools.
This device is held by the user using one of her/his
hands and is considered by our SDK as a passive de-
vice. It means that the virtual hand containing the
tablet can not interact with the world by raycasting
scene objects. The student can switch the hand hold-
ing the tablet by simply clicking on the tablet with the
other hand. The aim of locking the tablet on one hand
is to allow the student to access it anytime and avoid
losing the tool somewhere in the VE. The purpose of
VR training situation is not to search for a tool or to
wander in the VR. While testing our VR solutions,
we noticed that wandering can lead the student to not
fully understand what teachers expect from her/him
or can feel that they are lost in the scenario. With the
tablet, we can mostly eliminate all potential wander-
ing situations.
For the document printing process, we achieved to
eliminate the unnecessary navigation part, the print-
ing station interactions and reduced possible errors
that can be made by the user because she/he can print
documents near the activity area. To achieve all that,
we put this process inside the tablet (see Figure4). An
application called ”Printer” was created, in which the
user can select a document from a category and print
it. As Fragoso (2014) established, clarity and func-
tionality are more important than integration in the
gameworld, so we decided to make a simple inter-
face for this tablet application. The user can select
a document by clicking on an image and then click on
”print”. The printed document will appear at the top
of the tablet and the student just have to select it like
she/he would do for any virtual object. This part is not
realistic, but it does not negatively impact the training
process, as the methodology behind document print-
ing is the same regardless of the interaction. All of
this process is achieved without any unnecessary nav-
igation in the VR world. We use the same approach
for other interactions such as the document reading
process, the inventory or directions.
We implemented a ”home” screen (Figure2)
where the user can start an application by simply
clicking on the corresponding icon. We also chose
to include applications that can be used anytime in
any training situation, such as the camera that allows
the user to take pictures of the game world. The im-
ages taken can be retrieved by the user after the vir-
tual sessions. This ”simple” tablet application has a
huge training interest as teachers can ask students to
capture things that they judge ”interesting”. The cap-
tured images can be used during a debriefing step or
Virtual Interactive Tablet to Support Vocational Training in Immersive Environment
in other courses like written expression. In the case
of a shop safety inspection, teachers ask the students
to explain why they took this photo by writing down
their analysis process.
One advantage of VR is data gathering (traces).
We are currently using the Bowman et al. (2001) clas-
sification to sort out the interactions made by the user:
manipulation, selection, navigation and system con-
trol. The tablet is too advanced to be considered as a
simple manipulation or selection. The system con-
trol is the category that is mostly compatible with
the tablet. Bowman defines the system control as ”a
task in which a command is applied to change either
the state of the system or the mode of interaction”.
The tablet behaves in a similar way as described by
Bowman, but some applications cannot be included
in the system control. For example, the camera ap-
plication does not change the mode of interaction or
the state of the system. It is just a selection in this
case, on the contrary to the inventory application that
will change the mode of interaction when selecting an
object. Thus, the tablet includes all types of interac-
tions, and a deeper investigation is needed to find a
correct categorization of the device. A potential cat-
egory may be ”Functionality selection” as the tablet
allows the user to select several features.
Figure 3: The camera application.
To prepare our system for the planned experiments,
we have conducted two preliminary tests using the
. The chosen activity was an order
preparation in a virtual shop designed for vocational
training. The task completion is between 15-30 min-
utes. This scenario include fetching the products,
storing them inside boxes and prepare the command
for departure. This emblematic situation involves
many different interactions, especially on the virtual
6.1 Premilinary First Experiment
The first experiment, involved high-school students (6
participants) in sales training. During those sessions,
teachers and us gathered subjective feelings of stu-
dents regarding the virtual situation and the tablet. In
addition to our research purposes, teachers wanted to
assess if VR can be an interesting tool for several stu-
dent’s profiles. One noticeable observation we made
is that users quickly master the tablet interface and
the purpose of each application. According to stu-
dents, it is thanks to the ”close design” of the tablet
to real devices like Android systems. Navigation on
the tablet seems to be ”natural” thanks to explicit im-
ages, concise labels and good UI contrasts. We also
asked the question Is the tablet useful in this sce-
nario ?”, to what participants answered the tablet is
useful because we can quickly access stuff, like the
printer or the stock screen, without loosing time do-
ing like in the real world”. With the tablet, we are
still focused to what we are doing and not tempted
to wander and play like in a video game”. One stu-
dent also added that if the scenario had transposed the
real world into the virtual (without the tablet), then
the situation would be annoying and so does VR for
training”. Users agreed that the tablet is an efficient
assistant and grant them autonomy in the virtual sce-
nario. Besides those positive feedbacks, we noticed
that users sometimes strangely handle the tablet, by
keeping it in front of their view instead of lowering the
device to clear the view. They did not notice this until
we say ”You do not need to tablet now, you can lower
your arm if you want”. We have also observed issues
with some UI design regarding the size of some but-
tons and labels. Two users reported that handling the
tablet on one hand can be exhausting over the time,
that is why we may need to consider new interaction
methods, different than the actual raycasting, for long
VR activity (more than 20min). We observed that the
raycasting is sometimes hard to achieve especially on
the top panel, because this panel is too small. Accord-
ing to teachers, the virtual tablet is interesting because
It is similar to some work situations where workers
use technology to ease their jobs”. This interest is
also present in the student point of view.
6.2 Preliminary Second Experiment
The second experiment was conducted with adults (7
participants). The main purpose was to gather data
from the application (completion time, amount of cor-
rect/miss clicks, name of clicked objects, current ap-
plication) as well as with a questionnaire. We used
a French translated version of the System Usability
HUCAPP 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
(a) Document selection (b) Waiting for the user to take the printed document
Figure 4: Document printing process with the virtual tablet.
Scale (SUS) (Brooke and Weerdmeester, 1996) and
replaced the word ”system” by ”tablet”. The mean
score is 79 (σ=13). From traces gathered, we noticed
that users perform a small amount of miss clicks on
the tablet. A miss click occurs when the user is click-
ing on a non interactive component like label or im-
age instead of a button. For an average of 111 (σ=32)
clicks on the tablet per session, users performed 2.8%
miss clicks (σ=3%). For this second test, we have
changed some fonts on the tablet, because we no-
ticed in the first test sessions that users with diffi-
culty of reading had trouble to read instructions on
the tablet because of the font we initially choose (Os-
wald Regular). We tried a dyslexic friendly font
(OpenDyslexic), resulting in poor results in the CAVE
and headsets, mainly because of the resolution. After-
wards, we chose the Verdana font for the second test
and users do not pointed out any text issues. Data
showed that the tablet is not a source of difficulty, and
user’s profile does not impact tablet usage. Further-
more, objective data retrieved from the tablet cannot
be used alone to define user’s profile and categorize
The usability of the tool relies on the UI clarity and
design, we chose a minimalist approach with only rel-
evant information, to not overload the student with
much many information. The two first iterations faced
major design issues as well as generic programming
problems. We are still facing a major issue regarding
the degree of realism to include in course of the ped-
agogical virtual scenario. Indeed, we noticed that a
minimalist design is more welcomed by students from
initial formation than by teachers or older students.
Those young students appear to be more comfortable
in the VE than teachers. Teachers want to display as
much information as possible without considering the
readability problems in VR. We tried this approach
and the result is that students were lost because of the
overwhelming quantity of information. With the min-
imalist UI, we need to train and convince the teachers
that we can not display a large amount of information
because it will have a negative impact over students’
performance. The initial wish of teachers is to take
all the information from the real world and transpose
it into the virtual. As explained earlier, this is a bad
design choice and will cause bad results.
The tablet is held by one of the user’s hand, so the
hand containing the device can not be used to perform
other interactions. The user will be able to interact
with only one hand. In some training situations, it is
an issue. For example, a voltage tester will require
two hands to operate. So, the user has to place down
the tablet somewhere, perform the action and then
grab the tablet again. We are investigating another
metaphor, instead of having the tablet on one hand,
the device will be placed on the arm of the user, al-
lowing her/him to interact with their two hands. This
new approach is also facing some issues. The first
issue is the size of the screen, and for it to be credi-
ble we need to reduce its size. Downsizing can have
a negative impact over the readability of the device
and thus, its usability. Another issue is the interaction
metaphor used to interact with the arm-based tablet.
We are actually using a raycast from the hand that is
not containing the tablet to do the selection process.
With an armed-based solution, performing a raycast is
practically complicated and requires the user to con-
tort itself to select an item on the arm-based tablet.
For this case, other metaphors are considered, like a
hybrid grab: the interaction is active when the interac-
tive object is within a certain range around the virtual
Virtual Interactive Tablet to Support Vocational Training in Immersive Environment
This paper presents the design of a training-oriented
tool that allows the user to manage several interac-
tions with only one tool and without involving a com-
plex interaction process to achieve the desired actions.
To assess our design choices, we are planning ex-
perimentations with teachers and students. We are
interested in student’s performances with or without
the tablet as well as their feelings in the training en-
vironment. Some non-realistic interactions from the
tablet will have to be implemented in a realistic way
in the VE (like the printing station described earlier).
In addition to the immersive data gathered we will
ask teachers to assess student performances with the
data from the tablet and with data from a situation
without the tablet. We also want to experiment other
metaphors such as the arm-based solution previously
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HUCAPP 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications