contouring of the areas of interest (GTV –Gross
tumor Volume, CTV- Clinical Tumor Volume, and
PTV - Planning Tumor Volume) and OARs (Organs
at Risk). After the delimitation of these important
structures for their treatment, the data is transferred
to the Planning module.
The Planning module is responsible for the
creation of Isodoses, BEV (Beam Eye View), DVH
graphs (Dose Volume Histogram), and areas to be
irradiated in the radiotherapy treatment. Still, in the
Planning module, the user has a friendly interface
available that interacts with 3D objects to facilitate
the process. It also has the possibility of printing
data for the assignment to the corresponding person
in charge according to the process of the institution.
In Figure 2, you can view the layout of the Contours
Figure 2: Contours Module Delimitation System.
In Figure 2, we can visualize the interface of the
delimitation system; basically, we have a Computed
Tomography scan that doctors and physicists
perform the generation of contours of areas of
interest utilizing specialized delimitation tools which
generate vectors. The Management module is
responsible for the creation of molds and filters that
are inserted in the particle or linear accelerator
(LINAC). This module is also responsible for
communicating with the linear accelerator to
perform the exam. It is also possible to send data to
the radiologist technician who performs the
treatment session, such as the table position in X, Y,
Z, and gantry angle of irradiation of the apparatus.
3.1 Marking Process
Before and on a weekly basis during the treatment,
2D orthogonal (anterior-posterior and lateral-lateral)
radiographic images of the target region are
acquired. The images are acquired with Cross-Hair,
an accessory that generates a scale with the origin at
the center of the target and provides real
magnification, recorded with patient information and
saved in DICOM format. The same coordinate axis
scale is generated digitally in the digital
reconstruction of the orthogonal 2D radiographic
images (DRR). These scales are of fundamental
importance for the process of comparison of the
radiographic images, since the coincidence of the
origin of the scales, the relative distances of the bone
structures with the scales are the same parameters
used to confirm the exact reproducibility of the
location with the planning, this is maintained during
treatment. As the radiotherapy today is mostly
isocentric (the target lies in the center of the axis of
rotation, and the radiation source is around the
patient) the comparison of orthogonal 2D
radiographic images with the reconstruction of the
same from the planning tomography (DRR),
increase the accuracy of planning reproducibility
based on bone marking. The overlapping of these
images (radiographs and DRRs) through a digital
fusion facilitates the comparison of them by the
responsible doctor. This analysis is based on the
coincidence of the coordinate axis scales, with the
DRR being the reference image for the comparison.
The time for demarcation and analysis with this
tool facilitated the process and increased accuracy. It
is estimated that 28% of the time was gained with a
60% increase in accuracy for testing in 100 adult
3.2 Computer Tool
Initially, for better control of the axial, sagittal and
coronal images of the project, it was necessary to
implement the MPR algorithm (Multiplanar
Reconstruction), enabling the 2D Portal to generate
new planes interpolated from the default axial plane
from the acquired tomography examination. This
computational process of generation of new
interpolated planes has algorithmic complexity O
(n³). Thus, it was necessary, the implementation of
computational parallelism routines with adapted
programs to be processed to user threads in Java.
Once the MPR was stabilized, the stage of fusion
of radiological images implemented according to the
needs of the medical team was carried out, in order
to facilitate the patient's positioning and image
acquisition process at the time of planning, thus a
specialized interface was developed to perform
fusions images (CRs, DRs, and DXs) with
Computed Tomography (CTs) images. In Figure 3,
we can visualize the interface created for this action;
we can visualize in “A” the target with the sagittal
Radiotherapy Support Tools, the Brazilian Project: SIPRAD