In this paper, we have presented a method for auto-
matically comparing and assessing similarity between
ecosystems defined as specific kinds of rewriting sys-
tems. We have defined a scoring function that takes
into account not only the number of matching enti-
ties and rules, but also the quality of partial mappings
between the left and right hand sides of rules. The ap-
proach has been successfully applied to the search of
known interaction patterns (i.e., ecological processes)
in models of ecosystems.
The results we have obtained in our benchmark
are promising: we quickly obtain optimal solutions
for the vast majority of the cases studied. For the re-
maining ones, we obtain a solution that is not optimal
in a short time, but we have no assessment of how far
from optimal it is. A possible option to solve this is-
sue could be to add ecological information to assess
the quality of a match (with a relevance score) closer
to the modeler’s expectations. In other words, a big-
ger match is not necessarily a better match. So far,
our method searches for bigger matches. When the
search is interrupted and yields to a sub-optimal so-
lution, a relevance score may help deciding whether
it is already a “good” match or not. In practice, the
matching of entities (here, ecosystemic entities) and
rules (ecological processes) can be guided by adding
additional constraints, such as to:
• enforce the matching/identity between subsets of
entities or rules. For example, if the model al-
lows different categories of rules (each category
possibly having a different semantics), the scor-
ing function could be adapted to take into account
this extension;
• enforce the matching between entities/rules of
the same category (for example match carnivores
among them);
• diminish the importance of some entities/rules
(i.e., set a different weight for each matching up
to forget some, if necessary).
Finally, as a long term perspective, we may use
our method to discover invariant patterns that are not
known in advance, thus increasing the understand-
ing about ecosystem functioning. This could account
for using our concept of similarity to identify match-
ing parts of ecosystems and extract from those the
new patterns. Experiments we have conducted so far
in this direction showed bad performances as search
time becomes prohibitive (as if we would have used
patterns whose sizes are close to the studied models’
sizes). However, sub-optimal patterns may provide
interesting matches (which remains to be studied), or
we may find a way to guide the search with respect to
additional constraints (related to the previous idea of
a relevance score).
We would like to thank David Monniaux for his ad-
vise on MAXSAT and PBO solvers, and Daniel Le
Berre who has recommended Sat4j and has been very
helpful concerning its installation and use.
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BIOINFORMATICS 2019 - 10th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms