many simulations, or to analytically solve the non-
linear differential equations by considering many ini-
tial conditions.
In this context it would be very useful to assess
monotonicity properties between species that could
allow us to significantly reduce the set of initial
conditions that have to be considered. This is the
aim of this work: to define sufficient conditions for
chemical reactions networks that guarantee the exis-
tence of monotonic relationships between the chem-
ical species involved in the network. More in de-
tail, given two species, that we call input and out-
put species of the network, we say that they are in
a monotonicity relation if the concentration of output
species at any time either increases or decreases due
to an increase in the initial concentration of the input.
This result would allow us to reduce substantially the
number of simulations required to explore the system.
Indeed, if two species are in a monotonicity relation-
ship and we are interested in studying the dynamics
of the output when varying the input, we can avoid
to simulate the chemical reaction network for all pos-
sible values of the initial concentrations of the input
It is worth noting that the idea of finding sufficient
conditions that guarantee some biological properties
useful to analyze the behaviour of chemical reaction
networks is not completely new. In (Angeli et al.,
2006), the authors show a graphical method to study
a global notion of monotonicity for certain classes of
chemical reaction networks. The sufficient conditions
they propose says that a chemical reaction network is
globally monotone if a particular form of graph asso-
ciated to the chemical reaction network under study
contains only certain kinds of loop (see (Angeli et al.,
2006) for details). However, global monotonicity is
a very strong property, since it is based on a unique
ordering on the whole set of species of the reaction
network. Unfortunately, such a strong property does
not hold on most realistic chemical reaction network.
For this reason we introduce new definitions of mono-
tonicity concerning the relation between a given input
and output species. We then propose sufficient condi-
tions for verifying our monotonicity relations.
Another example of sufficient conditions pro-
posed to infer dynamical properties of chemical re-
action networks are related with the study of absolute
concentration robustness (Shinar and Feinberg, 2010;
Shinar and Feinberg, 2011). This property holds for a
species of a reaction systems if its concentration at the
steady state is independent from perturbations in the
initial concentration of some other species. In (Shinar
and Feinberg, 2010; Shinar and Feinberg, 2011) the
authors propose a sufficient condition on the structure
of the reaction network that allows absolute concen-
tration robustness to be assessed without performing
simulations. In this case, both the considered prop-
erty (absolute concentration robustness) and the suffi-
cient condition are very strong, and can be applied to
a limited class of networks. For this reason, more gen-
eral notions of robustness have been proposed (Rizk
et al., 2009), but for which verification requires con-
siderable efforts. In (Nasti et al., 2018) we proposed a
notion of concentration robustness based on concen-
tration intervals, which is more general than absolute
concentration robustness and for which an efficient
verification method could be designed by exploiting
the monotonic properties we are considering in this
We proceed by introducing some basic definition
in Section 2, which are assumed in the rest of the pa-
per. In Sections 3 and 4 we give our new definitions
of monotonicity and propose sufficient conditions to
assess them. In Section 5, we apply our methodol-
ogy on some simple systems and to study the case of
the ERK signaling pathway. Finally, in Section 6 we
draw our conclusions and discuss future work.
A chemical reaction is a transformation that involves
one or more chemical species, in a specific situation
of volume and temperature.
The chemical species that are transformed are
called reactants; while those that are the result of the
transformation are called products. We can represent
a chemical reaction as an equation, showing all the
species involved in the process.
A simple example of chemical reaction is the fol-
lowing elementary reaction:
aA + bB
cC + dD (1)
In this case, A, B, C, D are the species involved in the
process: A and B are the reactants, C and D are the
products. The parameters a, b, c, d are called stoichio-
metric coefficients and represent the number of reac-
tants and products participating in the reaction. They
are always integer, because elementary reactions in-
volve the whole participants. The arrow is used to in-
dicate the direction in which a chemical reaction takes
place. When we have only one arrow, it means that the
reaction is irreversible, that is it is not possible to have
the opposite process. To describe the dynamical be-
haviour of the chemical reaction network, we can use
the law of mass action, which states that: the rate of a
reaction is proportional to the product of the reactants.
Towards an Efficient Verification Method for Monotonicity Properties of Chemical Reaction Networks