Animal Health Informatics: Towards a Generic Framework for
Automatic Behavior Analysis
Position Paper
Dmitry Kaplun
, Aleksandr Sinitca
, Anna Zamansky
, Stephane Bleuer-Elsner
, Michael Plazner
Asaf Fux
and Dirk van der Linden
Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”, Russia
University of Haifa, Israel
University of Bristol, U.K.
Animal Behavior, Animal Welfare, Veterinary Informatics, Computer Vision, Deep Learning.
The field of veterinary healthcare informatics is still in its infancy, and state of the art solutions from human
healthcare are not easily adapted. IoT and wearable technologies may be bringing a wind of change, as large
amounts of health data of animals are now being produced. It makes this a timely moment to initiate a discus-
sion on the possibilities for cross-fertilization between the worlds of human and animal health informatics. In
this position paper we report on an ongoing project developing a framework for automatic video-based anal-
ysis of animal behavior and describe its concrete application for decision support of behavioral veterinarians.
The framework is generic, allowing for reuse across species and different analytical tasks. We further discuss
the possibilities for cross-fertilization between human and animal behavior analysis in the context of health
The notion of veterinary informatics was coined by
Talbot (Talbot, 1991), surveying the many applica-
tions of medical informatics in the veterinary pro-
fession. Such applications have explored messaging
standards, terminology lists, and standardized diag-
nosis lists (Santamaria and Zimmerman, 2011), as
well as applications of bioinformatics techniques to
the veterinarian domain (Sujatha et al., 2018). Yet
more than two decades after Talbot, the field is still in
its infancy (Smith-Akin et al., 2007; Alpi, 2009) and
state of the art methodologies used in human health-
care informatics are neither easily adaptable, nor eas-
ily adopted by veterinarians.
Recent technological advances in IoT and big data
may bring the wind of change to the world of animal
health informatics. These technologies have started
to transform the living conditions of farming animals,
bringing to public attention also issues of food quality
and sustainability. The pet market is also catching up
on the hype of wearable devices, with a variety of ac-
tivity and fitness trackers for pets which include sen-
The pet-wearables market is expected to grow at a
CAGR of 13.5% before 2025, with exponentially growing
demand from Asia following initial popularity in the West.
sors that can measure activity, sleep and vital signs of
pets. There are initiatives such as the PetCommunity
Blockchain, promoted by Petpace, aiming to create a
global network of interconnected health pet data, to be
produced and consumed by pets, owners, veterinari-
ans, and service providers. Thus animals have started
to produce significant amounts of health data. This
holds a great promise for a cross-fertilization between
the worlds of human and animal health informatics.
Tools developed by informatics are useful not only
for veterinary science, but also for animal welfare
especially for automatic assessment of behavior. An-
imal welfare science seeks to handle welfare issues
raised by the keeping and use of animals. It defines
different welfare parameters with regard to physio-
logical state, affective state, and natural living state
(Broom, 1996; Fraser, 2009). Behavior analysis is
an important tool in the assessment of animal welfare
used for the assessment of pain, injury and disease.
Behaviour is also of crucial importance in gauging
what animals want (Zamansky et al., 2017), most ob-
viously in the use of choice and preference tests, but
also through other methods that are particularly suit-
able for on-farm welfare assessment (Dawkins, 2004).
Thus behavior analysis and assessment is an in-
tegral part of animal health and welfare. There are
Kaplun, D., Sinitca, A., Zamansky, A., Blauer-Elsner, S., Plazner, M., Fux, A. and van der Linden, D.
Animal Health Informatics: Towards a Generic Framework for Automatic Behavior Analysis Position Paper.
DOI: 10.5220/0007566504360441
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2019), pages 436-441
ISBN: 978-989-758-353-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
voices calling for objectivization of methods for as-
sessing and analyzing behavior. As Karen Overall
noted in (Overall, 2014), A review of behavioral data
over the past decade supports a serious shift to crisper
definitions of terms and quantifiable assessment of be-
haviors. Veterinary behavior and veterinary behav-
ioral medicine are coming later to this approach, but
the change is welcome.
Informatics can have a great impact on such ob-
jectivization, supporting behavior analysis in a more
quantifiable and objective way, both in terms of pre-
cision and in terms of volumes of processable data.
Indeed, automatic tracking systems based on video
analysis are widely used for different species of an-
imals, such as wild animals (Burghardt and
2006), pigs (Ahrendt et al., 2011; Tillett et al., 1997),
poultry (Sergeant et al., 1998), insects (Noldus et al.,
2002), and many more. Well-developed systems for
rat and mice behavior recognition such as Ethovision
(Van de Weerd et al., 2001) and Laboras (Spink et al.,
2001) are widely employed in behavioral research.
While companion animals such as dogs are the
most frequently addressed species in animal health
research and practice, until now very few works ad-
dressed automated analysis of their behavior. One
approach, which has been gaining increasing inter-
est with the development of commercial smart collars
and trackers, is using wearable sensors such as ac-
celerometers and gyroscopes to recognize behaviors
and analyze motion. Several such systems have been
proposed (Gerencs
er et al., 2013; Brugarolas et al.,
2013), but currently only basic behaviors can be rec-
ognized with reasonable accuracy. Commercial track-
ers, such as FitBark and Petpace, may offer better ac-
curacy, but are yet to be scientifically validated to be
applied in health related settings.
In this paper we describe a video-based approach
to automatic analysis of animal behavior. Our project
started out focusing on companion animals, but ex-
panded into a generic approach, which can be used
across species, as well as across health related anal-
ysis tasks. Another feature of our approach its low
cost and simplicity, so that it can be easily applied
in different practical health related settings, and e.g.,
can be integrated into clinician’s workflow. It is low
cost and simple to use by working with data ob-
tained from the most basic affordable equipment, i.e.,
a cheap web camera that requires no special installa-
tion. Our approach consists of two layers: (i) a com-
puter vision layer, which performs automatic track-
ing of the animal by applying state-of-the-art machine
learning techniques, and thus is easily trained on dif-
ferent species of animals in different settings, and (ii)
a sense making layer, which interprets the informa-
tion extracted by the computer vision layer according
to the health related task at hand. This separation of
concerns facilitates the genericity of our approach.
In the rest of this paper we describe our approach
and its concrete applications in animal health infor-
matics. We further highlight the need for generic and
simple solutions for animal health informatics, and
call for cross-fertilization between animal and human
health informatics.
The current study is part of an ongoing research
project, which is a collaboration between the
Tech4Animals Lab
at the University of Haifa and the
AI lab at St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University
”LETI”. This project aims at developing automatic
tools for animal behavior analysis using state-of-the-
art machine learning techniques. We start by describ-
ing the Blyzer approach, and then present two con-
crete applications in different settings related to ani-
mal health.
The Blyzer (Behavior analyzer) approach pro-
vides a generic solution for automatic behavior analy-
sis. By ‘generic’ we mean that it can be easily reused
across species and environments, and across different
analysis tasks, as we explain below.
Figure 1 provides an overview of the approach.
The Blyzer architecture consists of two different mod-
ules. The computer vision module tracks the animal
in its chosen environment, producing spatio-temporal
data (location of animal in each frame, speed, orien-
tation, etc.). The sense making module uses the ex-
tracted spatio-temporal data for producing the cho-
sen analysis. To calibrate the computer vision mod-
ule, sufficient amount of video footage of the cho-
sen species in the chosen environment needs to be
recorded. The frames are manually tagged, and ma-
chine learning techniques are applied to produce an
appropriate classifier for the computer vision module.
To adapt the sense making module to the needs of the
user, the analysis task needs to be formulated in pre-
cise terms.
The results can then be shown to the user by cre-
ating an appropriate interface. We describe concrete
applications of the framework in the context of animal
health in the following section.
Animal Health Informatics: Towards a Generic Framework for Automatic Behavior Analysis Position Paper
Blyzer Framework
Video footage
…interpreted by…
Training data
…used by…
Behavioral indicators
…used for…
Figure 1: Blyzer architecture.
Behavioral disorders of domestic dogs (Canis Famil-
iaris) such as aggressive behavior, lack of self-control
and anxiety are a major threat for the well-being of
companion dogs and their owners, leading to dogs’
relinquishment to shelters, or preventing shelter dogs
from being adopted, eventually leading to their eu-
thanasia (Winslow et al., 2018; Scarlett et al., 2002;
Sherman and Serpell, 2008). One behavioral problem
frequently encountered in veterinary behavior prac-
tice is dogs’ hyperactive behavior. Such dogs are im-
pulsive, restless and inattentive, are difficult to train
and may be dangerous to children and adults during
play due to lack of control of their bites. The increas-
ing interest in this disorder is reinforced by recent ev-
idence that the domestic dog is an adequate model
for the human Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
(ADHD) (Hoppe et al., 2017; Lit et al., 2010).
Diagnosis and treatment of behavioral problems
require special expertise in veterinary behavior. A
consultation with veterinary behaviorist lasts longer
than a regular checkup and is usually held according
to the following protocol. The vet starts with dis-
cussing the dog’s behavioral issues and main com-
plaints. He will then gather information from the
owner on adoption history, systematic behaviour work
up (eating, drinking, sleeping, playing, exploring, ag-
onistic, housetraining, somatosensory, phobias, sex-
ual), attachment quality, previous training history and
methods, living conditions (garden access, daily ex-
ercise: type and length). Depending on his diagno-
sis hypothesis and after ralizing the physical exam,
he might want to rule out some medical causes. At
this stage the dog may undergo complementary tests
(blood and urine tests, X-ray, MRI, etc). The direct
observation is done by the vet during this discussion
with the owner. That’s usually the time of the consul-
tation when the behavioral diagnosis is established.
The classification of pathological disorders and
treatment decisions of a behavior specialist veterinar-
ian are usually done on the basis of (i) observation
of the dog during consultation, and (ii) owners’ self-
reporting. Concerning diagnoses, there is no current
consensus in the behavior community and several ap-
proaches exist. On one hand, most of them use a de-
scriptive approach, centered on describing the symp-
toms like ”storm phobia, food related aggression, anx-
iety” but no pathology name is established gathering
the symptoms (Overall et al., 1997). On the other
end, the French Veterinary Psychiatry based on the
nosography established by Pageat uses the same de-
scriptive symptoms but gathers them into pathologies
(e.g., deprivation syndrome) (Pageat, 1998). Further
discussion of these approaches is beyond the scope
of this paper. While in our evaluation we used cases
diagnosed using the French approach, our automated
approach is independent of the underlying behavioral
HEALTHINF 2019 - 12th International Conference on Health Informatics
The final aim of a behavioral consultation is estab-
lishing a treatment plan, whose possibile options in-
clude e.g., environment modification, behavior mod-
ification, and medication
, or some combination of
these options. To establish a treatment plan, behav-
ior assessment needs to be performed.
To quantify behavior assessment, several scales
and questionnaires have been developed and vali-
dated, such as the C-BARQ (Hsu and Serpell, 2003)
or the dog ADHD rating scale (Vas et al., 2007).
However, these scales are owner administered, and
thus are subject to non-objectivity and inaccuracy
(i.e., there is evidence that owners may misinterpret
the behavior of their pets (Mariti et al., 2012)). The
animal behavior research community has thus been
calling for further “objectivization” of behavioral as-
sessment (Overall, 2014).
In our ongoing project, we aim to support behav-
ioral veterinarian decision making, providing objec-
tive assessment tools for behavioral problems such as
ADHD-like behavior to be used during consultation.
For this particular disorder, for instance, we currently
aim to measure the degree of ‘erratic’ movement of
the dog around the consultation room, which indicates
the level of self-control exhibited by the dog, which
in many cases appears to be correlated with ADHD-
like behavior (at least in the pure cases without co-
The system based on the Blyzer framework is cur-
rently deployed in three behavioral clinics in Israel
and France. Using a simple camera attached to the
consultation room ceiling, the vet records the dog.
The recorded video, along with dog’s diagnostic data,
obtained from the owner report and additional dog’s
physical exam, is stored in a database. The veterinar-
ian can compare the different parameters which mea-
sure, e.g., how erratic the movement is (indicating the
level of self control), between different dogs, and be-
tween different visit of the same dog (e.g., before and
after receiving medical treatment for ADHD-like be-
In this particular case, the Blyzer framework is
instantiated as follows. The classifier model for
dog detection was trained on video footage (see
Fig. 2) recoded in the clinics. The model was
developed using TensorFlow Object Detection API
faster rcnn resnet101, and was trained on around
6000 manually tagged frames. The computer vision
module now reaches a very high accuracy (above
90%), producing a spatio-temporal data in the form
of time-series (location of the dog per frame). The
sense making module currently supports visualizing
In some cases, surgical procedures, such as castration,
can be part of the management plan.
the dog’s movement, computing its different param-
eters and characteristics helpful for quantifying the
amount of “hyperactive” movement. Figures 3 and
4 demonstrate a visualization of the movement of two
dogs: normal and pathologically hyperactive during
the first 3 mins of visiting the clinic.
Figure 2: Computer Vision Module tracking the dog in a
Figure 3: movement of a normal dog (first 3 mins).
Figure 4: movement of a hyperactive dog (first 3 mins).
Animal Health Informatics: Towards a Generic Framework for Automatic Behavior Analysis Position Paper
A different example of an analysis task is provided
in our work (Zamansky et al., 2018), where similar
video analysis of the movement of dogs diagnosed
with anxiety when interacting with a moving toy was
analyzed, showing that anxious dogs were more in-
hibited and moved less when interacting with the toy.
We have described our approach aiming at genericity
and simplicity of use for behavior analysis for multi-
ple species and health settings. We hope that these
ideas can facilitate the growth of animal health in-
formatics and promote digitalization in veterinary sci-
ence and animal welfare. We envision many different
applications for the Blyzer framework, and are cur-
rently working in several its extensions, expanding
the scope of animal health informatics to the domain
of animal welfare.
Animal welfare is commonly centered around
three broad objectives: (1) to ensure good physical
health and functioning of animals, (2) to minimize
unpleasant “affective states” (pain, fear, etc.) and to
allow animals normal pleasures, and (3) to allow an-
imals to develop and live in ways that are natural for
the species (Fraser, 2009). According to Dawkins,
behaviour analysis plays a major role in these objec-
tives: “It is used in the clinical and pre-clinical as-
sessment of pain, injury and disease, and potentially
could have an even greater role, particularly if used
in conjunction with new technology. It is also of cru-
cial importance in gauging what animals want, most
obviously in the use of choice and preference tests,
but also through other methods that are particularly
suitable for on-farm welfare assessment. (Dawkins,
Having simple and generic automatic tools for be-
havior analysis thus has the potential not only to sup-
port clinicians in their diagnostic decisions, but also
to impact welfare of companion, farm and zoo an-
imals. In his keynote talk at the Animal-Computer
Interaction Conference in 2007, Donald Broom, the
founding father of animal welfare science encouraged
informatics to offer technological solutions to press-
ing problems of welfare of animals, keeping which
for production, work and entertainment continues to
be a norm in modern society. We therefore suggest to
expand the notion of veterinary informatics, coining
the term ‘animal welfare informatics’. To give a con-
crete example, one extension of the Blyzer framework
we are currently working on involves analysis of the
sleep quality of sheltered animals and animals kept in
zoo environments to improve their physiological and
psychological wellbeing.
The development of such tools could also push the
boundaries of human health informatics. While anal-
ysis of video is one of the main research methods in
studying animal behavior (see, e.g., (Palestrini et al.,
2010; Cannas et al., 2014)), it has some parallels to
the use of video in human healthcare contexts (see,
e.g., (Stronach and Wetherby, 2014; Konofal et al.,
2001)), which may provide some hints towards the
possible generalizability of some results obtained in
veterinary informatics to human context.
Moreover, some behavioral disorders of animals
have strong connections to similar disorders in peo-
ple, and data analysis performed in animal health-
care informatics may inform and complement human
healthcare research. For instance, the domestic dog
has been suggested as a model to investigate human
behavioral disorders such as the Attention Deficit Hy-
peractive Disorder (ADHD) (Hoppe et al., 2017; Lit
et al., 2010).
To summarize, state-of-the-art machine learning
techniques make it possible to easily develop auto-
matic tools for behavior analysis, which can greatly
impact animal health informatics. It is our hope that
this paper will also initiate a discussion on possible
cross-fertilization opportunities between animal and
human informatics with respect to automatic behav-
ior analysis.
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Animal Health Informatics: Towards a Generic Framework for Automatic Behavior Analysis Position Paper