Effect of Feedback Medium for Real-time Mastication Awareness
Increase using Wearable Sensors
Guillaume Lopez, Hideto Mitsui, Joe Ohara and Anna Yokokubo
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan
Mastication, Bone-conduction Microphone, Eating Quantification, Persuasive System, Real-time Feedback.
Increasing the number of mastications can help suppress obesity, but it is difficult to keep constant awareness
of it in everyday life. Besides, the conventional mastication number measurement apparatus is large and non-
portable such it is difficult to use it in daily life. This research proposes a system that supports chewing and
utterance consciousness improvement in real-time. It is composed of a cheap and small bone conduction
microphone to collect sound intra-body sound signal, and a smartphone that processes sound and provides
feedback in real-time so that it can be used conveniently in daily life. First, the accuracy of mastication
counting and utterance length estimation has been evaluated, confirming to be sufficient to provide real-time
feedback. Second, the evaluation of the effect on chewing and utterance consciousness of different ways and
medium of real-time feedback during a meal was carried out. It was possible to clarify the impact of real-
time feedback, as well as to determine the factors that affect more efficiently the improvement of mastication
number and utterance.
Obesity may cause lifestyle diseases such as diabe-
tes and heart disease. The Japanese Ministry of He-
alth, Labor and Welfare has taken measures for this
prevention, but the number of obese patients has not
decreased compared to 10 years ago (MHLW, 2016).
As measures against obesity, it is known to be useful
to improve eating habits and exercise moderately, but
it is also possible to significantly prevent it by incre-
asing the number of mastications (Ando et al., 2008;
Nicklas et al., 2001). As a concrete example, when
attempting to improve mastication activity for young
Chinese men with obesity, it was possible to reduce
the intake of energy in all the subjects consistently (Li
et al., 2011). The same study also demonstrated that
there is a useful possibility of measures against obe-
sity by the activity of increasing the number of che-
Improvement in the mastication amount is also
crucial since healthcare experts always check the
number of chewing as well as meal duration and food
type as an indispensable factor in assessing dietary
habits. In addition to the above, to prevent obesity,
the nervous system and chewing activities are clo-
sely related. This relation is because chewing repeti-
tion stimulates the satiety center and sympathetic ner-
vous system, which can reduce obesity by secreting
hormones that suppress appetite (Kao, 2007). No-
tably, several past works have reported that people
with fast-eating have higher tendency to be obese,
which is partly because lowering secretion of hor-
mones by eating fast causes an increase in dietary
amount (Denney-Wilson and Campbell, 2008; Gaul
et al., 1975). In addition to this, it is considered de-
sirable to encourage utterances during meals. Indeed,
Kishida et al. have reported that making conversation
during meals is related to good health (Kishida and
Kamimura, 1993).
This research proposes a system that supports che-
wing and utterance consciousness improvement in
real-time. It is composed of a cheap and small bone
conduction microphone to collect sound intra-body
sound signal, and a smartphone that processes sound
and provides feedback in real-time so that it can be
used conveniently in daily life. Though chewing
and swallowing processes depend on many factors
both human and food property dependants (see (Lo-
gemann, 2014)), this paper focuses the attention on
the point that in identical ”food conditions” (content,
amount, etc.) adequate real-time feedback of mas-
tication amount and utterance duration has a positive
effect on the quantitative and qualitative improvement
of both behaviors.
Lopez, G., Mitsui, H., Ohara, J. and Yokokubo, A.
Effect of Feedback Medium for Real-time Mastication Awareness Increase using Wearable Sensors.
DOI: 10.5220/0007569804420449
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2019), pages 442-449
ISBN: 978-989-758-353-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Many studies have been focusing on chewing as an
improvement of dietary habits, mainly proposing va-
rious methods and devices to quantify mastication
activity with little burden. As an effort to improve
such nutritional habits, eating habit improvement sys-
tems using wearable devices have been proposed, but
there is still room for improvement in judging mas-
tication amount and utterance duration when used in
everyday life(Amft et al., 2005; Shuzo et al., 2010;
Zhang et al., 2011).
As previous works on mastication counting have
shown, current devices that measure myoelectric po-
tential from the masseter muscle can count bite, but
wearing the apparatus in daily life is a significant bur-
den for the user (Kohyama et al., 2003). Another
technique using infrared sensor can detect small chan-
ges in temporal muscle tension, but one can consider
that this method is not applicable in the sense that it
bothers users during meals due to the sensing medium
and the appearance (Obata et al., 2002). Similarly,
Tanigawa et al. explored the use of the Doppler effect
in their system to sense the Doppler signal of masti-
cation produced from vertical jaw movements (Tani-
gawa et al., 2008). However, there also some calibra-
tion is required.
Recently, analysis of internal body sounds spectra
has attracted attention as a way to differentiate bet-
ween biting and speaking activities, and to classify
several types of food with less burden (Mizuno et al.,
2007). Uno et al. Proposed a system to detect the
chewing frequency and bite fidelity using bone con-
duction microphones(Uno et al., 2010). Paying atten-
tion to the amplitude during chewing, it is a system
that judges chewing when amplitude magnitude ex-
ceeds a certain level, and the judgment accuracy was
about 89%. However, activity discrimination method
is limited to specific ailments. Similarly, Nishimura
et al. (Nishimura and Kuroda, 2008) and Faudot et
al. (Faudot et al., 2010) propose to measure the che-
wing frequency using a wireless and wearable in-ear
microphone. However, to estimate the number of che-
wing operations, still, some parameters need to be ad-
justed by the user each time, which is a severe con-
straint in practical use.
Inoue et al. have proposed a method of overwri-
ting the visual appearance of food and the acoustic
signature of mastication sound during eating using an
head-mounted display (HMD) and a bone conduction
speaker(Inoue et al., 2016). Using the HMD, they
tried to increase the number of chewing by superim-
posing an indication of texture that makes food feel
stiff and regenerating chewing sound which makes it
feel solid in bone conduction speaker. As a result,
they reported that audiovisual information overwri-
ting issued an increase in the number of chewing.
Similarly, Kumagai et al. developed a game as an
opportunity making medium to increase the number
of chewing (Kumagai et al., 2016). Since a personal
computer (PC), an HMD, a charge amplifier, etc were
components commonly used in the above two related
studies, the apparatus was large and difficult to handle
in daily life. In most current systems and approaches,
measurement of conversation time depends on envi-
ronmental sounds, so there is room for improvement
in determination accuracy. Also, even if some works
are doing real-time measurements, feedback display
is not done in real time.
3.1 System Outline
Based on the above review of related research, it has
been decided to use a bone-conduction microphone to
enable the collection of both chewing and utterance
activities information. Some of the hands-free head-
sets available on the market are integrating such spe-
cific microphone, making it easily accessible to ever-
yone. Moreover, Fontana et al. have shown earlier
that even a strain sensor to detect chewing events and
a throat microphone to detect swallowing sounds pre-
sent enough comfort levels, such the presence of the
sensors does not affect the meal (Fontana and Sa-
zonov, 2013). A smartphone is used to deal with
the real-time processing of the collected sound sig-
nal. The algorithm that counts the mastication num-
ber and estimates the duration of utterance, though
designed based on previous works, has been tuned fo-
cusing on light computation to enable real-time pro-
cessing. Though the accuracy of the proposed system
is not the main topic of this paper, an initial evaluation
has been carried out to confirm it is accurate enough
to give quantified information about chewing and ut-
terance that is not too far from that perceived by the
The proposed support system has been separated
mainly into two sub-systems that are, a mastication
number improvement support interface, and an utte-
rance awareness improvement device. Figure 1 shows
the usage image of the mastication number impro-
vement support sub-system. In addition to the bone-
conduction microphone (Motorola finiti Bluetooth he-
adset) attached to one ear and the smartphone (Mo-
torola Moto G) to process sound signal, the chewing
frequency improvement support sub-system uses the
Effect of Feedback Medium for Real-time Mastication Awareness Increase using Wearable Sensors
same smartphone or a smartwatch (Motorola Moto
360) to provide real-time feedback. Figure 2 shows
the usage image of the support sub-system for ut-
terance awareness improvement. In addition to the
smartphone, it uses a microphone to collect sound sig-
nal and provides real-time feedback about utterance
duration using whether the smartphone display, a vi-
bration device or a Light Emitting Diode (LED). Ar-
duino compatible micro-controllers were used to con-
trol the input of the microphone, and activate whether
the vibration element or the LED simultaneously.
3.2 Method for Real-time Measurement
of Mastication Count and Utterance
Figure 3 shows the overall flow of the measurement
algorithm for mastication count and speech time. The
main algorithm, though designed based on previous
works, has been tuned focusing on light computation
to enable real-time processing. Short-term energy
was calculated from the raw sound signal and the re-
sulting data used for differentiation of mastication and
utterance signals. Calculation formula of Short-Term
Energy is described in Equ.1, where ”s” is the pro-
cessed raw signal, ”n” the step size in sample num-
bers, and ”w(n)” the windowing function. Short-Term
Figure 1: Usage image of mastication number improvement
support system.
Figure 2: Usage image of utterance awareness improvement
support device.
Energy makes it easier to grasp the characteristics dif-
ferences by explicitly checking the magnitude of the
resulting wave signal. Therefore, by simplifying the
waveform and making the waveform of the sound data
acquired by this system easier to interpret quantitati-
vely, it is possible to capture the features of mastica-
tion and utterance. From the data obtained by Short-
Term Energy, we measured the chewing count and ut-
terance time using both a magnitude threshold and a
duration threshold set by calibration.
E(n) =
m=lim inf
s(m) w(n m)
Measurement of chewing count and utterance du-
ration is performed as follows. The outline of the pro-
cess consists in repeating the following succession of
operations in real-time during the meal: sound signal
collection, short-term energy calculation, mastication
and utterance differentiation, result feedback. The
measurement starts after the microphone is set and
Figure 3: Overall flow of chewing and utterance determina-
tion algorithm.
HEALTHINF 2019 - 12th International Conference on Health Informatics
connected by pressing the ”start” button of the dedi-
cated smartphone application, and it ends by pressing
the ”end” button of the application. Figure 3 shows
the overall flow of the algorithm for mastication and
utterance activities differentiation.
As shown in Fig. 3, when the calculated short-
term energy value exceeds the threshold value, discri-
mination and calculation of mastication and utterance
are performed. In the case where the calculated values
exceed the set threshold value for more than a fixed
timespan, the algorithm judges the current sound seg-
ment an utterance. The segment ends once the cal-
culated value falls below the threshold, and the algo-
rithm provides the utterance duration to the interface
for real-time feedback before looping again. In the
case where the computed values exceed the set thres-
hold but only within a fixed timespan, the algorithm
judges the current sound segment as a chew and in-
creases the total number of mastications. Then the
algorithm provides this total number of bites to the
interface for real-time feedback before looping again.
Fig. 4 shows examples of the signal after short-term
energy calculation and the timing to separate mastica-
tion and utterance sound segments.
Figure 4: Determination of mastication and utterance and
4.1 Experimental Outline
Evaluation experiments were conducted to not only
verify the accuracy of the above-described algorithm,
but also to clarify the influence of the different real-
time feedback interfaces and medium on mastications
number and utterance awareness. Table 1 shows the
correspondence of each feedback tested. Patterns A,
B, and C were used in the sub-system that promo-
tes mastication, while patterns D, E, and F were used
in the sub-system that promotes utterance. Figure 5
shows screenshots of the smartphone displays for pat-
tern A and B.
Table 1: Description of the six feedback contents.
feedback content device
A picture animation and gauge change smartphone
according chewing count smartphone
B chewing count smartphone
C pattern A smartwatch
D speech time smartphone
E vibration according speech time vibration unit
F LED lighting according speech time LED unit
Figure 5: Screenshots of smartphone screen’s feedback pat-
terns A (left) and B (right).
An experimental study about mastications count
and utterance duration feedback has been carried out
on 18 males subjects from 22 to 23-year-old. During
each experiment, the subjects ate provided food with
the ear-worn device attached and answered the ques-
tions of the experimenter during meals for utterance
production. Two cases were presented, namely, when
presenting feedback using the proposed system du-
ring meals and not presenting feedback. In both cases,
the ear-worn device was attached. The meal content,
two rice balls and shredded cabbage (60g x 2) were
divided and distributed respectively to nine subjects
each. In the experiment with real-time feedback, sub-
jects have been divided into three groups, such among
feedback patterns A, B, and C, each has been provided
to six subjects respectively. Simultaneously, experi-
ments on utterance time have been performed. Due to
some equipment trouble, only 14 subjects data were
collected. Seven subjects were provided patterns D
and E, and seven others patterns E and F respecti-
vely. However, feedback pattern D had no experi-
mental equipment trouble such the whole 18 subjects
data were available to evaluate the accuracy of utte-
rance duration estimation. Exact values of mastica-
tion count and utterance time were measured using
video recorded by a video camera.
Effect of Feedback Medium for Real-time Mastication Awareness Increase using Wearable Sensors
In addition to the above, subjective evaluation
using a questionnaire survey was conducted to eva-
luate whether the user was conscious of the utterance
by feedback on the utterance time. Each question was
answered using the five-point scale. Furthermore, to
verify whether the user was aware of speaking, Fis-
her’s exact test of the independence between pattern
E and pattern F was performed on the item ”Were you
aware of an utterance during meals?”. Similar sub-
jective evaluation was also carried out in mastication
improvement sub-system experiments.
4.2 Experimental Results
Table 2 shows the results for the real-time detection
accuracy of mastication and utterance sound segments
using the proposed system. Bites could be counted
with sufficiently high efficiency with an average accu-
racy of 91%. Concerning utterance duration, the over-
all average accuracy was about 96%, which was also
considered high enough to provide feedback in accor-
dance with user’s perception.
Table 3 shows the result of mastication amount in-
crease result when providing feedback compared to
no feedback. An increase could be confirmed for all
18 subjects, whatever the feedback and food types
are. Relatively to each subject, mastication amount
was significantly increased (p <0.01, n=18) by about
16% with real-time feedback compared with the case
without feedback. Since the data set has two pa-
rameters, the food type, and the feedback pattern,
a two-way statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA)
has been performed. Table 4 shows the result of the
ANOVA. The p-value of the feedback pattern, 0.02, is
small enough to indicate strong evidence of its effect
on average mastication amount increase. On the other
hand, the p-value for the food type, 0.69, is big, indi-
cating it does not affect mastication amount increase.
Also, since the p-value for the interaction term, 0.89,
is big, indicating the effect of feedback pattern does
not depend on food type.
Then, a multiple comparison test (alpha=0.05,
Bonferroni method) of the mean mastication amount
increase depending on each feedback pattern has been
performed to see if the were any significant difference
in the effect of each feedback pattern (5). As a result,
the mean mastication amount increase in case of feed-
back pattern A is significantly higher than in case of
feedback B p-values 0.028. The p-value of the mean
difference between feedback patterns A and C, 0.066,
though over 0.05, is small enough to indicate the more
significant effect of feedback pattern A. Concerning
the difference between feedback patterns B and C, the
large p-value suggests there is no difference between
Table 2: Chewing count and speech duration detection
chew count speech duration
detection accuracy (%) 91 96
standard deviation (%) 4 3
Table 3: Mastication amount increase result depending on
feedback pattern.
food type subject feedback mastication
pattern increase amount
1 A 46
2 A 31
3 A 32
4 B 29
2 rice balls 5 B 6
6 B 22
7 C 15
8 C 22
9 C 23
10 A 27
11 A 34
12 A 46
shredded 13 B 23
cabbage 14 B 20
(60gx2) 15 B 18
16 C 19
17 C 14
18 C 41
Table 4: Analysis of Variance (2-ways ANOVA) ANOVA
of the mastication amount increase depending on food type
and feedback pattern.
source of sum of degrees of mean F p>F
variance squares freedom squares
Feedback 921 2 460.7 5.18 0.02
Food 14 1 14.2 0.16 0.69
Feedback?Food 21.8 2 10.9 0.12 0.89
Within factors 1066 12 88.9
Total 2024 17
Table 5: Multiple comparison test of the mean mastication
amount increase by each feedback pattern.
compared CI 95% means CI 95% p-value
patterns (low) difference (high)
A B 1.8 16.3 30.8 0.028
A C -0.9 13.7 28.2 0.066
B C -17.2 -2.7 11.9 0.877
HEALTHINF 2019 - 12th International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 6: Question contents and corresponding evaluation
Was chewing count correct? accuracy
Did you feel uncomfortable tiresomeness,
with the mounted device? oppressiveness
Wasn’t this system troublesome?
Was the screen easiness to understand
easy to see?
Do you want to use this system practicability
in the future?
Additionally, as a result of subjective evaluation
of speech experiment, utterance awareness increased
for more than half of the subjects in the condition of
using the utterance awareness improvement support
sub-system. Table 6 shows the items corresponding to
the question contents. The results of subjective evalu-
ation on chewing performed in the experiment using
the proposed system are shown in Figure 6. From this
result, it was possible for the subjects to be aware of
mastication during eating without feeling uncomfor-
table with the ear-worn device. Besides, it could be
confirmed that there is no particular problem in the
accuracy and understandability of the proposed sy-
stem. Subsequently, the results of the subjective eva-
luation of speech are shown in Figure 7 and Figure
In this experiment, in order to clarify the diffe-
rence of the awareness with respect to the utterance
Figure 6: Results of subjective evaluation on chewing.
Figure 7: Results of subjective evaluation of feedback by
vibration element.
Figure 8: Results of subjective evaluation of feedback by
feedback, Fisher’s exact test was carried out for pat-
terns E (vibration) and F (LED). In Fisher’s exact test,
the five-point scale resulting from subjective evalu-
ation is divided into two categories of ”good” and
”bad”, excluding ”neither” items. ”good” associated
with ”I strongly agree” and, ”I think so,” while ”bad”
with ”I do agree” and ”I strongly disagree. As a re-
sult, there was a tendency of a significant difference in
feedback by pattern E and pattern F (p <0.1) (Table
7). Regarding the feedback of Pattern D, subjective
evaluation was performed only on the item ”Was the
system correctly measuring speech?” (Fig. 9).
Table 7: Subjective evaluation of Fisher’s exact probability
Good Bad
vibration 6 1
LED 1 4
Figure 9: Results of subjective evaluation about utterance
5.1 Accuracy of Mastication and
Utterance Discrimination
As described in the experimental results, the accuracy
of chewing determination in real time was about 91%.
This result improved the accuracy of about 2% when
compared with about 89% of judgment accuracy of
bites count in our previous research (Mitsui et al.,
2017). Also, the accuracy of utterance judgment was
improved compared to previous studies. According
to the result of the subjective evaluation, regarding
the chewing, there were many positive results such as
Effect of Feedback Medium for Real-time Mastication Awareness Increase using Wearable Sensors
”I strongly agree” or ”I agree” for the question ”Was
chewing count correct?” Based on this result, it can
be said that chewing was able to be counted without
letting the subject feel uncomfortable. However, the
accuracy of the proposed system may change depen-
ding on the surrounding environment. In this experi-
ment, the accuracy was good because it was carried
out in a quiet room, but there is a drawback that if the
surroundings are noisy, that noise sound is also col-
As for the utterance, according to the result of the
subjective evaluation, it can be said that subjects were
able to measure without discomfort because accuracy
on Android was mostly positive in subjective evalu-
ation as well. However, in the case of measurement
by Arduino micro-controller, the problem is that the
microphone picks up noise, exceeds the threshold va-
lue, and the code connection method is inappropri-
ate. As a countermeasure, it is conceivable to utilize
the excellent accuracy of the utterance of Android, to
connect Arduino micro-controller to Bluetooth, and
to provide feedback.
5.2 Impact on Meals with or without
The number of mastications significantly increased by
an average of 16% with real-time feedback. As a
result, it became clear that it is possible to increase
the number of mastications significantly through vi-
sual feedback. One of the reasons that the number of
chewing is increasing is that the user becomes more
conscious of chewing during meals due to feedback.
Though the mastication amount increased for all
subjects in all real-time feedback patterns, a signi-
ficantly higher average increase was observed for
feedback pattern A compared to feedback patterns B
and C, between which no significant difference was
found. Based on this results, considering the differen-
ces in the device used and interface design between
the three feedback patterns, it is likely that the para-
meters such as a more significant amount of informa-
tion and larger screen size influence more the user to
be conscious of ”chewing.” In the former case, the in-
formation amount due to the feedback in the pattern
A and pattern B is more significant in pattern A, and
as a result, the amount of mastication significantly
increases more. In the latter case, though pattern A
and pattern C have the same feedback content, feed-
back pattern A that is provided using a smartphone
has a significantly higher increase of the mastication
amount than feedback pattern C that is provided using
a smartwatch.
According to the result of the subjective evalua-
tion, the subjects are more conscious of their utte-
rance. Also, regarding Fisher’s exact test, there is
a tendency that pattern E (vibration) is significantly
more efficient than pattern F (LED). In the case of
pattern F, if the LED is slightly remove the line of
sight, feedback does not make sense, whereas, in the
case of pattern E, it is easier to force the subject to be
As a chewing promotion system usable in everyday
life, we proposed a system that presents feedback of
chewing frequency in real time using bone conduction
microphone and smartphone, and a device to promote
speech. In implementing the proposed system, we
constructed an algorithm for measuring chewing fre-
quency and utterance, confirmed the accuracy of jud-
ging the number of chewing and speech time in the
proposed system, and the influence of feedback from
the proposed system on meals. As a result, we succee-
ded in judging the chewing frequency with about 91%
judgment accuracy which is about 2% higher than the
previous study. Meanwhile, the duration of utterance
can be measured with an high precision of about 96%.
Besides, the feedback coordinated with the utterance
using Arduino micro-controller controlled wearable
devices enabled to make more than half of the sub-
jects aware of the utterance. Also, there were a diffe-
rence in utterance awareness depending on feedback
medium, showing that vibration stimuli was more ef-
ficient than visual stimuli. However, in the feedback
on utterances, there was a tendency to have negative
responses to the question ”Would you use this system
in the future”? For this reason, it is necessary to deve-
lop a different feedback medium taking into account
the user practicality.
As a prospect, we want to improve the count accu-
racy of mastication in real meal environment (loud
places, various foods) and also consider a feedback
medium with higher visibility and more significant ef-
fect to the user. Furthermore, we would like to con-
duct a long-term experiment using the proposed sy-
stem and verify its effectiveness.
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Effect of Feedback Medium for Real-time Mastication Awareness Increase using Wearable Sensors