In the case of microCT, its computational and
time requirements are as summarized in Figure 1.
Increasing of computational power and machine
learning programming, which we are working on and
which was summarised elsewhere (Spoutil et al.,
2018), we will be able to push usability of microCT
for standard phenotyping procedure to broaden the
spectrum of usage and users. In the case of body
composition, the next goal is to teach the software to
differentiate hard particles of food from bone and
remove them from sections, plus smooth artificially-
increased intensities in their surroundings causing
star-like artefacts, which can distort real borders of fat
and lean, and thus their estimated volume. In the case
of bone morphology, we are planning to use a 3D
atlas-based approach similar to embryo screen (e.g.
Baiker et al., 2010) able to highlight significant
changes from mean morphology of individual bones,
as well as sections of skeleton.
We have clearly demonstrated that the data
quality of our approach is equal or higher than in the
standard 2D methods used in descriptive morphology
and anatomy of embryos and adults of mice due to
lower tissue deformation, full 3D spatial context, re-
usability of data etc. Replacing the work of specialists
with machine-learning and automation of the
procedure is the way to overcome the biggest
disadvantage of the method time demands. Its
application brought us first significant time savings.
Nevertheless, we still believe, the main role of the
computers in this process should be to help
researchers to focus more on data of their interest,
instead of fully automatic analysis. This is the way we
want to direct our future development of our
This work was supported by RVO 68378050 by the
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,
LM2015040 Czech Centre for Phenogenomics by
MEYS, CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001789
Upgrade of the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics:
developing towards translation research by MEYS
and ERDF, CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0395 Higher quality
and capacity for transgenic models by MEYS and
ERDF, and CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0109 Biotechnology
and Biomedicine Centre of the Academy of Sciences
and Charles University in Vestec (BIOCEV) by
MEYS and ERDF. We also want thank to Radislav
Sedlacek, director of CCP for his continued support,
and Karla Fejfarova, Frantisek Malinka and Benoit
Piavaux for their expertise in bioinformatics.
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