Table 6: Processing time of the decision stage for one 128×
128 testing image of the Outex-TC-00013 dataset.
Feature computation 933 ms 3 000 ms
Classification 3 ms 3 ms
Total 936 ms 3 003 ms
In this paper, we have proposed a compact color tex-
ture representation based on the combination of tex-
ture features extracted from various configurations of
descriptors in multiple color spaces. This representa-
tion takes into account different color and spatial pro-
perties of the textures to be analyzed and overcomes
the difficulty of a prior parameter settings. In addi-
tion, a novel family of features computed from histo-
grams of LBP has been proposed in this paper.
Compared to others approaches, experiments car-
ried out on three benchmark texture databases give
competitive results that are very promising for future
work. The proposed approach should be improved by
using a filter model for feature selection rather than
the wrapper model chosen in this paper. Since filter
model is classifier-independent, it should greatly re-
duce the execution time of the learning stage. For the
decision stage, it would be interesting to apply more
performing classifiers like SVM.
Finally, in order to increase the classification accu-
racies, we plan to extend our approach to the com-
bination of texture features extracted from manifold
descriptors (RSCCM, EOCLBP and others) with dif-
ferent configurations and several color spaces.
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Compact Color Texture Representation by Feature Selection in Multiple Color Spaces