and to show grid-related details when necessary. For
the analysis of larger studies, they considered the vi-
sualization of deviations between aggregated grids of
groups and the integrated quantification of differen-
ces based on statistical tests to be particular useful.
They concluded that reducing the manual analysis ef-
fort and being able to obtain results with higher spatial
accuracy compared to the current analysis procedures
are great benefits.
We presented an enhanced grid-based data reduction
approach for retinal thickness data. A new grid design
helps to strike a balance between obtaining a compact
data representation and being able to capture more re-
levant information. A coordinated visual analysis tool
supports a grid-based exploration of thickness data at
different levels of granularity. Different grids from
multiple datasets are compared. Alternative grids are
rated and ranked to facilitate the selection of best fit-
ting grids for given thickness data. Our approach con-
stitutes a systematic enhancement of existing work
and hence, provides a first step towards supporting
ophthalmologists in their grid-based analysis of intra-
retinal layer thickness.
Our data reduction is based on subdivisions of the
widely-used ETDRS grid layout. This allows to ad-
dress various ophthalmic applications while promo-
ting a more patient-specific analysis. Beyond taking
the ETDRS grids as a basis, the main ideas of subdivi-
sion, rating, and comparability together with coordi-
nated visualization are applicable to other grid types
as well. This may help to support fine-grained ana-
lyses in more specific ophthalmic applications, e.g.,
asymmetry analysis of retinal thickness for glaucoma
diagnosis using rectangular grids (Asrani et al., 2011).
During demonstration and feedback sessions, our
experts reported that it is not always known which
grid helps to solve a given analysis task. Hence, re-
search effort exists to find new grids that adequately
represent retinal changes of specific diseases. In this
regard, our rating and ranking of grids may help in
evaluating newly designed grids and sorting out ex-
isting grid types. So far, we used a data-driven ap-
proach to judge the representation quality of grids.
An interesting extension is to also support diagnosis-
driven grid ratings. This requires defining custom me-
asures that match different ophthalmic analysis tasks,
e.g. asymmetry analysis of thickness data. Moreo-
ver, assistance in choosing suitable rating cutoffs for
the selection of grids has to be provided. That way,
automated grid suggestions for specific tasks or ap-
plication are possible. However, to fully support such
efforts, more work is needed to be able to compare
and rank different grid types.
We ascertained the general utility of our solutions
in first tests with domain experts. To improve our de-
sign, we plan further evaluations of our tool in the
context of experimental studies. In this connection, an
interesting open question is how our grid-based analy-
sis approach can be combined with recent map-based
analysis approaches for thickness data of intraretinal
layers, e.g., (R
ohlig et al., 2018). To utilize the be-
nefits of both approaches, identifying and evaluating
best practices for each solution is required with re-
spect to an ophthalmic analysis workflow.
This work has been supported by the German Rese-
arch Foundation (project VIES).
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Grid-based Exploration of OCT Thickness Data of Intraretinal Layers