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new beamformer HRR-FDMAS in which the SCM
result is applied to the FDMAS in o rder to improve
range resolution. The improvement of the spatial re-
solution for the FDMAS in the conventional RF ban d
was clearly confirmed by experiments. Evaluation
and verification of a c tual performance of the HRR-
FDMAS fo r living organ isms is a task to be carr ie d
out as soon as possible in the f uture.
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rithm that requires the e igenvalue analysis. Therefore,
we are considering improvin g the range resolution by
other methods that can use phase information with a
low cost procedure. The essence of the SCM is to
transmit and receive multiple times while ch anging
the carrier frequency irregularly, and we aim to pro-
pose an efficient beamforming method that can take
advantage of this principle.
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