nection with mistyping, but we could not notice such
a trait. This is presented in Figure 10.
(a) (b)
Figure 10: Typing patterns of the same user. The user typed
the prologue of Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet two times,
both are presented in the subfigures. Patterns look very si-
milar, so we can guess they are from the same person. The
number of typos, however, is different. We could not notice
any regularity in when and where the user mistyped.
4.2 Unused Cell Elimination
In our heatmap-like visualization method, all possible
key pair combinations examined by us have separated
space, even if no information is present in a cell. In
most of the cases, not all character pairs appear in the
text that the user types, which means many cells re-
main empty when visualizing the typing style of the
user. Since the alignment of the examined characters
is based on their frequency in the used language, va-
lues will not be scattered away too much from each
other but rather appear on a specific part of the table.
As seen in Figure 11, even after typing a long text,
only about half of the visualization area is filled with
valuable, non-empty cells. We introduced a method
that eliminates most of the empty spaces. We moved
some of the cells that contain any information into
another position.
If we work with the central alignment of exami-
ned keys, we push each element from all four sides:
from right, up, left, and bottom, alternately. The goal
is to push elements one column and one row closer
to the center in each iteration till we get a row or
column where there is no more empty space, which
means that cells can no longer be pushed one po-
sition further. After applying this process, it is not
clear which key pair belongs to which cell exactly,
but the character frequency based structure still re-
mains because mainly the cells on the edges will be
pushed closer to each other because they appear less
frequently. In contrast, there is more density in the
middle, and those cells cannot be pushed away too
much. This means the process does not violate the
frequency-based structure too much and does not mix
up all the cells. The result of this process can be
seen in Figure 12, where there is a little difference
between the more and the less frequently typed cha-
racters. The process emphasizes non-empty cells by
increasing their size and pushing them closer to ot-
her cells, making them neighboring with cells having
about the same frequency level that they have. Besi-
des, we do not show the mistyping rate for each key
here, since, as discussed above, it is not sure that they
contain properties which are personal enough. After
using this process, a comparison of two different ty-
ping patterns is demonstrated in Figure 13.
For testing the effectiveness of our method, we cre-
ated a survey that involved the help of some volun-
teers. We collected the typing styles of 7 users who
consented to use their patterns for validation purpo-
ses. Everyone had to type the same text consisting
of about 4 500 characters. These patterns were split,
and the first and the second halves of them were vi-
sualized separately. In the survey, we presented some
patterns at once that were randomly chosen before,
and we asked the users to pair the patterns that they
think to originate from the same person. All the pe-
ople got the same questionnaire containing the same
patterns. There were 15 questions in the survey. One
type of the questions was about creating two pairs of
four typing patterns presented, and the other kind of
questions were about finding the matching pair of the
presented pattern. A small portion of this survey is
visible in Figure 14. 16 people participated in filling
out this form. They were not the same people whose
typing style was presented in the test, and in fact, they
never heard earlier about the existence of the typing
styles of people so both the concept and the presen-
tation method were new for them. Overall, they gave
answers with a correct state rate of 92.08%, showing
that it may be possible to distinguish individuals’ ty-
ping patterns visualized by our method.
We presented a method to visualize individuals’ ty-
ping styles so that personal typing habits can be visi-
ble. In our work, we used time-based keystroke dy-
namics to extract and show the typing patterns of a
person. Since we only rely on time-based properties,
no additional hardware is required except a regular
keyboard when using our software. We experienced
that using time differences of keystroke pairs as the
base of the visualization can result in an individual
TypeVis: Visualization of Keystrokes and Typing Patterns based on Time Series Analysis