static or unchanged. This problem may also occur
when the user interface is displayed far from the user
FOV. We tested our approach with 7 participants and
although the initial feedbacks are positive and encour-
aging, we plan to conduct an experiment in real-world
scenarios and report the results in follow-up studies.
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ing algorithms and methods to detect the digits faster.
In addition, the algorithm was tested with user with
full mobility. Additional evaluation will help under-
stand the effectiveness of the approach in real-world
scenarios with subjects restricted in their motor skills.
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plies that the user has followed a moving target, thus
eliminating the Midas touch problem. Other applica-
tions may benefit from this interaction technique, for
example entering a flight level in a virtual Air Traf-
fic Control Simulator. Future work will explore digits
recognition time and investigate the potential of this
method on alphanumeric characters.
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