sentence-level location and context in the linked
literature where the relation originates from. These
detailed results are important for the bioinformatics
researchers who want to grasp an overall
comprehension of their interested entities and
In this article, focusing on the problem that current
“gene-mutation-disease” semantic types lack fine-
grained classification and corresponding relation
signal words, we propose a text-mining-assisted
semantic type construction approach for automatic
relation extraction from biomedical literature. We
eventually construct a semantic type with 5 layers and
16 categories as well as a corresponding signal word
vocabulary list with 58 commonly-used relation
words. Through coverage and guiding performance
test, even using the old-fashioned dictionary-based
methods, our semantic type is proved not only to have
good performance on coverage evaluation, but also
have great potential in assisting knowledge detection
and discovery from literature. In future works, we
will continue to study deep learning-based solutions
to extract “gene-mutation-disease” relations.
This Research was funded by National Key R&D
Program of China (2016YFC0901900).
Thanks to Doctor Jiao Li and her team at
Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences for the
guidance in biomedical ontology construction.
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Construct Semantic Type of “Gene-mutation-disease” Relation by Computer-aided Curation from Biomedical Literature