Embedded Textile Sensing System for Pressure Mapping and
Monitoring for the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers
Susana Pereira
, Joana Fonseca
, Joana Almeida
, Ricardo Carvalho
, Pedro Pereira
Ricardo Simoes
Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (IPCA), Barcelos, Portugal
Centre for Nanotechnology and Smart Materials (CeNTI), V. N. Famalicão, Portugal
Keywords: Pressure Ulcers, Piezoresistive Sensor, Textile Sensing Matrix, Monitoring System, Body Pressure Mapping.
Abstract: Despite improvements in medical industry and consequent modernization of the biomedical devices and
healthcare, pressure ulcers prevalence remains high particularly in hospitalized patients that present little or
no mobility. This kind of skin injury affects the patients’ quality of life and their caregivers, and on the other
hand, increases directly or indirectly the healthcare costs. Thus, the monitoring and early identification of the
risk factors that lead to the development of pressure ulcers is important to decide what are the appropriate
preventive measures. The present work aims to present a new concept of a pressure sensing and monitoring
system, able to detect the pressure exerted on the surface. In this case, the system consists of a sensing matrix
made from a kind of commercial piezoresistive sensors embedded in a textile substrate. The solution presented
can be used together with an actuation system, which will reply in order to allow the pressure relief according
to the feedback from the pressure monitoring system.
People with severe motor limitations have, in most of
the cases, a decrease of sensitivity in the body´s areas
in contact with support surfaces. In addition, their
limited mobility doesnt allow them to frequently
change position autonomously. As a result of these
complications, the people tend to become bedridden
which, consequently, may result in development of
pressure ulcers, also known as decubitus ulcers
(Rocha et al., 2008). According to the European
Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP), National
Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) and Pan
Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance (PPPIA), a pressure
ulcer is a localized injury of the skin and/or
underlying tissue, usually over a bony prominence, as
a result of pressure, or pressure in combination with
shear (National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel,
2007), (Superfícies de apoio na prevenção das
úlceras de pressão, no date). Although there are
several risk factors which may trigger the
development of pressure ulcers, the critical
determinants include the intensity and duration of
pressure, and the tolerance of skin and its support
structures to pressure (Murray et al., 2001), (Rocha et
al., 2006), (Lyder and Ayello, 2008). Usually, a
pressure ulcer occurs when soft tissues are
compressed between bony prominences and an
external surface for a prolonged period of time.
Pressure leads to the injury when it is higher than
blood pressure within capillaries (a threshold of
32 mmHg is widely indicated as the point at which
intracapillary pressure is overcome), resulting in
capillary collapse and, consequently, insufficient
sanguineous irrigation (Murray et al., 2001), (Rocha
et al., 2008), (Lyder and Ayello, 2008), (Dealey,
2012), (Menoita et al., 2012). The development of a
pressure ulcer can occur in a short period of time
(within 2 to 6 hours), which makes it necessary to
adopt timely preventive measures, namely, identify
patients with higher risk and/or more vulnerable to
the development of pressure ulcers (Lyder and
Ayello, 2008).
The common preventive strategies widely used in
these cases, as a fundamental complement in the
pressure ulcers treatment, include the use of pressure
reduction devices or support surfaces. Among this
kind of devices there are the static devices that
provide a constant pressure redistribution, increasing
the contact surface with the skin and reducing the
force exerted per unit of area; and dynamic devices
Pereira, S., Fonseca, J., Almeida, J., Carvalho, R., Pereira, P. and Simoes, R.
Embedded Textile Sensing System for Pressure Mapping and Monitoring for the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers.
DOI: 10.5220/0007690802910296
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2019), pages 291-296
ISBN: 978-989-758-353-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
which offer a cyclically variable pressure (Rocha et
al., 2006). Static devices include mattresses, covers,
cushions, wheelchair cushions and positioning
supports made from viscoelastic materials, memory
foam, gel or water and air. In the other hand, dynamic
devices comprise alternating and low-air-loss
mattresses, air fluidized beds, air cells with
alternating insufflation, dynamic flotation systems
and continuous low pressure devices, among others
(Rocha and Miranda, 2006), (Fulton and Monro,
2009), (McInnes et al., 2011), (Call and Black, 2015).
Despite the benefits of these devices in preventing
pressure ulcers, they also feature some limitations,
operate preprogrammed and alternately, providing
the same pressure redistribution, not effectively
removing body pressure from high pressure points
and not adapt to different pressure and risk situations.
Currently, the market has been focusing on new
solutions which incorporate monitoring or sensing
systems, allowing the measurement of the pressure
exerted between the patient and contact surface.
Basically, these systems supply mapping the pressure
distribution in order to identify areas of the body that
are under elevated pressures (Sensor Products Inc., no
date), (Mattress Retail & Design | XSENSOR
Technology Corporation, no date). However, these
devices only allow the measurement or detection of
pressure, not providing the relief or redistribution of
the pressure, furthermore, its use in pressure ulcers
prevention has not been reported.
The present work is part of a research project,
designed ActiveRest, which has as main objective the
development of a new concept of a smart textile
mattress guard that through a body pressure mapping
system in combination with an intelligent actuation
system, will relieve the pressure on the user,
preventing the development of a pressure ulcer. In
addition, the ActiveRest project seeks to create a
solution that integrates three development stages, as
represented in the diagram of the Figure 1.
Figure 1: Main objectives of the ActiveRest project.
This paper presents the work carried out in the
design and development of a pressure sensing matrix,
based on the selection of flexible and adaptable
materials, in order to create a system that allows
pressure monitoring through the mapping of body
Currently, on the market and in scientific literature
there are numerous kinds of transducers that convert
force into an electric quantity. In this case, force
sensors can integrate sensors involving a variation of
an electrical property (resistance, capacitance, or
impedance), sensors generating a charge
displacement (piezoelectric), among others that use
different physical quantities (light, magnetic field,
etc.) (Giovanelli and Farella, 2016).
A promising type of pressure sensor (the terms
force and pressure are used as synonyms, considering
that force is pressure over a known area), and widely
used in several applications, is force sensing resistors
(FSR), sometimes called piezoresistive sensors.
Piezoresistive/force sensing resistors present some
advantages in relation to other force sensors, namely,
can be fabricated using flexible materials, which
make them able to adapt to the place where they are
inserted; are very robust against noise and the
conditioning electronics is simple. Moreover, the unit
costs are relatively low (Giovanelli and Farella,
2016), (Overview | Force Sensitive Resistor (FSR) |
Adafruit Learning System, no date).
This study is focused on a type of commercial
force sensing resistor, FSR 402 model of Interlink
Electronics (Figure 2) with 14,7 mm diameter active
area (FSR 402, no date). It is a robust polymer thick
film (PTF) sensor that exhibit a decrease in resistance
with increase in force applied to the surface of the
sensor. This sensor is fairly low cost and easy to use.
Figure 2: FSR 402 model of Interlink Electronics with
14,7 mm diameter.
2.1 FSR Study and Calibration
The experimental setup implemented to study and
characterize the accuracy of the sensor's response is
represented in Figure 3. In this case, on the sensor's
surface different weights values (150, 300, 450, 600
BIODEVICES 2019 - 12th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
and 750 g) were placed, and a bench multimeter was
used to measure the sensor's resistive value, which
changes according to the applied force. The
multimeter was connected to a computer that stores
the data that result of the pressure sensor reading. In
order to ensure that the weight was uniformly
distributed over the sensor´s sensing area, two types
of materials with different stiffness and texture were
tested, namely an acrylic circle and a felt circle, with
a slightly lower diameter than the sensor sensing area
(14 mm), as shown in Figure 4. These materials were
used as spacers between the contact area of the sensor
with the weight.
Figure 3: Experimental setup used to study of the FSR
sensor response.
Figure 4: Acrylic and felt circles, respectively, used as
spacers between the FSR sensor and the weight.
2.1.1 Results Analysis
Initially the sensor’s response was analysed in regards
to the sensibility and response time, using the acrylic
spacer. Figure 5 shows the graphical representation of
the results obtained in the sensitivity study. The graph
represents the relationship between the sensor
conductance as a function of the pressure applied
when placed on the sensor the different weights
mentioned above.
As regards the study of the sensor’s response time,
it is represented by the graph in Figure 6. In this case,
a defined weight was used and the sensor´s response
was measured over a period of time, verifying if the
sensor reading remains constant on each sampling.
Figure 5: Sensitivity study of FSR sensor using an acrylic
spacer between the sensor and the weight.
Figure 6: Response time study of FSR sensor using an
acrylic spacer between the sensor and the weight.
According to the results obtained in both studies,
for the acrylic spacer, it can be observed some
inaccuracy in the results, so that the sensor´s response
does not vary uniformly. As an alternative to acrylic,
another material with lower stiffness was analysed,
that is the felt spacer. Figures 7 and 8 represent the
graphs with the results obtained using this material,
for the study of the sensitivity and the response time
of the sensor, respectively.
Figure 7: Sensitivity study of FSR sensor using a felt spacer
between the sensor and the weight.
Embedded Textile Sensing System for Pressure Mapping and Monitoring for the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers
Figure 8: Response time study of FSR sensor using a felt
spacer between the sensor and the weight.
Regarding the results obtained using a felt spacer,
the sensor showed better results and greater
sensitivity. From the graphic analysis, it was possible
to observe that commercial piezoresistive sensors are
quite accurate and have a short response time, which
is about 1 minute. This improvement can be related
with a more uniform and adequate distribution of the
force over the sensor’s contact area, minimizing some
errors associated with inconsistencies in the force
distribution, which can arise from substrate stiffness.
In order to analyse the consistency and stability of
the sensor readings, as well as the variability of the
implemented measurement system, the sensor’s
repeatability study was also performed. To this end,
different measurement series were carried out, in a
total of three repetitions. The results obtained with
this procedure are shown in graphical representation
of the Figure 9. From the graph it is observed that the
sensor’s response varied slightly throughout the tests,
however the different is minimal, which shows good
results in the repeatability of the sensor’s response.
Figure 9: Repeatability study of FSR sensor over three tests,
using a felt spacer.
3.1 Implemented System Overview
The behaviour of piezoresistive commercial sensors
on pressure monitoring applications, when used
together with a commercial dynamic pressure
mattress (INVACARE LIBER L803/ESKAL L839),
was studied. For this analysis a calibrated weight of
10 kg was used and placed onto a surface of wood in
order to distribute the force applied through several
air cells (Figure 10). The FSR sensor was fixed and
centred to an air cell at the mattress bottom
(Figure 11). For this analysis two tests were
performed, first using the felt spacers between the
sensor and the air cell, and then without de felt spacer.
Each test was repeated 2 times and lasted
approximately 30 minutes to ensure that both
operating cycles (filling and emptying) of the
mattress were studied.
Figure 10: Calibrated weight of 10 kg placed on the air cells
of the dynamic mattress.
Figure 11: FSR sensor fixed to an air cell of the mattress.
BIODEVICES 2019 - 12th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
3.1.1 Results Analysis
The results obtained with and without the felt spacer
represented in the graph of the Figure 12. Analysing
the different curves, it is observed that the sensor
presents better results when the felt spacer is used,
presented a greater sensitivity. Furthermore, it is also
possible to verify the sensor´s capability to detect the
pressure exerted by the weight placed on the mattress
taking into account the alternation of the filling
cycles, featuring a similar behaviour over the time.
On the other hand, due to technical difficulties in
reproducibility of the experimental conditions, it was
not possible to draw any conclusions about sensor’s
Figure 12: Sensitivity study of FSR sensor placed on a
commercial dynamic mattress with a fixed weight of 10 kg.
The tests were performed with and without the felt spacer.
4.1 Textile Sensing Matrix Design
In order to create a system capable to detect and
measure the pressure exerted on a surface, for
example the body pressure exerted between the
patient and the mattress, a matrix composed of 96
piezoresistive sensors was constructed. Each sensor
was previously calibrated and characterized based on
the experimental procedure as described before. From
the sensor’s calibration process were determined the
calibration parameters by linear regression. As
support for the sensing matrix, a textile substrate was
used, on which the 96 sensors were arranged in 12
rows and 8 columns and fixed by a sewing process.
The felt spacers were fixed to the sensor’s contact
area using an adhesive tape and the connections
between the sensors were made using coated
conductor wire (0.7 mm diameter, 50 torsions per
meter, 0.694 Ω electric resistance and electric
insulation of PFA). Figure 13 shows the constructed
textile matrix, and its respective connections between
the piezoresistive sensors.
Figure 13: Sensing matrix (12x8) from commercial
pressure sensors of Interlink Electronics.
4.2 Body Pressure Mapping
Tests with the sensing matrix were carried out using
the dynamic mattress of INVACARE. The matrix
was positioned under the mattress, so that each sensor
corresponds to an air cell. The pressure exerted on the
dynamic mattress surface resulted from the
bodyweight distribution of a person with 79 kg laid
along the mattress. This experimental procedure was
adopted in order to measure the pressure variation
detected by each sensor during the operation cycles
of the alternating pressure device. The acquisition and
display software was developed using Labview, and
the implemented program provides the serial
communication with the data acquisition board, and
the display of the pressure values mapped to a color
scale. This procedure can be observed in Figure 14.
Figure 14: Body pressure mapping using the piezoresistive
sensor matrix developed and the acquisition software.
Embedded Textile Sensing System for Pressure Mapping and Monitoring for the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers
This paper presents the work carried out in the design
and development of piezoresistive sensor matrix used
to detect and monitor the pressure. The
characterization and calibration procedures of the
FSR sensor was presented, as well as, tests in pressure
measurement applications, where the influence of the
use of different spacers material (acrylic and felt)
with different stiffness was analysed. In this case, it
was observed that the use of a spacer material, with
low rigidity, namely the felt spacer, coupled to the
commercial FSR sensor was found to greatly improve
the accuracy of pressure measurement. The sensor’s
response using the felt spacers showed greater
From the graph of Figure 12 it is possible to see
that the sensor starts to respond from a conductivity
of approximately 0,05 mS which, by data from
graphic representation of Figure 7, correspond to a
pressure values below 5 kPa. With this, it is observed
that the piezoresistive sensor can detect in the
pressure range where the value of the capillary
tension inside the tissues (32 mmHg, corresponding
to about 4 kPa) is inserted, from which the pressure
begins to cause lesions on the skin, especially in
regions of vulnerable bone prominence. Thus,
according to the study developed around the use of
commercial piezoresistive sensors in pressure
detection and mapping systems, it was found that this
kind of sensors allows the pressure measurement,
including when used with other pressure ulcer
prevention systems. The developed sensing matrix
was able to read pressure variations, presenting a
satisfactory performance, which proves its usefulness
in body pressure monitoring applications.
The authors acknowledge Graça Bonifácio, Sandra
Ventura, José Casquilho, Miguel Ribeiro for their
contributions. This research is supported by FEDER
funds through the COMPETE 2020 Programme
under project ActiveRest (project 18011 of the
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BIODEVICES 2019 - 12th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices