Virtual Reality based Diagnosis System for Visuospatial Neglect
Kais Siala
, Mohamed Kharrat
, Mohamed Belghith
, Olfa Boubakri
, Sameh Ghroubi
Mohamed Habib Elleuch
and Mohamed Abid
CES Laboratory, National School of Engineering of Sfax, University of Sfax, Airport Road, Sfax, Tunisia
Research Unit UR12ES18, Department of Physical Medecine and Rehabilitation, University of Sfax,
Airport Road, Sfax, Tunisia
Higher School of Informatics and Management in Kairouan, Department of Computer Science, University of Kairouan,
sghroubi@yahoo.fr, mohamed.abid ces@yahoo.fr
Virtual Reality, Health Diagnosis, Visuospatial Neglect, Rehabilitation.
The diagnosis of Visuospatial neglect is generally conducted using paper based manual methods. The obtained
results could be confused with sensory inattention pathology. In this paper we are presenting a new Virtual
Reality based diagnosis method for patients suffering from Visuospatial neglect. For this purpose a Virtual
Reality simulation called Farm Parade has been developed where the patient, after wearing a Virtual Reality
headset, will be guided inside a road crossing a farm like environment where animals at both sides of the road
will slowly move and generate sounds to encourage patients to look at them. The patient head motion will
be then tracked to generate a graph showing his capacity to move his head and judge if he is suffering from
Visuospatial neglect. The strength of the proposed system is the generation of numerical values relative to the
amount of head’s rotation which could be helpful for measuring precisely the degree of recovery.
Visuospatial neglect is most commonly the results of
stroke or cranial trauma. It affects up to 80% of pa-
tients in the acute stage (HeilmanKM, 1993)(Barat M,
2000)(PELISSIER J., 2005). It leads that the person
forgets half of his body and mainly the side who is not
relaying on during his daily life activities (Ogourtsova
et al., 2018)(Li and Malhotra, 2015). Since most
people are using their right side, most patients suf-
fers from Visuospatial neglect on the left side of their
body. This affects their daily life activities, in the way
they cannot use their left hand or move normally their
left feet. There are multiple approaches to diagnose
patients suffering from Visuospatial neglect but most
of them are manual. In addition, these approaches
could lead to ambiguities those suffering from sen-
sory inattention. In fact, both pathologies might co-
exist and patient might recover from one before the
other (Li and Malhotra, 2015). Moreover, the classi-
cal tests could not give a precise measure of the re-
covery state of the patient. In the next section we will
review popular methods used today to diagnosis Vi-
suospatial neglect.
Visuospatial neglect diagnosis is mainly manual and
paper based (Pedroli et al., 2015)(Bergegoc., 1995).
This requires that patient sits in proper position and
has the paper in a fixed position and center it within
his body. This is not always an easy task especially for
patients suffering from serious physical problem or
those trying to cheat during the diagnosis by moving
the paper to the normal side of their body to show that
their fast recovery. Below examples of these tests.
2.1 Bisection Test
In the Bisection test, after sitting in proper position
as described above, patient shall use a pen to mark
the middle of each line. Patients suffering from Visu-
ospatial neglect tend to not marking the line exactly
on the middle. In addition they might not notice the
presence of some line one affected side of their body.
Siala, K., Kharrat, M., Belghith, M., Boubakri, O., Ghroubi, S., Elleuch, M. and Abid, M.
Virtual Reality based Diagnosis System for Visuospatial Neglect.
DOI: 10.5220/0007691505060509
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2019), pages 506-509
ISBN: 978-989-758-353-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved