and SIFT descriptors as base for the representation of
the images. And use references histograms for the tar-
geted object and background of the image, computed
from a learned dataset. We try to minimize the dis-
tance between the reference histogram of the targeted
object and the histogram of the inner region of the seg-
mentation and at the same time the distance between
the reference histogram of the background of the im-
age and the histogram of the outer region. This ap-
proach provides a good combination of the statistical
properties of the whole image. We presented an appli-
cation of this method on two types of medicals images
leading to better results than the luminance base.
As a future work, several approaches can be added
to the method, the first one would be to use the opti-
mization of the alpha parameter of the alpha-diver-
gence (Meziou et al., 2014). Another approach can
consist in changing the minimization between the his-
togram of the region and the reference by a maximiza-
tion of the distance between the histograms of the two
regions. It is also possible to investigate further in the
statistical representation of the image using more
complex representations, as deep features computed
from a convolutional neural network.
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