Categorical Classification of Factors Effecting Knowledge
Management in Software Crowdsourcing: Hypothetical Framework
Nasir Hussain
College of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA),
Jiangjun Road no.29, Jiangning District, Jiangsu Province, Nanjing, China
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Software Crowdsourcing, Success Factors, Failure Factors, Quantitative Research.
Abstract: Within Software Crowdsourcing, Knowledge Management has a great significance in both academia and
industry as a valuable tool used to manage knowledge from the crowd. The aim of this research is to ascertain
which success are and which are failure factors of Knowledge Management in Software Crowdsourcing.
Literature review techniques and Quantitative Research techniques were applied in order to establish the
success and failure factors. By utilizing the literature review method a total of twelve success factors were
established of which seven is supported. Eight failure factures were established out of which six are supported.
Subsequent to the analysis, a framework is presented in which the factors are further linked to the
implementation of Knowledge Management in Software Crowdsourcing. This research and its suggested
framework will also prove useful for academics to further gain a comprehensive view of Knowledge
Management factors in Software Crowdsourcing for use in future studies.
Crowdsourcing is a tool used by small and medium
enterprises (SMEs) (Khan et al, 2019; Brabham,
2008). Crowdsourcing software development is
different to other platforms. Before any development
starts, organizations would need to first predetermine
their needs and requirements and how this will affect
crowd membership. Software crowdsource-ing is a
web based model that brings together solutions from
a distributed network of individuals. How states that
crowdsourcing represents the process in which an
organization takes a process that was previously
performed by its employees and giving it to a large
network of individuals in order to collaborate.
Organizations would post a problem online to which
a large number of individuals with different ideas on
how to solve the problem will respond. A reward
could be given to the individual with the best idea,
after which the organization can then market it as
their own (Brabham 2008).
Knowledge Management within Software
Crowdsourcing is a challenge to manage. Knowledge
Management has undergone a systematic
development process over the first years of the
century and has been shown to be a much
discussed topic within numerous different industry
groups(Aurum et al, 2008: Khan et al, 2016). The
skills utilized in order to achieve knowledge is
progressing more rapidly and is in line with today’s
knowledge driven economy.
However there are many Knowledge
Management tools available on how to manage
knowledge from within the crowd. We will be
introducing a technique that will enable the
management of knowledge in Software
Crowdsourcing (Alan Frost, 2014). We’ve placed
our focus on Knowledge Management factors in
Software Crowdsourcing as well as to study and test
for any other influences that may the success and
failure factors in Knowledge Management in
Software Crowdsourcing (Alavi and Leidner, 2001).
Knowledge Management is faced with a difficult
situation as to how to manage knowledge from
within the crowd as there are so many different
frameworks. These frameworks are however mostly
developed for the needs of large international
companies (Ergazakis et al, 2006). Therefore the
same needs still exist specifically in using software
in crowdsourcing. This research is therefore aimed
directly towards a Knowledge Management system
specifically focused on Software Crowdsourcing in
line with the needs and necessities required to handle,
regulate the collection and storing as well as the
sharing of information (Akhavan and Fathian 2006).
Based on the discussion we have developed the
following research questions.
Hussain, N.
Categorical Classification of Factors Effecting Knowledge Management in Software Crowdsourcing: Hypothetical Framework.
DOI: 10.5220/0007811005780585
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2019), pages 578-585
ISBN: 978-989-758-375-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
RQ1: Using literature and empirical study, which
factors are identified that would either have a positive
or negative impact on Knowledge Management
within Software Crowdsourcing?
RQ2: What would be the likely framework for the
factors to have either a positive or negative outcome
on Knowledge Management in Software
RQ3: What would be the most suitable framework
to be introduced within a successful Knowledge
Management in Software Crowdsourcing platform?
Knowledge Management is a valuable component
within Software Crowdsourcing platforms. It takes
individual’s knowledge and transforms it into
hierarchical information where it can be shared with
others in the group. In turn other individuals in the
group can then collaborate and add to it (Wong &
Aspinwall, 2006). Although Knowledge
Management has been extensively researched, there
is no single all-fitting method. There is also a variety
of systems, tools and methods.
Many researches have come up with different
views on Knowledge Management (Khan et al,
2018). One of which states that it is the gathering of
techniques view information through association
with end goals to assess its feasibility and
Moreover it has characterized Knowledge
Management as the act of specifically utilizing
learning from past encounters with basic leadership.
This is in line with current and future basic leadership
exercises which is specifically the required
motivation behind enhancing the organization.
Knowledge is a kind of stream that can exchange
knowledge between the knowledge provider and the
knowledge demander (Wong and Aspinwall, 2006).
Knowledge Management is getting the correct
information to the correct individuals at the right time
so they can settle on the best choices.
In conclusion, all Knowledge Management
methodologies focuses on the fact that it’s an
important asset and that knowledge should be
presented to users timeously. Therefore it is a process
that assists organizations to capture, select, organize,
distribute and transfer significant information in
order to gain a business advantage.
In this paper we discuss the primary steps towards
developing the proposed framework (Knowledge
Management in Software Crowdsourcing). We
discuss the success and failure factors that could have
a positive or negative impact on Knowledge
Management in Software Crowdsourcing. These
factors will assist in the development of the factors
component of Knowledge Management in Software
The reported success and failure factors will assist
with the theory of Knowledge Management in
Software Crowdsourcing.
This research study will be performed by utilizing
literature review and has been used as a prelude to the
research report and proposal. A good review can
extract new ideas from others’ work by combining
and summarizing previous sources (Brettle and
Gambling, 2003). On top of that, new theories can be
built from the evidence discussed and new directions
for future research can be suggested. It can also be
used to facilitate evidence used in daily practice, by
supplying answers to clinical questions (Khan et al,
2017; Brettle and Gambling, 2003). Literature
reviews are also ideally used within publishing
through initial research questions including access to
a literature databases and some basic evaluation and
writing skills.
The focus of this research is to identify success and
failure factors in Knowledge Management in
Software Crowdsourcing. The contextual factor was
also added to the framework to test the sensitivity of
organizations of different sizes. The proposed
groups the variables based on whether
they are success or failure factors in Knowledge
Management in Software Crowdsourcing. Below is a
brief discussion thereof.
4.1 Success Factors
The following success factors categorized below
includes the variables which produces positives
within Knowledge Management in Software
4.1.1 Organizational Culture
Organizational culture is a bottoms-up process. It
starts with the junior staff and works its way up to the
top of the organization.
Categorical Classification of Factors Effecting Knowledge Management in Software Crowdsourcing: Hypothetical Framework
a. Crowd Involvement
Organizational culture is very important to the
successful implementation of activities within
Knowledge Management. Lack of trust amongst co-
workers will block their ability to group together
during discussions. The greater the trust, the more
likeliness there is of openness in discussions that will
lead to data being shared more willingly (Khan et al,
2017). Making errors is a part of learning, individuals
should not be punished when applying new
information. Focusing on errors will deter them from
collaborating with others as there will be a sense of
H1: Crowd Involvement has a positive impact on
Knowledge Management in Software
b. Cultural Norms and Values
Every culture has its own styles, values and norms
which can potentially cause difficulty in people from
diverse cultural backgrounds when they try to
communicate with each other. (Holmstrom et al.,
2006) Between companies, working norms can also
differ to some extent.
H2: Culture Norms and Values has a positive
impact on Knowledge Management in Software
c. Cultural Awareness
Cultural awareness involves teams recognizing their
difference in opinion during for example software
development. By adjusting their ways of thinking and
responding differently they can promote mutual
understanding instead (Winkler et al., 2008).
Interpretation can be further promoted by team
members having a sense of cultural awareness. An
example hereof, (Imsland et al.,2003) teams from
Russia and Norway were collaborating using English.
A misunderstanding took place due to diverse
communication style and national cultural
backgrounds within each of the two teams. The
Norwegians would state their intentions explicitly
without much dependence on the context. The
Russians however communicate their intentions
indirect without it being clearly stated. Non-verbal
communication is used mostly in high-context
cultures such as Anglo and Northern European
cultures (Khan et al, 2016). It can therefore be noted
that cultural awareness plays an important part in
Knowledge Management in Software Crowdsourcing.
H3: Culture Awareness has a positive impact on
Knowledge Management in Software Crowdsourcing.
d. Mutual Understanding
Mutual understanding is best achieved through
overcoming cultural, social and political differences
(Espinosa et al., 2007). The level of understanding is
improved between team members through public
relation and in-person meetings. However this could
be challenging for globally distributed teams due to
possible cost saving strategies. Mutual understanding
can be effective if miscommunication and
misinterpretation is avoided. (Azeem and Khan,
2011). Factors that will assist with mutual
understanding is socio-cultural fit, language skills,
conflict handling, cognitive based trust and regularity
in the work place (Jimnez et al., 2009).
H4: Mutual Understanding has a positive impact
on Knowledge Management in Software
4.1.2 Knowledge Resources
Knowledge resources within an organization could
be realistically tapped into by that organization. It
can therefore reside within individuals and groups, or
exist at an organizational level.
a. Human Capital
Human capital refers to information held by owner-
managers and staff in relation to organizational
knowledge, ideas and skills. The more training is
provided, individuals will be more likely to continue
contributing. Organization information, knowledge
and experience is collated over the years and is
therefore company assets that have developed over
time (Alan Frost, 2014).
H5: Human Capital has a positive impact on
Knowledge Management in Software Crowdsourcing.
b. Knowledge Capital
Knowledge capital is the current information that an
organization has which can be in the form of reports,
records or data which can either be manually filed or
located within a system. Most SMEs do not have
sufficient advanced ICT systems due to constraints.
All information should be kept up to date and staff
should have access to it (Cheng Sheng Lee, 2015).
H6: Knowledge Capital has a positive impact on
Knowledge Management in Software Crowdsourcing.
4.1.3 Knowledge Process
Knowledge process is the allocation of relatively
high-level tasks to an outside organization or a
different group possibly in a different geographic
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
location within the same organization.
a. Knowledge Acquisition
Knowledge acquisition activities can be anything
from sending employees on training courses (Cheng
Sheng Lee, 2015) to the attendance of seminars and
exhibitions where knowledge is gathered. Due to the
relaxed organizational culture in SMEs, employees
are able to interact with managers and peers more
easily. Knowledge can also be gained from
customers and suppliers.
H7: Knowledge Acquisition has a positive impact
on Knowledge Management in Software
b. Knowledge Creation and Generation
Knowledge creation is when new knowledge and
ideas have been generated. During the process of
employees working together, knowledge is created as
it facilitates teamwork and thereby the generation of
more conversation amongst employees (Bergman et
al, 2004; Alan Frost, 2014). Another way for a group
to generate ideas is through brainstorming sessions.
Group discussions stimulates conversation and it is
therefore a preferred interaction method.
H8: Knowledge Creation and Generation has a
positive impact on Knowledge Management in
Software Crowdsourcing.
c. Knowledge Transferring and Sharing
Informal social interaction is mostly used in the
sharing of knowledge (Cheng Sheng Lee, 2015).
Knowledge can also be shared during meetings
where employees hold discussions and thereby share
their ideas and knowledge (Bergman et al, 2004). In
SMEs this process may be of a more informal nature
as in relation to larger organizations. Meetings are an
important way to discuss any current projects
including deadlines that are to be met.
H9: Knowledge Transferring and Sharing has a
positive impact on Knowledge Management in
Software Crowdsourcing.
4.1.4 Organizational Factors
Organizational factors associated with the
occurrence and persistence of operational successes
and failures.
a. Management Leadership and Support
Management in Knowledge Management roles play
a most important part in order to initiate and drive
successful Knowledge Management implementation,
including keeping employees involved in the process
(Cheng Sheng Lee, 2015). Commitment is
encouraged as a way to introduce a system and
environment for Knowledge Management activities
(Khan et al, 2017). Motivation by top management
can be used as a way to establish commitment and
therefore promote a way to keep employees to take
part in even more in Knowledge Management
activities. Motivation can either be in the form of
money or some non-monetary item. This will inspire
employees to keep contributing information.
H10: Management Leadership and Support has a
positive impact on Knowledge Management in
Software Crowdsourcing.
b. Organizational Infrastructure
ICT infrastructure is an important factor in
Knowledge Management within organizations.
Within some organizations there are rarely advanced
ICT systems nor document management systems.
Most of these only have basic infrastructure such as
Internet and Intranet as a way to transfer information.
In some organizations they may still only use
physical filing storage in filing rooms. Venues that
would assists employees to interact and discuss
should be provided (Cheng Sheng Lee, 2015;
Cumming, 2004).
H11: Organizational Infrastructure has a positive
impact on Knowledge Management in Software
c. Organizational Strategy
Successful Knowledge Management implementation
is a key strategy within an organizations’ overall
business strategy and a key factor for their long-term
competitiveness and success. Owner-managers are
usually responsible for this (Khan et al, 2016; Cheng
Sheng Lee, 2015). An organization would need to
predefine its needs and requirements prior to
considering its Knowledge Management strategy. A
clear strategy will provide focus and direction for
everyone in the organization (Chang Sheng Lee,
2015). Without this, the required result will not be
reachable and resources would have been wasted.
H12: Organizational Strategy has a positive
impact on Knowledge Management in Software
4.2 Failure Factors
The following failure factors categorized below
includes the variables which produces negatives
within Knowledge Management in Software
Categorical Classification of Factors Effecting Knowledge Management in Software Crowdsourcing: Hypothetical Framework
4.2.1 Technology
The practical application of knowledge especially in
the particular area of engineering based on how to use
a. Lack of Advanced Technological Tools
and Techniques
Due to the ever changing technical advancements
and enhancements in areas such as computers,
networks, television, fiber optics, etc., we have to
adapt the way we interconnect, play and do business
as it changes rapidly. This shift in technology means
that organizations have an increased need to accept
and adjust to the need created in the field of IT
advancements. As the information age further
develops we are faced with larger sources of
information and organizations therefore need to
mechanize themselves (Frost, 2014). Technology is
therefore a key factor within Knowledge
Management as a success factor and as a potential
failure factor.
H13: Lack of Advance Technological Tools and
Techniques has a negative impact on Knowledge
Management in Software Crowdsourcing.
b. Lack of Controlling Knowledge
Management Activities
Knowledge Management has revealed a more often
psychological trend as supposed to a technical view
(Frost, 2014). Thus knowledge has more to do with
individuals, else it is only data or information.
Knowledge can therefore be viewed as an activity
whereas data and information are objects.
H14: Lack of Controlling Knowledge
Management Activities has a negative impact on
Knowledge Management in Software Crowdsourcing.
4.2.2 Planning
A basic management function involving formulation
of one or more detailed plans to achieve optimum
balance of needs or demands within the available
a. Poor Planning and Design
Successful Knowledge Management implementation
depends upon the integration of many different
aspects of an organization (Frost, 2014). Indicates
that "Knowledge Management provides a strategy
and organizational discipline for the integration of
people, processes and IT into an effective enterprise."
Proper planning and continuous evaluation are
needed to ensure that all aspects of Knowledge
Management are being implemented effectively and
work well together. Moreover, the implementation of
Knowledge Management needs to be focused on the
organization’s strategic business objectives and
critical business problems (Khan et al, 2017). In other
words, the implementation of Knowledge
Management requires a long-term practical outlook.
H15: Poor Planning and Design has a negative
impact on Knowledge Management in Software
b. Poor Coordination and Evaluation
There is a positive relationship between operation
control and continuous evaluation of a successful
knowledge management project as per Danesh (Alan
Frost, 2014). There needs to be a continuous facility
in order to evaluate progress and to track the
effectiveness of the program. There needs to be a
continuous facility in order to evaluate progress and
to track the effectiveness of the program. There needs
to be proper performance indicators in place in order
to evaluate progress made, else it will be a challenge
for management to evaluate the effectiveness of the
program. In addition there could also be a
shortcoming in the approach followed during the
implementation (Khan et al, 2017; Frost, 2014).
H16: Poor Coordination and Evaluation has a
negative impact on Knowledge Management in
Software Crowdsourcing.
4.2.3 Skills
The attributes required to perform a job which is
generally demonstrated through qualifying service,
education or training.
a. Inadequate Skills of Knowledge
Knowledge managers and workers fulfil the entire
spectrum of Knowledge Management related
positions, and may include such titles/roles as Chief
Knowledge Officer (CKO), knowledge broker
(Frost, 2014), knowledge analyst, knowledge
systems engineer (Civilian Career Path Guide), etc.
The skills required of knowledge managers and
workers can be broken down into the following broad
categories (KM Skills Map) (Khan et al, 2017). The
skill requirements for a knowledge manager/worker
could change depending on the areas of
responsibility. For instance, a CKO would require
very strong strategic and business skills, as well as
management, learning, and communication (KM
Skills Map). The CKO would not need to be as strong
in IT skills as for example, a systems engineer in
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
charge of developing a Knowledge Management
system (Frost, 2014).
H17: Inadequate Skills of Knowledge Managers
has a negative impact on Knowledge Management in
Software Crowdsourcing.
b. Inadequate Skills of Team Members
Lack of availability of relevant skills: The right
business and technical skills must be present to
sustain the project. Skills can also be developed
through training, provided that it is implemented with
clear, measurable goals (Frost, 2014).
Improper selection of knowledge managers. i.e.
the skills must correspond to the role that the
individual knowledge manager or worker will play
within the Knowledge Management initiative (Khan
et al, 2017; Frost, 2014), stress the importance of the
middle manager, highlighting three key qualities:
analytic, intuitive and pragmatic.
H18: Inadequate Skills of Team Members has a
negative impact on Knowledge Management in
Software Crowdsourcing.
4.2.4 Responsibility
This shows the expense at the lowest level of work
for the purpose of managing cost and duration. It is a
charting system that illustrates the task’s goals and
the required action by each person.
a. Lack of Responsibility
Control of shared resources are part of managerial
responsibilities according to Weber. There is a need
for central management responsibilities according to
Pettersson. For Hasanali (Frost, 2014), he views the
need of stewards throughout the organization to be
working below the central Knowledge Management
team as well as the importance of structure and
responsibility to assist with accountability (Bergman
et al, 2004; Frost, 2014).
H19: Lack of Responsibility has a negative
impact on Knowledge Management in Software
b. Lack of Ownership
Ownership is the classification of when one owns up
to ones mistakes as well as willingly taking up tasks.
Not willingly taking up responsibility is failure of
knowledge management (Frost, 2014), which is likely
because of organizational culture. Culture could
cause a reluctance to admit to ones mistakes due to
the fear of possible consequences.
H20: Lack of Ownership has a negative impact on
Knowledge Management in Software Crowdsourcing.
The Framework of this research is shown below
in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Proposed Framework.
Categorical Classification of Factors Effecting Knowledge Management in Software Crowdsourcing: Hypothetical Framework
This research places its focus on developing a
framework for Knowledge Management within
Software Crowdsourcing and it is based on critical
success factors and critical failure factors. Literature
review was performed after which a research
questionnaire was sent to IT professionals in the field.
After all the results were obtained, data analyses was
performed by utilizing SPSS version 19. It was found
that a total of twelve success factors were established
out of which seven is supported. Eight failure factures
were established out of which six is supported. In
conclusion, a framework is presented in which the
factors are further linked to the implementation of
Knowledge Management in Software
During future research, the focus should be placed on
conducting an empirical study in order to produce
factors that will have an effect on Knowledge
Management within Software Crowdsourcing
implementation. This research as well as the
framework it suggests will prove valuable for
academics to further gain a comprehensive view of
the factors that have an influence in Knowledge
Management in Software Crowdsourcing.
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