Data Preparation for Fuzzy Modelling using Intervals
Arthur Yosef
, Moti Schneider
, Eli Shnaider
, Amos Baranes
and Rimona Palas
Tel Aviv-Yaffo Academic College, Israel
Netanya Academic College, Israel
Peres Academic Center, Israel
College of Law and Business, Israel
Keywords: Data Mining, Fuzzy Logic, Intervals, Central Tendency, Data Preparation.
Abstract: Model-building professionals are often facing a very difficult choice of selecting relevant variable/s from a
set of several similar variables. All those variables are supposedly representing the same factor but are
measured differently. They are based on different methodologies, baselines, conversion/comparability
methods, etc., thus leading to substantial differences in numerical values for essentially the same things. In
this study we introduce a method that utilizes intervals to capture all the relevant variables that represent the
same factor. First, we discuss the advantages utilizing intervals of values from the stand point of reliability,
better and more efficient data utilization, as well as substantial reduction in the complexity, and thus
improvement in our ability to interpret the results. In addition, we introduce an interval (range) reduction
algorithm, designed to reduce excessive size of intervals, thus bringing them closer to their central tendency
cluster. Following the theoretical component, we present a case study. The case study demonstrates the
process of converting the data into intervals for two broad economic variables (each consisting of several
data series) and two broad financial variables. Furthermore, it demonstrates the practical application of the
procedures addressed in this study and their effectiveness.
1.1 Description of a Problem
The purpose of modelling is to explain behaviour of
a given dependent variable. We must determine on
theoretical grounds, what are the explanatory
variables that can explain such behaviour. After
determining theoretically, what variables should be
included in the model, the next step is to locate
numerical measurements of those variables (both
dependent and explanatory). It is not always simple
and straight-forward process. In the case study
presented below, we are presenting several examples
of variables which can be represented by several
(and in some cases large number) of data series. For
example, one of the variables presented in our case
study is: the measurements of aggregate economic
activity per capita, such as GDP per capita, or GNI
per capita (or in previous years GNP per capita).
Those are very common and widely used
measurements. Which among the three is the most
appropriate? There are additional variations of data.
For example, if we are utilizing cross-national data,
and since all the values are presented in U.S. dollars,
there are additional differences among various data
series due to currency conversion methods or due to
different baselines. There are data in current U.S.
dollars (USD), as well as data in constant 1990
USD, in constant 1995 USD, in constant 2000 USD,
and in constant 2005 USD. There are data series
based on regular currency conversion method vs.
PPP (purchasing power parity) conversion method.
Also, several data series based on current USD were
downloaded in different years and differ
substantially from each other due to changes in
measurement methodology over time. Thus, despite
the fact, that all these measurements are (from our
perspective) measuring essentially the same thing,
there are very substantial differences among various
data series in terms of values, and even in their
scale. For example, for the year 1985, we ended up
with 17 different data series representing “aggregate
economic activity per capita”.
In most cases, modellers do not use all the
possible data series, but rather select one or several
such series. The question is: which of the various
data series to select? Most modellers either select
Yosef, A., Schneider, M., Shnaider, E., Baranes, A. and Palas, R.
Data Preparation for Fuzzy Modelling using Intervals.
DOI: 10.5220/0007947102470257
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 247-257
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the most popular and easiest to obtain variables. In
some other cases the decision is based upon the
availability of data, amount of missing observations,
etc. The less legitimate approach is: to try several
different variables, and then select the ones
generating results that best facilitate the conclusions
these modelers want to reach. Of course, there is
always a possibility of criticism: why a given
selection among the data series was made, and not
another. The method introduced in this study
precludes such criticism, since all the data series are
1.2 Advantages of Utilizing Intervals
In this study we introduce a method of converting
numerical vectors into ranges (intervals) of values
that are derived from all the available data series.
There are several important advantages of
transforming available data into intervals of values:
a. The very basic principle in the field of
Information Systems is: all available data are
valuable (unless suspected of being severely
distorted) and should be utilized in the modeling
b. Confidence in the modelling results: when the
approach is inclusive and involves all the
available data series, then obviously the
confidence in results is greater vs. modelling
process involving selected data series while
ignoring others.
c. Efficient handling of missing observations: This
issue arises when in many data series there is a
large number of missing measurements. For
example, in our case study, we utilized
economic data from over 125 countries (for
variables: aggregate economic activity per
capita and exports per capita), but in many data
series (numerical vectors), we encountered a
problem of missing data for dozens of countries.
In addition, the set of missing countries was not
the same in different data series. However, the
problem of missing data was resolved by
constructing intervals for every country, for
which there was at least one measurement. Of
course, in some intervals there were more data
points and in others less, but we included all
these countries in the modeling process, and
thus increased our confidence in the results.
d. It is much easier to reach meaningful and
unambiguous conclusion due to the drastic
reduction of the amount of regression runs. For
example, if our dependent variable is “aggregate
economic activity per capita” (17 data series),
and our explanatory variable is “exports per
capita” (12 data series), then when trying all
possible combinations of these variables, we
will have to perform over 200 regression runs.
The problem here is not only the amount of
work, but also the question of how to
summarize so many results and to reach
meaningful conclusion? However, when using
the method presented here, the amount of
regression runs drops to 4:
1. Regression using only Minimum values
2. Regression using only Maximum values
3. Regression of Minimum for dependent variable
vs. Maximum of explanatory variables
4. Regression of Maximum for dependent variable
vs. Minimum of explanatory variables
Note: It does not matter how many explanatory
variables are expressed in terms of intervals, the
method will still require only four regression runs.
The four regression runs generate four results,
which again can be reduced to an interval
between the minimum and the maximum value
of the results, and this interval can be used to
draw conclusions as well as for further
1.3 Literature Survey
The idea of utilizing intervals in fuzzy information
processing is not new. Schneider and Kandel (1993)
introduced the idea of utilizing Fuzzy Expected
Intervals (FEI) in order to handle higher degrees of
uncertainty in Fuzzy Expert Systems. Wagman et al.
(1994) proposed to generate intervals of real
numbers to be processed by the fuzzy matching
Nguyen and Kreinovich (1996) address the issue
of estimating intervals within the domain of physical
measurements during the manufacturing process. If
here is a variable , which cannot be measured
directly, (or very difficult to measure directly) then it
is estimated indirectly (the procedure is called
“indirect measurement”), using a related variable .
Due to imprecision of measurements, numerical
values of are measured in terms of intervals, and
the authors address the issue of estimating the
corresponding intervals of the computed variable .
Hans and Gottwald (1995), define theoretically
various implementations of fuzzy intervals. The
authors present ways to define fuzzy interval, such
as (a) defining a crisp interval to form the kernel,
from which the membership function decreases to
zero, or (b) by two fuzzy numbers representing the
edges of interval. The authors also describe
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
mathematical operations on fuzzy numbers as well
as fuzzy intervals. They discuss interval
mathematics” which is a field of numerical
mathematics that originated out of the usual calculus
of errors and is based on the idea to work directly
with intervals (instead of real numbers and their
error bounds).
Ip et al. (2003) postulate, that when data are
scattered, the obtained regression model generates a
possibility range that is too wide. Thus, they apply
fuzzy linear regression with fuzzy intervals and used
validation experiments to demonstrate effectiveness
of the method Bustince and Burillo (1995) introduce
the concepts of correlation and correlation
coefficients of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy
Grzegorzewski (2002) addresses a problem of
interval approximation of fuzzy numbers. He
proposes a new interval approximation operator
designed as a measure of distance between fuzzy
values. Cheng and Mon (1993) introduce approach
of evaluating fuzzy system reliability by interval
arithmetic and α-cuts. They demonstrate through
theoretical analysis as well as an example the
simplicity and generality of their proposed approach.
D’Urso et al. (2015) introduce a fuzzy clustering
model for interval-valued data. In order to avoid
negative effects of possible outliers on the clustering
process, they propose a robust method with a
trimming rule.
Fuzzy logic and the theory of Fuzzy sets were
introduced by Zadeh (1965) and since then have
been widely applied in various branches of
information processing. The modelling method
based on Soft Regression, where historical data is
converted into intervals and where interval related
problems are extensively discussed is presented in
Shnaider. and Yosef (2018).
2.1 Constructing the Matrix of
When preparing data for modeling, every variable is
treated as a numerical vector. In other words, it is a
column of numbers. In the case when several
numerical vectors supposedly represent the same
thing, we can construct a matrix, such that each
numerical vector is a column in that matrix. For
example, in our case study, we utilize 17 variables
representing aggregate economic activity per capita
for the year 1985. Thus, we create a matrix, where
17 variables appear as columns in that matrix, while
each row represents a data for a given country.
Therefore, for countries, which appear in all 17
variables (columns), we can construct an interval of
values, which consists of 17 numbers. The interval
will be defined by its smallest value and its largest
value. Obviously, similar intervals can be created for
countries that do not appear in all 17 variables
those will be intervals containing fewer
measurements. In the extreme cases, where a
country appears in only one numerical vector (out of
17), then its range will be represented by the same
value as the minimum and the maximum. Thus, the
matrix of 17 columns can be transformed into the
matrix of two columns: column of minimum values
for each row, and column of maximum values of
each row.
There is a very important issue that must be
addressed when constructing intervals as discussed
above: it is critical to make sure that before we
construct the intervals, all variables are converted
into the same scale, otherwise the interval is
distorted and meaningless. In general, bringing all
the different numerical vectors into the same scale is
possible by recalculating all of them based on the
same reference point. Selected reference point
should be reasonable and reliable. When utilizing
method based on fuzzy logic (such as Soft
Regression, Fuzzy linear regression, Fuzzy
Cognitive Maps, etc.), defining all the numerical
vectors in terms of membership in the same fuzzy
set is an additional (and very effective) way to
address the scale problem.
Once all the values of the matrix are converted
into the grades of membership, then we can sort
values in each row from the smallest to the largest
since now they are all members of the same fuzzy
set. This way, for every row, we construct intervals
consisting of grades of membership.
2.2 Outliers vs. Central Tendency of
By including all the available information (including
unavoidable outliers) we will necessarily end up in
some cases with intervals that are very extensive,
and therefore not very helpful for modeling.
Normalizing the data, which is part of the process to
convert the numerical vectors into fuzzy sets allows
us to reduce and contain to some extent the problem
of outliers by redefining each variable in terms of
membership of its elements in pre-defined fuzzy set.
Data Preparation for Fuzzy Modelling using Intervals
Moreover, in order to perform successful modeling,
it is desirable to identify the core area of each
interval which represents, even in approximate
terms, its central tendency. Narrow intervals do not
differ much from their core central tendency.
However, very extensive intervals require additional
work of interval reduction in order (if and when
possible) to create a better reflection of their central
Therefore, we introduce additional steps
designed to reduce the extent of the original range,
while attempting at the same time to assure that
minimum of valuable information is lost. In other
words, the purpose of reduction process is to
eliminate outliers as carefully as possible without
distorting the central tendency of the interval in the
process. The algorithm of interval reduction is
presented below.
The algorithm of range reduction consists of the
following main components:
1. Preparation Stage
2. Identifying and eliminating outlying identical
(or almost identical) vectors.
3. Reducing range: Deleting outlying elements
4. Additional reduction of the range and deletion
of over-extended intervals
3.1 Preparation Stage
Let’s assume that we have numerical vectors, each
consisting of elements (In other words, we have a
matrix 
where is a number of rows
and is a number of columns). First, we normalize
all the numerical vectors by applying relevant
membership function, such that the resulting
elements of the numerical vectors will consist of
values [0,1], which represent degree of membership
in the same fuzzy set, i.e., A fuzzy matrix of is a
for all  and
is a membership
functionfor all .
3.2 Identifying and Eliminating
Outlying Identical (or Almost
Identical) Vectors
The idea behind this part of the algorithm is to
correct possible distortion, when due to unique
methodology, conversion methods, etc., some
vectors become outliers for all or most of their
elements. If only one such numerical vector appears
in our data, the interval reduction procedure
presented in stage 3 will handle it. However, if two
or more vectors like that appear, and they are
identical or almost identical, then the method
presented in stage 3 will not perform effectively.
This problem might arise when collecting data series
that are having different names, but are essentially
the same mathematically. They might differ in scale,
which makes it difficult to detect the similarity
among them. However, once these data series are
normalized, they might become almost identical.
Thus our objective at this stage is to locate possible
outlying pairs or groups of vectors that are identical
or almost identical and delete the redundant
elements. We should note that having identical or
almost identical vectors does not constitute a
problem as long as they are confined mostly to the
internal portion of the interval. However, if they are
located on the edges, they will imperil our ability to
reduce the interval, because once we delete a given
element, there will remain another one which is
almost the same, and then there could be an
additional one, etc.
Another important point to consider: when
deleting elements from the matrix, we must keep in
mind that some rows might consist of very few
measurements. No element should be deleted, if in
that row, there are only four measurements or less.
The reason for that is: our objective is to attain better
representation of the central tendency, but we want
to achieve it without possible loss of information.
When amount of elements in a given interval is
large, then deleting several outlying elements only
brings us closer to the core of the “central
tendency”. However, when the amount of elements
is small (four or less), then deleting a single element
can potentially lead to a loss of important
information and distort our view of central tendency.
In this case it is preferable to keep the whole original
a. Sort each row of the matrix from the lowest
value on the left side to the highest value on the
right side while arranging all rows to be left-
justified. Denote the sorted matrix as:
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Note: Following the stage above, the new matrix
loses its original structure by its initial vectors. Now
we have a matrix, such that in each row, the first
element on the left side is the minimum value for
that row, the next one is the second smallest value
and so on until we reach the last value on the right
side, which is the maximum for that row.
b. 
c. Consider the columns 1 and  in matrix
 
1. delete from the column  all the elements
from the rows where there are 7 measurements or
more (we say that columns 1 and  are almost
2.    
3. Go-to step (c)
where 
is a number of values in row of
,  is a cardinal of the set .
Note: In the expression
 
,  can be replaced by , based on
specific characteristics of a given data
d. Create similar matrix where all the values of
are right-justified (Matrix is denoted by
e.  
f. Consider the columns and  in matrix
if 
 
 
where 
is a number of values in
row of matrix
1. delete from the column  all the elements
from the rows where there are 7 measurements or
more (we say that columns and  are almost
2.   
3. Go-to step (f)
g. Create a new matrix where all the values are left
justified (in other words, if there are empty cells
in a given row, they appear on the right-hand
side of the row). The resulting matrix is denoted
when 
3.3 Reducing Range: Deleting Outlying
a. Create additional matrix
 
. (In other words, we
will compute differences in the matrix
each row , between element
for  ).
b. For any given row having 
amount of elements, we can delete
 
elements, where 
is a number of
values in row of matrix
is a ceiling
function. We evaluate
 
- is the last element of the interval in
row of matrix
. In (4) the first term represents,
for any given row , sum of
elements on the left
side of the matrix, the second term represents sum of
elements on the right side of the matrix, and the
third term represents all the possible permutations of
sums of elements from the left side and the right side
such that the total amount of elements remains
Then delete from matrix 
elements that
correspond to the maximum term found in (4).
The Matrix resulting from the reducing range of
individual intervals, is denoted as
 
3.4 Additional Reduction of the
For every row , find the new interval by subtracting
 
is the last value of
interval in row of
). We consider interval size of
 as excessively large (See note
If 
 and 
where 
is a number of values in row
of matrix
Data Preparation for Fuzzy Modelling using Intervals
 
 
1. delete
2. 
 
3.  
1. delete
2. 
 
3.  
b. If 
 
(the new range after
deletion) is still > then if the interval greatly
exceeds, the user might consider deleting
that row from the matrix. The user may leave the
new interval as is, if it exceeds  only to a
minor degree. The selection of  is based on
individual reasoning by a modelling professional
and could differ based on circumstances and
constrains. In our studies we selected 0.3 as a cut-
off point. In other words, if after all the deletions
of the RRA there was still an interval wider than
0.3, then the whole row was deleted from the
Note: the very wide range (above  which is
a large portion of the entire numerical domain [0,1])
means that there must be some very serious problem
of measurement or error associated with that
particular row in the matrix. We must keep in mind,
that measurements appearing in a given row represent
(from our perspective) different measurements of the
same thing and therefore such a wide discrepancy is
unreasonable. If such discrepancies appear in just few
rows and are relatively small fraction of our data, then
we can justify deletion of these intervals (which is a
common practice in modelling when there is a
reasonable suspicion of problematic data). If, on the
other hand, even after applying interval reduction
algorithm, - large portion of intervals are still
characterized by excessive ranges, then we obviously
have a modelling problem, which requires to re-
specify the model - redefine the variables included in
the model. In our case study, for each of the variables,
we deleted only a very small percentage of the rows
in all the variables (see Tables 3a and 3b) which is
not expected to affect final results of the modelling. It
also can be seen in Table 3b, that for a variable, which
was inappropriate for RRA reduction process, the
percentage of deleted rows is substantially higher.
The matrix created as a result of applying RRA
procedure presented above, is denoted as
are a number of rows and columns
that remain following the RRA process.
Following the range reduction by applying RRA
algorithm, we define two vectors on matrix
(In other words,
is the minimum
value for each row and
is the maximum value
for each row).
In this study we present examples of using intervals in
two domains: economics and finance. In particular,
we emphasize heuristics when defining a membership
function, such that the data transformation
corresponds to the logic of predefined fuzzy set, and
the integrity of the data is maintained.
As an example, we present two economic
variables and two finance variables. Each of the
variables is represented by a number of data series
(numerical vectors) as presented in Tables 1 and 2.
Aggregate Economic Activity per Capita
(AEA/Cap): The variables that represent aggregate
economic activity per capita are: GDP/Cap, GNI/Cap
and GNP/Cap. All of them are considered common
and legitimate measurements. Some of these data
series are in current U.S. dollars (USD), while others
are in constant 1990 USD, in constant 1995 USD, in
constant 2000 USD, and in constant 2005 USD. There
are data series based on regular currency conversion
method vs. PPP (purchasing power parity) conversion
method. Also, since we are using data bases,
downloaded in different years (2004, 2009, 2015),
there probably were differences in measurement
methodology because the numbers were different.
Thus, we ended up with 17 variables representing
aggregate economic activity per capita in 1985.
Exports per Capita: The variables that represent
“exports per capita”, are: Merchandise Exports,
Exports of Goods and Services, Exports of Goods and
Services-BoP, Exports of Goods, Services and
Income- BoP. We found these variables in current
USD, in constant 1995 USD, in constant 2000 USD
and in constant 2005 USD. Also, similarly to the
case above, since we are using data bases,
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: Economic data series (1985).
Aggregate Economic activity per capita
Exports per capita
1. GNP/Cap. WDR 1987. Current USD
2. GDP/Cap. 1990 intl. Geary-Khamis $
3. GDP/Cap (constant 1995 US$)
4. GNI/Cap Atlas (current US$ - 2004)
5. GDP/Cap, PPP (constant 1995 intl. $)
6. GDP/Cap, PPP (current intl. $ - 2004)
7. GNI/Cap, PPP (current intl. $ - 2004)
8. GDP/Cap (current US$ - 2004)
9. GDP/Cap (constant 2000 US$)
10. GNI/Cap, Atlas (current US$ - 2009)
11. GDP/Cap, PPP (constant 2005 intl. $)
12. GDP/Cap, PPP (current intl. $ - 2009)
13. GNI/Cap, PPP (current intl. $ - 2009)
14. GDP/Cap (current US$ - 2015)
15. GDP/Cap (constant 2005 US$)
16. GNI/Cap, Atlas (current US$ - 2015)
17. GNI/Cap (constant 2005 US$)
1. Merchandise Exports per capita (current USD), WDR 1987.
2. Exports of goods and services per capita (BoP, current US$ - 2004)
3. Exports of goods and services per capita (constant 1995 US$)
4. Exports of goods, services and income per capita (BoP, current
US$ - 2004)
5. Merchandise exports per capita (current US$ - 2004)
6. Exports of goods and services per capita (BoP, current US$ - 2009)
7. Exports of goods and services per capita (constant 2000 US$)
8. Exports of goods, services and income per capita (BoP, current
US$ - 2009)
9. Exports of goods and services per capita (current US$ - 2009)
10. Exports of goods and services per capita (constant 2005 US$)
11. Exports of goods and services per capita (current US$ - 2015)
12. Merchandise exports per capita (current US$- 2015)
GDP/Cap, GNI/Cap and GNP/Cap are GNP per capita, GNI per capita and GNP per capita, respectively.
Table 2: Finance data series (2012).
1. Interest Coverage Ratio
2. Cash from Operations (CFO) to Total Debt
downloaded in different years (2004, 2009, 2015),
there probably were differences in measurement
methodology because the numbers were different.
Thus, we ended up with 12 Export per capita
variables in 1985.
Profitability: Profitability ratios represent the
relative measures of the earnings the company
created, and therefore have the closest association
with the profits. Each one of the above proxy
variables explains some aspects of profitability.
Since there are six proxy variables, the RRA
reduction process is applicable.
Solvency: The company's solvency is represented by
the Interest Coverage Ratio and the Cash Flow from
Operations to total debt.
a. The first ratio measures the proportionate
amount of operating income that is used to
cover interest payments, since these interest
payments are usually made on a long-term
basis, they are often treated as an ongoing
b. The second ratio representing the company’s
solvency is: Cash Flow from operations to total debt.
It indicates how long it will take the company to pay
off all of its debt if it devotes all of its cash flow
from operations to debt repayment, this ratio
provides a snapshot of the overall financial health of
the company.
Since this variable consists of only two data
series, the RRA is not applicable in this case.
4.1 Normalizing Economic Data
As discussed above, in order to create intervals, it is
necessary to bring all the different numerical vectors
representing a given variable into the same scale.
When utilizing computing methods based on fuzzy
logic, defining all the data series of a variable as
members of the same fuzzy set actually brings all of
them into the same scale.
For the economic variables presented in this
study, we define a fuzzy set of “Successful
Economies”. The conversion of data series from
numerical vectors consisting of raw data into
numerical data of the elements of fuzzy set is done
via process of data normalizing. We normalize data
Data Preparation for Fuzzy Modelling using Intervals
by introducing the heuristically determined
maximum and minimum thresholds.
The first step in the normalizing process is: we
define 
as the value in a given vector such that
all elements equal to or greater than 
assigned the value of one (they are full members of
the fuzzy set “Successful Economies”. We selected
“Average of High-Income Economies” as our
for the both economic variables in this study.
Such average values appear in the data bases and
hard copy publications of the World Bank for all
variables. By turning all the numbers above
into 1, we neutralize the negative effect of the
outliers having excessively high values without
deleting these data points.
Similarly, we define 
as the value in
numerical vector such that all elements equal to or
smaller than 
are assigned value of zero, which
means they definitely do not belong to the category
of Successful Economies”. We selected “Average
of Low-Income economies as our 
. Those
average values also appear in the data bases and hard
copy publications of the World Bank for all
variables. By turning all the numbers below
into 0, we neutralize the negative effect of the
outliers having excessively low values without
deleting these data points.
In this case, a membership functions (in (1) and
(2)) for the relevant data series are:
is a matrix and 
the Maximum cut-off point and Minimum cut-off
point as explained above.
We emphasize again: 
and 
must be
determined based on logic and common sense for
each domain (for every variable), so as not to distort
the data. They also depend on what we are trying to
model. If the objective is to build cross-national
model involving various world economies, then the
procedure presented above is appropriate and
logical. All countries can be evaluated in reference
to the best performers (High income) and the worst
performers (Low income). However, if we are trying
to model the best performers within the set of “High-
Income Economies” in comparison to other
countries within the same group of “High-Income
Economies”, then the normalizing procedure
presented above would be inappropriate and illogical
for such task, and different membership function
would be required.
4.2 Normalizing Financial Data
The financial variables in this case study were used
to construct a model to evaluate earnings of
corporations traded in the major U.S. stock markets
(AMEX, NASDAQ, and NYSE). The data was
extracted from the data base (XBRL) containing
financial reports the companies traded in the stock
market are required to submit. The data for 1585
manufacturing industry companies were downloaded
(years 2012 2016).
All the downloaded companies were divided into
three groups:
1. The group of “Winners”: companies which were
continuously profitable, reported a positive net
income, on annual basis for every year between
2012 to 2016 (including 2012 and 2016).
2. The group of “Losers”: contains companies that
reported a negative net income on annual basis
for every year between 2012 to 2016 (including
2012 and 2016).
3. All the remaining companies, the “Middle
We ended up with 622 companies having
positive operating income for consecutive 5 years
(2012-2016), 246 companies with negative operating
income for consecutive 5 years, and 398 companies
that had positive and negative operating income over
the 5 years.
for the year 2012 was determined as
follows (for every variable): the values of the
companies belonging to the group of “Winners”
were arranged from the lowest to the highest, and
then divided into four quarters. The highest value of
the lowest quarter (i.e., the 25th percentile or the
first quartile) was selected as 
for the year 2012 was determined as
follows (for every variable): the values of the
companies belonging to the group of “Losers” were
arranged from lowest to highest, and then divided
into four quarters. The lowest value of the highest
quarter (i.e., the 75th percentile or the third quartile)
was selected as
Justification: As was stated above, the process
must be in line with human logic and common sense
and modellers should be capable of defending their
decisions. For example, for 
, instead of
selection made above, we could have selected the
minimum measure of the all companies in the
category of “Winners”. Such selection would
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
include all the companies in the group “Winners” as
a full member in the Fuzzy Set of “Winners”.
However, such a selection would include unknown
amount of borderline cases, whose corresponding
values of explanatory variables (which reflect their
performance) often intermix with the more
successful performers from the “Middle Group”. On
the other hand, by defining only the higher 75% of
the “Winners” as the full members of the fuzzy set
representing the Winner Group, we prevent the vast
majority of the borderline cases from being
considered as full members of the group, thus
making the identification of the group more clear-
cut. Moreover, the 25% of the “Winners” which are
not assigned the value of 1, which represents the full
membership in the fuzzy set, will be assigned grade
of membership close to 1, still reflecting accurately
the relative strength of their performance, and hence
the integrity of the data is maintained. All this in
contrast to the Boolean method, where all those who
are not assigned the value of 1, get value of 0, thus
becoming an important source of distortions in
numerous statistical methods.
Similar, but inverse reasoning applies to 
4.3 A Note regarding the Normalizing
Process of Inversely Related
When we define fuzzy sets for the purpose of
explaining the behaviour of a dependent variable,
corresponding fuzzy sets are defined for the
explanatory variables, so that the modelling be
meaningful. In the case of the four variables
presented in this case study, the relations between
the relevant variables are direct, and the normalizing
procedure presented above is logical and
meaningful. However, when there is an inverse
relation between a dependent variable and an
explanatory variable, applying the same exactly
process as in the case of directly related variables
will not work. For example, in economic model
when there is a direct relation, then 
“High Income Economies”) are associated with high
number and 
(reflecting “Low Income
Economies”) are associated with low numbers.
However, when the relation between variables is
inverse, “High Income Economies” group will be
associated with low numbers, and “Low Income
Economies” will be associated with high numbers.
The membership function as defined above still
remains the same, but the relevant fuzzy set is
defined in inverse: Full members of the fuzzy set are
the economies that are definitely not members in
“High Income Economies” group. Therefore, the
“Low Income Economies” will be defined as full
members of this fuzzy set and be assigned the value
of 1.
Thus, the Average of Low Income Economies will
become 
, and conversely, the Average of High
Income Economies” will become 
. Hence, the
equation (8) applies in both cases direct and
In the case of Financial model, if a given
variable is characterized by large values in the group
of “Losers” and small values in the group of
“Winners”, then we have an inverse relation.
In this case we define 
and 
: the values of the companies belonging to
the group of “Losers” are arranged from lowest to
highest, and then divided into four quarters. The
highest value of the lowest quarter is selected as
: the values of the companies belonging to
the group of “Winners” were arranged from lowest
to highest, and then divided into four quarters. The
lowest value of the highest quarter was selected
Tables 3a and 3b demonstrate the effectiveness of
range reduction process. In particular, the two tables
focus on the amount of intervals characterized by an
excessive range. In the Table 3a, the variable
“Economic Activity per Capita” consists of 17 data
series. Following the normalizing process (which
reduced the problem of outliers to some extent),
there were still 28 intervals (out of 131) having
excessive ranges. However, the RRA process
reduced the amount of excessive intervals to 7.
Eventually, 4 intervals out of 7 were retained
because their range did not exceed the bench-mark
of 0.3, while 3 rows had still excessive intervals and
were deleted.
Variable “Exports per Capita” consists of 12 data
series. Following the data normalizing process, 22
intervals still had excessive ranges. However, the
RRA procedure reduced the amount of the excessive
intervals to just 2, and eventually only one row was
Data Preparation for Fuzzy Modelling using Intervals
Table 3a: Interval Reduction Economic Variables.
Amount of
Amount of
Ranges before
Amount of
Ranges after
Amount of retained
excessive intervals
Amount of
deleted rows
Table 3b: Interval Reduction Finance Variable.
Amount of
Amount of
Ranges before
Amount of
Ranges after
Amount of retained
excessive intervals
Amount of
deleted rows
Table 4a: Singapore.
income/output per capita
Num. of Elements
Raw Data
6466.3, 6781.8, …,12192.9, 12333
[6466.3, 12333]
Normalizing Data
0.520, 0.521, …, 0.819, 0.848
[0.520, 0.848]
After RRA
0.520, 0.521,…, 0.683, 0.735
[0.520, 0.735]
Table 4b: India.
income/output per capita
Num. of Elements
Raw Data
264.8, 266.3, …, 1003.5, 1078
[264.8, 1078.6]
Normalizing Data
0, 0, …, 0.006, 0.008
[0, 0.008]
After RRA
0, 0,…, 0.001, 0..005
[0, 0.005]
The variable “Profitability” consists of 6 data
series, and therefore still allows to apply RRA
procedure. Following the normalizing procedure,
there were still 1641 intervals having excessive
ranges. RRA procedure reduced this amount to
merely 253 intervals. Since most of those intervals
did not exceed our bench-mark of 0.3, only 21 rows
(out of 6331) were deleted.
The results for Solvency are much worse. The
reason is: the variable “Solvency” consists of only
two data series, and therefore, the RRA procedure is
not applicable. Therefore 652 rows were eventually
deleted. The contrast vs. other variables presented
above demonstrates the effectiveness of the RRA
Tables 4a-4e demonstrate the effectiveness of
the RRA algorithm in terms of individual cases. We
decided to choose as an example the variable
“Economic Activity per Capita”, because this
variable consists of 17 data series. First thing we can
observe is that the original raw data are
characterized by a very wide discrepancy, even by
orders of magnitude. Therefore, without normalizing
the data, the intervals will be meaningless group of
numbers. In some of the examples below, just the
process of normalizing creates a narrow interval
instead of wide range visible in raw data (see India
and Switzerland below). In our example (for year
1985), the second stage of RRA was inactive
because the conditions were not applicable (there
were no numerical vectors on the edges that were
almost identical). Therefore, we present an example
of Hungary for the year 2000, where before applying
RRA there were 20 elements in the interval, 9
elements were deleted during the stage 2 of RRA
(due to almost identical numerical vectors on the
edges of data matrix) and 3 elements were deleted
during the stage 3of RRA. This example
demonstrates the capability of the RRA to prevent a
bias in determining the central tendency of interval
due to the prevalence of large number of very
similar data series that can potentially misrepresent
the interval due to their quantity in one of the edges
of the data matrix.
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 4c: Switzerland.
income/output per capita
Num. of Elements
Raw Data
14921, 16340, …, 44897, 46496
Normalizing Data
1, 1,…, 1, 1
[1, 1]
After RRA
1, 1,…, 1, 1
[1, 1]
Table 4d: Hungary.
income/output per capita
Num. of Elements
Raw Data
1880, 1880, …, 9759.7, 11845.9
[1880, 11845.9]
Normalizing Data
0.146, 0.148, …, 0.508, 0.526
[0.146, 0.526]
After RRA
0.146, 0.148, …, 0.209, 0.377
[0.146, 0.377]
Table 4e: Hungary.
income/output per capita
Num. of Elements
Raw Data
4620, 4650.2, …,16838.1, 17706
[4620, 17706.9]
Normalizing Data
0.161, 0.162, …, 0.496, 0.538
[0.161, 0.538]
After RRA
0.163, 0.169, …, 0.257, 0.359
[0.163, 0.359]
In this paper we presented a method for data
preparation when the variables are represented as
intervals. First we have discussed the advantages of
utilizing intervals for variables. Then we presented
the algorithm for converting singletons into
intervals. This included a description of the methods
to handle outliers and different scales for
representing information. Following the explanation
of the algorithm for creating the intervals, we
showed an algorithm to reduce the intervals. Finally,
a case study was presented to demonstrate practical
use of the process presented in this article. The case
study demonstrated effectiveness and efficiency of
the techniques presented in this study within the
domain of economic and financial modeling.
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Data Preparation for Fuzzy Modelling using Intervals