Table 6: Values with k-NN as classifier.
Dataset Approach Accuracy Feature
No FS 50.07% -
GA 63.00% 49.97%
Binary Bat 59.69% 50.02%
Binary Wolf 56.36 11.67%
No FS 58.28% -
GA 55.96 % 50.23%
Binary Bat 55.20% 0.2%
Binary Wolf 53.98% 8.4%
with max-depth being used to limit the number of fea-
tures used. However, the computation of Information
Gain that has to be done for every feature would sig-
nificantly speed up with a lesser number of features.
Genetic Algorithm again turns out to be the most effi-
cient in terms of feature reduction.
When using k-NN as the classifier, the results
seem to be mixed. While more than significant ac-
curacy gains over the baseline have been obtained on
the Senti140 Dataset, we also observe worsened per-
formance over the baseline for the Cornell Movie Re-
views Dataset. This is probably because of the ran-
dom nature of k-NN as it simply performs a majority
voting within k-nearest neighbors and does not actu-
ally pick up any patterns. This shows that for some
classifiers, any sort of feature selection will not guar-
antee an increase in the accuracy.
In this paper, we have compared the performances
of meta-heuristic and evolutionary feature selection
methods to the problem of sentiment analysis using
various classifiers on two different domains of tweets
and movie reviews. While we can see, that meth-
ods such as Random Forest that have in-built param-
eters to limit the features used, do not gain any suf-
ficient improvement in accuracy, other methods such
as SVM and k-NN can have gain in accuracy upto
25%. While the performance of Binary Bat and Ge-
netic Algorithm was similar in terms of accuracy gain,
the performance of Binary Grey Wolf Algorithm was
consistently lower than these two. Also, the percent-
age decrease in the number of features is another im-
portant ground to consider while making a choice.
Genetic Algorithm was observed to be the most effi-
cient in terms of feature reduction percentage. More-
over, there is a difference in the number of hyperpa-
rameters that need to be tuned to make each algorithm
work optimally, with Binary Grey Wolf Algorithm be-
ing the easiest to tune. Hence, a multitude of factors
need to be considered when selecting a method for
feature selection. The results reported in this paper
can be used as a guidance for extended work in dif-
ferent domains.
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