Table 4: Performance Comparison Results.
Using The Selected Feature Set Using The Full Feature Set Wilcoxon
Objective Average Min Max Average Min Max p-value
Mean flow-time 0.28238 0.18709 0.36727 0.31201 0.20618 0.41312 00.10%
Mean weighted flow-time 0.28278 0.19737 0.44225 0.29387 0.20499 0.43446 05.82%
Maximum flow-time 0.58983 0.47137 0.72148 0.67963 0.54417 0.83272 00.02%
Mean tardiness 0.28217 0.19048 0.38080 0.28607 0.20464 0.38240 35.70%
Mean weighted tardiness 0.30408 0.18893 0.47572 0.29339 0.20966 0.42190 16.97%
Maximum tardiness 0.55338 0.44895 0.70544 0.60615 0.41829 0.81957 00.19%
This paper proposed an extension to Niching-GP Fea-
ture selection (NiSuFS) to be compatible with multi-
tree genetic programming for Dynamic Flexible Job
Shop Scheduling. NiSuFS was applied to DJSS in
(Mei et al., 2017) and the results proved its effective-
ness in improving rule generation. However, it was
not applied to DFJSS in other works. The results in
this paper showed that the extended NiSuFS can en-
hance the rule generation in multi-tree genetic pro-
gramming. The improvement was significant in 50%
of our tests and the generated rules were never sig-
nificantly worse than the baseline. For future work,
we plan to investigate the assumption that feature sig-
nificance can be measured on routing and sequenc-
ing separately despite the rule pair interaction. We
also plan to study information redundancy in features
and the applicability of feature reduction techniques
such as PCA. Since situation sampling for phenotype
measurement is completely random, different compo-
nents of the phenotype may be dependent, so pheno-
types with orthogonal components is worth exploring.
Moreover, other discriminative phenotype measure-
ment methods will be investigated in future work.
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ECTA 2019 - 11th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications