In this paper, we present an experimentation of for-
mal concept analysis which allows us to take into ac-
count uncertainties. We have proposed to compute
a certainty degree for all formal concepts by using
possibility theory. We have used queries in order to
extract formal concepts in the concept lattice. The
condition of the queries can be a logical combina-
tion of criteria leading to a logical circuit. All cri-
teria are transformed into a possibility distribution in
order to take into account the imprecision and un-
certainty of knowledge. This logical circuit can be
transformed into a possibilistic network with uncer-
tain logical gates. As a result, we computed a score
of relevance for all formal concepts which allow us to
present a ranking of the formal concepts. Then, we
presented a visualization of the results in a diagram
with a colour shading proportional to the certainty of
the formal concept and a node size proportional to the
score of relevance. For our future works, we would
like to generalize this approach to variables with more
than two states in order to extend the possible crite-
ria. We would like to improve the performance of the
computation of the formal concepts and optimize the
inference of the possibilistic networks. We would like
to propose further evaluation in order to better evalu-
ate how uncertainties can be useful in applications.
Finally, we have to develop an HMI with a query as-
sistant which would allow a graphical expression of
queries and a code generation to improve the usabil-
ity of our tool.
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KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval