(hereafter called OMNIBUS ontology). From the per-
spective of knowledge reuse, (Hayashi et al., 2009)
mainly makes knowledge on methods reusable. Addi-
tionally, when the teacher uses SMARTIES to create a
learning and teaching scenario, SMARTIES proposes
the knowledge on methods applicable to an I L event
(concept for defining the relation between teaching
and learning) based on OMNIBUS ontology. This is
intended to support the design and reuse the learning
and teaching scenarios based on learning and teaching
The subject of this study is lessons with TA robots,
and not ordinary lessons administered solely by teach-
ers. Therefore, it aims to reduce the teachers’ bur-
den of creating workflows by creating knowledge and
workflows that are mainly related to the use of robots,
about which ordinary teachers, being non-experts on
robotics, do not know much, reusable in the form of
KC using the framework of case-based reasoning.
This paper proposed a knowledge chunk (KC) reuse
support tool based on heterogeneous ontologies to
solve issues associated with the creation and reuse of
workflows using the scenario editor in PRINTEPS.
Based on the workflows of lessons with TA robots
given to several elementary schools, we created on-
tologies of teacher knowledge (teaching materials and
methods), robots, and KCs. Then, we established the
KCB based on these ontologies. Two public elemen-
tary school teachers created workflows for TA robots
using the proposed tool, and each teacher conducted
a lesson about a science learning unit “movement of
pendulum” with TA robots once. The proposed tool
and TA robot application were evaluated through the
questionnaires given to the teachers to confirm their
In a future study, it is necessary to clarify in which
process of the workflow creation should each KC be
used and help the users know the suitable time to per-
form a search. It is also necessary to make it possi-
ble to dynamically change the degree of detail, prior-
ity, and organization of KC search items to suit the
teacher’s knowledge level. In addition, the functions
of PRINTEPS must be extended in a future work so
that more flexible questions and answers, as well as
conversations, can be exchanged by incorporating a
more accurate speech recognition system and such
mechanisms as general ontologies, rule-based system,
and spoken dialogue system.
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work PRINTEPS to Develop Practical Artificial In-
telligence,” (JPMJCR14E3) the Core Research for
Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) of the
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).
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KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development