Ontology Learning from Twitter Data
Saad Alajlan
, Frans Coenen
, Boris Konev
and Angrosh Mandya
Department of Computer Science, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, U.K.
College of Computer and Information Sciences, Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Ontology Learning, RDF, Relation Extraction, Twitter, Name Entity Recognition, Regular Expression.
This paper presents and compares three mechanisms for learning an ontology describing a domain of dis-
coursed as defined in a collection of tweets. The task in part involves the identification of entities and relations
in the free text data, which can then be used to produce a set of RDF triples from which an ontology can
be generated. The first mechanism is therefore founded on the Stanford CoreNLP Toolkit.; in particular the
Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction mechanisms that come with this tool kit. The second is
founded on the GATE General Architecture for Text Engineering which provides an alternative mechanism
for relation extraction from text. Both require a substantial amount of training data. To reduce the training
data requirement the third mechanism is founded on the concept of Regular Expressions extracted from a
training data “seed set”. Although the third mechanism still requires training data the amount of training data
is significantly reduced without adversely affecting the quality of the ontologies generated.
Social media data provides a wealth of information
that can be tapped to generate actionable knowledge.
There have been a number of studies where social
media data has been successfully employed for pre-
diction purposes, for example the outcomes of elec-
tions (Murthy, 2015) or flu outbreaks (Aramaki et al.,
2011). However, there have been few studies directed
at facilitating the querying of social media data for
information retrieval purposes. The principal chal-
lenges arises from the unstructured nature of the data,
which makes it difficult to utilise for data querying
purposes. What is required is a general purpose ontol-
ogy which can be used to impose structure on unstruc-
tured social media data. However desirable such an
ontology might be, a global ontology that covers ev-
ery “domain of discourse”, whether featured in social
media or not, is currently beyond the means of com-
puter science; although it should be acknowledged
that a great many domain specific ontologies have
been generated, especially in the context of semantic
web services (Klusch et al., 2016). What can be done
is to use domain specific ontologies; typically an en-
quirer will only be interested in some specific social
media domain of discourse. Where these ontologies
exist, well and good; however, where they do no exist
they will need to be generated. Ontology generation
is a resource intensive undertaking; the key challenge
is in identifying and defining the various entities and
relations that represent the target domain and need to
be included in the desired ontology. A solution is to
automate the process by employing some form of on-
tology learning. Ontology learning, also known as
ontology extraction, ontology generation or ontology
acquisition, is concerned with the automatic or semi-
automatic creation of ontologies (Zhou, 2007).
The idea proposed in this paper is to use ontology
learning to identify the entities and corresponding re-
lations between entities, from a corpus of social me-
dia data texts, and then use this to define a domain
specific ontology. The focus for the work is Twitter
data, because: (i) it is readily available, (ii) specific
domains can be simply defined using “# tags” and
(iii) the desired ontologies are limited (comprising a
small number of entities and relations). Thus, more
specifically, given a collection of tweets from within
a particular Twitter domain, the idea is to use Natu-
ral Language Processing (NLP) tools and techniques
(King and Reinold, 2014) to identify entities, and re-
lationships between entities, in the Twitter data col-
lection and then use this to define an ontology span-
ning this collection, expressed using an ontology lan-
guage that facilitates information retrieval. The paper
presents and compares three mechanisms for NLP-
based ontology learning in the context of social me-
Alajlan, S., Coenen, F., Konev, B. and Mandya, A.
Ontology Learning from Twitter Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0008067600940103
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 94-103
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
dia (Twitter) data querying: (i) using the Stanford
CoreNLP toolkit (Finkel et al., 2007; Chunxiao et al.,
2007), (ii) using the General Architecture for Text
Engineering (GATE) toolkit (Cunningham, 2002) and
(iii) using Regular Expressions (Sidhu and Prasanna,
2001) coupled with CoreNLP. The adopted ontology
language was the Resource Description Framework
(RDF) (Graham and Carroll, 2004) which readily sup-
ports querying.
The entity and relation extraction mechanisms
were evaluated using standard machine learning met-
rics coupled with ten-fold cross validation. The gen-
erated ontologies were evaluated by examining the
syntax of the RDF using a “validator” tool recom-
mended by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
and visual inspection of the semantics. The infor-
mation extraction utility of the populated ontologies
was evaluated by directing SPARQL queries at the
populated ontologies; if the results obtained from the
SPARQL querying were correct, it could be claimed
that the proposed approaches served their purpose.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 gives a brief overview of previous work on
ontology learning. Sections 3, 4 and 5 then present
the three proposed mechanisms for ontology learning
from Twitter data. An evaluation and comparison of
the three proposed techniques is presented in Section
6. Some conclusions are presented in Section 7.
To the best knowledge of the authors there has been
no specific work on ontology learning from Twitter
data. However, there has been previous work on on-
tology learning from free text. Parallels can there-
fore be drawn between the previous work on ontology
learning from free text and Twitter data; the distinc-
tion is that Twitter records are typically shorter than
free text records and are typically less well formed.
A brief review of the previous work on free text on-
tology learning is thus presented in Sub-section 2.1.
There are a number of reports where the relation ex-
traction from text has been automated, or semi auto-
mated. Relation extraction is an important element
of the proposed approaches; automated entity and re-
lation extraction is the first step to automate the on-
tology learning process. A review concerning previ-
ous work on automated relation extraction is therefore
presented in Sub-section 2.2.
2.1 Ontology Learning
Examples of mechanisms for ontology learning from
free text can be found in (Exner and Nugues, 2012)
and (Republic, 2003). In (Exner and Nugues, 2012), a
system was described to automatically extract triples
from unstructured data, supported by DBpedia, so as
to generate ontology classes. The system operated
using a semantic parser and a co-reference solver,
and used an ontology base-mapping system that uti-
lized DBpedia to infer relations between the entities.
DBpedia was also used to support the identification
of ontology classes. The evaluation was conducted
manually by analysing 200 randomly selected sen-
tences, the F-score with respect to the mapped triples
was 66.3%. The limitation is that the approach is re-
stricted to the content of wikipedia.
In (Republic, 2003) a mechanism that used Text-
to-Onto to extract pairs of terms based on the TF-
IDF (Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency)
measure was described. After extracting pairs of
terms, a part of speech tagger was used to discover
verbs, which were considered to describe relation-
ships between the pairs of terms according to the fre-
quency of the co-occurrence of the verbs and entity
pairs. All pairs were mapped to concepts using the
TAP knowledge base, developed at Stanford. TAP is
a large repository of lexical entries, such as proper
names of places, companies, people, but also names
of sports, art styles and other less traditional named
entities. However, the approach is limited to what is
available within TAP.
2.2 Relation Extraction
Many reports present methods for automating the
relation extraction from text process using machine
learning techniques, specifically supervised learning
(Carlson et al., 2010; Riedel et al., 2010). Of par-
ticular relevance with respect to the work presented
in this paper is work where the Stanford CoreNLP
tool and GATE have been used for relation extrac-
tion (Chunxiao et al., 2007; Wang et al., 2006). In
(Chunxiao et al., 2007) a supervised information ex-
traction system was introduced, founded on the Stan-
ford CoreNLP tool, which could be customised. The
domain considered in (Chunxiao et al., 2007) was the
USA National Football League (NFL) Scoring cor-
pus. The corpus contains 110 article relating to NFL.
In (Wang et al., 2006), a Support Vector Machine
(SVM) model was used to perform multi-class rela-
tion classification by using a sequence of SVM binary
classifiers (the one-against-one method). The GATE
tool was used to define the Machine Learning (ML)
Ontology Learning from Twitter Data
features by using tokenisation, sentence splitting, part
of speech tagging and noun and verb phrase chunk-
ing. The authors of (Wang et al., 2006) also used
WordNet to provide word sense disambiguation. A
particular challenge of supervised learning for rela-
tion extraction from text is the need for a training
sets which are usually manually generated (Riedel
and Mccallum, 2013; Takamatsu et al., 2012; Carlson
et al., 2010). This is a criticism that can also be di-
rected at the Stanford and GATE-based methods pre-
sented later in this paper. One solution is to use some
form of semi-supervised learning. One example can
be found in (Carlson et al., 2010) where an iterative
training method, directed at web page free text, was
presented that involved “self-supervision”. The pro-
cess presented in (Carlson et al., 2010) commences
with small amount of labeled training data to train
an initial classifier which is then used to iteratively
label further training data. The third approach pre-
sented in this paper, the regular expression-based ap-
proach, also adopts a semi-supervised approach. An
interesting relation extraction approach is presented
in (Riedel et al., 2010) where a system is described
that avoids using labelling training data by using an
external knowledge base instead (namely Freebase).
However, in the case of the Twitter domain of interest
with respect to this paper it was expected that no such
knowledge-base would be available (although with re-
spect to some domains of discourse this might be the
In this and the following two section the three mecha-
nisms for extracting ontologies from Twitter data con-
sidered in this paper are presented, commencing with
the Stanford Core NLP approach. The pipeline archi-
tecture for the Stanford ontology learning framework
is given in Figure 1. From the figure it can be seen that
the process starts with a collection of tweets T . The
twitter data is then cleaned (not shown in the Figure),
for example by deleting hyperlinks. The next stage is
the knowledge extraction stage which comprises: (i)
Named Entity Recognition (NER) and (ii) Relation
Extraction. The next stage is mapping the identified
entities to classes; for example, the class “countries”
which includes objects such as UK, USA and China.
Then the classes and identified relations are used for
ontology generation. The result is a RDF represented
ontology. More details concerning the NER and re-
lation extraction models, and the ontology generation
step, are provided in the following three sub-sections.
Figure 1: Stanford Ontology Learning Framework.
3.1 Named Entity Recognition (NER)
The primary objective of the NER model is to identify
the entities that feature within the Twitter collection
(after which they will be associated with classes). By
default the Stanford NER model will identify entities
belonging to seven different “standard” classes: (i)
Location, (ii) Person, (iii) Organisation, (iv) Money,
(v) Percent, (vi) Date and (vii) Time. Although the
Stanford NER model is reasonably good at identify-
ing entities belonging to these standard classes any
Twitter domain of discourse cannot be expected to ad-
here to these standard classes. The model therefore
needs to be retrained to take into account the other
entity classes that feature in a given domain of dis-
course. For example, given the “motor vehicle pollu-
tion” domain of discourse considered for evaluation
purposes later in this paper the generated ontology
should reflect the environmental hazards of vehicles
and include entities such as “petrol car” and “diesel
car”. In order to identify such entities the Stanford
NER tool provides the means whereby the model can
be retrained given an appropriately constructed train-
ing set where the entities of interest have been anno-
tated. Figure 2 shows an example training record, in
the syntactical format required by the NER tool, that
may be used to create a model to identify the enti-
ties belonging to the classes: Location, Date and Fuel
vehicles. The example given in the figure expresses
the tweet “Norway to completely ban petrol powered
cars by 2025”, where: (i) the label “Loc” indicates
that the associated word belongs to the class Loca-
tion, (ii) the label “O” indicates a wild card, (iii) the
label “FuelV” indicates a word (entity) belonging to
the class Fuel Vehicles and (iv) “Date” an entity to
be associated with the class Date. The NER model is
used twice in the Stanford ontology learning frame-
work. Firstly to associate entities with classes (as de-
scribed in this sub-section), and secondly as a part of
the relation extraction tool (described below) to iden-
tify relations between entities.
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 2: Example Stanford NER training record.
3.2 Relation Extraction
Once an appropriate NER model has been created the
Stanford relation extraction tool can be used to create
the required relation extraction model. As in the case
of the NER Model the Stanford relation extraction
tool includes the means whereby a relation exaction
model can be trained using an appropriately defined
training set (Roth and Yih, 2019). This was also the
approach used in (Chunxiao et al., 2007) where Stan-
ford relation extraction was used to identify and ex-
tract relations in the domain of American football, al-
though not from Twitter data. The training data needs
to highlight entities and the relations between them.
In the proposed process the entities were identified us-
ing the generated NER model (see above). An exam-
ple training record is given in Figure 3. As in the case
of the entity example given in Figure 2, the example
uses the tweet “Norway to completely ban petrol pow-
ered cars by 2025”. The Part of Speech (PoS) tag is
given in column 5 and the content of the tweet in col-
umn 6. The example expresses two relations: (i) the
relation “ban” that exists between word 0 and word 5
(entities “Norway” and “petrol powered”), and (ii) the
relation “Ban fuelV Date” that exists between words
0 and 7 (entities “Norway” and “2025”).
The relation model, once trained, was used to
extract entities and relations from a given Twitter
data set. The way that the Stanford relation ex-
traction model operates means that additional re-
lations may be identified that are not pertinent to
the domain of discourse. The results were there-
fore filtered so that only the relations identified in
the training data were retained. The filtered re-
sults were then stored as a set of triples of the
form hentity1, relation, entity2i. The results with
respect to the example Tweet “Norway to com-
pletely ban petrol powered cars by 2025” will there-
fore be the tripleshNorway, ban, petrol poweredi and
hNorway, ban f uelv Date, 2025i.
3.3 Ontology Generation
The final step in the ontology learning frameworks
given in Figure 1 was the ontology generation step.
There are many tools recommended by The World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to convert entity-
relation-entity triples to an RDF represented ontol-
ogy depending on the nature of the data. In this re-
search LODRefine was used, which is the OpenRefine
tool with an RDF extension (Harlow, 2015). Figure 4
shows a simple example of an RDF ontology for the
motor vehicle pollution scenario.
The GATE-based approach to ontology learning is
presented in this section. An overview of the frame-
work is given in Figure 5. Inspection of Figure 5
and Figure 1 indicates that the distinction between the
two is in the Knowledge Extraction step. Note that
for this purpose Knowledge Extraction two GATE
components are used, the Gazetteer and the Relation
Extraction components. The gazetteer uses a pre-
scribed lists of words, describing entity classes, and
uses these lists of words to identify entities within
given texts. The relation extraction component is then
used to identify relations that exist between pairs of
entities. The last two steps are the same as those de-
scribed for the Stanford Framework described above.
In more detail, the Knowledge Extraction process
was as follows: (i) data preprocessing, (ii) entity ex-
traction using the gazetteer, (iii) class pairing (iv)
training set generation, (v) relation extraction model
generation and (vi) relation extraction model applica-
tion. The data preprocessing comprised the applica-
tion of a number of NLP pre-processing to the Twit-
ter data, namely word tokenisation and part of speech
tagging. This pre-processing steps was done using
ANNIE (A Nearly New Information Extraction sys-
tem) tool available within GATE. ANNIE assigns a
sequential character ID number, c
, to each character
in a a given Tweet T , T = [c
, c
, . . . ]. Each word is
therefore defined by a start and end character; a word
ID is thus expressed as hc
, c
i; this is illustrated in
Figure 6 where a word annotated Tweet is given. The
next step was to use the Gazetteer to identify, and an-
notate, the words in a Twitter data collection, so as to
identify entities that exist in the data and consequently
assign class labels to those entities. GATE comes with
a number of predefined gazetteer files (lists), such as
locations, organisations and dates; but for the pro-
posed ontology generation from Twitter data applica-
Ontology Learning from Twitter Data
Figure 3: Example of Stanford relation extraction training data record.
Figure 4: Example RDF file.
Figure 5: GATE Ontology Learning Framework.
tion the assumption was that appropriate files would
not be available in all cases. These must therefore be
generated. In the context of the motor vehicle pollu-
tion scenario used for evaluation purposes, as noted
above, the focus was on four specific classes: (i) Lo-
cation (“Loc”), (ii) Date (“Date”), (iii) Fuel Vehicle
(“Fuelv”) and (iv) Green Vehicle (“Greenv”). Using
the annotated tweets, JAPE (H. Cunningham D. May-
nard and V. Tablan, 2000) was used to pair the classes
together. The idea was to link every pair of classes
that feature in a Tweet. Gazetteer assigns a unique
Entity ID, e, to each identified entity which in turn
references a sequence of characters in T .
In GATE, as in the case of Stanford CoreNLP, re-
lation extraction was conducted using a supervised
learning approach. This in turn required a training set
( the motor vehicle pollution domain of discourse was
used for evaluation purposes, which will presented
later in this paper). Therefore, once all classes pair-
ings had been identified, the next step was for the user
to define a training set by manually assigning rela-
tions to each identified pair of classes. This training
set was then used to generate a GATE relation extrac-
tion model designed to predict classes and relations
between them. An example of a GATE relation ex-
traction training record is given in Figure 6. As be-
fore, the example is derived from the Tweet “Nor-
way to completely ban petrol powered cars by 2025”.
The example defines a relation “ban” that links an an-
tecedent entity belonging to the class “Loc” to a con-
sequent entity belonging to the class “Fuelv”. In the
example, the phrase to be considered is delimited by
the charcte ID numbers 0 to 45 where 0 marks the
start of the antecedent entity and 45 marks the end
of the consequent entity. The specific entities refer-
enced in the example have the Entity ID numbers 26
and 43, which in this case identify the entities Norway
(h0, 6i) and petrol powered cars (h26, 45i) belonging
to the classes “Loc” and “Fuelv” respectively. Once
the GATE relation extraction model has been trained,
the model can be used to predict classes and their rela-
tions from tweets. The results were stored as a XML
file, hclass1, class2, relationi. Figure 7 gives a GATE
relation extraction result for the Tweet “Norway to
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 6: Example of relation extraction training data record.
Figure 7: Example of a GATE Relation Extraction Result.
completely ban petrol powered cars by 2025”; note
that an accuracy probability is given.
While the above described methods (using the Stan-
ford coreNLP and GATE frameworks) provide useful
mechanisms for supporting ontology learning, both
involve significant end-user resource, particularly in
the preparation of training data. The entire process
is therefore time consuming and does not generalise
over all potential domains. The third mechanism con-
sidered in this paper was designed to address the train-
ing data preparation overhead by using regular ex-
pressions in order to limit the resource required with
respect to the previous two frameworks. An overview
of the ontology learning using a regular expressions
framework is given in Figure 8. Note that the frame-
work interfaces elements of Stanford CoreNLP, it
could equally well be interfaced with GATE, however
preliminary evaluation (reported on in Section 6 be-
low) indicated that Stanford was a better option.
From Figure 8, the process commences with a
collection of tweets T . The first step is to generate
an entity annotated with class labels “Seed Set”; in
the context of the evaluation presented later in this
Figure 8: Regular expressions ontology learning frame-
paper 100 tweets were selected instead of the 300
used to evaluate to Stanford and GATE frameworks.
This seed set is then used to learn a Stanford NER
model in a similar manner as described previously
in Sub-section 3.1. The seed set is used to gen-
erate a set of regular expressions (patterns). Three
catagories of regular expression were considered: (i)
two entity expressions, (ii) three entity expressions
and (iii) four entity expressions. A entity expressions
takes the form {e
, ?, r, ?, e
}, {e
, ?, e
, ?, r, ?, e
} and
, ?, e
, ?, e
, ?, r, ?, e
} respectively, where ? indi-
cates a random number of intervening words. In each
case there are a number of variations, 6, 24 and 120
respectively. Note that the proposed framework offers
the advantage, unlike comparable frameworks, that it
can operate with more than two entities.
The entire set of tweets T are then annotated using
Stanford NER model. Then, the regular expression
are applied to the annotated tweets and a set of triples
extracted of the form he
, e
, ri. In some cases several
such triples will be extracted from a single Tweet, in
other cases no triples will be identified.
The triples are then use to automatically generate
a training set for Relation Extraction model genera-
Ontology Learning from Twitter Data
tion as described earlier in Sub-section 3.2. The re-
maining two steps are identical to those included in
the previous two approaches.
This section reports on the evaluation conducted to
evaluate the proposed ontology learning frameworks
presented in the foregoing three sections. For the eval-
uation a Twitter dataset, directed at the car pollution
domain, was generated. Further details of this data
set are presented in Sub-section 6.1. The objectives
of the evaluations were:
1. To determine and compare the effectiveness of
the Stanford and GATE ontology learning frame-
2. To determine the effectiveness of the Regular Ex-
pression ontology learning framework.
3. To evaluate the syntactic integrity of the generated
4. To evaluate the utility of the generated ontologies.
Each is discussed in further detail in Sub-sections 6.2
to 6.5 below.
6.1 Evaluation Data
The section briefly describes the car pollution domain
Twitter data set used for evaluation purposes. The
tweets were collected using the Twitter API. The car
pollution topic was chosen since it was easy to un-
derstand and hence any proposed mechanism using
this data could be readilly analysed. The criteria for
the collected tweets was that they should contain con-
tent related to banning fuel vehicles or using green
vehicles in a country or city. 300 tweets were col-
lected and labelled for training purposes. The data set
featured four entity classes: (i) Loc, (ii) f uelV , (iii)
greenV and (iv) Date; and four relations: (i) ban, (ii)
use, (iii) ban f uelV Date and (iv) use greenV Date.
The distribution of the entity and relation classes
across the data set is presented in Figures 9 and 10;
768, 384, 198 and 1162 for the entity classes; and 241,
125, 166 and 87 for the relations. Inspection of the
figures indicates that there were many more examples
of entities than relations. A typical tweet included
eight entities and two relations; not all entities were
paired. Note also that the number of examples per
class was very imbalanced. A further 313 tweets were
collected from the same domain; and used to create
and populate the ontologies using the learnt models.
Figure 9: Distribution of the entity classes across the data
Figure 10: Distribution of relations across the training
6.2 Effectiveness of the Stanford and
Gate Ontology Learning
The entire initial data set of 300 tweets was used to
generate and evaluate the Stanford NER and Rela-
tion Extraction models, and the Gate Relation Extrac-
tion model, used to produce ontologies in the context
of the proposed Stanford and Gate ontology learning
frameworks. Using Stanford relation extraction, the
NER model was trained using the four entity classes
and the Relation Extraction model using the four rela-
tions listed above. Using GATE a gazetteer dictionary
was used. Ten-fold Cross Validation (TCV) was used
for the evaluation; 270 records for training and 30 for
testing. The metrics used were Precision (P), recall
(R) and F-score (F).
The results are presented in Tables 1, 2 and 3.
Table 1 presents the result obtained with respect to
the generated Stanford NER model. Tables 2 and 3
present the results obtained with respect to Stanford
and GATE generated Relation Extraction models re-
spectively. Note that precision and recall were not in-
cluded in Table1 because the Stanford NER tool does
not provide these. Inspection of Table 1 shows that a
small Standard Deviation (Stand. Dev.) was recorded.
It can thus be argued that the generated entity model
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 1: TCV results for the Stanford NER model evalua-
Fold Num. F
1 77.3
2 77.7
3 77.2
4 79.3
5 77.2
6 78.0
7 78.0
8 78.9
9 78.4
10 78.3
Average 78.03
Stand. Dev. 0.71
Table 2: TCV results for the Stanford Relation Extraction
model evaluation.
Fold Num. P R F
1 67.6 88.5 76.7
2 81.8 88.5 85.0
3 81.6 75.5 78.4
4 94.2 98.0 96.1
5 47.2 69.0 56.1
6 85.2 74.2 79.3
7 74.3 76.4 75.3
8 70.2 75.5 72.7
9 88.6 87.3 87.9
10 86.7 89.7 88.1
Average 77.74 82.26 79.56
Stand. Dev. 13.58 9.26 10.91
Table 3: TCV results for the the GATE Relation Extraction
model evaluation.
Fold Num. P R F
1 73.8 68.2 70.6
2 85.9 77.0 79.4
3 69.2 86.7 71.1
4 50.5 70.2 57.6
5 48.6 60.5 50.8
6 75.2 93.7 82.1
7 53.9 72.2 61.4
8 69.3 75.0 70.0
9 70.7 77.8 72.0
10 86.7 68.8 64.4
Average 68.38 75.01 67.94
Stand. Dev. 13.52 9.57 9.58
was consistent and reasonably accurate and that con-
sequently the mechanism for generating it was effec-
Inspection of Tables 2 and 3 indicates a wide
spread of results (high standard deviations) in both
cases. The conjectured reason for this was the im-
balanced nature of the training data. Inspection of the
Fold 5 test data, the worst performing fold, revealed
that it included nine examples of the use greenV Date
relation class but that only two were classified cor-
rectly. From Figure 10 it can be seen that there were
only 87 examples of the use greenV Date class, ap-
proximately nine per fold. On the other hand, for the
class ban there were 241 examples. Comparing Ta-
bles 2 and 3 it can be seen that the Stanford mod-
eld produced a better average F-score than the GATE
model. This is why it was decided to interface the
Regular Expression approach with the Stanford NLP
tool as opposed to the GATE tool.
6.3 Effectiveness of the Regular
Expression Ontology Learning
For the evaluation of the Regular Expression Ontol-
ogy Learning Framework a seed training set of 100
records, a third of the data available was used. Recall
that for the evaluation of the Stanford and GATE On-
tology Learning Frameworks, training sets numbering
270 tweets were used. Once the regular expressions
had been identified they were applied to the remain-
ing 200 records. In the context of the Stanford NER
model, integral to the Regular Expression ontology
learning framework, the evaluation was conducted us-
ing three-fold Cross Validation; three because of the
size of the seed set. The results are given in Table 4.
Table 4: 3 Fold Cross Validation results for the Regular Ex-
pression Stanford NER model evaluation.
Fold Num. F
1 49.0
2 53.0
3 55.0
Average 52.33
Stand. Dev. 3.06
From the Table it can be seen that the average F-score
was less than that obtained using the Stanford “stand
alone” framework trained using all 270 records (see
Table 1), but within acceptable limits.
Table 5 gives the results obtained with respect to
the resulting Relation Extraction model. From the
table, it can be seen that the F-score values ranged
between 56.9 and 88.5, again because of the imbal-
anced nature of the training data. However what is
interesting to note is that the average Relation Ex-
traction F-score obtained using the Regular Expres-
sion approach was better than the GATE approach al-
Ontology Learning from Twitter Data
Figure 11: Ontology graphs.
Table 5: TCV results for the Regular Expression Stanford
Relation Extraction model evaluation.
Fold Num. P R F
1 75.9 80.4 78.1
2 89.3 87.7 88.5
3 75.9 63.8 69.3
4 73.8 77.5 75.6
5 70.0 77.8 73.7
6 68.4 72.2 70.3
7 79.6 68.3 73.5
8 75.0 82.4 78.5
9 47.5 70.7 56.9
10 87.0 75.8 81.0
Average 74.24 75.66 74.54
Stand. Dev. 11.51 7.09 8.33
though not as good at the Stanford approach; whilst
using a much smaller training set.
6.4 Generated Ontology Evaluation
The generated ontologies were of the form presented
earlier in Figure 4 using RDF notation. From in-
spection of the figure, it can be seen that the seman-
tics of the generated ontology seem correct based on
the classes and relations extracted from the tweets.
Other than visual confirmation, the generated ontolo-
gies were automatically evaluated further by checking
their syntactic integrity. This validation was done us-
ing the RDF W3C Validation Tool. Figure 11 shows
the ontology graph generated using the W3C Valida-
tion Tool. Thus it can be concluded that, at least in
this simple case, the generated ontologies was seman-
tically and syntactically correct.
6.5 Evaluation of the Utility of the
Generated Ontology
To evaluate the utility of the generated ontology, the
idea was to populate the ontologies using 313 tweets
and then use SPARQL to query the data. The motiva-
tion for this was from (Prud’Hommeaux et al., 2008)
where it was noted that “SPARQL can be used to ex-
press queries across diverse data sources, whether the
data is stored natively as RDF or viewed as RDF via
middleware”. For the evaluation Apache Jena was
used to query the generated RDF, one of the recom-
mended tools from W3C. Example SPARQL queries
are given in Figure 12. The example queries are di-
rected at identifying all locations that ban any type of
car and when the UK will ban fuel vehicles. Thus,
from the SPARQL query result, it could be concluded
that the generated ontology was appropriate.
Figure 12: Examples of SPARQL query.
This paper has presented three mechanisms for learn-
ing ontologies from Twitter data: (i) the Stanford on-
tology learning framework, (ii) the GATE ontology
learning framework and (iii) the Regular Expression
ontology learning framework, the latter coupled with
the Stanford NLPcore toolkit. The output from all
three mechanisms was an RDF represented ontology
generated using LODRefine, a W3C recommended
tool. The first two mechanisms required substantial
amounts of training data. This presented a signifi-
cant disadvantage as the preparation of the required
training data required considerable end user resource.
The third mechanism was designed to address this dis-
advantage by using a much smaller “seed set” from
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
which a more complete training set could be gener-
ated and input to either of the two previous mecha-
nisms. All three mechanisms were compared using
a car pollution scenario comprised of 300 tweets as
the training set and 313 tweets to create the ontolo-
gies. For the first two mechanisms the Relation Ex-
traction models were compared and Stanford Relation
Extraction found to outperform GATE relation extrac-
tion; an average F-score of 79.56 compared to 67.94.
The third mechanism, the Regular Expression mech-
anism, was therefore coupled with Stanford Relation
Extraction. For the first two mechanisms 270 records
were used for training (30 held back for testing) while
for the third only 100 records were used fort the ini-
tial seed training set, a reduction of 65%, without ad-
versely affecting the quality of the generated ontolo-
gies. The generated ontologies were evaluated using
a W3C validation tool which focused on the syntax of
the ontology, whilst the utility of the ontologies was
evaluated by populating the ontologies and querying
them using SPARQL test queries. The results were
very encouraging and the authors are now embarking
on a large scale evaluation of the proposed mecha-
nisms directed at more sophisticated ontologies and
using larger collections of tweets.
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Ontology Learning from Twitter Data