Relevancy Scoring for Knowledge-based Recommender Systems
Robert David
and Trineke Kamerling
Semantic Web Company, Austria
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, The Nederlands
Cultural Heritage, Knowledge Representation, Semantic Web, Information Retrieval, Recommender,
Knowledge-based recommender systems are well suited for users to explore complex knowledge domains like
iconography without having domain knowledge. To help them understand and make decisions for navigation
in the information space, we can show how important specific concept annotations are for the description of
an item in a collection. We present an approach to automatically determine relevancy scores for concepts of a
domain model. These scores represent the importance for item descriptions as part of knowledge-based rec-
ommender systems. In this paper we focus on the knowledge domain of iconography, which is quite complex,
difficult to understand and not commonly known. The use case for a knowledge-based recommender system
in this knowledge domain is the exploration of a museum collection of historical artworks. The relevancy
scores for the concepts of an artwork should help the user to understand the iconographic interpretation and to
navigate the collection based on personal interests.
Complex knowledge domains like iconography are
difficult to understand. Non-experts, who do not have
domain knowledge, cannot interpret the symbols to
determine the meaning of artwork content. Even for
art historians, the analysis of the meaning of an art-
work is a difficult task for complex scenes. To illus-
trate the problem, we present the motivating scenario
of museum visitors who want to understand the con-
tent of artworks and want to navigate museum collec-
tions based on personal interests. However, visitors
do not have domain knowledge. We call such a per-
son a non-expert. Having no understanding about the
artworks, visitors have to use the limited information
that is provided by the museum. Usually, this is a
description in natural language and provided as text
or as an audio guide. The natural language descrip-
tion makes it difficult for non-experts to understand
the details of the scene interpretation, because generic
concepts, like religion or mythology, are mixed with
specific concepts, like symbolic objects. However,
this detail information helps to understand an artwork
as well as related artworks. We present an approach
to describe visual artwork content using concepts of
multiple interlinked vocabularies. The concepts are
automatically scored based on relevancy regarding the
artworks description. By looking at the concept an-
notations and the associated relevancy scores, visitors
get a better understanding because the most important
concepts of the content are pointed out to them. As
part of a knowledge-based recommender, these con-
cepts can be selectively used by visitors to navigate
artwork collections.
1.1 Knowledge-based Recommender
Knowledge-based recommender systems are well
suited for complex knowledge domains (Felfernig and
Burke, 2008). The basis of the recommendations is
a knowledge model representing domain knowledge
that is used for similarity-based retrieval. Therefore
knowledge-based recommender systems are not de-
pendent on data from user decisions like other rec-
ommendation approaches. Users with only little do-
main knowledge can still use the system for recom-
mendations based on their interests. They only need
to have general knowledge about the set of collec-
tion items and an informal knowledge of their needs
(Burke, 2000). Because the options for navigation
are based on the model describing the items, this ap-
proach can be used to help users to better understand
the knowledge domain. When navigating the infor-
David, R. and Kamerling, T.
Relevancy Scor ing for Knowledge-based Recommender Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0008068602330239
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 233-239
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
mation space, two navigation decisions can be taken.
First, the user selects from the results of similarity-
based retrieval (Burke et al., 1997), which will recom-
mend items that are similar to the current item based
on the knowledge model. Second, the user can tweak
(Burke et al., 1997) the selection based on informa-
tion needs to alter the resulting recommended items.
Knowledge-based recommender systems help users
explore and understand an information space (Burke,
2000). Users have to make decisions for retrieval and
tweaking based on the model to navigate the informa-
tion space. Although knowledge-based recommender
systems only require general knowledge of the do-
main, users still might not have enough understanding
to decide how to tweak the recommendations to sat-
isfy their information needs. To help users understand
and make these tweaking decisions, we can show how
significant specific parts of the description are for an
item. Knowing the significance is also helpful for
understanding the meaning of items in the informa-
tion space. The significance is expressed as a rele-
vancy score. We focus on scoring concept annotations
which are actually instances of concepts (Gicquel and
Lenne, 2013) assigned to the items. They represent
the semantic context of an item. Showing the signif-
icance of concepts therein helps the users make deci-
sions for retrieval to satisfy information needs.
1.2 Information Content
The notion of information content is described in
(Resnik, 1995). It uses a hierarchic taxonomy and a
corpus where the taxonomy concepts occur to deter-
mine the informativeness of concepts. The taxonomic
hierarchy represents how general or specific a con-
cept is and therefore can be used to determine how
informative it is regarding a description. As prob-
ability to encounter a concept in the taxonomy in-
creases, informativeness decreases, so the more ab-
stract a concept, the lower its information content. If
there is a unique top concept, its information content
is 0 (Resnik, 1995). The information content score is
not only based on the taxonomy, but also uses corpus-
based statistical information. The frequency of con-
cepts in a corpus is taken into account and is part of
the calculation of the probability to encounter a con-
cept. If a concept does not occur in the corpus, its in-
formation content is 0. Concepts that do not occur in
the corpus do not contribute to the information con-
tent score. The information content of concepts can
be used to measure the semantic similarity between
two concepts based on the taxonomy and the corpus
(Resnik, 1995).
The calculation of relevancy scores for concepts we
propose is based on the notion of information content.
We adapt the approach to use interlinked taxonomies
instead of an annotated textual corpus to calculate in-
formativeness and use it as a relevancy score. The ba-
sis is the use of two taxonomies to describe the collec-
tion items. These taxonomies must have different se-
mantic expressivity regarding the knowledge domain
they describe to provide an advantage to non-experts.
Higher expressivity means a more concrete descrip-
tion requiring a higher level of domain knowledge to
understand. Lower expressivity means a more com-
mon description that also non-experts understand. We
use the taxonomy with higher expressivity as a basis
to calculate scores for the concepts of the taxonomy
with lower expressivity. That means we interpret the
higher taxonomy as the annotated corpus according
to information content and calculate the scores based
on the concept occurrences. These occurrences are
represented by the links between concepts of the two
taxonomies. The concepts of the lower taxonomy are
used to describe the concepts of the higher taxonomy.
They therefore provide a description of these concepts
that is understood by non-experts. The first step of the
method is to provide these taxonomy interlinks. The
second is the calculation of the information content
scores which represent the relevancy.
2.1 Vocabulary Interlinking
Interlinking multiple vocabularies that are used to an-
notate items has several advantages. It automatically
extends descriptions by adding additional linked con-
cepts and it improves search by improving recall.
Using multiple vocabularies, we can describe items
on different vertical semantic levels (Hyvönen et al.,
2007). Users with different views or different knowl-
edge can use different levels for describing the same
item. The levels are represented by vocabularies with
different semantic expressivity or in general a differ-
ent point of view on the domain. Interlinking vocabu-
laries also provides different approaches to data inte-
gration. (Hollink et al., 2003) shows how to improve
semantic search by interlinking concepts of different
ontologies that are used to annotate artworks. This
increases the recall of the search. (Hyvönen et al.,
2007) uses three vertical levels of detail with increas-
ing semantic expressivity for different kinds of con-
tent annotation. It can be used to integrate content
annotated at different levels of granularity. Each new
level of annotation granularity adds new information
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
with respect to the previous level. This means that
semantically richer representations can be easily in-
terpreted at the lower level. These examples show the
advantages provided by vocabulary interlinking.
2.2 Relevancy Scoring
The interlinks between concepts of multiple vocabu-
laries represent descriptions in vertical semantic di-
rections. To explain concepts of a higher semantic
level, and therefore items of a collection annotated
with these concepts, we provide relevancy scores for
the lower level concepts based on the notion of in-
formation content. This can only be done for vo-
cabularies with a taxonomic structure because the hi-
erarchy is needed to calculate informativeness. The
scores represent the importance a concept has for the
annotated item in the scope of the interlinked vocab-
ularies. Relevancy scoring can be done automatically
and independent of any collection that the vocabular-
ies are applied to. The following example explains
the method. Let taxonomy A and taxonomy B be
taxonomies used to annotate items. Taxonomy A is
of higher semantic expressivity than taxonomy B. By
using the interlinks we calculate the relevancy of con-
cepts of taxonomy B based on their occurrences in
taxonomy A. If a concept from taxonomy B is not
interlinked to concepts of taxonomy A, its informa-
tion content is 0. Concepts that are not interlinked do
not contribute to the information content score. The
relevancy for a concept of taxonomy B is the infor-
mation content score based on the hierarchy of taxon-
omy B and the number of interlinks with concepts of
taxonomy A. This means we interpret taxonomy A as
a corpus for taxonomy B and the frequency of inter-
links is taken into account to calculate the probability
to encounter a concept. In figure 1, we see several
interlinks going from concepts of taxonomy B to con-
Figure 1: Taxonomy interlinking.
cepts of taxonomy A. Concept b2 has two links (a3,
a4), b3 has one link (a3) and b4 also has one link (a2).
The total number of interlinks is 4. We calculate the
information content scores (ic) for concepts of taxon-
omy B. The information content score for a concept
of taxonomy B is the negative log of the likelihood to
encounter this concept, including the child concepts.
ic(b1) = log(
) = 0
ic(b2) = log(
) = 0.125
ic(b3) = log
= 0.6
ic(b4) = log
= 0.6
The information content scores represent the rele-
vancy that each concept of taxonomy B has for de-
scribing concepts of taxonomy A. The scoring is done
automatically and is not dependent on the item collec-
tion the two taxonomies describe.
3.1 Vocabularies for Art Description
In this paper we focus on semantic artwork descrip-
tions to be used by a knowledge-based recommender
system for understanding and exploring an artwork
collection. We select two vocabularies for doing
the descriptions. Both are organized as hierarchic
taxonomies. They are available as Semantic Web
(Berners-Lee et al., 2001) data models using the Sim-
ple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) (Alis-
tair Miles, 2009). Both vocabularies were designed to
describe artworks, so it makes sense to apply them
both to artwork items for a semantic description.
They represent information at different vertical levels
of semantic expressivity, so they qualify for interlink-
ing and relevancy score calculation.
Iconclass. Iconclass (Van de Waal, 1974) is a clas-
sification system for iconography. It is structured
as a hierarchy of concepts representing themes of
the iconographic tradition of art history. Therefore
it is mainly intended for historical artworks of Eu-
ropean origin. The concepts within Iconclass in-
clude common artwork themes throughout history
and mythology. It is not intended to describe single
parts of an artwork, but contains concepts that can be
used to describe the scene as a whole. Historic and
Relevancy Scoring for Knowledge-based Recommender Systems
mythological persons and stories are included. Even
single scenes from stories are represented by con-
cepts in Iconclass. For example, the concept http:
//, titled "Holofernes be-
headed by Judith with his own sword; the maidser-
vant may be keeping watch", represents the scene of
the Old Testament where Judith beheads Holofernes.
This example shows the high level of detail the con-
cepts of Iconclass have. With just one concept the
whole content of an artwork can be described. Icon-
class is intended to be used by domain experts to iden-
tify and annotate iconographic scenes for historical
AAT. The Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus
(Petersen, 1990) includes a broad range of concepts
that can be used to describe art and architectural
works. It has many concepts for simple items and
physical objects, concepts for materials that can be
used to describe the physical characteristics of works,
and also concepts for immaterial things like emotions
and seasons. AAT concepts can be used to describe
the elements shown by an artwork. Therefore AAT
can be used for the same purpose as Iconclass, al-
though on a different semantic level because it does
not contain iconographic concepts. Because both vo-
cabularies have the same purpose, but different views
on artworks, they are suitable for the use case evalua-
3.2 Relevancy Scoring for Art History
Iconclass, as an expert taxonomy of the art histori-
cal domain, is difficult to understand for non-experts.
In contrast, the AAT represents a more general tax-
onomy and is therefore easier to understand for non-
experts. To provide a better understanding for the
Iconlass concepts, we will relate them to associated
AAT concepts. This is done by first interlinking the
AAT concepts to Iconclass concepts and then calcu-
lating the information content scores for the AAT con-
cepts based on the interlinks. These scores show the
relevancy of the AAT concepts for iconographic de-
scriptions in the context of the two vocabularies.
Interlinking Iconclass and AAT. For interlinking
Iconclass and AAT concepts we have to find a way to
describe the Iconclass concepts using the AAT con-
cepts. The hierarchic structure cannot be used for this
because the two taxonomies, although intended for
a similar purpose, represent different knowledge do-
mains. An alignment based on the structure is there-
fore not possible. However, both taxonomies provide
labels as textual descriptions of the concepts that can
be used as a basis for matching. For Iconclass con-
cepts, besides the labels, there is a context description
for each concept that is done using a controlled vocab-
ulary. Although this vocabulary does not have a struc-
ture, there are no ambiguous terms in it. It also repre-
sents a more general description of a concept which is
something that is similar to what AAT provides. For
the AAT, we also use the provided labels as a basis
for interlinking. We match the labels of the AAT con-
cepts to the subject terms of the Iconclass concepts
to create an initial mapping. This is done by using a
regex-based approach that removes terms in brackets
and then directly matches the results. Although both
labels and subjects are not ambiguous within each vo-
cabulary, the mapping result contains many ambigu-
ities. To disambiguate, we take the taxonomic hier-
archy of AAT and try to resolve the match based on
the labels of the path to the taxonomic root. If the
subjects of an Iconclass concept are found among the
labels of the AAT concepts on the path to the root, we
identify this AAT concept as a correct match. After
resolving the ambiguities using this method, we have
an automatically generated interlink set for Iconclass
and AAT.
Relevancy Scoring. The relevancy scoring is done
for AAT concepts based on the result of the interlink-
ing. We compute the information content values as
described above. The result are the relevancy scores
for all interlinked AAT concepts that represent how
significant a concept is for the description of art his-
torical items.
For evaluating the approach we apply it to an art his-
torical collection of items. Evaluation is done regard-
ing the correctness of the interlinking and scoring, as
well as the art historical correctness of the results. The
higher scored concepts are more significant than the
lower scored concepts regarding an item description.
That means that the order of the concept annotations
of an item, created by the relevancy scores, has to be
verified for correctness from an art historical point
of view. The evaluation is presented in three parts.
First, we describe the collections we used as a basis
for the evaluation. Second, we show three example
items from the collections to illustrate the approach.
We discuss the correctness of the interlinking and the
concept scores of these items. We then show how the
concepts relate the different items with each other and
how the relevancy scores represent the significance of
these relations. Third, we describe how we evaluated
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
the approach on a larger scale by creating sample sets
and performing an art historical analysis of the scored
concept annotations.
4.1 Artwork Collection
For the collection of artworks used in the evaluation
we decided to use the Linked Data representation (Di-
jkshoorn et al., 2014) of the Rijksmuseum collections,
which is available as Linked Open Data. This dataset
contains over half a million objects, including detailed
descriptions and high-quality images released under a
public domain license. The museum uses the Icon-
class vocabulary to describe subject matter. We chose
two collections from the Rijksmuseum dataset which
contain visual artworks. The first collection contains
paintings, while the second collection contains pot-
tery. We evaluate the approach by first concluding
AAT concepts based on the asserted Iconclass con-
cepts for an item and then verifying the interlinks and
the relevancy scores regarding the iconographic inter-
4.2 3 Examples
We present 3 examples of artworks that show differ-
ent scenes. The Iconclass annotations were added by
the Rijksmuseum and are asserted in the published
dataset. Most of the annotations of the three artworks
are located in different parts of the Iconclass taxon-
omy. There is not much relation between them re-
garding the iconographic description. However, by
expanding to AAT concepts based on interlinking, we
can conclude shared concepts among them. We show
how the artworks relate and how significant the rela-
tion between them is based on the relevancy scores.
Example 1: Time (
10934/RM0001.COLLECT.7192) The first artwork
shows time as an old man, naked and with wings on
his back. He is kneeling on his right knee and holds
up a cloth with his right hand. On the floor lies a
golden scale between leaves. Time, being an abstract
concept, is represented by the physical form of a per-
son. Such symbolic representations are called alle-
gories. The item is annotated with one Iconclass con-
cept which describes the scene, as shown in table 1.
Table 1: Time.
Iconclass Concept Title Father Time, man with wings and scythe
Example 2: Autumn (Conversation) (http://
The second artwork shows a landscape in the season
of autumn. We can see a road on the banks of a water
with some fishing boats. On the road there is a man
who speaks with a woman. The artwork is part of a
series about the four seasons. The item is annotated
with three Iconclass concepts which describe the
scene, as shown in table 2.
Table 2: Autumn (Conversation).
Iconclass Concept Title harbouring
autumn landscape; landscape symbolizing autumn
(the four seasons of the year) conversation, dialogue; conversation piece
Example 3: Still Life with Fruit and Oys-
ters (
COLLECT.9119) The third artwork shows a still life
with fruits, oysters and a watch. The item is anno-
tated with four Iconclass concepts which describe the
scene, as shown in table 3.
Table 3: Still Life with Fruit and Oysters.
Iconclass Concept Title watch molluscs: oyster fruit laid table as still life
Interlinks and Relevancy Scores. Using the inter-
links we conclude the following AAT concepts with
relevancy scores for the items shown in table 4, ta-
ble 5 and table 6. These concepts do not only repre-
sent what scenes are shown on the artworks, but also
what the meaning of these scenes is. They represent
iconographic interpretations using general concepts
that non-experts understand more easily compared to
the iconographic concepts of Iconclass. When we
Table 4: Time.
AAT Concept Title Score scythes 10.3707 wings (animal components) 8.9653 time 6.8398 allegories (document genre) 5.3514 allegory (artistic device) 5.3514 Nature 5.1355
look at the concluded AAT concepts, we can see some
of them are incorrect for the description of the art-
work. These false positives were produced because
the disambiguation did not have sufficient context in-
formation in these cases. We show them in the ta-
bles marked in red. They are incorrect and therefore
will not be considered any further. Then we look at
the relevancy scores and the order of concepts that
Relevancy Scoring for Knowledge-based Recommender Systems
Table 5: Autumn (Conversation).
AAT Concept Title Score conversation pieces (portraits) 12.2425 dialogues 10.8562 autumn 10.7384 harbors 10.1631 Company (style) 9.7576 companies 9.2221 seasons 7.2487 traffic 6.8398 time 6.8398 ships 6.6367 transporting 6.2485 Nature 5.1355 landscapes (environments) 4.7171 Homo sapiens (species) 4.3210 civilization 4.1848 societies 4.1838 culture 4.1259
Table 6: Still Life with Fruit and Oysters.
AAT Concept Title Score watches 12.9356 oysters 11.5493 vegetables 9.9399 tables (architectural elements) 9.8446 tables (documents) 9.8446 bellies 9.6034 tables (support furniture) 9.1290 measuring 8.4813 Mollusca (phylum) 8.1650 instruments 8.0681 still lifes 7.3983 food 7.0114 fruit 6.8789 time 6.8398 earth (soil) 5.2898 earth (color) 5.2898 Nature 5.1355 civilization 4.1848 societies 4.1838 culture 4.1259 Animalia (kingdom) 3.0796
they create for the artwork description. We can see
that the order is valid regarding the depicted scenes
and the iconographic interpretations. It goes from the
more specific concepts to the more generic ones and
provides additional detail information to non-experts
compared to the Iconclass concepts. We also see that
there are concepts added that have thematically to do
with the artwork, but are not actually shown. An ex-
ample is the concept for scythes for the artwork Time
(table 1), which is the top scoring concept (table 4).
This is an often used symbol of the allegorical rep-
resentation of time as an old man, although it is not
shown on this specific artwork example. Still we
would want to use this concept when retrieving re-
lated artworks.
Relations between the Artworks. We showed
three examples of artworks with their interlinked and
scored AAT concepts. We can see the significant con-
cepts as a description of what the artwork scene rep-
resents. Now we can compare the three artworks to
see how they are related. This comparison can be
used by a knowledge-based recommender system to
retrieve navigation options. The three artworks show
different scenes and have different iconographic in-
terpretations. Still they have some concepts in com-
mon. These concepts, time and nature, are shown
in table 7. The first artwork, Time, is an anthropo-
morphic representation of time. This is an art his-
torical interpretation that requires domain knowledge.
The second artwork, Autumn (Conversation), shows
a scene in autumn. Although not clearly visible from
the content, the title of the artwork indicates this to
the viewer. Autumn, as a season, is one of the four
time periods in a year. The third artwork, Still Life
with Fruit and Oysters, is a still life, which is a genre
of artworks showing mostly inanimate subject mat-
ter. Still lives often have symbolic elements. This
artwork depicts a watch as part of the scene, which is
a symbolic representation of the brevity of life. We
can see that the three artworks have the concept of
time in common. Also, they have the concept of na-
ture in common, although this is less significant. Ta-
ble 7 shows the scores for both concepts. We can see
Table 7: Shared concepts.
AAT Concept ID Title Score time 6.8398 Nature 5.1355
that the concept of time is in the upper score range of
the scored concepts, while nature has a lower score.
The relevancy scores of these concepts represent how
strongly the three artworks are related. There is a rela-
tion, although not very obvious. This is also reflected
in the scores. It is difficult for a non-expert to under-
stand that the concept of time is part of the meaning
of the three scenes. The first artwork has time in the
title, while the second artwork mentions autumn, and
the third artwork depicts a watch. By providing the
interlinked and scored AAT concepts, we can show
these shared concepts and the significance regarding
the three artwork scenes. The three examples illus-
trate how the scored concepts represent a detailed de-
scription of artwork content. The concept order based
on the scoring shows how significant each concept is
for the description of the artwork content. By com-
paring the concepts and the relevancy scores, we can
show relations between artworks as well as how sig-
nificant these relations are.
4.3 Art Historical Evaluation
The evaluation was done on samples from the selected
two collections of the Rijksmuseum dataset. We gen-
erated 3 sets of item samples from these collections
containing 100 items each. As part of this research a
prototypical web application was developed to calcu-
late and retrieve scored AAT concepts for the items.
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
The resulting item information for the sample sets was
published as a report. This report was then evaluated
by experts of the art historical domain. The evalua-
tion had to verify the correctness of the interlinks as
well as the correctness of the order of the concept an-
notations. As already seen in the presented examples,
the interlinks contain incorrectly disambiguated con-
cepts. This not only created incorrect concept anno-
tations, but also influenced the relevancy scores. We
ignored the incorrect concepts from the artwork de-
scriptions and evaluated the remaining correct con-
cept annotations regarding the correctness of the or-
der. It showed that the correct concept annotations
provide a valid description of the details of the content
regarding the relevance. The concluded concepts au-
tomatically extend the asserted descriptions and help
non-experts to understand the details using the rele-
vancy scoring. They can be used as a basis for re-
trieval in knowledge-based recommender systems.
In this paper we presented an approach for relevancy
scoring based on the interlinking of vocabularies. It
is not dependent on instance data and does not have
drawbacks regarding the size of the collection. It
will work for small collections well as for large ones.
However, it is dependent on the vocabularies selected
for interlinking and the quality of the interlinks. To
help users to better understand the meaning of art-
works, the two vocabularies must have different se-
mantic expressivity, so the concluded information is
represented using a view that is understandable to
non-experts. The data model can be generated au-
tomatically by vocabulary interlinking and calculat-
ing information content scores for the interlinked con-
cepts. We performed a interdisciplinary evaluation to
verify the approach. It showed that the interlinking re-
sulted in false positive concept annotations that were
incorrectly disambiguated. We ignored these false
positives for the further evaluation and only consid-
ered the correct ones for relevancy scoring. It showed
that the order of the correct concept annotations for
the sample artworks was valid. However, the in-
correct interlinks influence the relevancy scores and
might result in a changed order for some artwork de-
scriptions regarding correct concepts. This, as well
as improving the disambiguation, has to be evaluated
in future work. The next step is the extension of the
implemented prototype for recommendations where
the options are given by the scored concept annota-
tions. We can then evaluate how these artwork de-
scriptions help visitors to navigate the museum col-
lections based on their interests by using the scored
concepts for retrieval and as tweaking options.
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Relevancy Scoring for Knowledge-based Recommender Systems