about the beneficial effects of the proposed mutations,
a rigorous and comprehensive study on a larger set
of problems is needed and should include the inves-
tigation of different problem domains. Consequently,
we will mainly focus on more detailed and compre-
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problem domains. These experiments will also in-
clude an analysis of the exploration abilities of CGP
when the proposed mutations are in use. Another
part of our future work is devoted to a detailed inves-
tigation of the (2 + 2)-CGP-ID algorithm with sub-
graph crossover and our mutations. This will also
include an investigation in which way the subgraph
crossover and our proposed mutations work together
and if there are similar functional behaviors between
different problems. This part of our future work has
to address the question of the effectiveness of small
population sizes in the boolean domain. The last point
for our future work is the application of our proposed
mutation techniques to other GP representations.
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ECTA 2019 - 11th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications