tion ontology, and a method ontology. The authors
emphasized the importance of representing domain
knowledge in formal domain ontologies to make the
active content reusable and shareable; and the impor-
tance of facilitating the edition and maintenance of
knowledge content. To this end, they developed a user
interface called MAITRE.
Aljawarneh et al. (Aljawarneh et al., 2010) devel-
oped a validation solution specifically designed sup-
plement standard firewall technologies to addresses
web vulnerabilities at the application level. The ser-
vice architecture takes advantages of RDFa annota-
tions embedded in XHTML web pages and extracts
the annotations to create an ontology in order to val-
idate the subsequent interactions between client and
servers using the created ontology. The service is
qualified as survivable as it stands, as the present
work, as a middle-ware service.
Da Cruz et al. (da Cruz and Faria, 2008) used an
ontology to generate a user interface. With the data
collected from the user-interface, the system instan-
tiates classes within the ontology and performs rea-
soning to validate the data. The approach is aligned
to this work as it derives an application model from a
general domain ontology.
Tanida et al. (Tanida et al., 2011) built a solution
to validate the trace of user interactions with a web-
applications built on AJAX, using a temporal logic
Finally, the work of Gatti et al. (Gatti et al., 2012)
has also many similarities to the present work. It in-
troduces the concept of Data Analysis as a Service
(DAaaS) and describes the architecture of a scalable
service. The content is received in JSON, converted
to XML and processed. The validation involves exist-
ing grammar and rule-based schema languages. The
set of constraints is domain-independent. The vali-
dation process goes through a number of steps such
as checking syntax with XSD schema, and validating
semantic using the Schematron language. Upon com-
pletion, the service reports on the validation by list-
ing failed assertions along with the necessary infor-
mation to track and correct the failures. The architec-
ture emphasizes the service capabilities for data as-
sistance in a somewhat similar fashion as the present
work recommendations and providing information on
attributes to assist the user-interface.
A lot of effort has gone into the designing of the
user interface for knowledge acquisition. Some of
the initial observations were used to segment and sim-
plify the creation of the various entities composing the
knowledge structure. One feature that was central to
this effort was the auto-complete feature for the edi-
tion of validation rules, either from Descriptive Logic
or Code Logic.
On performance, the service is naturally depen-
dent on the complexity of the application model. One
of the future challenges will to assemble an efficient
assessment and prediction engine over response times
to promote fluid interactions between the front-end
application and the service.
Finally, we identified that the proposed service ar-
chitecture could be modulated to tackle different sit-
uations. The service while focused on data validation
is inherently a validated entry-point to Cloud compute
back-end services and could directly drive executions.
The same service architecture has also the potential
to be shrunk and dispersed into a wider, fine grained,
scalable framework for data quality assessment.
The present work proposed a service architecture for
the purpose of validation and recommendation with a
coherent workflow, a well-defined knowledge struc-
ture and a comprehensive range of validation mecha-
nisms. The novelty of the approach takes its root in re-
cent advances in Cloud technologies, service-oriented
architecture, domain engineering and a knowledge
structure backed by ontology. The proposed service is
critically positioned within modern cloud infrastruc-
tures; and proves to be a practical example of how
ontology can benefit service-oriented architecture.
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KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development