A Supervised Multi-class Multi-label Word Embeddings Approach for
Toxic Comment Classification
Salvatore Carta, Andrea Corriga, Riccardo Mulas, Diego Reforgiato Recupero and Roberto Saia
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Cagliari, Via Ospedale 72, 09124 Cagliari, Italy
Apache Spark, Word Embeddings, Sentiment Analysis, Supervised Approach.
Nowadays, communications made by using the modern Internet-based opportunities have revolutionized the
way people exchange information, allowing real-time discussions among a huge number of users. However,
the advantages offered by such powerful instruments of communication are sometimes jeopardized by the
dangers related to personal attacks that lead many people to leave a discussion that they were participating.
Such a problem is related to the so-called toxic comments, i.e., personal attacks, verbal bullying and, more
generally, an aggressive way in which many people participate in a discussion, which brings some participants
to abandon it. By exploiting the Apache Spark big data framework and several word embeddings, this paper
presents an approach able to operate a multi-class multi-label classification of a discussion within a range
of six classes of toxicity. We evaluate such an approach by classifying a dataset of comments taken from
the Wikipedia’s talk page, according to a Kaggle challenge. The experimental results prove that, through
the adoption of different sets of word embeddings, our supervised approach outperforms the state-of-the-art
that operate by exploiting the canonical bag-of-word model. In addition, the adoption of a word embeddings
defined in a similar scenario (i.e., discussions related to e-learning videos), proves that it is possible to improve
the performance with respect to solutions employing state-of-the-art word embeddings.
The on-line communications between people gener-
ate a huge amount of data, giving life to what the re-
searchers defined Big Data: a very huge dataset of
information from which it is difficult to extract use-
ful information in a reasonable time, if we do not use
specific tools and strategies (e.g., Machine Learning,
Natural Language Processing, etc.). Some examples
of such sources of data are the communications re-
lated to social networks, blogs, and so on, an ever-
increasing number of information that many compa-
nies exploit in order to offer free or paid services to
their users (e.g., targeted recommendation of products
and services).
In this scenario the downside is represented by the
risks associated with toxic comments, since the ad-
vantages related to the aforementioned kind of infor-
mation (social networks comments, reviews, politic
opinions, etc.) are dramatically reduced by those who
intervene with verbal attacks, verbal bullying, threats
to the person, harassment and, more generally, behav-
iors that lead some participants to abandon the discus-
Considering that an automatic approach designed
to classify the toxicity related to a text must face a
multi-class multi-label problem, because a text can be
classified in more than a class, in order to define an ef-
fective, flexible, and scalable approach able to tackle
this problem, this paper proposes a novel method that
exploits the following three components:
1. the first component is the Apache Spark, which
is used as big data framework with its Machine
Learning library (MLlib);
2. the second component is the semantics of words
obtained by using the word embeddings represen-
tations, a modeling approach that can be prof-
itably applied in different domains (Boratto et al.,
2016b; Boratto et al., 2016a);
3. the last component is a huge number of re-
views taken from Udemy
, which represents an
e-learning platform with more than 65000 video
Our strategy is to use several combinations of
word embeddings obtained by exploiting different
Carta, S., Corriga, A., Mulas, R., Recupero, D. and Saia, R.
A Supervised Multi-class Multi-label Word Embeddings Approach for Toxic Comment Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0008110901050112
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 105-112
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tools. For this operation we have used as data source
both the Udemy dataset collection and other standard
collections. Our goal is to compare the performance
of our approach that uses standard word embeddings
generated from news sources with the same approach
that uses word embeddings generated from user com-
ments to e-learning courses. The obtained results
have confirmed our hypothesis, since it is possible to
improve the classification performance by using word
embeddings from a domain closer to that taken into
account, outperforming the baselines solutions.
Hence, the main contributions of this paper to the
state of the art are the following:
we propose a scalable and flexible approach based
on Apache Spark and the MLlib library for toxic-
ity detection;
we exploit different combinations of word em-
beddings to evaluate the performance of our ap-
we use a huge dataset collected in a past
work (Dess
ı et al., 2018) based on Udemy re-
we define a multi-class multi-label classification
approach that exploits the word embeddings and it
is able to outperform the state-of-the-art solutions
in terms of accuracy; to note that we have turned
the multi-label multi-class problem in six different
binary classification problems;
we demonstrate that the approach employing
word embeddings generated out of Udemy out-
performs the approach using state-of-the-art word
we face a Kaggle
task, obtaining competitive re-
we provide our source code publicly through
In this paper we face a Sentiment Analysis problem,
since we deal with a research domain aimed to per-
form polarity detection (Devitt and Ahmad, 2007) in
a given text. The problem has been defined within
a Kaggle challenge where different researchers and
people from industry participated. Recently, sev-
eral other challenges within the Sentiment Analysis
domain have been defined as well (Buscaldi et al.,
2018; Recupero et al., 2017; Dragoni and Recupero,
2016; Recupero et al., 2015a; Recupero and Cam-
bria, 2014). Generally, Sentiment Analysis polar-
ity detection can be performed at two levels: binary
level or fine-grained level. Whereas the former deals
with assigning a positive/negative class to a certain
text document, in the latter we can perform a multi-
class classification or a regression (i.e., we classify
a text in a range of values). Moreover, other tasks
within the Sentiment Analysis domain involve the
figurative-language detection (Filatova, 2012), and
the aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (Federici and
Dragoni, 2016).
2.1 Polarity Detection
Literature offers a number of supervised, unsuper-
vised, or hybrid approaches able to perform polarity
detection tasks. The Supervised approaches use la-
beled data in order to train sentiment classifiers, oper-
ating such as bag-of-words (Dridi and Reforgiato Re-
cupero, 2017), micro-blogging features (Agarwal
et al., 2011), n-grams with part-of-speech (POS)
tags (Go et al., 2009), hashing features (da Silva et al.,
2014), and so on. Considering that the effectiveness
of such supervised approaches is reduced by the do-
main dependency on annotated training data, the un-
supervised approaches are lexicon-based and they use
pre-built lexicons of words weighted with their senti-
ment orientations in order to classify the overall sen-
timent related to a text (Momtazi, 2012). It should
be observed that, given the huge amount of labeled
data, unsupervised approaches are not able to out-
perform the supervised approach. Hybrid approaches
that combined both methods (Maas et al., 2011) have
been proposed as well.
2.2 Natural Language Processing
By exploiting the advantages related to semantics, a
number of approaches able to extract sentiment and
opinion by employing Natural Language Processing
(NLP) techniques has been developed according to
the regular and irregular, explicit and implicit, syn-
tactical and semantic rules that regulate a specific lan-
guage (Saia et al., 2016). In this research area, Cam-
bria et al. (Cambria et al., 2012) have publicly pro-
vided SenticNet, a resource for Opinion Mining made
by exploiting techniques based on the artificial intelli-
gence and Semantic Web in order to perform an accu-
rate and multi-faceted analysis of the natural language
in a given text.
In addition, SenticNet has been used with Con-
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: Training and test sets: type of toxicity occurrences and percentage.
Toxicity Training set % with respect to the Test set % with respect to the
occurrences whole training set (159,571) occurrences whole test set (63,978)
toxic 15,294 9,58% 6,090 9,51%
severe toxic 1,595 0,99% 367 0,57%
obscene 8,449 5,29% 3,691 5,76%
threat 478 0,29% 211 0,32%
insult 7,877 4,93% 3,427 5,35%
identity hate 1,405 0,88% 712 1,11%
ceptNet (Liu and Singh, 2004) in order to define an
opinion-mining engine (Raina, 2013) able to perform
a fine-grained Sentiment Analysis aimed to classify
sentences (as positive, negative or neutral) from news
articles. In this research area, Reforgiato Recupero et
al. (Recupero et al., 2015b; Gangemi et al., 2014; Re-
cupero et al., 2014) defined Sentilo, a sentic comput-
ing system for Sentiment Analysis able to combine
the natural language processing techniques with the
knowledge representation, exploiting affective knowl-
edge resources such as SenticNet (Cambria et al.,
2010), SentiWordNet (Baccianella et al., 2010), and
SentiloNet (Recupero et al., 2015b).
2.3 Toxic Comment Classification
The objective of the proposed work is more specific
than a general emotion detection task, since we want
to analyze and evaluate the toxicity present in a given
text, detecting the presence of some kind of expres-
sions and the associate level of toxicity. In this sce-
nario the concept of toxicity is related to concept of
verbal violence made by operating personal attacks,
on-line harassment, bullying behaviors and, in gen-
eral, any disrespectful comment that can lead people
to abandon an on-line conversation.
These are not isolated cases, because a recent Pew
claims that four in ten Americans have suf-
fered such an on-line harassment, and many of them
(62%) consider this a serious problem. It should be
noted that the last report indicated that many of these
people asked for new technologies able to face this
problem, although they are in doubt about how to bal-
ance the free speech and the on-line safety.
Nowadays, this kind of problem is faced through
a number of approaches and strategies based on ma-
chine learning or deep learning technologies (Parekh
and Patel, 2017). For instance, in (Georgakopoulos
et al., 2018) Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
for toxic comments detection have been proposed,
comparing their effectiveness to the canonical ap-
proaches based on the bag-of-words models. The ob-
tained results demonstrate that CNN is able to im-
prove the toxic comment classification. Other stud-
ies have employed a supervised learning approach for
this task (Yin et al., 2009) or a framework able to
detect negative on-line interactions through text mes-
sages or images (Kansara and Shekokar, 2012). The
study presented in (Warner and Hirschberg, 2012) has
taken into account the hate text oriented towards spe-
cific group characteristics, such as ethnic origin, reli-
gion, gender, or sexual orientation, proving that such
actions are characterized by the use of a small set of
high frequency stereotypical words.
The dataset we adopted in order to evaluate the pro-
posed approach is the same used during the Toxic
Comment Classification Challenge launched by Kag-
gle. Kaggle represents a well-known platform that
proposes numerous predictive modeling and analytics
competitions where the participants have to propose
the best prediction model for a given dataset and for
a certain task. As far as the Toxic Comment Clas-
sification Challenge is concerned, the related dataset
has been provided by the Conversation AI team
, a
team founded by Jigsaw and Google. Such a dataset
contains the comments from Wikipedia’s talk page,
which have been labeled by human raters for toxic
In more detail, they have identified six types of
toxicity: toxic, severe toxic, obscene, threat, insult,
and identity hate. Each of them presents a different
grade of toxicity and a text is classified:
as toxic when it contains strong expressions such
as “Don’t look, come or think of coming back!
as severe toxic when contains insults, swear
words, etc.;
as Obscene in presence of depravity;
as threat when it contains threats such as “Please
stop. If you continue to ignore our policies by in-
troducing inappropriate pages to Wikipedia, you
will be blocked”;
A Supervised Multi-class Multi-label Word Embeddings Approach for Toxic Comment Classification
as insult if it contains insults like “You are clearly
not very smart and not here to build an encyclo-
as identity hate in presence of racial expressions.
Table 1 shows information about the aforemen-
tioned dataset and illustrates the details of the training
and the test sets as defined by the Kaggle competition.
3.1 Word Embeddings
About the exploitation of the word embeddings, we
adopted several and different combination of data
that we have defined by applying state-of-the-art ap-
proaches for word model representation on the COCO
dataset (Dess
ı et al., 2018). Such a dataset contains
information gathered from Udemy, which represents
one of the most important marketplaces for on-line
learning. In more detail, it contains 1,2M user com-
ments related to over 43,000 on-line courses at scale.
A detailed description of the procedure adopted to
gather the information is reported in (Dess
ı et al.,
2018), whereas the details of the generated word em-
beddings is provided in Section 4.
We exploited the word embeddings information rep-
resentation in order to extract meaningful features
from the text, since this method allows us quanti-
fying and categorizing the semantic similarities be-
tween linguistic items, on the basis of their distribu-
tional properties in large samples of language data.
For this reason, our supervised approach of classi-
fication uses different combination of word embed-
dings. We evaluate such an approach in Section 5,
where the advantages related to the word embeddings
adoption have been underlined by the better results
with respect to a baseline approach of classification
based on the canonical bag-of-words strategy and the
Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (TF-
IDF) model. The ve state-of-the-art word embed-
dings used during the experiments are reported in the
1. GloVe
: 6B tokens, 400K vocab, uncased, 100d
and 300d vectors;
2. Google News dataset
: 300d vectors related tor 3
million of words and phrases;
3. SNAP Amazon dataset
: 135M product re-
views on 27 categories whose embeddings have
been created using the W2V algorithm with the
deeplearning4j library
4. FastText
: 1 million word vectors trained on
Wikipedia 2017, UMBC webbase corpus and
statmt.org news dataset (16B tokens);
5. Dranziera (Dragoni et al., 2016): 1 million of re-
views crawled from product pages on the Amazon
web site that belong to twenty different categories.
Vectors are of size 128, 256 and 512. We used the
word embeddings created with 15 train epochs.
We have also defined further word embeddings
based on the Udemy reviews (Dess
ı et al., 2018)
by exploiting the FastText (Joulin et al., 2016),
GloVe (Pennington et al., 2014), Word2Vec (Mikolov
et al., 2013), and Intel (Ji et al., 2016) on-line tools.
In addition, considering that a word embeddings data
representation generates a very huge file, in order to
improve their effectiveness and to reduce the compu-
tational load, we operated a data reduction by exclud-
ing all the vectors related to words that are not present
in the current data.
As far as the Apache Spark (Zaharia et al.,
2010) framework is concerned, it represents an open-
source cluster computing framework able to provide
high-level APIs in Java, Scala, Python, and R lan-
guages, plus an engine optimized for general execu-
tion graphs. It also supports a rich set of higher-level
tools such as MLlib for machine learning, SparkSQL
for SQL and structured data processing, GraphX for
graph processing, and Spark Streaming for stream-
ing analytics. Apache Spark has been mainly cho-
sen for its performance in terms of computation time
and scalability. We have also exploited its scal-
able library MLlib for machine learning. In order to
overcome the lack of compatibility that characterizes
Apache Spark respect to the SQL DataFrames (Arm-
brust et al., 2015), when it needs to deal with high
dimension files, before the classification, we defined
two UDF (User-Defined Function) able to combine
the word embeddings with the tokenized words of the
dataset, converting the resulting vector (NumPy ar-
ray) in a native Python format (VectorUDT) compati-
ble with the model.
4.1 Evaluation Metrics
The metrics we have chosen in order to evaluate the
experimental results are the accuracy and the AUC
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 2: Accuracy and AUC per label for each state-of-the-art word embeddings (SET
Label G. News GloVe 100d GloVe 300d FastText SNAP Dranz 128d Dranz 256d Dranz 512d
toxic 0.90/0.77 0.88/0.76 0.90/0.80 0.91/0.85 0.89/0.82 0.87/0.8 0.89/0.82 0.91/0.81
severe toxic 0.91/0.82 0.96/0.83 0.97/0.83 0.96/0.89 0.91/0.84 0.9/0.85 0.92/0.82 0.93/0.84
obscene 0.94/0.77 0.93/0.75 0.94/0.77 0.95/0.82 0.92/0.81 0.87/0.78 0.9/0.81 0.91/0.8
threat 0.93/0.75 0.94/0.74 0.95/0.75 0.96/0.81 0.92/0.80 0.88/0.77 0.92/0.79 0.93/0.8
insult 0.95/0.76 0.93/0.76 0.93/0.77 0.92/0.82 0.95/0.80 0.86/0.74 0.9/0.76 0.91/0.77
identity hate 0.94/0.73 0.96/0.72 0.97/0.72 0.93/0.75 0.9/0.78 0.86/0.71 0.89/0.72 0.9/0.74
Average 0.93/0.77 0.93/0.76 0.94/0.77 0.94/0.82 0.92/0.81 0.87/0.77 0.9/0.79 0.92/0.79
Table 3: Accuracy and AUC per label for each state-of-the-art word embeddings (SET
Label G. News GloVe 100d GloVe 300d FastText SNAP Dranz 128d Dranz 256d Dranz 512d
toxic 0.88/0.75 0.87/0.74 0.87/0.77 0.9/0.84 0.86/0.81 0.85/0.78 0.86/0.75 0.88/0.77
severe toxic 0.88/0.8 0.95/0.82 0.94/0.81 0.94/0.85 0.88/0.8 0.87/0.76 0.9/0.77 0.91/0.78
obscene 0.92/0.74 0.92/0.73 0.92/0.72 0.9/0.8 0.89/0.78 0.84/0.78 0.86/0.75 0.87/0.76
threat 0.9/0.72 0.91/0.71 0.92/0.73 0.93/0.79 0.9/0.76 0.85/0.77 0.91/0.75 0.91/0.76
insult 0.93/0.74 0.92/0.72 0.91/0.73 0.89/0.78 0.93/0.77 0.84/0.78 0.88/0.76 0.9/0.79
identity hate 0.92/0.72 0.93/0.71 0.95/0.71 0.92/0.72 0.89/0.75 0.85/0.78 0.87/0.8 0.89/0.79
Average 0.9/0.75 0.92/0.74 0.92/0.75 0.91/0.8 0.89/0.78 0.85/0.77 0.88/0.76 0.89/0.77
(Area Under the ROC
Curve), as detailed in the fol-
4.1.1 Accuracy
The first one (i.e. accuracy) is a metric based on
the confusion matrix, according with the formaliza-
tion shown in Equation 1, where t p, tn, f p, and f n
are, respectively, true positives, true negatives, false
positives, and false negatives.
accuracy =
t p +tn
t p +tn + f p + f n
4.1.2 AUC
The second used metric (i.e., AUC) is formalized in
Equation 2, where given the subsets X and Y , α indi-
cates all the possible comparisons between these sub-
sets and the result is obtained by averaging all the
comparisons and lies within the interval [0, 1], where
1 denotes the best performance. It is a metric largely
used in order to evaluate the performance of a classi-
fication model and, in addition, it is the same metric
used during by the Kaggle competition where the tox-
icity classification task has been proposed.
α(X,Y ) =
1, i f x > y
0.5, i f x = y
0, i f x < y
|Y |
α(x, y) (2)
We performed two sets of experiments with the aim of
comparing several word embeddings approaches, i.e.,
those based on the state-of-the-art solutions and those
built using Udemy data. Moreover, we compared
Receiver Operating Characteristic
approaches employing word embeddings against the
baseline that does not use word embeddings.
In the first set (SET
), a logistic regression classi-
fier is trained by using the training set and tested by
using the test set, whereas in the second set (SET
we merged the training and test sets and adopted a
k-cross validation criterion with k = 10 to avoid po-
tential biases present in the assigned training and test
Table 6 shows accuracy and AUC results related
to the two baseline approaches using a logistic re-
gression classifier without word embeddings and with
BOW model with either term frequency or TF-IDF
representation (using unigrams) for SET
and SET
Such metrics underline how the accuracy and the
AUC related to the model without the usage of word
embeddings is better when the TF-IDF distance is em-
ployed with respect to the TF for both SET
and SET
Table 2 indicates the accuracy and AUC values for
each used state-of-the-art word embeddings for SET
(see Section 3), whereas Table 3 shows similar results
for SET
Finally, Table 4 and Table 5 report the accuracy
and AUC measured for each word embeddings gen-
erated out of the reviews collection extracted from
Udemy with 50 train epochs for SET
and SET
. It
should be observed that in all the tables the values
related to the two metrics taken into account are pre-
sented in the form accuracy/AUC.
As shown in Tables 2, 3, 4 and 5, for each word
embeddings and for both SET
and SET
, the results
obtained on each of the six toxic classes and their av-
erage are better when employing word embeddings.
Moreover, Tables 4 and 5 show that results obtained
by using contextual word embeddings (Udemy) out-
perform those general-purpose (texts that belong to
several contexts) word embeddings.
Experimental results show how the accuracy and
AUC measured in SET
are always higher than those
measured in SET
, indicating that the Kaggle test
A Supervised Multi-class Multi-label Word Embeddings Approach for Toxic Comment Classification
Table 4: Accuracy and AUC per label for each Udemy reviews word embeddings with dimensions 100 or 300, both with 50
train epochs (SET
Label FastText
toxic 0.94/0.83 0.95/0.87 0.92/0.80 0.93/0.82 0.92/0.84 0.93/0.85 0.95/0.84 0.95/0.85
severe toxic 0.95/0.91 0.95/0.92 0.93/0.89 0.96/0.89 0.96/0.9 0.96/0.9 0.96/0.89 0.96/0.93
obscene 0.96/0.85 0.96/0.88 0.94/0.84 0.96/0.82 0.96/0.84 0.95/0.87 0.95/0.84 0.95/0.83
threat 0.96/0.81 0.96/0.82 0.97/0.83 0.97/0.84 0.93/0.85 0.96/0.87 0.96/0.86 0.96/0.88
insult 0.95/0.87 0.96/0.88 0.96/0.89 0.96/0.9 0.95/0.88 0.96/0.87 0.97/0.89 0.96/0.89
identity hate 0.97/0.89 0.96/0.88 0.96/0.88 0.96/0.88 0.94/0.88 0.96/0.89 0.97/0.89 0.97/0.88
Average 0.96/0.86 0.96/0.88 0.95/0.86 0.96/0.86 0.94/0.87 0.95/0.88 0.96/0.87 0.96/0.88
Table 5: Accuracy and AUC per label for each Udemy reviews word embeddings with dimensions 100 or 300, both with 50
train epochs (SET
Label FastText
toxic 0.93/0.9 0.92/0.86 0.9/0.79 0.91/0.81 0.92/0.81 0.93/0.82 0.92/0.8 0.93/0.85
severe toxic 0.94/0.86 0.94/0.89 0.91/0.85 0.93/0.86 0.95/0.87 0.94/0.86 0.93/0.87 0.95/0.89
obscene 0.93/0.82 0.94/0.83 0.91/0.8 0.95/0.79 0.91/0.8 0.92/0.84 0.94/0.8 0.93/0.83
threat 0.94/0.78 0.94/0.81 0.94/0.8 0.96/0.82 0.92/0.83 0.93/0.84 0.95/0.85 0.95/0.85
insult 0.93/0.83 0.93/0.83 0.94/0.82 0.95/0.83 0.94/0.82 0.93/0.82 0.94/0.83 0.95/0.83
identity hate 0.92/0.82 0.93/0.83 0.94/0.83 0.93/0.83 0.92/0.82 0.94/0.81 0.95/0.83 0.95/0.83
Average 0.93/0.84 0.93/0.84 0.92/0.82 0.94/0.82 0.93/0.83 0.93/0.83 0.94/0.83 0.95/0.85
Table 6: Accuracy per label for baseline using term frequency (TF) and TF-IDF.
Label Accuracy AUC Accuracy AUC
toxic 0.81/0.85 0.76/0.73 0.8/0.83 0.74/0.72
severe toxic 0.85/0.91 0.77/0.76 0.84/0.91 0.73/0.74
obscene 0.84/0.88 0.67/0.74 0.84/0.87 0.66/0.75
threat 0.82/0.90 0.75/0.74 0.81/0.88 0.72/0.75
insult 0.80/0.89 0.74/0.75 0.78/0.88 0.73/0.72
identity hate 0.84/0.91 0.72/0.75 0.83/0.9 0.7/0.74
Average 0.83/0.89 0.74/0.75 0.82/0.88 0.71/0.74
set represents a fold less important than the others
for what the training phase is concerned. That is,
the test set contains elements that are not distinctive
and whose behaviour is similar to that of the other
folds. Therefore, in the context of the adopted k-fold-
validation process, the test set is mixed with the other
data and, as consequence, the average accuracy and
AUC resulting from each step is decreased.
Nowadays, the toxic comment classification task rep-
resents a problem more and more important, since it
jeopardizes the big opportunities offered by the on-
line instruments of communication such as social net-
works, blogs, forums, and so on. This paper proposes
a machine learning approach aimed at facing this
problem through the adoption of the Apache Spark
framework an its capability to deal with Big Data by
using the Machine Learning library (MlLib).
During the performed experiments we made two
types of comparisons. The first one by using the same
classification approach with and without the state-of-
the-art word embeddings data representation, demon-
strating that the word embeddings are able to improve
the classification performance with regard to the base-
line methods using bag of words models. The sec-
ond one by defining word embeddings out of users’
comments related to Udemy e-learning platform, with
the hypothesis that the creation of word embeddings
made by using data closer to the domain taken into ac-
count should improve the classification performance.
Such an hypothesis has been confirmed by the per-
formed experiments in all the different methods used
to define the word embeddings, because the approach
employing Udemy embeddings outperforms those us-
ing the state-of-the-art word embeddings.
Summarizing, the obtained results indicate that
the adoption of word embeddings are able to improve
the accuracy with regard to the baselines approaches
that do not adopt word embeddings. In addition, such
results prove that the contextual word embeddings
outperform the canonical state-of-the-art word em-
beddings in a specific domain. An interesting future
work would be the experimentation of a combination
of different contextual word embeddings and deep
learning approaches, as well as an ensemble strategy,
in order to improve the overall performance.
This research is partially funded by Italian Ministry
of Education, University and Research - Program
Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation
project ILEARNTV (D.D. n.1937 del 05.06.2014,
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
CUP F74G14000200008 F19G14000910008). We
gratefully acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Cor-
poration with the donation of the Titan Xp GPU used
for this research.
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