Quality of Wikipedia Articles: Analyzing Features and Building a
Ground Truth for Supervised Classification
Elias Bassani
and Marco Viviani
1 a
University of Milano-Bicocca, Department of Informatics, Systems, and Communication,
Edificio U14 - Viale Sarca, 336, 20126 Milan, Italy
Consorzio per il Trasferimento Tecnologico (C2T), Milan, Italy
Data Quality, Wikipedia, Supervised Classification, Feature Analysis, Ground Truth Building.
Wikipedia is nowadays one of the biggest online resources on which users rely as a source of information.
The amount of collaboratively generated content that is sent to the online encyclopedia every day can let to
the possible creation of low-quality articles (and, consequently, misinformation) if not properly monitored
and revised. For this reason, in this paper, the problem of automatically assessing the quality of Wikipedia
articles is considered. In particular, the focus is (i) on the analysis of groups of hand-crafted features that can
be employed by supervised machine learning techniques to classify Wikipedia articles on qualitative bases,
and (ii) on the analysis of some issues behind the construction of a suitable ground truth. Evaluations are
performed, on the analyzed features and on a specifically built labeled dataset, by implementing different
supervised classifiers based on distinct machine learning algorithms, which produced promising results.
Web 2.0 technologies have given everyone the chance
to generate and spread content online, in most cases
without the intermediation of any traditional authori-
tative entity in charge of content control (Eysenbach,
2008; Ferrari and Viviani, 2013; Viviani and Pasi,
2017b). This augments the probability for people to
incur into misinformation (Viviani and Pasi, 2017a),
or low-quality information (Batini and Scannapieco,
2016). Online, traditional methods to estimate infor-
mation quality such as the scrupulous analysis of
contents by experts have become impractical, due
to the huge amount of new content that is generated
and shared every day on the Web. Therefore, it is nec-
essary to design scalable and inexpensive systems to
automatically estimate the quality of the information
diffused, based on ‘objective’ evidence.
One of the main sources of knowledge freely ac-
cessible and editable by users, today, is Wikipedia.
The peculiarity of the platform, i.e., the fact that it al-
lows anyone to create and modify articles, constitutes
both a strength and a weakness: on the one hand, this
encourages the collaborative construction of knowl-
edge, but, on the other hand, this can lead to the
possible generation of low-quality or biased articles.
To overcome this problem, groups of volunteers pe-
riodically monitor the content of Wikipedia articles,
but their limited number confronted with the articles
growth rate do not allow an overall and constant con-
trol. Furthermore, the subjectivity connected to hu-
man assessors results in a different quality evaluation
for different articles belonging to distinct topic areas.
In this context, the work described in this paper
aims at automating the classification of Wikipedia ar-
ticles on qualitative bases, by employing supervised
learning. The article focuses, on the one hand, on
the analysis of groups of hand-crafted features that
can be employed by well-known machine learning
techniques (some of which previously applied in the
literature) to classify Wikipedia articles over qual-
ity classes (an in-depth analysis has been performed
both on the syntax, the style and the editorial his-
tory of Wikipedia articles). On the other hand, it fo-
cuses on the study of the Wikipedia classification pro-
cess, highlighting very relevant aspects not previously
treated in the literature in the construction of a suit-
able ground truth. For evaluation purposes, a specif-
ically built labeled dataset has been generated, which
is made publicly available. The results obtained by
considering the analyzed features and ground truth
Bassani, E. and Viviani, M.
Quality of Wikipedia Articles: Analyzing Features and Building a Ground Truth for Supervised Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0008149303380346
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 338-346
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
confirm the effectiveness and the utility of the study.
Wikipedia is a collaborative encyclopedia where users
can directly create new articles or modify them on-
line. Due to this collaborative nature, the adminis-
trators of the platform (around 1,200 for the English
version of Wikipedia) are required to constantly mon-
itor the quality of the contents generated. Face to the
huge flow of new information that everyday charac-
terizes the publishing activity on Wikipedia, a man-
ual monitoring if practically impossible. This leads to
the introduction into the platform of a huge number
of just sketched or low-quality articles. To cope with
this problem and to indicate the qualitative status of
an article, the Editorial Team of Wikipedia has de-
fined some characteristics that an article should have
in order to be considered of good quality, and distinct
quality classes in which each article can be catego-
rized based on its characteristics. Groups of contrib-
utors, called WikiProjects, are focused on improving
the articles belonging to particular topic areas (e.g.,
Mathematics, History, etc.). Within each WikiPro-
ject, a so-called assessment team deals with the eval-
uation of the quality of the articles, which relies on
the WikiProject article quality grading scheme.
divides the articles into seven distinct categories: (i)
Featured Articles, denoted as FA-Class (FA) articles;
(ii) A-Class (A) articles; (iii) Good Articles, denoted
as GA-Class (GA) articles; (iv) B-Class (B) articles;
(v) C-Class (C) articles; (vi) Start-Class (Start) ar-
ticles; (ii) Stub-Class (Stub) articles. The FA-Class
includes the best articles on the platform, i.e., those
considered complete and exhaustive from every point
of view. In contrast, the Stub-Class includes all those
articles that have a very basic description of the topic
they deal with, or which are of very low quality. In-
termediate classes are quality decreasing compared to
the order in which they were previously listed.
Over the years, several works tackling the problem
of automatically classifying Wikipedia articles with
respect to the above-mentioned quality classes have
been proposed. First approaches employing machine
learning algorithms to perform classification, inferred
evidence of the quality of articles only by consider-
ing text features, i.e., features connected to the length
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Grading scheme
of the text (Blumenstock, 2008), the language usage
(Lipka and Stein, 2010), or some lexical aspects (Xu
and Luo, 2011). Other works have proposed graph-
based models to estimate a quantitative value rep-
resenting the quality of an article (Hu et al., 2007;
Korfiatis et al., 2006; Li et al., 2015). These mod-
els consider and combine different metrics related to
both: (i) the graph representing the editorial process
of the articles, highlighting the relationships (edges)
between articles and editors (nodes); (ii) the graph
representing links (edges) among articles (nodes), i.e.,
the Wikipedia articles graph. In general, the mod-
els proposed within this group evaluate both authors
authority and articles quality. Another category of
approaches employs (supervised) machine learning
techniques acting on multiple kinds of features, en-
compassing text and other features related to the writ-
ing style, the readability level, the analysis of the ar-
ticle structure, and other network-related metrics, to
perform classification (Dalip et al., 2009; Dalip et al.,
2014; Rassbach et al., 2007; Stvilia et al., 2005).
Recently, a few approaches based on the use of
Deep Learning have been proposed (Dang and Ignat,
2016; Dang and Ignat, 2017). These approaches have
proven to be effective in classifying Wikipedia arti-
cles over quality classes. Despite this, they do not in-
volve hand-crafted feature analysis, while one of the
aims of this paper is to study and investigate the im-
pact that specific groups of features have in assessing
information quality on Wikipedia.
The choice of the features used to represent the ele-
ments on which to perform an automatic classifica-
tion, is a fundamental operation in the majority of
data-driven approaches (Fontanarava et al., 2017). In
the literature, the number of features employed to au-
tomatically assessing the quality of Wikipedia arti-
cles was quite limited: the most complete study is
(Dalip et al., 2009), in which 69 features were con-
sidered. The present work extends the number of fea-
tures to 264. This consistent number derives, in large
part, from an in-depth analysis of the use of language
and the way in which sentences are constructed, and,
therefore, the stylistic characteristics of the text. Fur-
thermore, also the editorial history has been analyzed
in depth, highlighting various aspects not yet consid-
ered in the literature, such as the contributions deriv-
ing from the changes made to the articles by occa-
sional users. In the following, the considered fea-
tures are detailed by regruping them into Text Fea-
tures, Review Features, and Network Features. Be-
Quality of Wikipedia Articles: Analyzing Features and Building a Ground Truth for Supervised Classification
cause of their high number, a synthetic description
will be provided only when not self-evident. With
respect to state-of-the-art features, new features intro-
duced in this paper are indicated by an asterisk.
4.1 Text Features
Text Features are extracted directly from the text of
the articles. They allow to highlight, for example, the
writing style, the structure, and the employed lexicon.
For this reason, they can be further divided into four
sub-categories: (i) Length Features, connected to
some length aspects of the articles; (ii) Structure Fea-
tures, capturing the way in which articles are struc-
tured (e.g., paragraphs); (iii) Style Features, high-
lighting the writing style and, therefore, the choices
concerning the structuring of sentences and the use of
the lexicon in drafting the articles; (iv) Readability
Features, indicating the degree of readability of the
articles, i.e., the minimum scholastic level that is nec-
essary to understand their contents. In this paper, the
study of new features focused on this area in partic-
ular, as the articles are mainly written texts and the
textual characteristics turn out to be those that require
less time and computational resources to be extracted.
Moreover, these characteristics are, apart from rare
cases, applicable in any context where there is a need
to classify written texts on the basis of their quality,
i.e., they are platform-independent.
Length Features. The length of an article can be
an indicator of its quality. In fact, a good-quality text
in a mature stage is reasonably neither too short (in-
complete topic coverage), nor excessively long (ver-
bose content). Further, in Wikipedia, Stub articles
(draft quality) are short in the majority of the cases,
reinforcing the correlation between length and qual-
ity (Dalip et al., 2009).
In this work, the following features have been con-
sidered: (1), (2), (3) Character (Stvilia et al., 2005)
/ Word (Rassbach et al., 2007) / Sentence (Dalip
et al., 2009) count: the number of characters (includ-
ing spaces) / words / sentences in the text; in addition,
the new feature (4) Syllable count* has been intro-
duced, counting the number of syllables in the text.
Structure Features. This group of features fo-
cuses on the way an article is (well/badly) orga-
nized. According to the Wikipedia quality standards,
a good article must be reasonably clear, organized ad-
equately, visually adequate, and point to appropriate
references and/or external links.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Version 1.
0 Editorial Team/Release Version Criteria
In the following, the majority of state-of-the-art
features come from (Dalip et al., 2009), unless other-
wise indicated: (1), (2) Section / Subsection count:
the number of sections / subsections in the article.
The intuition behind these features is that a good ar-
ticle is organized in sections (e.g., Introduction, Sum-
mary, List of references, and External links) and sub-
sections; (3) Paragraph count*: the number of para-
graphs constituting the article. The intuition behind
this feature is that, in a high quality article, the text
of sections and subsections should be further subdi-
vided to facilitate the operation of reading and under-
standing the topics covered; (4), (5) Mean section /
paragraph size; (6), (7) Size of the longest / short-
est section, expressed in characters; (8) Longest-
Shortest section ratio*. This feature is useful to
detect unusual section organization of articles with
empty or very small sections, which could indicate in-
complete content and drafts; (9) Standard deviation
of the section size; (10) Mean of subsections per
section; (11) Abstract size, expressed in characters.
Mature articles are expected to have an introductory
section summarizing its content; (12) Abstract size-
Article Length ratio*: an article presenting an ab-
stract whose length is very similar to its total length is
probably incomplete. Features (4) (12) focuses on
the correct balancing of an article.
Other structure features are: (13) (15) Cita-
tion count / count per section / count per text
length: the number of citations in the article/in sec-
tions/with respect to the total length of the article.
A good-written article provides a sufficient and bal-
anced number of citations; (16) (18) External link
count (Stvilia et al., 2005) / links per section / links
per text length: the same rationale behind features
(13) (15); (19), (20) Image count (Stvilia et al.,
2005) / Images per section: the number of images
in the text and the ratio between the number of im-
ages and sections. Pictures contribute to make con-
tent clearer and visually pleasant; (21) Images per
text length*: the ratio between the number of images
and the length of the article, expressed in number of
Style Features. Aim of these features is to capture
the writing style of contributors, i.e., “some distin-
guishable characteristics related to the word usage,
such as short sentences” (Dalip et al., 2009). Many
of the style features reported here below have been
employed in (Dalip et al., 2009). When possible, for
each feature the fist work having proposed it will be
also indicated.
The considered style features are: (1), (2), (3)
Mean (Xu and Luo, 2011) / Largest (Rassbach et al.,
2007) / Shortest* sentence size: the average num-
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
ber of words per sentence / the number of words of
the longest / shortest sentence; (4), (5) Large / Short
sentence rate (Rassbach et al., 2007): the percentage
of sentences whose length is ten words greater / five
words lesser than the article average sentence length;
(6), (7) Question count (Rassbach et al., 2007) / ra-
tio*: the number of questions in the article / the ratio
between question count and the total number of sen-
tences in the article; (8), (9) Exclamation count* /
ratio*; (10) (17) Number of sentences that start
with a pronoun / an article / a coordinating con-
junction / subordinating preposition or conjunc-
tion (Rassbach et al., 2007) / a determiner* / an ad-
jective* / a noun*/ an adverb*; (18) (25) Num-
ber of sentences that start with a pronoun- / an
article- / a coordinating conjunction- / a subordi-
nating preposition or conjunction- / a determiner-
/ an adjective- / a noun- / an adverb-Sentence count
ratio*: these features are built by considering the ra-
tio between the value of features (10) (17) and the
total number of sentences that make up the article;
(26) (44) Number of modal auxiliary verbs* /
passive voices (Rassbach et al., 2007) / ‘to be’ verbs*
/ different words* / nouns* / different nouns* /
verbs* / different verbs* / pronouns (Dalip et al.,
2009) / different pronouns* / adjectives* / differ-
ent adjectives* / adverbs* / different adverbs* /
coordinating conjunctions* / different coordinat-
ing conjunctions* / subordinating prepositions and
conjunctions* / different subordinating preposi-
tions and conjunctions* in the whole article.
Features (45) (62), which is a whole new group
of features with respect to the literature, are the same
as the group (26) (44) but computed per each sen-
tence constituting the article.
(63)(80) Ratio between the number of modal
auxiliary verbs* / passive voices* / ‘to be’ verbs
(Rassbach et al., 2007) / different words (Xu and
Luo, 2011) / nouns (Xu and Luo, 2011) / differ-
ent nouns* / verbs (Xu and Luo, 2011) / different
verbs* / pronouns* / different pronouns* / adjec-
tives* / different adjectives* / adverbs* / different
adverbs* / coordinating conjunctions* / different
coordinating conjunctions* / subordinating prepo-
sitions and conjunctions* / different subordinating
prepositions and conjunctions* and the total num-
ber of words in the article; (80) (82) Ratio be-
tween the number of modal auxiliary verbs* / pas-
sive voice count* / ‘to be’ verb* and the total num-
ber of verbs in the article; (83) (89) Ratio be-
tween the number of different nouns (Xu and Luo,
2011) / different verbs (Xu and Luo, 2011) / dif-
ferent pronouns* / different adjectives* / different
adverbs* / different coordinating conjunctions* /
different subordinating prepositions and conjunc-
tions* and the total number of different words in
the article; (90)(91) Average number of syllables
/ characters per words; (92) Top-m most discrim-
inant character trigrams (Lipka and Stein, 2010):
they unveil the preferences of the authors for sentence
transitions, as well as the utilization of stop-words,
adverbs, and punctuation; (93) Top-n most discrimi-
nant POS trigrams: they unveil the preferences of
authors in constructing sentences (Lipka and Stein,
2010). To compute m and n for features (92) and
(93), the χ
statistical method provided by the Python
library scikit-learn has been employed.
Readability Features. They are numerical indica-
tors of the US grade level, i.e., the comprehension
level that a reader must possess to understand what
is debated in a text. They were first used, to tackle the
considered problem, in (Rassbach et al., 2007).
The set of considered features includes: (1) Auto-
mated Readability Index (Smith and Senter, 1967);
(2) Coleman-Liau Index (Coleman and Liau, 1975);
(3) Flesch Reading Ease (Flesch, 1948); (4) Flesch-
Kincaid Grade Level (Ressler, 1993); (5) Gunning
Fog Index (Gunning, 1952); (6) L
asbarhets Index
ornsson, 1968); (7) SMOG-Grade (Mc Laughlin,
1969). In this work, also (8) Dale-Chall Readability
Formula* (Chall and Dale, 1995) has been investi-
gated. This latter metric, not previously employed for
the quality assessment of Wikipedia articles, has been
designed to numerically evaluate the difficulty of un-
derstanding that a reader encounters when s/he reads
a text in English.
4.2 Review Features
Review features are extracted from the review history
of each article, i.e., how many times and in which way
the article has been modified. They can measure the
degree of maturity and stability of an article, since no
extensive corrections could indicate good-quality ar-
ticles having reached a maturity level, while a lack
of stability could indicate different kinds of contro-
versies (e.g., with respect to neutrality, correctness,
etc.). In the following list of review features, regis-
tered users are those having an explicit user profile
and a username, anonymous users (Damiani and Vi-
viani, 2009) are those identified only by their IP ad-
dress, and occasional users are those who edited the
article less than four times (they may belong to one
of the two categories mentioned above). The consid-
ered features are: (1) Age (Rassbach et al., 2007):
feature\ selection.chi2.html
Quality of Wikipedia Articles: Analyzing Features and Building a Ground Truth for Supervised Classification
the age (in days) of the article. Very recent arti-
cles are not normally considered of very high qual-
ity since they usually go through a refinement pro-
cess; (2) Age per review (Dalip et al., 2009): the ra-
tio between age and number of reviews. It is used
to verify the average period of time an article re-
mains without revision; (3) Review per day (Dalip
et al., 2009): the percentage of reviews per day, to
verify how frequently the article has been reviewed;
(4) Reviews per user (Dondio et al., 2006): the ra-
tio between the number of reviews and the number of
users. This feature is useful to infer how much re-
viewed is an article when contrasted against the num-
ber of reviewers; (5) Reviews per user standard
deviation (Dondio et al., 2006): this feature is use-
ful to infer how balanced is the reviewing process
among the reviewers; (6) Discussion count (Dondio
et al., 2006): the number of discussions posted by the
users about the article. This is useful to infer con-
flict resolution and teamwork dynamics; (7) Review
count (Lih, 2004): the total number of reviews. (8)
User count (Lih, 2004): the total number of unique
users that have contributed to the article. More con-
tributors an article has, more objective its content
is supposed to be; (9) (11) Registered* / anony-
mous* / occasional* user count; (12) (14) Reg-
istered / anonymous / occasional user rate*: Per-
centage of registered / anonymous / occasional con-
tributors; (15) Registered/Anonymous user ratio*:
the ratio between registered and anonymous contrib-
utors; (16) (18) Registered (Stvilia et al., 2005) /
anonymous (Stvilia et al., 2005) / occasional* re-
view count (Stvilia et al., 2005): the number of re-
views made by registered / anonymous / occasional
users; (19 21) Registered* / anonymous* / occa-
sional (Dondio et al., 2006) review rate*: the per-
centage of reviews made by registered / anonymous
/ occasional users; (22) Registered-Anonymous re-
view ratio*: the ratio between reviews made by reg-
istered users and anonymous users.
Features (9) (22), previously unconsidered in
the literature, aim at highlighting the possible qual-
itative difference between articles based on the role
that in the Wikipedia platform have registered, anony-
mous and occasional users.
(23) Revert count (Stvilia et al., 2005): the num-
ber of times an article has been taken to a previ-
ous state (review annulment); (24) Reverts count-
Review count ratio*: the ratio between reverts count
and review count; (25) Diversity (Stvilia et al., 2005):
the ratio between the total number of contributors
and the number of reviews; (26) Modified lines rate
(Dalip et al., 2009): the number of lines modified
when comparing the current version of an article with
three-months older version. This is a good indicator
of how stable an article is; (27) Last three-months
review count*: the number of reviews made in the
last three months. This feature could indicate that
the content of an article is controversial, the article
is about evolving events or it is in the beginning of
its editorial process; (28) Last three-months review
rate (Dondio et al., 2006): the percentage of reviews
made in the last three months; (29) Most active users
review count*: the number of reviews made by the
most active 5% of users; (30) Most active users re-
view rate (Dondio et al., 2006): the percentage of
reviews made by the most active 5% of users; (31)
ProbReview (Hu et al., 2007): this measure tries to
assess the quality of a Wikipedia article based on the
quality of its reviewers. Recursively, the quality of the
reviewers is based on the quality of the articles they
4.3 Network Features
Network features are extracted from the articles
graph, which is built by considering citations among
articles. These citations can provide evidences of the
popularity of the articles. A high-quality article is ex-
pected to be used as a reference point for articles deal-
ing with interconnected topics. Extracting this kind of
feature is particularly onerous, due the magnitude of
the graph.
For this reason, state-of-the-art features have been
considered: (1) PageRank (Brin and Page, 2012):
the PageRank of an article, previously employed in
(Rassbach et al., 2007); (2) In-degree (Dalip et al.,
2009): the number of times an article is cited by other
articles; (3) Out-degree (Dondio et al., 2006): the
number of citations of other articles; (4) (7) Assor-
tativity in-in / in-out / out-in / out-out: “the ratio be-
tween the degree of the node and the average degree
of its neighbors. The degree of a node is defined as
the number of edges that point to it (in-degree) or that
are pointed by it (out-degree)” (Dalip et al., 2009);
(8) Local clustering coefficient (Watts and Strogatz,
1998): it aims at evaluating if an article belongs to a
group of correlated articles.
Features (4) (8), related to assortativity and
clustering coefficient were proposed in (Benevenuto
et al., 2008; Castillo et al., 2007; Dorogovtsev and
Mendes, 2013) for spam detection in Web pages.
They were previously used in (Dalip et al., 2009).
(9) Reciprocity: the ratio between the number of
articles that cite a specific article and the number of
articles cited by that article; (10) Link count (Dondio
et al., 2006): the number of links to other articles. It
differs from out-degree since it counts also links to ar-
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
ticles that have not been written yet (red links);
Translation count (Dondio et al., 2006): the number
of versions of an article in other languages.
In supervised approaches for classification, the avail-
ability of a labeled dataset is a mandatory condition
to train the proposed classifiers. In the literature, prior
supervised approaches in the context of Wikipedia ar-
ticle quality assessment have employed datasets that
were labeled in different ways. In fact, depending
on their aims, previous works classified the articles
of Wikipedia with respect to a subset of the seven
quality classes considered in this article (illustrated in
Section 2). Specifically, none of the previous studies
have referred to the current grading scale, for differ-
ent reasons: (i) when the study was made the pro-
posed quality scale was different (Dalip et al., 2009);
(ii) the authors decided to simplify the classification
task on purpose. In (Rassbach et al., 2007) the Stub-
Class (drafts) has not been considered because it was
believed to be too trivial to discern articles belong-
ing to that class. In (Xu and Luo, 2011) the authors
consider only Featured Articles and Start-Class arti-
cles. In (Blumenstock, 2008; Lipka and Stein, 2010;
Xu and Luo, 2011) the articles were classified only
as Featured Articles and Random Articles (or non-
Featured Articles); (iii) the approaches did not per-
form a classification into quality classes, but, rather,
a ranking of articles with respect to their quality. The
ranking produced by (Hu et al., 2007) is supposed to
reflect the hierarchy of the quality classes: “the per-
fect ranking should place all FA-Class articles before
all A-Class articles, followed by all GA-Class articles
and so on”, while in (Li et al., 2015) the ranking is in-
tended to identify relevant VS non-relevant articles,
i.e., Featured VS non-Featured Articles.
5.1 Multi-class Classification
Aim of this study, is to allow to automatically per-
form a so-called (single-label) multi-class classifica-
tion, where each article is assigned exactly to one
of the seven quality classes that Wikipedia employs
nowadays. Therefore, with respect to the approaches
presented in the literature, it has been necessary to
proceed with the construction of a new dataset, by se-
lecting labeled articles (from the seven quality classes
detailed in Section 2) directly from Wikipedia. In do-
ing so, some aspects not discussed in detail in previ-
ous works have been considered.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Red link
First of all, the guidelines for the classification
provided by the Wikipedia Editorial Team are generic,
and need to be specialized/refined according to the
topic area considered. For example, a high-quality ar-
ticle discussing Photography is expected to have more
images than one of similar quality dealing with Com-
puter Science, while a History article is supposed to
contain more dates with respect to Technology ones,
which probably will contain more technical details.
The linguistic register is another aspect that it is in-
fluenced by thematic areas: a high-quality Economy
article will be characterized by a more complex lexi-
con compared to the one employed in a Literature for
children article. Moreover, an article can be provided
with multiple quality labels by distinct WikiProjects
if its content touches different topic areas.
In most of the works proposed in the literature,
labeled datasets containing articles belonging to mul-
tiple topic areas have been employed together, thus
not dealing with the above-described issues (Blumen-
stock, 2008; Xu and Luo, 2011; Stvilia et al., 2005;
Rassbach et al., 2007; Dalip et al., 2009). These
approaches focus on the development of supervised
techniques able to classify each Wikipedia article with
respect to quality classes disregarding its topic area
(and, therefore, the WikiProject it belongs to). Other
approaches have considered specific topic areas to
build suitable dataset to train their models (one la-
beled dataset per area), in order to provide different
classifications per each WikiProject (Hu et al., 2007;
Lipka and Stein, 2010; Li et al., 2015). In these
works, the choices undertaken in the selection of spe-
cific topic areas were not detailed.
In the same spirit of considering distinct areas, in
this paper the idea is to provide WikiProject teams
with an effective instrument able to train the quality
classifier with respect to the area of interest. In this
way, the features remain those defined in Sections 4.1,
4.2, and 4.3; what changes are the articles that make
up each labeled dataset to be constructed.
5.2 A Specific Dataset
To experimentally evaluate the effectiveness of the an-
alyzed features (Section 4) in the context of (single-
label) multi-class classification, a first labeled dataset,
namely Dataset (a), has been constructed for the topic
area Military History,
which was, at the time of writ-
ing, the one with the highest number of articles per
quality class, i.e., 1,090 FA-Class, 564 A-Class, 4,049
GA-Class, 13,675 B-Class, 22,604 C-Class, 77,908
Start-Class, and 50,281 Stub-Class articles. The ob-
tained dataset consists of 400 articles randomly se-
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Military history
Quality of Wikipedia Articles: Analyzing Features and Building a Ground Truth for Supervised Classification
lected for each quality class, for a total of 2,800 arti-
cles. The choice of considering this number of articles
derives by the small size of the minority class (i.e.,
the A-Class); by randomly selecting for each class
the same number of articles, we are able to act on a
balanced dataset.
During the construction of the dataset, an aspect
worthy of consideration has emerged, which appar-
ently had not been previously taken into considera-
tion in the literature. As said before, Wikipedia is
a highly dynamic platform whose contents are con-
stantly modified. Therefore, the possibility that the
version of the articles constituting Dataset (a) - re-
cently gathered from Wikipedia - is not the same ver-
sion on which the original classification made by the
Military History WikiPoject was performed, is far
from remote. In fact, after an in-depth analysis, it has
emerged that the articles present in Dataset (a) were
classified a significant amount of time before (and
many versions before) the recently gathered version.
For this reason, a second dataset, namely Dataset
(b), has been built, composed of the same articles as
Dataset (a), but containing the original classified ver-
sions of the articles, i.e., the texts based on which the
classification was performed. Both datasets are made
publicly available, together with instructions on their
In this section, the effectiveness of the considered fea-
tures is evaluated by testing different supervised ma-
chine learning classifiers, by employing features de-
tailed in Section 4, and the labeled datasets described
in Section 5.2. Specifically, four experiments are il-
lustrated, aiming at evaluating different aspects, as de-
tailed in the dedicated sections. Each experiment tests
eight different classifiers based on distinct supervised
machine learning techniques: Decision Tree (DT), K-
Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Logistic Regression (LR),
Naive Bayes (NB), Random Forest (RF), Support Vec-
tor Classifier (SVC), Neural Networks (NN) and Gra-
dient Boosting (GB). The classifiers have been imple-
mented by using the Python Scikit-learn library,
in particular for the first seven classifiers, and the
XGBoost library
for the last classifier. In each exper-
iment, a k-fold cross-validation has been performed,
where k = 20; the classification performance has been
evaluated in terms of Accuracy and Mean-Squared
Error (MSE) (Kubat, 2015).
Experiment 1. In the first experiment, a compara-
tive evaluation has been performed between the pro-
posed approach and the state-of-the-art baseline [A]
described in (Dalip et al., 2009), which employed
supervised classifiers acting on the higher number
of hand-crafted features among prior works in the
literature. This experiment allows to evaluate the
effectiveness of the features analyzed in this paper
and those proposed by the baseline in classifying
Wikipedia articles with respect to the seven quality
classes (i.e., FA-Class, A-Class, GA-Class, B-Class,
C-Class, Start-Class, and Stub-Class).
Table 1: Experiment 1 - Accuracy (higher is better) and
MSE (lower is better).
Proposed Approach Baseline [A]
Acc. MSE Acc. MSE
DT 0.47 1.77 0.48 1.77
KNN 0.42 2.12 0.42 2.06
LR 0.50 1.36 0.50 1.41
NB 0.30 3.57 0.31 3.44
RF 0.59 1.17 0.60 1.07
SVC 0.51 1.36 0.54 1.43
NN 0.50 1.20 0.49 1.35
GB 0.62 0.92 0.60 1.03
As reported in Table 1, the set of features analyzed
in this paper in conjunction with Gradient Boosting
allow to obtain the best results in terms of both Accu-
racy (62%) and MSE (0.92), with an improvement in
terms of both measures with respect to [A].
Experiment 2. The second experiment consists in
the classification of Wikipedia articles w.r.t. the seven
quality classes by considering, in turn, only the fea-
tures belonging to each of the three groups in which
they can be categorized, i.e., Text Features (TF), Re-
view Features (RF) and Network Features (NF). This
experiment aims to identify which group of features is
the most discriminating one in terms of article qual-
ity. In Table 2, the comparison between the accuracy
and MSE values obtained with respect to each group
of features are reported respectively.
Table 2: Experiment 2 - Accuracy and MSE.
Accuracy MSE
DD 0.38 0.32 0.30 2.08 3.01 3.61
KNN 0.42 0.29 0.30 2.10 4.40 3.96
LR 0.47 0.39 0.33 1.48 2.80 3.58
NB 0.30 0.25 0.20 3.47 6.41 9.05
RF 0.50 0.39 0.37 1.35 2.20 2.79
SVC 0.46 0.38 0.33 1.52 3.16 3.85
NN 0.48 0.39 0.37 1.28 2.66 2.85
GB 0.51 0.39 0.35 1.17 2.18 2.97
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
As it emerges from the table, Network Features
apper to be the less effective, while Text Features pro-
vide the best level of Accuracy and MSE by employ-
ing Gradient Boosting. In particular, TF+GP provides
an Accuracy value of 51%, and an MSE value of 1.17.
Experiment 3. As illustrated in Section 3, some
prior works took in consideration the classification
of Wikipedia articles only with respect to the two
classes Featured Articles and non-Featured Articles
(Blumenstock, 2008; Lipka and Stein, 2010). In this
experiment, the proposed approach is therefore com-
paratively evaluated with respect to these two base-
lines, denoted as [B] and [C], in performing this bi-
nary classification. To do this, the dataset has been re-
duced to 800 articles, 400 Featured Articles and 400
non-Featured Articles, uniformly distributed to deal
with a balanced set. As reported in Table 3, the con-
sidered features in conjunction with Gradient Boost-
ing obtained the best results in terms of both Accu-
racy (90%) and MSE (0.09) also with respect to bi-
nary classification.
Table 3: Experiment 3 - Accuracy and MSE.
P. Approach [B] [C]
Acc. MSE Acc. MSE Acc. MSE
DD 0.84 0.16 0.72 0.28 0.78 0.22
KNN 0.79 0.21 0.79 0.20 0.79 0.21
LR 0.83 0.17 0.74 0.26 0.80 0.20
NB 0.71 0.29 0.68 0.32 0.68 0.32
RF 0.87 0.12 0.72 0.28 0.83 0.17
SVC 0.84 0.16 0.72 0.28 0.79 0.21
NN 0.85 0.15 0.50 0.50 0.78 0.22
GB 0.90 0.09 0.76 0.24 0.83 0.17
Experiment 4. In the last experiment, the impact
of the noise introduced by the changes occurred in
the articles after their classification by WikiPorojects
in the process of automatically detecting their quality
class is evaluated. Specifically, the eight considered
classifiers are trained over Dataset (a) and Dataset (b)
described in Section 5.2. In particular, in this experi-
ment, only a subset of the features presented in Sec-
tion 2 has been employed, i.e., not considering Net-
work Features, which have demonstrated, as detailed
in Section 6, to be the less effective. This decision
has been also taken to overcome some relevant tech-
nical issues arising from the impossibility to build a
unique graph representing the versions of the articles
present in dataset (b) in the exact moment they were
classified, because (i) they were not all classified at
the same time by the Military History WikiProject,
and (ii) old link information between articles are not
available - their dumps are deleted by Wikipedia if
they are older than 6 months. The ProbReview fea-
ture was also not taken into account for this particular
experiment due to its high computational cost. How-
ever, since the purpose of this experiment is to provide
some insights about the effect of the introduction of
noise on the automation of the classification task, this
appeared to be a reasonable compromise.
As reported in Table 4, the best results with all the
machine-learning-based classifiers have been reached
with Dataset (b) with a remarkable margin. This ex-
periment clearly demonstrates that the noise present
in the first dataset has a non-negligible impact on the
automation of the classification process and therefore
it should be kept in mind in future studies.
Table 4: Experiment 4 - Accuracy and MSE.
Dataset (a) Dataset (b)
Acc. MSE Acc. MSE
DD 0.375 2.002 0.452 1.570
KNN 0.418 2.164 0.435 1.857
LR 0.487 1.359 0.528 1.215
NB 0.302 3.512 0.341 2.791
RF 0.525 1.234 0.562 1.059
SVC 0.487 1.452 0.523 1.274
NN 0.494 1.174 0.529 1.067
GB 0.530 1.048 0.584 0.912
In this paper, the problem of automatically assess-
ing the quality of Wikipedia articles has been con-
sidered, to combat the proliferation of unverified and
low-quality contents. In the last years, several ap-
proaches for the classification of Wikipedia contents
with respect to given quality classes have been pro-
posed. Many of these solutions are based on super-
vised learning techniques, employing multiple kinds
of features connected to different aspects of the arti-
cles and their authors.
With respect to state-of-the-art approaches, in this
paper, the analysis of a higher number of hand-crafted
features has been proposed. The choice of the fea-
tures is based on an in-depth analysis that encom-
pass the syntax, the style and the editorial history of
Wikipedia articles, as well as on a deep investigation
of the way in which Wikipedia articles are labeled by
WikiProject teams with respect to quality. Further-
more, some investigations on how to build a suitable
ground truth for the considered issue has been pre-
sented. The promising results obtained confirm the
effectiveness of the proposed feature analysis and the
interest in continuing the study of the problem, inves-
tigating some aspects connected to statistical signifi-
cance, not addressed in this paper, and the comparison
with Deep Learning approaches.
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KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval