Formal Grammatical and Ontological Modeling of Corpus Data on
Tibetan Compounds
Aleksei Dobrov
1 a
, Anastasia Dobrova
2 b
, Maria Smirnova
1 c
and Nikolay Soms
2 d
Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
LLC “AIIRE”, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: Tibetan Language, Compounds, Computer Ontology, Tibetan Corpus, Natural Language Processing, Corpus
Linguistics, Immediate Constituents.
This article provides a consistent formal grammatical and ontological description of the model of the Tibetan
compounds system, developed and used for automatic syntactic and semantic analysis of Tibetan texts, on the
material of a hand-verified corpus. This model covers all types of Tibetan compounds, which were previously
introduced by other authors, and introduces a number of new classes of compounds, taking into account their
derivation, structure and semantics. The article describes the tools used for ontological modeling of Tibetan
compounds; special attention is paid to the problem of modeling the semantics of verbs and verbal compounds.
Nominal and verbal compounds are considered separately, it is noted that the importance of verbal compounds
for the Tibetan language system is not less than that of nominal compounds. The statistical data on the
absolute frequency distribution of the use of compounds of different types in the current version of the corpus
annotation and on the amounts of ontology concepts associated with each class of compounds are given.
The research introduced by this paper is a continu-
ation of several research projects (“The Basic corpus
of the Tibetan Classical Language with Russian trans-
lation and lexical database”, “The Corpus of Indige-
nous Tibetan Grammar Treatises”, “Semantic inter-
preter of texts in the Tibetan language”), aimed at the
development of a full-scale natural language process-
ing and understanding engine based on a consistent
formal model of Tibetan vocabulary, grammar, and
semantics, verified by and developed on the basis of a
representative and hand-tested corpus of texts.
The Basic Corpus of the Tibetan Classical Lan-
guage (The Basic Corpus of the Tibetan Classical
Language, 2019) and the Corpus of Indigenous Ti-
betan Grammar Treatises (The Corpus of Indigenous
Tibetan Grammar Treatises, 2019) comprise 34,000
and 48,000 tokens, respectively. Tibetan texts are rep-
resented both in the Tibetan Unicode script and in
a standard Latin (Wylie) transliteration (Grokhovskii
et al., 2015). These corpora are developed, annotated
and tested manually by a team of professional tibetol-
ogists, and in this sense are unique today.
The ultimate goal of the current project is to cre-
ate a formal model (a grammar and a linguistic ontol-
ogy) of the Tibetan language, including morphosyn-
tax, syntax of phrases and hyperphrase unities, and se-
mantics that can produce a correct morpho-syntactic,
syntactic, and semantic annotation of the corpora
without any manual corrections.
This article discusses the results achieved cur-
rently in modeling Tibetan compounds, both from
syntactical and from semantical perspective.
In Tibetan, there is no clear boundary between
morphology and syntax; at least, there are no mate-
rially expressed boundaries of word forms and, from
the point of view of an automatic system, the analysis
of compounds is in no way different from the analysis
of free combinations of Tibetan morphemes like noun
phrases or sentences. Modeling compounds is one of
the most important tasks in the current research, not
only because the frequency of use of compounds in
Tibetan texts is high (at least, as compared with texts
in Indo-European languages), but also because with-
out a correct syntactic and semantic model of com-
pounds, a huge ambiguity of Tibetan text segmenta-
tion and parsing arises, which leads to a combinatorial
Dobrov, A., Dobrova, A., Smirnova, M. and Soms, N.
Formal Grammatical and Ontological Modeling of Corpus Data on Tibetan Compounds.
DOI: 10.5220/0008162401440153
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 144-153
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
explosion (Dobrov et al., 2018a, p. 345).
To date, there is no systematic description, even
no single classification of Tibetan compounds in ti-
betological literature, which could be considered gen-
erally accepted. The classification, which is given in
this article for the first time, was developed on the ba-
sis of formal-grammatical and ontological modeling
of the phenomena observed in the above-mentioned
corpora, and does not pretend to be universal, how-
ever, it covers all types of Tibetan compounds, which
were introduced by the researchers earlier, and intro-
duces new classes which do not seem to be earlier
The presented classification also covers all types
of compounds of the corpora. The exceptions are
few specific cases found in the poetic tests. How-
ever, since Tibetan poetic texts are characterized by
a large number of omissions of grammatical mark-
ers and specific abbreviations, the status of these lex-
ical units remains to be determined. It should be
also noted that the corpora include only texts in the
classical Tibetan language. Modern Tibetan texts are
planned to be added to the corpus, which may lead to
the discovery of new types of compounds. In this case
the current version of grammar will be corrected.
Unlike many other languages, the Tibetan lan-
guage is characterized by wide use not only of nom-
inal, but also of verbal compounds derivational mod-
els. Modeling verbal compounds is more complicated
for some further-mentioned reasons than modeling
nominal compounds; therefore, this article considers
not only the results of this modeling, but also the tools
that were used to obtain them.
Linguistic ontologies in natural language understand-
ing (NLU) systems are used as analogues for the
semantic dictionaries that were used before (cf.
(Melcuk, 1995); (Mel’
cuk and Žolkovskij, 1984),
(Leont’eva, 2003) etc.); the main difference between
an ontology and a conceptual dictionary is that, in a
semantic dictionary, semantic valencies are, in fact,
postulated, whereas in ontologies, valencies are au-
tomatically computed by inference engine subsys-
tems; semantic restrictions are defined not in terms
of word lists, but in terms of base classes of ontologi-
cal concepts (that is the idea behind the mechanism of
word-sense disambiguation in (Dobrov et al., 2016),
(Dobrov, 2014), (Matuszek et al., 2006), (Rubashkin
et al., 2012), etc.).
As a formal model, ontology has to predict per-
missible and exclude impermissible relations between
concepts. Despite the clearness and obviousness of
these two requirements, there is no generally accepted
definition of the term ‘ontology’ in the scientific liter-
ature, which would have reflected them. The most fa-
mous and widely cited general definition of the term
‘ontology’ is ‘an explicit specification of a concep-
tualization’ by Gruber (Gruber, 1993). Many differ-
ent attempts were made to refine it for particular pur-
poses. Without claiming for any changes to this de-
facto standard, we have to clarify that, as the major-
ity of researchers in natural language understanding,
we mean not just any ‘specification of a conceptual-
ization’ by this term, but rather a computer ontology,
which we define as a database that consists of con-
cepts and relations between them.
Ontological concepts have attributes. Attributes
and relations are interconnected: participation of a
concept in a relation may be interpreted as its at-
tribute, and vice versa. Relations between concepts
are binary and directed.
They can be represented as logical formulae, de-
fined in terms of a calculus, which provides the rules
of inference. Relations themselves can be modeled by
There is a special type of ontologies - so called
linguistic ontologies ((Dobrov et al., 2016), (Dobrov,
2014), (Matuszek et al., 2006), (Rubashkin et al.,
2012), etc.), which are designed for automatic pro-
cessing of unstructured natural language texts. Units
of linguistic ontologies represent concepts behind
meanings of real natural language expressions. On-
tologies of this kind actually model linguistic picture
of the world that stands for language semantics, as
subject domain. Ontologies that are designed for nat-
ural language processing are supposed to include rela-
tions that allow to perform semantic analysis of texts
and to perform lexical and syntactic disambiguation.
The ontology, used for this research, was developed
according with the above mentioned principles (Do-
brov, 2014). Its structure is described in detail in the
articles (Dobrov et al., 2018a), (Dobrov et al., 2018b).
Totally within the framework of this research 4335
concepts that are meanings of 3943 Tibetan expres-
sions were modelled in the ontology.
The only attempt to classify Tibetan compounds
was made by Stephan V. Beyer. All Tibetan com-
pounds are created by the juxtaposition of two exist-
ing words. Compounds are virtually idiomatized con-
tractions of syntactic groups which have inner syn-
tactic relations frozen and are often characterized by
omission of grammatical morphemes (Beyer, 1992,
p. 102). E.g., phrase (1) is clipped to (2).
Depending on part of speech of compound and its
components Stephan V. Beyer identifies several mod-
Formal Grammatical and Ontological Modeling of Corpus Data on Tibetan Compounds
(1) x'I,Ãxn, (2) x,Ãxn,
kha ’i rgyan kha rgyan
mouth GEN adornment mouth_adornment
’adornment of mouth’ ’moustache’
els of compound-building in the Tibetan language.
The following five models are original Tibetan: noun
+ noun noun; noun + adjective noun; adjective
+ noun noun; adjective + adjective noun; noun
+ verb verb (Beyer, 1992, p. 103–105). Stephan
V. Beyer also notes that the Tibetan language uses ad-
ditional devices for compound-building, in part bor-
rowed by Tibetans from Sanskrit within the process
of translation: noun + verb noun; intensifier + verb
verb (Beyer, 1992, p. 108–110).
According to syntactic relation between the com-
ponents Tibetan compounds may be divided into
two main classes: compounds with subordinate re-
lations and compounds with coordinate relations
(Grokhovskii and Smirnova, 2017, p. 137).
This study was performed with use of and within the
framework of the AIIRE project (Dobrov et al., 2016).
AIIRE is a free open-source NLU system, which is
developed and distributed in terms of GNU General
Public License (
This framework implements the full-scale proce-
dure of natural language processing, beginning from
graphematics (Aho-Corasick algorithm had to be used
for the Tibetan language due to absence of word de-
limiters), continuing with morphological annotation,
going further with syntactic parsing, and ending with
semantic analysis.
The morphemic dictionaries developed for the
morphological annotation for the Tibetan Language
were described in (Dobrov et al., 2017) and are not
relevant to this paper.
Syntactic parsing is performed in terms of a com-
bined constituency and dependency grammar, which
consists of the so-called classes of immediate con-
stituents (hereinafter CICs). These classes are devel-
oped as python-classes, with the builtin inheritance
mechanism involved, and provide attributes that spec-
ify the following information:
The template of semantic graph which represents
the meaning of this constituent;
The list of possible head constituent classes;
The list of possible subordinate constituent
The dictionary of possible linear orders of the sub-
ordinate constituent in relation to the head and the
meanings of each order;
The boolean field for head ellipsis possibility;
The boolean field for subordinate constituent el-
lipsis possibility;
The boolean field for possibility of non-idiomatic
semantic interpretation.
Due to the absence of word delimiters and any
formal evidence of boundaries between morphology
and syntax, Tibetan texts have to be parsed by mor-
phemes instead of being parsed by wordforms, as it
can be done for Indo-European languages. Therefore,
the formal grammar contains CICs both for regular
syntactic models and for models which are usually
treated as word-formational, in particular some mod-
els of derivates (there only a few of them) and models
of compounds.
The grammar is developed in straight accordance
with semantics, in a way that the meanings of syn-
tactic and morphosyntactic constituents can be cor-
rectly evaluated in accordance with the Composition-
ality principle. Each constituent is provided with a
set of semantic interpretations on the stage of the se-
mantic analysis; if this set proves to be empty for
some versions of constituents, then these versions
are discarded; this is how syntactic disambiguation
is performed. The results of semantic analysis are
stored as semantic graphs, but, for idioms like com-
pounds, these graphs consist of single concepts, thus,
the structure of semantic graphs is not a matter of dis-
cussion in this article.
The ontology is implemented within the frame-
work of AIIRE ontology editor software; this soft-
ware is free and open-source, it is distributed un-
der the terms of GNU General Public License
(, http://svn.aiire.
org/repos/ontohelper/), and the ontology itself is
available as a snapshot at
tibet/trunk/aiire/lang/ontology/concepts.xml and it is
also available for unathorized view or even for edit at (edit permissions can be ob-
tained by access request). The basic ontological edi-
tor is described with examples from the Tibetan ontol-
ogy in (Dobrov et al., 2018a), (Dobrov et al., 2018b),
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
(Grokhovskii and Smirnova, 2017).
4.1 Ontological Editor for Modeling
Verb Concepts in the Ontology
Modeling verb (or verbal compound) meanings in
the ontology is associated with a number of difficul-
ties. First of all, the classification of concepts denoted
by verbs should be made in accordance with sev-
eral classification attributes in the same time, which
arise primarily due to the structure of the correspond-
ing classes of situations that determine the seman-
tic valencies of these verbs. These classification at-
tributes are, in addition to the semantic properties
themselves (such as dynamic / static process), the
semantic classes of all potential actants and circum-
stants, each of which represents an independent clas-
sification attribute. With the simultaneous operation
of several classification attributes, the ontology re-
quires classes for all possible combinations of these
attributes and their values in the general class hierar-
Special tools are used to speed up and partly au-
tomate verbal concepts modeling. AIIRE ontological
editor - Ontohelper is used to build the whole hierar-
chy of superclasses for any verb meaning in the on-
The logic behind this tool is also based on the di-
vision of verbs into dynamic (terminative and non-
terminative) and static ones (Maslov, 1998). Dynamic
verbs express actions, events and processes associated
with different changes. Static verbs express states, re-
lations or qualities (GED, , p. 105). A terminative
verb denotes an action which has a limit in its de-
velopment. A non-terminative verb denotes an action
which doesn’t admit of any limit in its development
When using the Ontohelper editor, it is necessary
to determine whether the verb being modeled denotes
action, state or activity. Terminative, non-terminative
and static verb meanings correspond to subclasses of
concepts ‘to perform an action’, ‘to perform an activ-
ity’ and ‘to be in a state’ in the ontology, respectively.
The basic class for subjects of the verb to be modeled
is indicated, as well as the basic class of direct objects
for transitive verbs and the class of indirect dative ob-
jects for verbs denoting addressed actions. It is also
possible to specify classes of circumstances, i.e., ob-
jects with special case government (e.g., for verbs that
govern the associative case).
When all necessary attributes of a verb mean-
ing are specified, the Ontohelper editor builds the
whole ontological classes hierarchy from scratch for
this particular combination of attributes, and if some
classes are already present in the ontology, they are
not built again, but tested in terms of consistency with
the current actant / circumstant relations model. This
allows not only to boost the speed of semantic valen-
cies fine-tuning for verb classes, but also to rebuild the
whole hierarchy in cases when new actant / circum-
stant relation or class has to be established according
to some new observations on the corpus phenomena.
Depending on the part of speech classification, nom-
inal and verbal compounds can be distinguished. Ini-
tially, the ontology allowed binding concepts to ex-
pressions with marking the expression as an idiom
and establishing a separate type of token, common for
nominal compounds. Since a large number of combi-
natorial explosions were caused by the incorrect ver-
sions of compounds parsing (the same sequence of
morphemes can be parsed as compounds of differ-
ent types) and their interpretation as noun phrases of
different types, it was decided to expand the number
of token types in the ontology according to identified
types of nominal and verbal compounds (see below).
As all Tibetan compounds are idioms, in AIIRE
ontology, in addition to the meanings of a compound,
meanings of its components are also modeled, so that
they could be interpreted in their literal meanings too.
This is necessary, because AIIRE natural language
processor is designed to perform natural language un-
derstanding according with the compositionality prin-
ciple (Pelletier, 1994), and idiomaticity is treated not
merely as a property of a linguistic unit, but rather as
a property of its meaning, namely, as a conventional
substitution of a complex (literal) meaning with a sin-
gle holistic (idiomatic) concept (Dobrov et al., 2018b,
p. 78–79).
5.1 Nominal Compounds Modeling in
the Formal Grammar and the
Computer Ontology
Depending on the syntactic model of the com-
pound derivation, the following types were distin-
guished for nominal compounds: compound noun
root group (CompoundNRootGroup); compound at-
tribute group (CompoundAttrGroup); noun phrase
Formal Grammatical and Ontological Modeling of Corpus Data on Tibetan Compounds
with genitive compound (NPGenCompound); com-
pound class noun phrase (CompoundClassNP); ad-
junct compound (AdjunctCompound); named entity
compound (NamedEntityCompound).
Compound noun root group (3) consists of NRoot
(nominal root), being the head class, and Compound-
NRootGroupArg, attached as a subordinate con-
stituent. The linear order of the subordinate con-
stituent in relation to the head is right. Compound-
NRootGroupArg stands for compound argument that
consists of a noun root attached with an intersyl-
labic delimiter - upper dots (Tib. tshegs), like in
(3). NForeign (foreign noun) is allowed to be head in
both CICs - CompoundNRootGroup and Compound-
NRootGroupArg. The linear order of the Compound-
NRootGroupArg subordinate constituent in relation
to the head is left. Heads and arguments of all Ti-
betan compounds can not be ellipsed. For all com-
pounds the setting ‘only_idiom=True’ was also made.
According to this setting any non-idiomatic interpre-
tations of a compound are excluded.
This type of compounds does not require estab-
lishment of any semantic relations in the computer
ontology for each compound. It is enough that the
meaning of the compound and its components are
modeled in the ontology, and that the general co-
ordination mechanism is also modeled in the mod-
ule for syntactic semantics (the meaning of a coor-
dinate phrase is calculated as an instance of ‘group’
concept which involves ‘include’ relations to its ele-
ments). Compound attribute groups (4) also belong
to this semantic type. It is a group of superficially
homogeneous attributes within a compound. This
way of derivation is quite frequent for Tibetan per-
sonal names (the name consists of a set of epithets
(attributes), without any explicit noun) and for words,
denoting size (e.g. (4)). CompositeAttrGroup con-
sists of CompositeAtomicAttributeTopic and Com-
positeAttrCoord, where the first part is the first at-
tribute or group of attributes and the second part is the
last attribute attached as a subordinate constituent. If
there are more than two attributes, they are attached in
exactly the same way with CompositeAttrGroup self-
embedding. The morphosyntactic structure of com-
pounds of this type is described in detail in (Dobrov
et al., 2017).
(3) Ug,lxg, (4) rI²,ï²,
gtsug-lag ring-thung
crown_of_head_hand long_short
’basket’ ’length’
NPGenCompound is another frequent class of
Tibetan nominal compounds. These compounds
are derived from noun phrases with genitive ar-
guments by omission of the genitive case marker.
In accordance with the current grammar version,
the head constituents of NPGenCompound can be
CompoundAtomicNP, NForeign, PlaceNameForeign,
LetterCnt (countable letter), PDefRoot, PIntRoot,
NPGenCompound; the subordinate constituent class
can only be NPGenCompoundArg. The linear order
of the subordinate constituent in relation to the head
is right.
CompoundAtomicNP means atomic nominal
phrase within a compound. PlaceNameForeign (for-
eign place name) was allowed to be the head in
NPGenCompound for such cases as e.g. (5). PDe-
fRoot (definitive pronoun) and PIntRoot (indefinite
pronoun) were included into possible head classes for
such combinations as e.g. (6).
(5) sI,On,mI,rIgs, (6) gúxn,dbx²,
si-khron-mi-rigs gzhan-dbang
Sichuan-nationality other-power
’Sichuan people’ dependent connector’
In some cases one of the components of a com-
pound is itself a compound. For example, in the
NPGenCompound (7) the head class can also be
NPGenCompound (8). This class of immediate con-
stituents is not the only case when a compound is
among heads or arguments of another compound. In
the poetic texts, even more complex structures were
discovered, the status of which is still to be clarified.
(7) dpE,mOd,x², (8) dpE,mOd,
dpe-mdzod-khang dpe-mdzod
book-repository-house book-store
’library’ ’book repository’
The CIC NPGenCompoundArg stands for a
genitive compound argument that consists of the
head immediate constituent, attached with the
intersyllabic delimiter (argument immediate con-
stituent) on the left. Head classes of NPGen-
CompoundArg include: CompoundAtomicVN-
NoTenseNoMood, IndepNRoot, OnlyCompoundN-
Root, NForeign, PersNameForeign (personal name
foreign), NPGenCompound, CompoundAtomicVN.
CompoundAtomicVN stands for an atomic nomi-
nalized verb within a compound (the nominalizer
in compounds is always omitted, thus, the nomi-
nalized verb form superficially comprises the verb
root only). CompoundAtomicVNoTenseNoMood is
a CompoundAtomicVN which does not have neither
mood, nor tense. As in this case, Tibetan verb roots
often do not have different allomorphs for different
moods and tenses. IndepNRoot (independent noun
root) is a noun root (allomorph of a noun root), which
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
can be used both within a compound and in free com-
binations. OnlyCompoundNRoot stands for a noun
root (allomorph of a noun root), which can be used
only within a compound (such noun roots are often
single-syllabic contractions of multisyllabic roots).
The relation between NPGenCompound compo-
nents is subordinate genitive relation. When model-
ing compounds of this type in the computer ontol-
ogy, it is necessary to establish specific subclasses of
the general genitive relation ’to have any object or
process (about any object or process)’ between ba-
sic classes of compound components. For example,
NPGenCompound (9) was formed from the genitive
nominal group (10). Thus, the concept ’geographical
object’ (the basic class for the first component of the
compound (9) - bod ’Tibet’) had to be connected with
the concept skad ’language’, which is a basic class it-
self, with a relation to have a language (about any
geographical object)’, which is a subclass of the gen-
eral genitive relation.
(9) bOd,Ýxd, (10) bOd,I,Ýxd,
bod-skad bod gyi skad
Tibet_language Tibet GEN language
’the Tibetan language’ ’the language of Tibet’
Another frequent class of Tibetan nominal com-
pounds is CompoundClassNP. Compounds of this
type are derived from regular noun phrases with
adjectival or, more often, quasi-participial (there are
no participles in the Tibetan language, but rather
nominalized verbs that can act both as participles and
as processual nouns) attributes. Possible head classes
for the CIC CompoundClassNP are IndepNRoot,
OnlyCompoundNRoot, NForeign, PersNameFor-
eign (foreign personal name), PlaceNameForeign,
LetterCnt. Itsmodifier class can be CompoundAtom-
icAttribute, CompoundAtomicAttributeNoTense,
CompoundAtomicAttributeNoTenseNoMood. Com-
poundAtomicAttribute consists of a state verb,
denoting an object feature (the head class), attached
by the intersyllabic delimiter (argument class) on the
left. For example, CompoundClassNP (11) has the
head class IndepNRoot srog ’breath’ and the modifier
class CompoundAtomicAttributeNoTenseNoMood,
consisting of the intersyllabic delimiter attached on
the left to the verb chen ’be big’ which does not have
neither mood, nor tense.
The only requirement for modeling compounds of
this type in the ontology is that the basic class of a
nominal component in a compound must be a sub-
class of the specified verb subject (for the verbal com-
ponent of the compound). I.e., the verb, from which
the attribute is derived, must allow this subject by its
Another class of Tibetan nominal compounds is
Adjunct compound (e.g. (12)). Compounds of this
class are derived from regular noun phrases with ad-
juncts. Thus, the head class for this CIC is NRoot;
and the argument class is CompoundRightNRootArg,
consisting of a noun root and the intersyllabic delim-
iter. It is necessary that the components of the com-
pound belong to the same basic class in the ontology,
or that there is no limitation on their equivalence re-
lations (the classes of the concepts should not be dis-
(11) ëOg,En, (12) lE,ôxn,
srog-chen le-tshan
breath_be_big section_section
’aspiration’ section’
Three upper-mentioned classes of nominal com-
pounds have exactly the same surface struc-
tures: NRootGroupCompound, NPGenCompound,
and AndjuctCompound. Compounds of all three
classes look like combinations of two bare noun roots,
but they have completely different syntactic struc-
tures and completely different semantic models. As
all compounds are modeled as idioms, when binding
ontology concepts, that they denote, to Tibetan lan-
guage units, it is necessary to specify the syntactic
class (type of token) for each concept and to make the
natural language processing engine exclude all other
possible parses thereof.
Finally, there is also such class of nominal com-
pounds as NamedEntityCompund. This class was in-
troduced for combinations of letters or exponents of
arbitrary Tibetan morphemes with NRoot like in (13).
It was decided that the Letter or Exponent is the head
component of NamedEntityCompound.
(13) lx,×x,
’grammatical marker la’
The NamedEntityCompound CIC is a subclass of
named-entity nomination, where the name of the en-
tity is a letter or an exponent of any Tibetan mor-
pheme. Thus, semantic restrictions are imposed on
the possible classes of the subordinate constituent
concepts, due to the fact that only linguistic units can
have such names according with the ontology (there is
a corresponding relation between the ‘linguistic unit’
and ‘linguistic unit exponent’ concepts).
Formal Grammatical and Ontological Modeling of Corpus Data on Tibetan Compounds
5.2 Verbal Compounds Modeling in the
Formal Grammar and the
Computer Ontology
Depending on the syntactic model of the com-
pound derivation, the following types were dis-
tinguished for verbal compounds: verb coordinate
compound (VerbCoordCompound); compound tran-
sitive verb phrase (CompoundTransitiveVP); com-
pound atomic verbal phrase with circumstance (Com-
poundAtomicVPWithCirc) and compound associa-
tive verb phrase (CompoundAssociativeVP).
In fact, each of these types of verbal compounds
is represented by three types in the current grammar
version - verbal compound, which varies tense and
mood (e.g. CompoundTransitiveVP); verbal com-
pound, which varies only in mood (e.g. Compound-
TransitiveVPNoTense); and verbal compound, which
doesn’t vary in tense and mood (e.g. CompoundTran-
sitiveVPNoTenseNoMood). Verbal compounds like
other verbs are processed using the Ontohelper editor.
VerbCoordCompound (e.g. (14)) consists of
VRoot (verbal root, being the head of VerbCoord-
Compound) and VerbCompoundCoord that stands for
the second verb (VRoot being the head of VerbCom-
poundCoord) with the intersyllabic delimiter. Mod-
eling a verb coordinate compound meaning does not
require establishing any special semantic relations in
the computer ontology, because the upper-mentioned
general coordination meaning evaluation is involved.
These compounds are contractions of regular coordi-
nate verb phrases with conjunctions omitted.
In compound transitive verb phrase (15), the first
nominal component is a direct object of the second
verbal component. The head class thisCompound-
TransitiveVP can be VRoot or CompoundTransfor-
mativeVP. The arguments include CompoundInstan-
ceNPArg and CompoundAtomicVNArg. The linear
order of the subordinate constituent in relation to the
head is left.
CompoundTransformativeVP is a contraction of
a regular Tibetan transformative verb phrase, i.e., a
verb phrase with terminative object. As the cor-
pus shows, compound transformative verb phrases
can themselves be parts of compound transitive verb
phrases, i.e., the complete compound can be a con-
traction of a verb phrase both with terminative and
absolutive objects.
Heads of CompoundInstanceNPArg, that is a noun
phrase argument within a compound, are IndepN-
Root, OnlyCompoundNRoot, PIndRoot and PInt-
Root. The argument class is represented by the in-
tersyllabic delimiter.
CompoundAtomicVNArg stands for a
compound argument that consists of Com-
poundAtomicVN, CompoundAtomicVNNoTense,
CompoundAtomicVNNoTenseNoMood being head
classes, and intersyllabic delimiter argument.
To ensure the correct analysis of compounds of
this type, it is necessary that the concept of the nom-
inal component of the compound be a subclass of the
basic class specified as a direct object class for the
concept of the verbal component of the compound.
E.g., the literal meaning of the compound (15) is ’to
fasten help’. The class ’any object or process’, which
includes the concept phan-pa ’help’, was specified as
a direct object for the verb ’dogs ’to fasten’.
(14) sx²s,Ãxs, (15) ¸xn,'dOgs,
sangs-rgyas phan-’dogs
be_purified_be_broaden help_fasten
’awaken and broaden’ ’assist’
The CIC CompoundAtomicVPWithCirc was
made for a combination of CompoundAtomicVP
(verbal phrase within a compound represented by a
single verb root morpheme the head class) and the
modifier CompoundCircumstance, attached on the
left. CompoundCircumstance stands for a terminative
noun phrase within a compound, consisting of on
atom (CompoundAtomicTerminativeNP) and the
intersyllabic delimiter (the terminative case marker is
omitted as usually in compounds).
The basic class of the nominal component of
CompoundAtomicVPWithCirc should be connected
by the relation ’to be a relationship object’ with the
relation ’to have a manner of action or state’ - the ter-
minative case meaning. Thus, for the compound (16),
this relation was established on the basic class of its
nominal component rnam-pa ’type’ – ’any category’.
The texts, as a rule, use the idiomatized nominal-
ized forms of verbal compounds with the omission of
the syllabic formative –pa (a nominalizer). Thus, the
nominalized form of the verbal compound rnam-dbye
denotes a grammatical term ’case’. In this regard, in
addition to the verbal compound (16), its full nominal
form (17) is also processed in the computer ontology.
(16) Êxm,dE, (17) Êxm,pxr,dE,bx,
rnam-dbye rnam-pa r dbye-ba
type_divide type LOC divide-
divide into classes’ ’case’
CompoundAssociativeVP is another class of Ti-
betan verbal compounds which was introduced for
contractions of regular associative verb phrases. It
consists of the associative verb (the head class) and
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
its indirect object (possible arguments being Com-
poundInstanceNPArg, CompoundAtomicVNArg).
Thus, the first component of the compound (18)
lhag-ma ’remainder’ should belong to the class of as-
sociative objects specified for the verb bcas ’to pos-
sess’ in the Ontohelper editor. Full idiomatized nomi-
nal form of this compound (19) is also modeled in the
computer ontology.
(18) ©xg,bcxs, (19) ©xg,mx,dx²,bcxs,px,
lhag-bcas lhag-ma dang bcas-pa
remainder_possess remainder ASS
’have a continuation’ ’continuative’
In most cases, the direct hypernym of verbal com-
pounds is the concept expressed by their verbal com-
ponent. For example, verbal compounds (20) and (21)
have the same hypernym, that is their verbal compo-
nent ’chad ’explain’.
(20) gO²,bÙxd, (21) Êxm,bÙxd,
gong-bshad rnam-bshad
top_explain type_explain
’explain above’ ’explain completely’
In other cases, there is no class-superclass relation
between the meaning of the verbal compound and the
verb from which it is derived. However, their type and
valency are always the same.
Moreover, it was revealed that such grammati-
cal features of Tibetan verb compounds as transitiv-
ity, transformativity, dativity, and associativity are al-
ways inherited from the main verb, even when the
corresponding syntactic valency seems to be fulfilled
within the compound.
Absolute frequencies of compounds use in current
corpora annotation are represented in Table 1. This
data shows that the most frequent Tibetan compound
class is NPGenCompound, which is a nominal com-
pound, but already the second most frequent com-
pound class is CompoundAtomicVPWithCirc, which
is verbal. That means that verbal compounds are not
less important for the Tibetan language system than
nominal ones.
The current amounts of ontological concepts for
each compound class are represented in Table 2 for
Table 1: Statistics on compound use in current corpora.
Compound class Absolute
NPGenCompound 1581
CompoundAtomicVPWithCirc 718
CompoundNRootGroup 465
AdjunctCompound 333
CompoundClassNP 180
NamedEntityCompound 145
CompoundTransitiveVP 70
CompoundAssociativeVPNoTense 46
CompoundAttrGroup 24
CompoundAssociativeObject 12
VerbCoordCompoundNoTense 3
CompoundAssociativeVP 2
VerbCoordCompound 1
Table 2: Statistics on nominal compounds in the ontology.
Compound class Absolute
NPGenCompound 248
CompoundClassNP 26
CompoundNRootGroup 24
AdjunctCompound 15
NamedEntityCompound 8
CompoundAttrGroup 4
VerbCoordCompound 2
VerbCoordCompoundNoTense 1
nominal compounds and in Table 3 for verbal com-
pounds. This data shows the similar distribution
among compound classes and, in some respect, re-
flects the productivity of the compound derivational
Table 3: Statistics on verbal compounds in the ontology.
Compound class Absolute
CompoundVPWithCirc 44
CompoundTransitiveVP 19
CompoundAssociativeVPNoTense 3
CompoundAssociativeVP 1
Formal Grammatical and Ontological Modeling of Corpus Data on Tibetan Compounds
The current results of the formal grammatical and on-
tological modeling of Tibetan compounds presented
in this article represent the first of its kind consistent
systematic formal description of this material, which
is confirmed by corpus data. This description does not
claim to be universal for the entire Tibetan language,
but it not only covers all types of Tibetan compounds
that researchers have introduced before, but also in-
cludes models of classes of compounds that have not
been previously described. Moreover, this model is
part of the Tibetan language module of a working
automatic text processing system, and it is verified
by analyzing the results of the automatic syntactic
and semantic annotation of the corpus of texts. This
model still does not cover all cases of compounds
use in the corpus, namely, some types of contractions
found in poetic works. An exhaustive modeling of
such phenomena is planned to be performed within
the framework of this study.
This work was supported by the Russian Foundation
for Basic Research, Grant No. 19-012-00616 Seman-
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