EmoCulture: Towards an Ontology for Describing Cultural
Differences When Expressing, Handling and Regulating Emotions
Azza Labidi, Fadoua Ouamani and Narjès Bellamine Ben Saoud
Ecole Nationale des Sciences de l’Informatique, Université de Manouba, Manouba, Tunisia
Keywords: Emotion, Culture, Collaborative Learning, Ontology.
Abstract: Collaborative learning environments bring together learners from different sociocultural contexts, around a
common task. Besides, these environments are emotional places where learners frequently experience
emotions and bring emotions that concern events from outside the learning environment. Moreover, learners
express, handle and regulate their emotion differently according to the sociocultural context to which they
belong. And as it was proven by empirical research studies, emotions can have important effects on
students’ learning and achievement. Therefore, Detecting, understanding, handling and regulating the
learner emotion and understanding their cultural differences is a key issue that need to be tackled to enhance
collaborative learning. To do so, we propose the emoculture ontology, a domain ontology for representing
relevant aspects of affective phenomena and their culture differences in collaborative learning
environments. In this paper, we will discuss first the concept of emotion and its relations with learning,
collaborative learning and culture. Second, we will present a set of selected existing emotion ontologies
which will be compared in the same section according to criteria relevant to our study. Third, we will
describe the process upon which EmoCulture was built. Finally, we will discuss the quality of the proposed
ontology and how it will be used in future works to guide the building of an emotional and cultural aware
collaborative learning environment.
During the last decade, emotions have been
acknowledged in humanities and social sciences (i.e.
psychology, sociology) as an important phenomenon
of human life (Kantzara, 2006). Similarly,
collaborative learning theory has acknowledged the
crucial role of emotions in social interaction. It has
been shown that emotions largely influence social
and behavioral engagement in face-to-face or
distance collaboration. The relationship between
emotions and learning was investigated by tracking
the emotions that learners experienced while
learning (Arthur and Sidney, 2012). In fact, Emotion
analysis allows extracting knowledge that will be
useful either to mediate collaboration by regulating
certain emotions and by encouraging others (Marta
et al., 2015)
However, emotions are not universal. In (Scollon
et al., 2004), the authors have shown that depending
on the culture in which they live, individuals will
experience certain emotions more or less frequently.
Moreover, as evidenced by (Kim-Prieto et al., 2004),
the very notions of positive and negative emotion
differ from one culture to another.
Therefore to consider this key concept while
developing emotionally aware applications,
researchers have proposed ontology based emotion
model. The use of Ontologies was justified by the
following argument: First, emotion is a semantically
rich concept that holds influence-links with concepts
like culture, cognition, motivation, and personality;
these influences need to be considered and
modelled. Second, the use of ontology will allow
reasoning based on these links in order to build
emotionally intelligent systems. Third, ontology
provides sharing and reuse of domain knowledge. In
fact, in ontology engineering, it is recommended to
reuse the existing ontologies as a whole or a part of a
new ontology depending on project needs (Hoekstra,
2010) to save, time and improve the quality and
maintainability of the new ontology (Fonou et al.,
2013). Fourth, the use of ontology modelling allows
refining the modelling without affecting the system
and its logic. Fifth, ontology allows then the
building of an affective knowledge base which
handles the knowledge and links between it, Finally,
Labidi, A., Ouamani, F. and Ben Saoud, N.
EmoCulture: Towards an Ontology for Describing Cultural Differences When Expressing, Handling and Regulating Emotions.
DOI: 10.5220/0008168002980304
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 298-304
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ontology modelling ensure the interoperability
between systems (facilitate knowledge sharing) and
the usability of this knowledge to build other
systems (Fonou et al., 2013).
In this paper, we will first review (See Section 2)
the key emotion theories and models from learning
and education perspectives and we will study the
relation between emotion, culture and learning. In
Section 3, we will present and compare existing
emotion ontologies. Based on the comparison
findings, section 4 will be devoted for the
description of the proposed ontology and its building
process. Finally, the section 5 will be dedicated to
the discussion of the main contributions of the paper,
ongoing and future works.
2.1 What Is Emotion?
Despite its proven vital importance, emotion is a
difficult concept to define and model. There are two
basic approaches that have defined the concept of
emotion: cognitive approaches and physical
approaches. According to cognitive approaches,
emotions are important because they relate outer
events and other people to inner concerns. A
principle of this approach is that an emotion is a
judgment of value. It is an evaluation, an ‘appraisal’
(Scollon and al., 2004). The evaluation means here
to figure out the significances of everyday events
and of people with whom an individual interacts
(Scollon and al., 2004). However, the physical
approaches consider emotion as a physiological
reaction that follows from an event. For example as
a physiological reaction, the blood pressure should
go up when someone is angry or the heart rate
should rise when he is scared (Schachter and Singer,
These two approaches are complementary
definitions underlying the fact that emotion is not
only an "answer" felt as a result of an internal
perception of an event, but it is also manifested
corporally. These definitions also highlight the
strong relationship between emotion and cognition.
Emotion has a substantial influence on the
cognitive processes in humans, including perception,
attention, learning, memory, reasoning, and problem
solving. For this reason we will focus after defining
the term emotion on the relation between emotions
and learning (Boekaerts, 2010).
2.2 Emotion in Learning
The emotional awareness studies are nowadays at
the center of concern of researchers in various fields.
For example, Researchers in medicine try to identify
depression or stress to make clinical reasoning.
Emotional awareness is also one of the concern of
Customer Relationship Management as Emotion can
translate the customer satisfaction level with the
product or service. Emotions are considered when
developing serious games by the implementation of
specific affective and motivational features that can
enhance learning outcomes by exploiting the
interdependence between emotions and participatory
appropriation. Regulating learner emotions in
education is a learning success factor as emotion
impacts motivation (Boekaerts, 2010), creativity
(Boekaerts, 2010) and problem solving behavior
(Boekaerts, 2010).
(Scollon et al., 2004) have confirmed that
emotion depends on the culture in which they live.
For this reason, in the following section, we will
focus on the relation between emotion and culture.
2.3 Emotion and Cultural Differences
Emotions are not universal (Scollon and al., 2004).
For example, it has been shown that American rate
the same expressions of happiness, sadness and
surprise more intensely compared to the Japanese.
American participants, for instance, gave higher
ratings to the external appearance of emotions while
Japanese participants, assigned higher ratings to
internal experiences of emotions.
Research on the relationship between culture (A
selection of definitions and their meaning discussion
can be found (Ouamani et al., 2012)) and emotion
dates back to 1872 when Darwin (Darwin, 1998)
argued that emotions and the expression of emotions
are universal. Since that time, the universality of the
six basic emotions (Ekman, 1992) (i.e., happiness,
sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise) has
ignited a discussion amongst psychologists,
anthropologists, and sociologists. While emotions
themselves are universal phenomena, they are
always influenced by culture (Batja, 2003).
Basically, ontologies deal with knowledge
representation and can be defined as formal explicit
EmoCulture: Towards an Ontology for Describing Cultural Differences When Expressing, Handling and Regulating Emotions
descriptions of concepts in a domain of discourse
(named classes or concepts), properties of each
concept describing various features and attributes of
the concept (roles or properties), and restrictions on
property (role restrictions). Ontology together with a
set of individual instances of classes constitutes a
knowledge base.
As we focus on sentiment analysis, emotions
have been used throughout human existence to
enhance the expressiveness of language. Affective
computing is involved with understanding the
emotion and even creating emotion. However, this is
still a difficult task, because emotion is a mental
state that is difficult to describe and human emotion
changes easily and quickly due to the effects of
complex external stimuli. In order to have a deeper
understanding of emotion, especially in text,
emotion ontology is needed. Emotion ontology will
help in recognizing, classifying, and understanding
emotion (Marco et al., 2009).
Different ontologies have been proposed in
literature with the aim of modelling emotion and
affect related issues. These ontologies will be
discussed in the following sub-sections.
3.1 Semantic Lexicon (Mathieu, 2005)
Mathieu (2005) presented a semantic lexicon about
feelings and emotions composed of words labelled
as positive emotion, negative emotion or neutral.
The lexicon was represented by ontology.
It is an ontology that helps to give students
appropriate feedback in e-learning sessions (Marta el
al., 2015). The ontology is divided into two main
classes: Emotion Awareness and Affective
Feedback. The emotion awareness class allows the
analysis of, learner emotion while the affective
feedback class allows the teacher to provide the
learner with the appropriate feedback according to
his/her emotion. The emotion awareness class
includes the different types of emotions, moods
(bored, concentrated, motivated, and unsafe) and
learner behaviors in e-learning environment. The
emotion is detected during collaborative virtual
learning processes, including textual conversations,
debates and wikis.
3.2 An Ontology of Emotions and
Feeling (Yvette et al., 2005)
Ontology of Emotions and Feelings was proposed by
(Yvette et al., 2005) and it automatically annotates
emotion in texts and determines their intensity. This
ontology classifies 950 words (600 are verbs and
350 are nouns in French) into 38 semantic classes
according to their meanings. Fear, sadness, interest,
passion, astonishment are example of these classes.
It uses the discrete model and classifies emotions as
positive, negative and neutral.
3.3 An Ontology of Emotions and
Feeling in Chinese Text (Jiajun et
al., 2008)
To analyze Chinese text, Chinese emotion ontology
was created by (Jiajun et al., 2008). It was semi-
automatically created using HowNet
(http://www.keenage.com/). The ontology contains
113 emotion categories. A high-level ontology
named the Human Emotions Ontology (HEO) was
developed in order to annotate emotion in
multimedia data (Marco et al., 2009). The main class
in the ontology is Emotion which is expressed in
dimensional and categorical models. An emotion has
an intensity, appraisals and action tendencies, and it
can be expressed through face, text, voice and
gesture. Additionally, the ontology contains classes
for the multimedia content and the annotator of the
media. The Annotator class has two subclasses:
Human or Machine (automatically annotated). Since
the emotion is expressed by a person, HEO re-uses
the Friend Of A Friend (FOAF) ontology. A
subclass Observed Person of class person was
created in FOAF and connected to the Emotion class
of HEO. Moreover, some object properties were
added in FOAF that are relevant to emotion such as
age, language and education.
3.4 An Ontology about Emotion
Awareness and Affective Feedback
(Marta et al., 2015)
An emotive expression lexicon for Japanese
language was proposed by (Marta et al., 2015) to
distinguish emotion words. The ontology classes
represent emotion using «a collection of over two
thousand expressions describing emotional states
collected manually from a wide range of literature".
Emotion words were taken from websites such as
Twitter and are categorized into ten emotions: joy,
anger, sadness, fear, shame, like, disgust, exciting,
comforted and surprise. These emotions are also
classified as positive, negative or neutral emotions.
The intensity calculation is based on the number of
times an emotion word appears in a document.
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 1: Comparative study of existing ontologies.
(Abaalkhail, 2017).
(Marta et
al., 2015)
Represent the
aspects in
Discret -
Detect and
emotions in text
of social
Discret -
Oxford Dictionary
(Yvette et
al., 2005)
emotions in the
Discret - -
et al., 2012)
emotions from
Discret and
et al., 2013)
Define the words
of emotion and
their intensity
Discret and
Japanese Emotion
Emotion ML
(Jiajun et
al., 2008)
emotions in the
Discret - Hownet
Detect emotions
from English
and Spanish
Discret - WordNet
emotions from
Discret FOAF WordNet
We have conducted a comparative study of these
existing ontologies using the criteria: 1) Goal: Why
ontology was built? 3) Emotional model (discrete or
continuous) used ? 4) ontology reuse: indicated if
the ontology has integrated existing ontologies or
not. 5) Language: to indicate which dictionary was
used in the detection process.
After comparing existing ontologies, we have
concluding that none of them has integrated the
relationships between emotion and culture. In our
work, we have chosen Human Effective Ontology
(HEO) because it is very rich compared to other
ontology (Marco, 2009). It is more semantically rich
and finer grained ontology: It provides a
standardization of the knowledge of the emotion. It
allows the definition of a common vocabulary that
can be used in describing emotion (Marco, 2009).
To build our ontology, we have adopted the
construction process inspired by the Ontology
Engineering (OE) method proposed by Psyché
(2004). This process is composed of four steps
which are: 1) Feasibility study: We state why the
ontology is being built, what its users are and which
problems the ontology should solve. 2) The ontology
modeling phase is used to conceptualize the
ontology by collecting information, analyzing it and
extracting the terminology (concepts and relations).
3) ontology operationalization in which the ontology
will be implemented using a programming language.
4) The evaluation allows the verification and the
validation of the ontology.
4.1 Ontology Requirement
Ontology Requirements Specification refers to the
activity of collecting the requirements that the
ontology should fulfill (e.g., reasons to build the
ontology, target group, intended uses) and possibly
reach through a consensus process (Swati and
Kumar, 2018).
The purpose of building the EMOCULTURE
ontology is to provide a knowledge base able to
represent and store emotions and cultural differences
in emotion expression, handling and regulation
during a collaborative learning session (Emotional
data provided by the user, Emotional knowledge
inferred by the system from this data and Emotional
knowledge detected by the system during user-user
interaction or user-machine interaction).
4.2 Ontology Terminology Extraction
Our ontology Emoculture is built by using a merging
method of two ontology which are SOCUDO
(Ouamani et al., 2016) and HEO (Marco Grassi,
On the one hand, SOCUDO (Socio-Cultural
Domain Ontology) is generic core ontology. It
models the socio-cultural characteristics of any user
of any application. The purpose of building the
SOCUDO ontology is to provide a knowledge base
able to represent and store socio-cultural knowledge
(socio-cultural characteristics and characteristics that
are socio-culturally sensitive) about the user of any
software system:
Socio-cultural data provided by the user
Socio-cultural knowledge inferred by the system
from this data
Socio-cultural knowledge detected by the system
during user-user interaction or user-machine
On other hand, HEO named Human Emotions
Ontology was developed to annotate emotion in
multimedia data. The main class in the ontology is
EmoCulture: Towards an Ontology for Describing Cultural Differences When Expressing, Handling and Regulating Emotions
Emotion which is expressed in dimensional and
categorical models. An emotion has an intensity,
appraisals and action tendencies, and it can be
expressed through face, text, voice and gesture. All
the previous features were represented in the
The two ontologies were merged together
following the process explained in Table 2. The
process of integrating two (or more) ontologies into
a single one consists in creating a new ontology
from two or more existing ontologies with
overlapping parts, which can be either virtual or
physical. To merge these two ontologies we have
used the algorithm introduced in (Swati and Kumar,
2018) where merging has been illustrated using
“refactor” option of protégé 5.2.0 where various
steps of merging have been illustrated and DLQuery
has been implemented to obtain significant results.
After merging the two ontologies HEO and
SOCUDO, we obtained our ontology EmoCulture
which will be enriched by adding the following
1- Event: Characterizes internal and external events
that trigger emotions.
2- System Reaction: This class is useful either to
mediate collaboration by regulating certain
emotions and by encouraging others or to
improve the design of emotionally learning
3- Duration: It is used to test if our system reaction
was reliable to regulate negative emotion.
In our case, we have defined for example the
property HasIntensityValue which relates the
concept emotionalState of the ontology SOCUDO
and the concept Individual of the ontology HEO. It
means that any detected emotion has an intensity
value and a category.
Table 2: Algorithm for merging two Ontologies (Swati
and Kumar, 2018).
Input: The two ontologies which will be merged
Output: Resultant MergedOntology
1. Open Second Ontology (Ontology to be merged) in
tool(Protégé 5.2.0).
2. Open First Ontology (Ontology in which merging has to be
done) in the same window in Protégé 5.2.0.
3. Check for similarities.
4. Select ‘Merge Ontologies’ in Refactor Menu.
5. Then, select ‘Merge into existing ontology’ radio button.
6. Select First Ontology as Target Ontology.
7. Resolve inconsistencies in Resultant Merged
Ontology by changing the Full URIs of conflicting classes and
8. Check for consistency of Resultant Merged Ontology using
a reasoner.
4.3 Ontology Terminology Validation
As an attempt to validate the concepts and relations
extracted, we have tried to specialize our extracted
concepts from existing upper-level ontologies). To
do so, we have looked for specialization links with
existing upper-level ontologies such as DOLCE,
BFO, SUMO, CYC and YAMATO. We have
chosen DOLCE for the following reasons: 1) it fits
really well with the underlying cognitive aspects that
we have considered in order to build the conceptual
model. 2) It provides many generic concepts that
have been used in order to contextualise those in the
Emotions Ontology. 3) Unlike other, DOLCE
tackles concepts of culture and context and 4)
Compared to other, DOLCE is more semantically
rich and more finely grained. The specialization link
study was done manually based on concept
definitions in both ontologies (See figure 1)
Figure 1: Specialization links between EmoCulture and
4.4 Ontology Formalisation
Our ontologies were encoded using the Protégé-
OWL editor. The modelling in this phase was guided
by the answers to competency questions described in
the ORSD. By using the integrated OWL plugin, we
have generated automatically the OWL ontologies.
The structure of the proposed Emoculture
ontology is defined in the table 3:
Table 3: EmoCulture classes.
Class Description Instantiation
The valence parameter
indicates whether the
emotion is positive or
Joy, pleasure are part of the
positive emotions. Anger,
frustration, are negative
The arousal parameter
indicates the intensity of the
emotion detected.
Valence =
string (positive,
Arousal = int in
0, 1
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 3: EmoCulture classes (cont.).
Class Description Instantiation
Presents the actors who are
either learner or tutor.
Name= String
Age = int
Indicates the duration of
persistence of a negative
D= int
Presents the internal and
external triggering events of
the emotion.
Event= String
Indicates the type of the
source of emotion detection:
Face, Gesture, text or Voice.
String (text,
voice, picture)
Contains the class from
which we find the
collaborative writing session.
url= String
Presents the reaction of the
system in case of detection
of negative or positive
music, timer)
Presents the language and
the corresponding emotional
After merging, we have defined for example the
object properties hasIntensity which indicated that
any emotion detected has an intensity value. Also
the relation triggered by which shows that any
emotion is triggered by intern or extern event. The
property isTreatedWith indicates the system reaction
in case of negative emotion detection to regulate it.
Table 4: An excerpt of inference rules implemented within
the proposed ontology based system.
User inputs
concept value
Adaptation rule
Age <18
Category =
Emotions differ by age:
studies show that adolescents
experience an increase in
negative emotions.
Adolescents have not learned
to deal with (Amr, 2018). As
a reaction, the system will
display content for children
and adolescents in a different
way by applying content
adaptation. For example, the
course description will be
more detailed and questions
will be asked as multiple
choice questions.
– African
and external
Event =
Category =
In African culture, parental
divorce presents academic
difficulties (drop in school
performance and premature
school dropout) and a higher
rate of disruptive behavior
(Amr, 2018). The system
applies the adaptation of the
presentation to the preferred
= Japan
Asian people feel bad during
positive events for example
feeling worried after winning
a victory (Amr, 2018).The
system displays the number of
questions to which the learner
responded rather than the
number of incorrect answers.
Also, the system launches a
relaxing music. Finally, the
system displays a timer at the
top of the page.
4.5 Ontology Operationalisation
First of all, EmoCulture ontology will be instantiated
in part based on the data of an xml file obtained as a
result of the process of registering the user via the
system and filling a form requesting these data.
(country, culturalModel, language, nationality,
religion, BiologicState, DemographicInfo, goal,
habit, need, age, kind, event, educational-Discourse,
virtual-spaces, Modality, Word). Over time, after the
analysis step, the class ArousalValenceDominance,
category and duration will be instantiated. By
detecting a negative emotion, the system applies the
adaptation rules based on the values of the
EmoCulture domain ontology instance concepts for
each user in order to generate the appropriate
In this paper we have first discussed the relationship
between emotions, culture and learning. We have
concluded that emotions have an effect on
motivation, creativity and problem solving and it
differs from one person to another. Second, to model
emotion concept which is rich and who has relations
with different concepts like culture and learning we
have chosen ontologies. Ontology could be the
better solution to model all this influence mechanism
to provide emotionally sensitive intelligent based
ontology system.
Then, based on a comparative study of emotion
ontologies, we have proposed EmoCulture ontology
which was designed with the aim to create a
comprehensive model of emotion considering
cultural differences in emotion expression, emotion
interpretation, system reaction and events. The goal
of the proposed ontology is to help to build
emotionally intelligent system that resolves
emotional conflicts during a collaborative learning
session by applying inference rules based on
EmoCulture: Towards an Ontology for Describing Cultural Differences When Expressing, Handling and Regulating Emotions
ontology instantiation. This modeling effort is a first
attempt in performing emotion analysis based on
ontological reasoning. It helps gain better insight
into learner feelings, in order to regulate emotion
and resolve learning conflicts. EmoCulture can be
used for a wide number of applications for emotion
analysis especially those which are based on textual
inputs. It will be used to extract emotional
knowledge form collaborative writing session by
applying learning analytics algorithms in order to be
useful either to mediate collaboration by regulating
certain emotions and by encouraging others or to
improve the design of emotionally sensitive learning
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KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development