Model Driven Extraction of NoSQL Databases Schema: Case of
Amal Ait Brahim, Rabah Tighilt Ferhat and Gilles Zurfluh
Toulouse Institute of Computer Science Research (IRIT),
Toulouse Capitole University, Toulouse, France
Keywords: Schema Less, NoSQL, Model Extraction, Big Data, Model Driven Architecture.
Abstract: Big Data have received a great deal of attention in recent years. Not only the amount of data is on a completely
different level than before but also, we have different type of data including factors such as format, structure,
and sources. This has definitely changed the tools we need to handle Big Data, giving rise to NoSQL systems.
While NoSQL systems have proven their efficiency to handle Big Data, it’s still an unsolved problem how
the extraction of a NoSQL database model could be done. This paper proposes an automatic approach for
extracting a physical model starting from a document-oriented NoSQL database, including links between
different collections. In order to demonstrate the practical applicability of our work, we have realized it in a
tool using the Eclipse Modeling Framework environment.
Big data have received a great deal of attention in
recent years. Not only the amount of data is on a
completely different level than before but also, we
have different type of data including factors such as
format, structure, and sources. In addition, the speed
at which these data must be collected and analyzed is
increasing (Chen, 2014). This has definitely impacted
the tools required to store Big Data, and new kinds of
data management tools i.e. NoSQL systems have
arisen (Han, 2014). Compared to existing systems,
NoSQL systems are commonly accepted to support
larger volume of data, provide faster data access,
better scalability and higher flexibility (Angadi,
One of the NoSQL key features is that databases
can be schema-less. This means, in a table,
meanwhile the row is inserted, the attributes names
and types are specified. Unlike relational systems -
where first, the user defines the schema and creates
the tables, second, he inserts data -, the schema-less
property offers undeniable flexibility that facilitates
the physical schema evolution. End-users are able to
add information without the need of database
administrator. For instance, in the medical program
that follows-up patients suffering from a chronic
pathology case of study detailed in Section 2 one
of the benefits of using NoSQL databases is that the
evolution of the data (and schema) is fluent. In order
to follow the evolution of the pathology, information
is entered regularly for a cohort of patients. But the
situation of a patient can evolve rapidly which needs
the recording of new information. Thus, few months
later, each patient will have his own information, and
that’s how data will evolve over time. Therefore, the
data model (i) differs from one patient to another and
(ii) evolves in unpredictable way over time. We
should highlight that this flexibility concerns the
physical level i.e. the stored database exclusively.
The importance and the necessity of the database
model are widely recognized. There is still a need for
this model to know how data is structured and related
in the database; this is particularly necessary to write
declarative queries where tables and columns names
are specified.
On the one hand, NoSQL systems have proven
their efficiency to handle Big Data. On the other
hand, the needs of a the NoSQL database physical
model remain up-to-date. Therefore, we are
convinced that it’s important to provide a precise and
automatic approach that guides and facilitates the
Database model extraction task within NoSQL
systems. This approach will assist the user to express
his queries.
For this, we propose the "ToNoSQLModel"
MDA-based approach. The Model Driven
Architecture (MDA) is well-known as a framework
Brahim, A., Ferhat, R. and Zurfluh, G.
Model Driven Extraction of NoSQL Databases Schema: Case of MongoDB.
DOI: 10.5220/0008176201450154
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 145-154
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
for models automatic transformations. Our approach
starts from a document-oriented NoSQL database
and extracts automatically its physical model. As
discussed in the related work, few solutions have
dealt with the NoSQL database model extraction. To
the best of our knowledge, none of the existing
contribution has treated the links between
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows. Section 2 motivates our work using a case of
study in the healthcare field. Section 3 introduces our
NoSQL database model extraction process. Section 4
reviews previous work. Section 5 details our
experiments as well as the validation of our process.
Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper and announces
future work.
To motivate and illustrate our work, we relied on a
case study in the healthcare field that we have used
in previous work (Abdelhedi, 2017). This case study
concerns international scientific programs for
monitoring patients suffering from serious diseases.
The main goal of this program is (1) to collect data
about diseases development over time, (2) to study
interactions between different diseases and (3) to
evaluate the short and medium-term effects of their
treatments. The medical program can last up to 3
years. Data collected from establishments involved in
this kind of program have the features of Big Data
(the 3 V): Volume: the amount of data collected from
all the establishments in three years can reach several
terabytes. Variety: data created while monitoring
patients come in different types; it could be (1)
structured as the patient’s vital signs (respiratory rate,
blood pressure, etc.), (2) semi-structured document
such as the package leaflets of medicinal products,
(3) unstructured such as consultation summaries,
paper prescriptions and radiology reports. Velocity:
some data are produced in continuous way by
sensors; it needs a [near] real time process because it
could be integrated into a time-sensitive processes
(for example, some measurements, like temperature,
require an emergency medical treatment if they cross
a given threshold).
This is a typical example in which the use of a
NoSQL system is suitable. On the one hand, in the
medical application, briefly presented above, the
database contains structured data, data of various
types and formats (explanatory texts, medical
records, x-rays, etc.), and big tables (records of
variables produced by sensors). On the other hand,
NoSQL data stores are ideally suited for this kind of
applications that use large amounts of disparate data.
Therefore, we are convinced that a NoSQL DBMS,
like MongoDB, is the most adapted system to store
the medical database.
As mentioned before, this kind of systems operate
on schema-less data model. Nevertheless, there is
still a need for the database model in order to know
how data is structured and related in the database and
then to express queries. Regarding the medical
application, doctors enter measures regularly for a
cohort of patients. They can also record new data in
cases where the patient's state of health evolve over
time. Few months later, they will analyze the entered
data in order to follow the evolution of the pathology.
For this, they need the database model to express
their queries.
In our view, it’s important to have a precise and
automatic solution that guides and facilitates the
database model extraction task within NoSQL
systems. For this, we propose the ToNoSQLModel
process presented in the next section that extracts the
physical model of a database stored in MongoDB.
This model is expressed using the JSON format.
This article focuses on extracting the model from a
NoSQL database with the "schema less" property.
We limit ourselves to the document-oriented type
which is the most complete in terms of expression of
links (use of references and nesting). For this, we
propose the ToNoSQLModel process which
automatically extracts the model from a document-
oriented NoSQL database.
The ToNoSQLModel process is based on OMG's
Model Driven Architecture (Hutchinson, 2011). We
recall below the outlines of this model transformation
approach. MDA is a formal framework for
formalizing and automating model transformations.
The purpose of this architecture is to describe
separately the functional specifications and
implementation specifications of an application on a
given platform. For this, MDA uses three models
representing the abstraction levels of the application.
These are (1) the Computational Independent Model
(CIM) describing the services that the application
must provide to meet the needs of users, (2) the
analysis and design model (PIM for Platform
Independent Model) which defines the structure and
the behavior of the system without indicating the
execution platform and (3) the model of code (PSM
for Platform Specific Model) which is the projection
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
of a PIM on a particular technical platform. Since the
input of our process corresponds to a NoSQL
database and its output is a physical model, we retain
only the PSM level.
The extraction of the model from a NoSQL
database is done via a sequence of transformations.
We will formalize these transformations using the
QVT standard (Query View Transformation) defined
by the OMG (§ Experiments). Figure 1 shows an
overview of our process.
In the following sections, we detail the
components of ToNoSQLModel by specifying the
inputs / outputs as well as the transformation rules.
3.1 Input
In the following sections, we detail the components
of ToNoSQLModel by specifying the inputs / outputs
as well as the transformation rules.
A document-oriented NoSQL database (DB) is
defined as a pair (N, CLL), where:
- N is the DB name,
- CLL = {
} is a set of collections
i [1..n], 
DB. CLL is a pair (N, 
- 
.N the collection name,
- 
, is a set of
input fields of 
, where:
= {
} is a set of
atomic fields, where:
i [1..k], 
is defined as a pair
(N, V), where:
- 
.N is the name of 
- 
.V is the value of 
= {
} is a set of
complex fields, where:
i [1..l], 
is defined as a pair (N,
), where:
- 
.N is the name of 
- 
. 
is the set of
fields that 
Figure 1: Overview of ToNoSQLModel process.
To express a link between the collections, we used a
field called: reference field, denoted by 
(Mongo, 2019). This one is a special case of a
complex field. 
is composed of two atomic
fields 
and 
, each of them is defined as a
pair (N, V), where:
- 
.N = $id
- 
.V : corresponds to the identifier of the
referenced document
- 
.N = $ref
- 
.V : is the name of the collection that
contains the referenced document.
We present these different concepts through the
meta-model of Figure 2. Note that all the meta-
models presented in this article are formalized with
the standard Ecore
language (EMF, 2018).
3.2 Output
The NoSQL model noted M generated by our process,
is stored in a collection 
. This is defined as a
pair (N, D), where:
- 
. N is the model name,
- 
. D = {
} is a set of documents
that 
i [1..n],
is defined as a pair (Id, 
is the identifier of
= {
  
} is a set
of imput fields of
, where :
= {
  
} is a set
of atomic fields of
, where:
i [1..k], 
is defined as a pair
(N, Ty), where:
- 
.N is the name of 
- 
.Ty is the type of 
Note that the type of 
can be either
predefined (for example: String, Boolean, Integer, ...)
or defined by the user (for example: Patient, Doctors,
= {
  
} is a set
of complex fields of
, where:
i [1..l], 
is defined as a pair
(N, 
), where:
- 
.N is the name of 
- 
is the set
of fields that 
Model Driven Extraction of NoSQL Databases Schema: Case of MongoDB
Figure 2: Input metamodel.
Figure 3: Output metamodel.
3.3 Transformation Rules
We have formalized the concepts present in the
source (document-oriented database) and in the target
(NoSQL physical model). In this section, we present
our process as a sequence of transformation rules
described below.
R1: The DB model is stored in a collection 
This is defined as a pair (N,D), where:
- 
.N= DB.N,
- 
.D is generated by applying R2.
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
R2: For each collection 
DB. CLL with i
[1..n], we create a document
, where:
N = 
is generated by applying R3 or R4.
Note that
contains a unified template for all
documents that 
contains. This means that our
process generates a unique collection model grouping
all the fields of the documents. We therefore do not
consider several versions of models for the same input
R3: Each atomic field 
transformed into a field 
with i [1..n] and j
[1..k], where:
- 
= 
- 
 is generated according to the form of
the value of 
For example, if 
= " ", then 
 =
String. And, If 
= {" "," ", … " "}, then
 = Set (String).
R4: Each complex field 
transformed into a field 
with i [1..n] and j
[1..l], where:
- 
= 
- 
is generated as follows:
- Apply R3 for each atomic field 
- Apply the R4 for each complex field 
R5: A reference field 
is transformed into a
complex field 
with j [1..2], where :
- 
. N = 
- 
. Ty = ObjectID
- 
. N = 
- 
. Ty = 
Several research works have been proposed to extract
a NoSQL databases model, mainly for document-
oriented databases such as MongoDB. In (Klettke,
2015), the authors present a process to extract a model
from a collection of JSON documents stored on
MongoDB. The model returned by this process is in
JSON format; it is obtained by capturing the names of
the attributes that appear in the input documents and
replacing their values with their types. Attribute
values can be atomic, lists, or nested documents.
Authors in (Sevilla, 2015) propose a model
extraction process from a document-oriented NoSQL
database that can include several collections. The
returned result is not a unified model for the whole
database but it is a set of model versions. These
versions are stored in JSON format.
More specific to document-oriented databases, we
can mention (Gallinucci, 2018) where authors
describe a process called BSP (Build Schema Profile)
to classify the documents of a collection by applying
a set of rules that correspond to the user requirements.
These rules are expressed through a decision tree
where nodes represent the attributes of the documents
and edges specify the conditions on which the
classification is based. These conditions reflect either
the absence or the presence of an attribute in a
document or its value. As in the previous article
(Sevilla, 2015), the result returned by this approach is
not a unified model but a set of model versions; each
of them is common to a group of documents.
We can also mention (Maity, 2018) that describes
a mapping from a document-oriented NoSQL
database to a relational model. The process groups
together all documents that have the same fields
name. For each class of documents, it generates a
table that have as columns the fields names and as
rows the fields values.
Another study (Baazizi, 2017) have proposed a
model extraction process from a collection of JSON
documents. This process is based on the use of
MapReduce. The Map step consists of extracting the
schema of each document in the collection by
mapping each couple (field, value) into another
couple (field, type). The Reduce step consists of
unifying all the schemas produced in the Map step in
order to provide an overall schema for the input
collection. The same authors have proposed in
another paper (Baazizi, 2019) an extension of the
process prposed in (Baazizi, 2017) in order to take
into account the parameterization of the extraction at
the Reduce step. Thus, the user can choose either to
unify all the schemas of the collection, or to unify
only the schemas having the same fields ( same names
and types).
On the other hand, (Comyn-Wattiau, 2017)
proposes a process for extracting a model from object
insertion queries and relations in a graph-oriented
databases. The proposed process is based on an MDA
architecture and applies two treatments. The first one
build a graph (Nodes + Edges) starting from Neo4j
queries. The second one consists of extracting an
Entity / Association model from the graph returned
by the first treatment.
In Table 1, we summarize the previous works
using three criteria: the database content (one or
several classes), the considered NoSQL system type
Model Driven Extraction of NoSQL Databases Schema: Case of MongoDB
(document or graph) and the way used to implement
links (references, nested data or edges).
Table 1: Comparative table of previous works.
Regarding the state of the art, the solutions
proposed in (Gallinucci, 2018), (Klettke, 2015),
(Maity, 2018), (Baazizi, 2017) and (Baazizi, 2019)
start from a single collection of documents and take
into account only the links implemented using nested
data ; the links presented using references are not
considered. The process proposed in (Sevilla, 2015)
takes as input a set of collections ; however, only the
use of nested data to express links is considered. On
the other hand, authors in (Comyn-Wattiau, 2017)
have worked on graph-oriented systems. This kind of
NoSQL systems does not offer many solutions to
implement links as like document-oriented systems ;
it expresses explicitly links between data using edges.
To overcome these limits, we define an automatic
process to extract the database model within
documents-oriented NoSQL systems. This process
takes into account the links between collections.
5.1 Experiments
We have formalized this mapping using the QVT
(Query / View / Transformation) language, which is
the OMG standard for models transformation. We
carry out the experimental assessment using a model
transformation environment called Eclipse Modeling
Framework (EMF). It’s a set of plugins which can be
used to create a model and to generate other output
based on this model. Among the tools provided by
EMF we use:
(1) Ecore: the metamodeling language that we used to
create our metamodels,
(2) XML Metadata Interchange (XMI): the XML
based standard that we use to create models,
(3) Query / View / Transformation (QVT): the OMG
language for specifying model transformations.
ToNoSQLModel transformation is expressed as a
sequence of elementary steps that builds the resulting
model step by step from the source (NoSQL
Step 1: we create Ecore metamodels corresponding to
the source (Figure 2) and the target (Figure 3).
Step 2: we build an instance of the source metamodel.
For this, we use the standard-based XML Metadata
Interchange (XMI) format (Figure 4).
Step 3: we implement the mapping by means of the
QVT plugin provided within EMF. An excerpt from
the QVT script is shown in Figure 5.
Step 4: we test the transformation by running the
QVT script created in step 3. This script takes as input
the source database builded in step 2 and returns as
output the NoSQL physical model. The result is
provided in the form of XMI file as shown in Figure
5.2 Validation
5.2.1 Experimental Environment
Our problem is to extract the model of a database
managed by a NoSQL system. Such a feature is
intended for users who do not know the data structure
(developer who has not created the database, decision
makers, etc.); its major interest is to allow the
expression of queries as can be done in relational
The experiments of our proposal were carried out
on a cluster composed of 3 machines. Each machine
has the following specifications: Intel Core i5, 8 GB
of RAM and 2 TB of disk. One of these machines is
configured to act as a master; the other two machines
have slave status.
To implement our solution, we used the tools
JSON Generator (JSON Generator 2018) and
Generate Test Data data generation tools (Generate
Test Data 2018). We produced a 3TB dataset in the
form of JSON files. These files were loaded into
MongoDB using shell commands.
5.2.2 Query Set
For our experiment, we have considered four kinds of
queries: (1) those using one collection (example :
select the patients whose age is between 10 and 70),
(2) queries that use two related collections with the
link is expressed using a monovalued reference field
(example: we want the name of doctor who has
performed the consultation number 41), (3) queries
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
that use two related collections with the link is
expressed using a multivalued reference field
(example: select the antecedents of patient
”DUPONT David”), (4) queries that use two related
collections with the link is expressed using nested
Table 2 shows the comparison results between our
solution and those proposed in (Klettke, 2015),
(Sevilla, 2015), (Gallinucci, 2018), (Maity, 2018),
(Baazizi, 2017) and (Baazizi, 2019) regarding the
expression of queries. Note, however, that we only
consider works that deal with document-oriented
NoSQL databases. Thus, we have excluded the work
of (Comyn-Wattiau, 2017) which uses a graph-
oriented database. For each query we have considered
to perform this comparison, we indicate if it can be
formulated using the model obtained by each solution
proposed in the mentioned works.
Table 2: Comparison results between our solution and state
of the art.
Table 2 shows that the absence of taking into
account the links between collections in the
referenced works (Klettke, 2015), (Sevilla, 2015),
(Gallinucci, 2018), (Maity, 2018), (Baazizi, 2017)
and (Baazizi, 2019), does not make it possible to write
complex queries. Considering for example the
following query that applies a join between the
Patients collection and the Doctors collection:
db.Patients.aggregate (
{$ lookup: {from: "Doctors", localField:
"Treating-Doctors._id", foreignField: "_id", as:
We can see that we can not write this query if we
do not visualize the link between Patients and
For better readability, we give the equivalent of
Figure 6 in the form of a class diagram as shown in
Figure 7. This is a graphical description of the data
structures stored in the MongoDB system that we
used in our experimentation. Note that as MongoDB
is a schema less system, it does not provide this
model, either in textual form or in graphical form.
Figure 7: Excerpt from the physical model of data.
Our work is part of the evolution of databases
towards Big Data. They are currently focused on the
extraction mechanisms of the model of a NoSQL
database "schema less" to allow the expression of
queries by end-users.
In this article, we have proposed an automatic
process that builds the physical model of a NoSQL
database as it is used. This process is based on the
Model Driven Architecture (MDA) architecture that
provides a formal framework for automating model
transformations. Our process generates a NoSQL
physical model from a document-oriented NoSQL
database by applying a sequence of transformations
formalized with the QVT standard. The returned
model describes the structure of the collections that
make up the database as well as the links between
them. We have experimented our process on the case
of a medical application that deals with scientific
programs for the follow-up of pathologies; the
database is stored on the MongoDB system.
Regarding future work, we aim to enrich our
process so that it can take into consideration the
diversity of particular cases related to the data
entered. In fact, when feeding the database, users can
enter incorrect data: misspelled field names, values
associated with the same field of different types, etc.
The current version of our process is based on
consistent strategies, but the result may not be entirely
satisfactory to users.
Model Driven Extraction of NoSQL Databases Schema: Case of MongoDB
Figure 4: Document-oriented NoSQL database model.
Complex field
Reference field
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 5: QVT script.
Figure 6: NoSQL Physical model.
modeltype NoSQL_DB uses "";
modeltype NoSQL_Schema uses "";
transformation NoSQLdb2NoSQLschema(in Source: NoSQL_DB, out Target: NoSQL_Schema);
main() {
Source.rootObjects()[NoSQL_DB] -> map toNoSQL_Schema();}
mapping NoSQL_DB ::NoSQL_DB::toNoSQL_Schema():NoSQLSchema::NoSQL_Schema{
collection:=self.collections -> map toCollection();}
-- Transforming Collections
mapping Insert ::Collections::toCollection():Update::Collection{
atomicufield:=self.atomicifield -> map toAtomicField();
structuredufield:=self.structuredifield -> map toStructuredField();}
-- Transforming Atomic Fields
mapping Insert ::AtomicIField::toAtomicField():Update::AtomicUField{
fielduname:=self.fieldiname -> map toFieldName();
fielduvalue:=self.fieldivalueform -> map toFieldValue1();
fielduvalue:=self.fieldivalue -> map toFieldValue2();}
mapping Insert ::FieldIName::toFieldName():Update::FieldUName{NameU:=self.NameI;}
mapping Insert::FieldIValue::toFieldValue1():Update::FieldUValue{
if ((self.FieldIValue = "True") or (self.FieldIValue = "False")) {FieldUValue:= "Boolean";}
FieldUValue:= "Number"; endif;}
mapping Insert::FieldIValueForm::toFieldValue2():Update::FieldUValue{
if (self.FieldIValueForm = "") {FieldUValue:= "String";} endif;
if (self.FieldIValueForm = --/--/--/) {FieldUValue:= "Date";}endif;}
-- Transforming Structured Fields
mapping Insert ::StructuredIField::toStructuredField():Update::StructuredUField{
Multivalued link
Monovalued link
Monovalued link
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KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval